
Konoha's entry-level ninja! (MTL)

Good news: I have traveled through time! Bad news: I have traveled through time to a world of Naruto full of perverts and cheaters. Good news: The entries are blessed, and they can also be combined. [Student]: When studying, the concentration is 100%! [Self-discipline]: Diligence can make up for shortcomings, and efforts will be rewarded, even if they are insignificant, but without accumulating small steps, one cannot reach a thousand miles. [Strong and strong]: Strong and vigorous, recovery ability increased by 100%, resistance to injuries increased by 100%, and physical talent increased by 100%! [Ninjutsu Master]: Any ninjutsu seal can be shortened to two seals, and ninjutsu talent increased by 100%! Ninjutsu doctor, transformation expert, transformation master... Looking at Uchiha and Otsutsuki, Hoshita Shuichi sneered: Cheating? Pervert? You have more cheats than me? Are you more perverted than me? • • Warning! This is a machine translation, made by Google Translate, so there will be mistakes and names changed! • Original Author: Soybean Master Original Name: 火影:正派的我成了幕后黑手!

Destiny_Splash · Anime & Comics
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140 Chs

Let's Dance!

Item: Konoha Genius

Obtaining conditions: Become a Chunin at the age of six, breaking the lower limit of the promotion age of Konoha Chunin.

Effect: 50% improvement in comprehension.

Before training with Tsunade, Shuichi Hoshita quietly clicked on this item, and during the training process, he also truly felt the effect of the talent improvement.

Even if it is 50%, compared with yesterday, there is a more obvious improvement.

"The overall 50% improvement means that my talent for using ninja tools, fire escape, and sealing techniques have also increased by 50% on the original basis."

The fire escape talent was originally 1, so after taking [Fire escape expert] it was 2, and now it is 2+1, 3!

There are also talents in sealing techniques and curse seals. His starting point in this aspect is higher than that of fire escape, which means that the percentage increase will be greater.

"Try the sealing technique at night..."

Thinking, Shuichi Hoshita carried his backpack and went to meet up with Shizune and the others.

When they arrived at the place, they saw Shizune and others were already practicing, and it was Asuma Sarutobi who was besieged.

However, this time they did not use mud balls, but completely recyclable plasticine.

Seeing Shuichi Hoshita coming, everyone stopped for a while, and Shizune explained: "This idea is Asuma's, it can better simulate various ninja tools."

Shuichi Hoshita's eyes lit up: "It's a very interesting idea."

Might Guy said: "If everyone competes together, I think it will be more interesting and exciting."

"Then let's compete!"

Shuichi Hoshita looked at Kakashi with a bad taste: "For example, if Kakashi loses, then take off the mask and let everyone see your true face!"

In a flash, everyone's eyes were focused on Kakashi's face.

Shizune immediately raised her hand: "I agree with Shuichi!"

Nohara Rin also supported quietly, she also wanted to see.

Others also raised their hands in agreement.

Kakashi was helpless. Although he wanted to refuse, Shuichi Hoshita had more people on his side.

Then Uchiha Obito jumped out: "Kakashi, I want to compete with you!"

Kakashi said lightly: "You are not my opponent!"

Uchiha Obito snorted: "Kakashi, you look down on me, I am Uchiha."

Kakashi retorted: "Wait until you open your eyes!"

Looking at the two people arguing, Shuichi Hoshita immediately took control of the situation: "Then it's decided, Kakashi vs. Obito."

"Whoever is hit by the plasticine more times within the specified time will lose."

"Kakashi loses, take off the mask. Obito loses..."

Shuichita paused, smiled and said: "Obito loses, dance in public!"

Uchiha Obito was stunned: dance... dance?

After realizing it, he quickly shouted: "I... I can't dance!"

Hiroshita Hideichi smiled evilly: "It's okay, just dance!"

"Unless you think you can't beat Kakashi."

Uchiha Obito was immediately hit and agreed reluctantly.

So everyone moved to the forest, and Hoshita Hideichi served as the referee to count the number of times Kakashi and Uchiha Obito were hit by the plasticine.

Currently, only he has this ability.

And Shizune, Sarutobi Asuma, Yuhi Kurenai, Kai, Nohara Rin and others were responsible for throwing the plasticine as shuriken and kunai at Kakashi and Uchiha Obito.

After getting ready, the competition started with Kakashi.

Figures jumped around in the forest, throwing plasticine at Kakashi from time to time, and Kakashi, with a short sword in one hand and a kunai in the other, either dodged or split the flying plasticine in two.

After 5 minutes, everyone stopped and Shuichi Hoshita announced the result: "5 times!"

"Kakashi, it seems that you are not that good!"

Uchiha Obito was full of confidence: "Next, watch me!"

Everyone collected the plasticine and rolled it into a mud ball again, and then threw it at Uchiha Obito.

Also 5 minutes later, Uchiha Obito walked out of the forest dejectedly.

He was hit 10 times!

So, under the eyes of everyone, Uchiha Obito began to dance shyly, and everyone laughed immediately. Uchiha Obito simply closed his eyes and danced wildly.

When he opened his eyes, Yuan Yelin was already beside him, and Uchiha Obito immediately smiled.

Looking at this joyful scene, Shuichi Hoshita couldn't help but regret not bringing a camera.

Moreover, such a scene should become a beautiful memory in the future!

At night, in the study, Xingxia Xiuyi concentrated on studying the Yin seal.

Compared with the past, it was indeed easier to learn.

Talent and understanding are really important!

The gap between people is sometimes greater than the gap between people and pigs, especially in IQ!

Time flashed to 10 o'clock, Xingxia Xiuyi put away the scroll, and was about to go to bed when he remembered the gift from Tianyun, and hurriedly took it out of his backpack.

After unfolding the scroll, Xingxia Xiuyi was quite surprised: "It's a storage scroll!"

It is a kind of sealing scroll specially used to seal items.

"It seems that I can carry this scroll when I go on a mission in the future..."

Xingxia Xiuyi took his backpack and tried to seal the scroll, which was very good.

And the size of the scroll is just right for him to carry on his back.

After packing up, Xingxia Xiuyi went to bed and fell asleep.

Before, he always went to bed at 12 o'clock, but was asked by Yakushi Nono to go to bed at 10 o'clock. After a few days in the orphanage, he changed his habit.

No words were spoken all night.

The next day, a new mission arrived, and this time it was to go to the Bear Country, passing through the Rain Country and the Bird Country on the way.

After saying goodbye to Yakushi Nono and Tianyun, Hoshita Shuichi came to the village entrance to gather, and then went straight to the Daimyo Mansion.

The mission this time was to escort the Daimyo's envoy to the Bear Country.

It was still noon when they arrived at the Daimyo Mansion, but they did not set out for the Bear Country immediately that day.

After walking around the bustling Daimyo Mansion, Hoshita Shuichi returned to the hotel and asked Namikaze Minato for knowledge of sealing techniques, while Uchiha Shisui discussed illusions with Kurama Sanyo.

An afternoon passed in a flash, and it was time for dinner. At the end, Minato Namikaze couldn't help but sigh: "Shuichi, your talent in sealing techniques is better than what I knew before."

Well, it should be about the same as him.

Hoshita Shuichi put away the notes filled with writing, and said with a smile: "It's Minato teacher you taught well!"

Minato Namikaze laughed happily, and then stood up: "Let's go, eat first!"

After dinner, the four members of the team strolled around the night market in Daimyofu again, and went back after digesting the food.

Hoshita Shuichi first pulled Uchiha Shisui to practice swordsmanship, and then learned the knowledge of sealing techniques from Minato Namikaze, and began to rest at 10 o'clock in the evening.

When seeing Hoshita Shuichi start to rest, Kurama Sanyo breathed a sigh of relief.

Although he was used to Hoshita Shuichi's self-discipline and madness, he still felt pressured.

And it happened that Hoshita Shuichi's talent was amazing.

Physical skills, swordsmanship, fire escape, sealing skills, will there be illusion skills in the future?

Uchiha Shisui patted Kurama Sanyo on the shoulder and said with a smile: "This is a genius!"

He also felt the pressure, but more of it was motivation!

Kurama Sanyo rolled his eyes: "Shisui, you are also a genius!"