
Konoha's entry-level ninja! (MTL)

Good news: I have traveled through time! Bad news: I have traveled through time to a world of Naruto full of perverts and cheaters. Good news: The entries are blessed, and they can also be combined. [Student]: When studying, the concentration is 100%! [Self-discipline]: Diligence can make up for shortcomings, and efforts will be rewarded, even if they are insignificant, but without accumulating small steps, one cannot reach a thousand miles. [Strong and strong]: Strong and vigorous, recovery ability increased by 100%, resistance to injuries increased by 100%, and physical talent increased by 100%! [Ninjutsu Master]: Any ninjutsu seal can be shortened to two seals, and ninjutsu talent increased by 100%! Ninjutsu doctor, transformation expert, transformation master... Looking at Uchiha and Otsutsuki, Hoshita Shuichi sneered: Cheating? Pervert? You have more cheats than me? Are you more perverted than me? • • Warning! This is a machine translation, made by Google Translate, so there will be mistakes and names changed! • Original Author: Soybean Master Original Name: 火影:正派的我成了幕后黑手!

Destiny_Splash · Anime & Comics
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Grill or boil? (+3000 words)

 The short vacation passed in a flash.

  Shuichi Hoshita returned to his leisurely mission time. Sarutobi Hiruzen stayed in the village so that he could have more time for scientific research and practice.

  On this day, Shuichi Hoshita, who had an appointment with Uzumaki Kushina, came to his teacher Namikaze Minato's house.

  After entering the house, he found that Jiraiya was there too.

  The key is that this guy was not in Konoha during the New Year. I don't know where he went to collect materials for his new book.

  "Hahaha, Shuichi, congratulations on winning the first place in the big eater."

  Jiraiya smiled and said, "Well, I promised to teach you a very interesting technique."

  As soon as he finished speaking, Uzumaki Kushina hurriedly said, "Wait, Teacher Jiraiya, let me guess first!"

  Jiraiya crossed his arms and waited quietly with a smile on his face.

  Shuichi Hoshita also looked at Uzumaki Kushina who raised a finger to think.

  After a moment, Uzumaki Kushina smiled and said, "Teacher Jiraiya, I guess it must be the Chaotic Lion Hair Technique that you developed yourself, right?"

  "Among the ninjutsu you are good at, if you talk about interesting ones, this should be the only one."

  Jiraiya winked and said, "Kushina, you guessed wrong this time."

  Uzumaki Kushina frowned, pinched her chin and thought, "It's not this... Then what other ninjutsu is interesting?"

  Soon she thought of another one, and this time she said confidently, "This time it must be correct!"

  "Frog Transformation Technique!"

  "This seemingly simple transformation technique, but it does not change yourself, but changes others!"

  Hoshita Hideichi's eyes lit up when he heard it, and he remembered this technique, so he smiled and said, "Transformation technique that changes others?"

  "It is indeed very interesting. The Crow Clone Technique that I created has also changed the form of crows to a certain extent."

  Jiraiya was curious after hearing it: "Crow Clone Technique?"

  "Using crows as a clone?"

  Uzumaki Kushina smiled and said, "It's the clone technique that Shuichi developed that can fly. But Jiraiya, you haven't answered yet. Did I guess it right?"

  Jiraiya smiled and said, "Of course... I'm wrong."

  Uzumaki Kushina opened her eyes wide and put her hands on her hips: "How is it possible?"

  "Teacher Jiraiya, you won't cheat!"

  Jiraiya smiled and stood up and came behind Uzumaki Kushina, then made a seal.

  Hoshita Shuichi looked from the side and saw that Jiraiya's body seemed to have been sucked out of air and reduced to two dimensions, turning into a piece of paper and merging with Uzumaki Kushina's shadow. Uzumaki Kushina's

  body immediately stiffened, feeling that she had lost control, and then she couldn't help but say, "That's the technique... Toad Flat Shadow Manipulation Technique!"

  "How about it, a very interesting technique, right?"

  Jiraiya said, and his body emerged from the shadow under Hoshita Shuichi's eyes, and the paper-like body quickly inflated and recovered.

  Hoshita Shuichi smiled and said, "It's indeed a very interesting technique."

  Uzumaki Kushina, who had recovered herself, said, "It's clear that the frog transformation technique is more interesting."

  Uzumaki Kushina smiled and said, "Why not teach Shuichi together!"

  Anyway, I have to teach a technique from Myoboku Mountain, so one more doesn't matter!

  Jiraiya couldn't help but complain, "Kushina is really becoming more and more like a master's wife."

  Uzumaki Kushina put one hand on Hoshita Shuichi's shoulder and smiled proudly.

  However, after Jiraiya finished complaining, he smiled and said, "Of course, we can teach together, but what is the interesting ninjutsu that Shuichi mentioned at the beginning?"

  "How about the frog transformation technique and the toad flat shadow manipulation technique?"

  Hoshita Shuichi smiled and said, "I have absolute confidence that it will be more interesting than these two techniques of Jiraiya-sama."


  "You are so confident!"

  Jiraiya was itching, and he still believed in Hoshita Shuichi's ninjutsu ability.

  There is no way, the results are too outstanding.

  "Well, let's start learning ninjutsu now!"

  Jiraiya couldn't wait to teach Shuichi Hoshita the frog transformation technique and the toad flat shadow manipulation technique.

  The former is relatively simple and is a variant of the transformation technique.

  However, although Shuichi Hoshita did not get the [Transformation Master] entry, he also developed the crow clone technique, and there are still many similarities between them.

  So Shuichi Hoshita mastered this technique proficiently in less than 5 minutes. The toad

  flat shadow manipulation technique is a little more difficult, requiring the use of Yin Dun nature changes, and is a B-level difficulty technique.

  Jiraiya carefully taught the seals and specific principles.

  After taking note, Shuichi Hoshita couldn't help asking: "Master Jiraiya, the Nara clan's shadow secret technique is also based on a similar principle, right?"

  Jiraiya nodded: "Indeed, but the Nara clan has studied it more deeply and developed many different applications. It is unique in the ninja world and is also a rare Yin Dun secret technique!"

  Being able to stand in the ninja world as a ninja and continue from the Warring States period to the present, it is naturally not bad.

  Hoshita Hideki stopped at that point and didn't ask any more questions. Seeing that Jiraiya was going to ask him about ninjutsu, he immediately winked.

  Jiraiya understood immediately and said to Uzumaki Kushina seriously, "Kushina, I'm going to take Shuichi to practice ninjutsu."

  Uzumaki Kushina didn't find any problems, nodded, and then smiled and raised her fist to Hoshita Hideki, "Come on, Shuichi!"

  "I will!"

  Hoshita Hideki responded with a cheering gesture, and then left with Jiraiya.


  In an unmanned forest, Jiraiya stopped and smiled at Hoshita Hideki, "This should be okay, right?"

  "Let's start quickly, the Toad Sage from Myoboku Mountain can't wait to appreciate your interesting ninjutsu!"

  Hoshita Hideki smiled and said, "Then Jiraiya-sama, you have to be ready." As soon as

  the words fell, smoke rose with a bang.

  Jiraiya crossed his arms and waited in an evaluating posture.

  But when the smoke dissipated, he immediately widened his eyes and revealed a perverted look.

  Because at this moment, Xingxia Shuichi has become a stunning beauty, with a hollow black bra, a strong waist-to-hip ratio, and hollow underwear. With an extremely seductive posture, a captivating look, and a clip voice, he shouted: "Jiraiya-sama~"

  "This, this..."

  Jiraiya's nose was bleeding.

  Then he was extremely shy, pinching his fingers together, and said shyly, "Anything else?"

  "This is indeed the most suitable ninjutsu for me. Such materials are too rare."

  Hoshita Shuichi continued to transform.

  Black stockings!

  Letter stockings!

  Flesh-colored stockings!

  Mature style, royal sister style, pure style... and white translucent nightgown.

  Clip sound, royal sister sound, shy sound...

  Jiraiya's nosebleed could not be stopped.

  Finally, Hoshita Shuichi used a big move, clone plus transformation, all styles appeared at the same time, surrounding Jiraiya: "Jiraiya-sama~"


  Jiraiya fell to the ground happily.

  Release the ninjutsu, Hoshita Shuichi shook his head: That's it?

  After waiting for a while, Jiraiya recovered.

  Hoshita Hideichi smiled and said, "Master Jiraiya, how about this seduction technique?"

  Jiraiya immediately gave a thumbs up: "Great, this saves me a lot of time to collect materials!"

  "But speaking of that, where did you learn those styles from?"

  "Which magazine?"

  Hoshita Hideichi said mysteriously: "This, keep it secret!"

  "Okay, Master Jiraiya, I'm going to practice!"

  After saying that, he ran away.

  Jiraiya stood there and carefully recalled the various styles just now, then hurriedly sat on the ground, took out a pen and paper and began to write frantically.


  On the other side, on the way to the experimental base, Hoshita Hideichi couldn't help but think.

  If Naruto learns the seduction technique from Jiraiya in the future, and then Uzumaki Kushina knows about it, will Jiraiya be chased and beaten?

  But will he be beaten too?

  "This pit is a bit dangerous!"

  "But I can die and deny it! I'm only 9 years old, such a good kid who practices hard and seriously, how could I do those crooked ways?"

  "Tsk tsk, I'm really looking forward to it!"

  Hoshita Hideichi smiled a little sinisterly.

  But when he arrived at Orochimaru's experimental base, he immediately returned to his good student self. He

  worked hard on his research and cultivated the Eight-Tails cells.

  This was the attitude that Orochimaru admired the most!     Hardworking and full of ideas, what a perfect assistant!

  Hoshita Shuichi felt the burning gaze and immediately turned his head to see Orochimaru looking at him with a smile on his face.

  "Shuichi-kun, how is the idea I mentioned last time going?"

  Orochimaru restrained his gaze and asked with a smile.

  Hoshita Shuichi continued his work, saying: "Lord Orochimaru should know a lot about Jinchūriki. What is the biggest difficulty for Jinchūriki to face the sealed tailed beasts?"

  "Or, what is the biggest difficulty for them to master the power of the tailed beasts?"

  Orochimaru said without hesitation: "Evil chakra!"

  "Or it can be said that the huge and terrible malice of the tailed beasts!"

  Hoshita Shuichi nodded, and then slowly said: "The tailed beasts are very strange lives, because of limited research, let's not talk about it for now."

  "But whether it is the tailed beasts or ninjas, the common point is chakra, and for us ninjas, chakra is a combination of spiritual power and physical power."

  "So chakra is called the power that can connect people's hearts."

  Orochimaru nodded, he naturally knew this.

  Hoshita Hideichi continued: "So, has Lord Orochimaru ever felt the evil chakra of a ninja?"

  Orochimaru was stunned for a moment, and then he first thought of some people from the Uchiha clan in Konoha Village.

  Hoshita Hideichi continued: "From the perspective of perception ninjutsu, especially the special chakra perception, each person's chakra will give people a different feeling."

  "This feeling is consistent with the feeling given by the chakra owner itself. Therefore, from the chakra perception, you can sometimes feel a person's personality..."

  After a pause, Hoshita Hideichi corrected: "Personality, and mental state." Orochimaru

  's eyes lit up when he heard it, and he clapped with a smile on his face: "Interesting! A very interesting direction!"

  Before, he studied the eight-tail, and even the secret research on Hashirama's cells, and the research on the four-tail that he just conducted, all from the direction of the body.

  Orochimaru was not unaware of what Hoshita Hideichi said, but he had not paid attention to this aspect in the past.

  Or, compared with the physical body, the spiritual world is too illusory.

  From Orochimaru's reaction, Hoshita Hideichi judged that Orochimaru's current research was still at the physical level, and he did not think about the spiritual soul.

  Reincarnation without Corpse should still be a long way off.

  I'm afraid that Orochimaru will have to wait until he undergoes software transformation and gradually turns into a white phosphorus snake, and then finds that he still can't get rid of the weakness of the body before he can obtain the knowledge of the soul from the huge forbidden technique treasure of Konoha.

  Moreover, even if it is Reincarnation without Corpse, Hoshita Shuichi vaguely remembers that it was not originally created by Orochimaru, but was perfected step by step from the forbidden techniques of Konoha.

  Just like the Impure World Reincarnation Technique.


  "So, back to the tailed beasts and the Jinchūriki."

  Shuichi Hoshita analyzed calmly: "The power of the tailed beasts is extremely huge, and their chakra can be hundreds of times that of ordinary ninjas, or even more."

  "Moreover, legend has it that these tailed beasts have experienced hundreds and thousands of years, countless years, and battles, and have accumulated so much negative emotions."

  "Such negative emotions infect the chakra, I think this is the source of the evil power of the tailed beasts."

  Orochimaru said: "So, Shuichi, do you think we should fight the evil power of the tailed beasts spiritually?"

  Shuichi Hoshita nodded: "In the case of a seal, the huge power of the tailed beasts is difficult to cause harm to the Jinchūriki. The physical compatibility is certainly important, but the most critical thing is the mental state."

  "I have fought with two tailed beast jinchuriki before. One was the eight-tailed beast, Killer Bee. That guy is very special. His chakra, even when he uses the power of the tailed beast, he can't feel the evil."

  Orochimaru showed surprise: "This is different from the previous eight-tailed jinchuriki. It seems that the eight-tailed jinchuriki is indeed the most perfect jinchuriki."

  Hoshita Shuichi agreed, and then continued: "The four-tailed jinchuriki is different. He can also use the power of the tailed beast, and even transform into a tailed beast, but his power gives people a feeling of evil, and although he has not lost his mind, he is still affected."

  "It can be felt that the four-tailed jinchuriki and the eight-tailed jinchuriki are very different."

  "So, according to my speculation, in order for the jinchuriki to freely control the power of the tailed beast, he must first resist the malicious erosion of the tailed beast and the huge negative emotions of the tailed beast."

  "This requires the jinchuriki to have a tenacious mental will and not be affected by the negative emotions of the tailed beast, at least not to lose his mind."

  "And if you want to perfectly master the power of the tailed beasts, perhaps you should... well, let the tailed beasts become ordinary summoning beasts and get along with the Jinchūriki." Get along with the Jinchūriki like

  ordinary summoning beasts?

  Orochimaru couldn't help but be stunned for a moment, then laughed: "I'm afraid this is... impossible."

  Would an elephant be friends with an ant?

  Would a strong person be friends with a weak person?

  Not to mention the very humiliating way of sealing the tailed beasts in the human body for the strong.

  Hoshita Shuichi nodded in agreement.

  So the tailed beasts are not very smart.

  Of course, his butt is sitting on the side of the ninja.

  If he sat on the side of the tailed beasts, would he tolerate it?

  Just because he is powerful, he has to be sealed?

  Is there any justice in this?

  Too much!

  The ninjas must be killed!

  Especially the Senju and Uchiha.

  If you don't kill the disciples of Senju Hashirama and Uchiha Madara, you can't be called the strongest tailed beast Nine-Tails.


  "So this is the fundamental reason why you don't conduct animal experiments, Shuichi-kun."

  Orochimaru laughed.

  Hoshita Hideki nodded: "It is difficult for ordinary animals to withstand the malicious attacks of the tailed beasts, and the physical compatibility is completely a gamble of luck."

  "After all, if the spirit can't bear it, then the body will collapse."

  "The spirit and the body are two sides of the same coin, just like yin and yang, and only when they are combined can there be energy like chakra."

  Orochimaru asked immediately: "Then, Shuichi-kun, you are not going to try it yourself next?"

  Hoshita Hideki shook his head: "Although I am very confident in my spiritual will, Lady Tsunade and others will not allow me to do so." Orochimaru

  laughed and said: "You have too many concerns."

  Hoshita Hideki said meaningfully: "But this is also a kind of spiritual power."

  Orochimaru was startled, then nodded and smiled: "Indeed."

  At this time, Shuichi Hoshita thought of the two people, Kinkaku and Ginkaku of the Kumo Ninja, and asked: "Does Orochimaru know Kinkaku and Ginkaku of the Kumo Ninja?"

  "Of course!"

  Orochimaru smiled: "After all, our second generation Hokage died because of them."

  "Speaking of which, these two brothers are also related to the tailed beasts."

  Orochimaru said meaningfully: "I guess Shuichi-kun also knows that they have obtained the power of the Nine-Tails, so he mentioned it."

  Shuichi Hoshita nodded: "I heard that they were eaten by the Nine-Tails, but crawled out again. Because they ate the flesh and blood of the Nine-Tails, they have the power of the Nine-Tails." Orochimaru nodded

  , then looked at Shuichi Hoshita in surprise: "Shuichi-kun, don't you mean to learn from their brothers and eat the meat of the tailed beasts?"

  "Hehe... Very interesting idea."

  Shuichi Hoshita opened his mouth and hesitated.

  He really didn't have that idea, but just proposed it and asked Orochimaru to try it.

  But... why did the entry tree move?

  Shuichi Hoshita glanced at it.

  Item: [Devourer]

  Obtaining condition: Eat the flesh and blood of the Four-Tailed and Eight-Tailed.

  Effect: Physical fitness increased by 100%, physical compatibility increased by 100%, digestion ability increased by 100%, recovery ability increased by 100%; If you can eat even the tailed beasts, what else can't you eat?

  Xingxia Xiu's face almost turned green.

  Is this to be grilled or boiled?

  But this effect is really delicious!

  It's just a little dangerous!

  Thinking in his heart, Shuichi Hoshita said with a smile to Orochimaru's insincere words: "It's not impossible to eat the meat of the tailed beasts."

  Orochimaru immediately became serious: "In this case, it's better to directly transplant cells, which is easier to absorb."

  "The situation of Kinkaku and Ginkaku is a legend after all."

  "And according to your analysis, Shuichi-kun, as long as the mental will can withstand the malicious invasion of the tailed beasts, then there is a great chance to obtain the power of the tailed beasts."

  Shuichi Hoshita also became serious, thinking and analyzing: "After all, the tailed beasts are different. Their bodies are actually formed by chakra."

  "From the perspective of game, the weak obey the strong."

  "I defeated you, and you surrendered to me."

  "Eating the flesh and blood of the tailed beasts is also a game process. After defeating the malicious invasion, then the physical victory and fusion may be much simpler."

  Orochimaru thought seriously after listening.

  Because he felt that what Shuichi Hoshita said was indeed very reasonable.

  Especially for extremely special species such as the tailed beasts.

  The game at the genetic level is also the strong devouring the weak, just like the powerful Hashirama cells.

  So, can we try this method with Hashirama cells?

  After all, Hashirama cells are not inferior to the tailed beasts.

  The biggest difference is that the powerful erosion ability of Hashirama cells is manifested in the body, not the mind!

  However, Orochimaru is rational. What Shuichi Hoshita said may be suitable for the tailed beasts, but not for Hashirama cells.

  It's just a pity after all.