
Konoha's entry-level ninja! (MTL)

Good news: I have traveled through time! Bad news: I have traveled through time to a world of Naruto full of perverts and cheaters. Good news: The entries are blessed, and they can also be combined. [Student]: When studying, the concentration is 100%! [Self-discipline]: Diligence can make up for shortcomings, and efforts will be rewarded, even if they are insignificant, but without accumulating small steps, one cannot reach a thousand miles. [Strong and strong]: Strong and vigorous, recovery ability increased by 100%, resistance to injuries increased by 100%, and physical talent increased by 100%! [Ninjutsu Master]: Any ninjutsu seal can be shortened to two seals, and ninjutsu talent increased by 100%! Ninjutsu doctor, transformation expert, transformation master... Looking at Uchiha and Otsutsuki, Hoshita Shuichi sneered: Cheating? Pervert? You have more cheats than me? Are you more perverted than me? Original Author: Soybean Master Original Name: 火影:正派的我成了幕后黑手!

Destiny_Splash · Anime & Comics
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111 Chs

He came!

The morning passed in a flash. After a short break after lunch, Xingxia Xiuyi stepped on the tree branch, hung himself upside down on it, and put his hands together to refine chakra.

This is also a way to train chakra control.

After persisting for half an hour, he fell down, drank a mouthful of salt water and came to the river.

Shizune and Kai were still training treading water, but Xingxia Xiuyi was very skilled in just one morning.

Standing by the river at this moment, after brewing for a moment, he suddenly formed a seal with both hands.

Fire escape—flame bomb!

Xingxia Xiuyi opened his mouth, and a line of fire spewed out from it, and quickly extended more than three meters to the river surface. The flames gathered, accumulated and expanded to form a ball.

The flame bomb, which was only half a meter in size, raised waves and mist with a bang.


Shizune exclaimed on the river surface.

Kai also raised his head and grinned: "As expected of Xiuyi, you learned the fire escape ninjutsu so quickly."



Kai suddenly bared his teeth and claws, and then fell into the river.

Beside the river, Xingxia Xiuyi secretly concluded: "The chakra output is not fast enough, not stable enough."

"And it is not condensed enough. The more condensed, the stronger the explosive power, the faster the fire line spews out, and the faster the attack speed."

After reflecting on it, Xingxia Xiuyi's attention fell on the entry tree in his mind.

Because there is one more entry.

"Sure enough…"

Seeing the entry name, Xingxia Xiuyi was not surprised.

Entry: Fire escape expert

Acquisition conditions: At least master 5 fire escape ninjutsu of at least C level.

Effect: Fire escape talent increased by 100%, and no seal is used to perform fire escape ninjutsu

Not bad, really good!

But for Shuichi Hoshita, it is not easy to obtain this entry.

Not to mention the difficulty of mastering ninjutsu, just to collect 5 fire ninjutsu of at least C-level requires a lot of effort.

With the experience of learning Fire Style-Flame Bomb, Shuichi Hoshita is confident that he can learn it by himself.

Add the Dragon Fire Jutsu, which is also C-level, left by his father, that is 3.

Where to get the remaining two?

There is no shop selling ninjutsu in Konoha.

"Get it from Tianxiang Shop?"

Thinking secretly, Shuichi Hoshita put it aside for the time being.

Ten days passed in a flash.

On this day of rest, Shuichi Hoshita went to the orphanage.

Unfortunately, Yakushi Nono went on a mission and has not returned for more than a month.

After spending a day in the orphanage, when he returned home in the evening, Shuichi Hoshita immediately met the conditions required for transformation expert.


As Shuichi Hoshita thought, the [Transformation Expert] entry on the entry tree was lit up green.

The next moment he felt a clear difference.

The transformation ninjutsu was like a natural skill and instinct that was solidified. It did not require hand seals and could be performed at will.

"It is worthy of being a green entry!"

Shuichi Hoshita praised secretly, and then his mind moved, and his figure changed into Kakashi.

No hand seals, no smoke, and the time was less than 0.1 seconds, so smooth!

"Good, good, good!"

Shuichi Hoshita was more and more satisfied, and he was looking forward to the entry [Fire Style Expert].

No hand seals, the performance can be concealed and sudden.

And the fast speed of casting can give an unparalleled advantage in battle.

If the enemy does not have his intelligence in advance, he will be caught off guard.

Even experienced people cannot judge the ninjutsu he is going to cast.After all, when casting ninjutsu in battle, no one will really shout out the name of the ninjutsu first.

Removing the transformation technique, Xingxia Shuichi thought to himself: "It seems that my training direction should be guided by the entry tree."

Trigger the entry, complete the conditions (training), and activate the entry.

"I am already proficient in treading water, climbing trees, and climbing cliffs. I can say that I have completed the training."

"I have also mastered the fire bomb technique, which meets the requirements of the entry tree."

"Then in addition to maintaining basic physical skills and physical training, I should focus on the professional direction."

The progress of summer training is faster than Xingxia Shuichi expected, and now he has changed his plan again.

"But why don't Taijutsu and Ninja Tool Throwing have activated entries?"

Hashita Hideichi was puzzled.

Taijutsu and Ninja Tool Throwing are so unimpressive?

Or are there other reasons?

Hashita Hideichi thought carefully: "Is it because there is no system?"

The Taijutsu he is practicing now does not have any system, and there is no fixed name for the moves.

What Konoha Cyclone, Konoha Goriki Cyclone, etc., are actually systems created by Might Guy.

Touching his chin, Hideichi Hoshita felt that he had realized it.

So he shamelessly named his Taijutsu Konoha Fluid Technique and Ninja Tool Throwing Konoha Style Ninja Tool Throwing.

Sure enough, the entry tree immediately responded, and two gray-white entry leaves appeared.

Entry: Taijutsu Expert

Acquisition conditions: Defeat Kakashi 50 times in Taijutsu duels.

Effect: Physical talent increased by 100%, physical fitness increased by 100%, and nerve reaction speed increased by 100%.

Term: Ninja Tool Expert

Acquisition conditions: Proficient in using at least 10 types of ninja tools.

Effect: Ninja tool use talent increased by 100%, physical fitness increased by 100%, and nerve reaction speed increased by 100%.


Looking at the two new terms, Xingxia Shuichi was envious.

Because there is an improvement in physical hardware!

As a ninja, it is really important to have a body with high talent and high upper limit.

Physical fitness can be said to determine the upper limit of chakra.

And as a ninja, the upper limit of chakra can also be said to be the ceiling that can be achieved by its overall achievements.

"Don't be impatient, come one by one, and get them all sooner or later."

Xueyi Xingxia is more and more motivated.

Time flies, and it is September in a flash. There are only 4 days left before the start of school.

Hideichi Hoshita and others have officially ended the summer campaign and will use the remaining 4 days as vacation.

Hideichi Hoshita decided to stay in Tianxiang's shop for the remaining 4 days and make the Fire Blast Talisman with all his strength.

Yes, he has completely learned how to make the Fire Blast Talisman.

Although with the amount of chakra of Hideichi Hoshita, he can only make 3 pieces at a time and then rest to recover his strength.

Root base.

Danzo received Hideichi Hoshita's information again.

Compared with the last time, a lot of content has been added.

Mastered the Three Body Technique, Fire Style - Flame Bomb, Fire Style - Great Fireball Technique (most likely learned by observing the seal from Uchiha Obito).

Transformation Technique is suspected to be performed without seal.

Has initially mastered the medical ninjutsu - basic healing technique.

I can make detonating talismans on my own.

When Danzo had finished watching, the Root ninja who was in charge of observing Shuichi Hoshita said, "Danzo-sama, the Ninja School is about to start. With Shuichi Hoshita's strength, he will definitely make a splash in the new semester and attract the attention of the Third Hokage."

In fact, Shuichi Hoshita had already caught the eye of the Third Hokage Sarutobi Hiruzen. After all, Sarutobi Hiruzen was the principal of the Ninja School, and Shuichi Hoshita had scored full marks in the theory and written tests, so it was impossible for him not to notice him.

However, Danzo naturally understood his subordinates' hidden meaning.

Sarutobi Hiruzen's understanding of Shuichi Hoshita was definitely not as good as theirs. When Shuichi Hoshita shined, the Root wanted to absorb him, but Sarutobi Hiruzen might not agree.

Danzo's eyes sank, and then he said, "Then let's go meet him tonight!"