
Konoha's entry-level ninja! (MTL)

Good news: I have traveled through time! Bad news: I have traveled through time to a world of Naruto full of perverts and cheaters. Good news: The entries are blessed, and they can also be combined. [Student]: When studying, the concentration is 100%! [Self-discipline]: Diligence can make up for shortcomings, and efforts will be rewarded, even if they are insignificant, but without accumulating small steps, one cannot reach a thousand miles. [Strong and strong]: Strong and vigorous, recovery ability increased by 100%, resistance to injuries increased by 100%, and physical talent increased by 100%! [Ninjutsu Master]: Any ninjutsu seal can be shortened to two seals, and ninjutsu talent increased by 100%! Ninjutsu doctor, transformation expert, transformation master... Looking at Uchiha and Otsutsuki, Hoshita Shuichi sneered: Cheating? Pervert? You have more cheats than me? Are you more perverted than me? • • Warning! This is a machine translation, made by Google Translate, so there will be mistakes and names changed! • Original Author: Soybean Master Original Name: 火影:正派的我成了幕后黑手!

Destiny_Splash · Anime & Comics
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140 Chs

Get out of the way, I'm going big!

"You're really relentless..."

After Xingxia Shuichi dodged the lava ball again, his figure suddenly rose.


On the ground, the water suddenly surged up and collided with Lao Zi who was chasing him, and water vapor immediately rose.

At this moment, Chihiro also completed the seal.

Water escape - Water Dragon Bullet Technique!

With the help of the water terrain created by Sarutobi Shinnosuke, the water dragon quickly took shape, and the huge body rose into the air, and then the dragon head dived and hit Lao Zi on the water.

Lao Zi closed his hands and opened his mouth. A huge lava ball collided with the dragon head. With a roar, the dragon head exploded and water vapor filled the air.


Lao Zi frowned and looked down. His feet had turned into a swamp, and the mud flow swirled, dragging him down.

Earth escape - Yellow Spring Swamp!

"Well done!"

Xiaoyi in the sky praised secretly, then raised his hand, and with a fierce and harsh friction, the wind escape spiral shuriken quickly formed in his hand.

On the ground, Chihiro couldn't help but look up when she heard the sound: "Such a strong wind escape chakra, is this the S-level wind escape that Xiuyi mentioned before?"

"It's really terrible!"


She turned her head to look at Lao Zi, and sure enough, just like the previous cloud ninja Ai, Huangquan Swamp couldn't be trapped.

At the beginning, Ai used the powerful lightning escape high temperature to make Huangquan Swamp dry quickly, and Lao Zi used the high temperature of melting escape.

However, when Lao Zi was about to jump up, Sarutobi Shinnosuke's ninjutsu had also been completed.

Lightning escape-four pillars binding!

Four pillars rose from all sides, and then lightning appeared, covering Lao Zi who jumped up, causing his figure to stagnate and fall again.

In the air, Shuichi Hoshita aimed at the right moment and threw his Wind Style Rasenshuriken down.

But then his pupils dilated.

Because he saw that the body of Lao Zi below was quickly covered by the scarlet tailed beast chakra. Originally, there was only one tail, but now it increased rapidly, and in a blink of an eye, it reached four.

"This guy is going to become a half-tailed beast..."

Lao Zi's four tails extended, soared into the sky, and collided with the Wind Style Rasenshuriken flying down at high speed.

In an instant, the blazing white light expanded, covering the four-tailed tails and Lao Zi bit by bit.


Shuichi Hoshita appeared beside Sarutobi Shinnosuke and Chihiro, grabbed one in each hand, and used all his strength to perform Lotus Steps, and ran away.

Sarutobi Shinnosuke and Chihiro couldn't help but look back at this moment, only to see the light ball expand rapidly, illuminate the night sky, and then shrink rapidly, followed by a terrible storm sweeping in.

"So... so strong!"

Chihiro was dumbfounded. This was the first time she had seen such a powerful ninjutsu.

Sarutobi Shinnosuke was also shocked, but then he smiled and praised: "Flame, well done!"

After being far enough away, Hoshita Shuichi stopped, led the sweeping wind, and said: "Captain, it's not time to be happy now. That guy has already turned into a half-tailed beast. Although the wind escape spiral shuriken is powerful, it may not be able to get rid of him."

Sarutobi Shinnosuke nodded, and then said: "To deal with this guy, we still have to use water escape to consume him with the help of attribute restraint."

At this time, the storm passed, and a scarlet figure appeared in everyone's sight.

Sure enough!

This was within Hoshita Shuichi's expectations. The lava armor defense of Lao Zi's lava escape chakra mode was extremely abnormal, and it could hit his blue flame waterfall sword head-on. The tailed beast coat was even stronger, and it had super recovery ability.

And the wind style spiral shuriken just now did not completely hit Lao Zi, but was blocked by the tail of the tailed beast coat at a distance.

"Here it comes!"

Sarutobi Shinnosuke shouted softly, and Lao Zi, wearing the tailed beast coat, rushed over at high speed.

And the three people under the Hoshita Shuichi almost formed seals at the same time.

Water Style - Water Rush Wave!

Sarutobi Shinnosuke opened his mouth first, and the water gushed out, and then set off a rolling wave and rushed towards Lao Zi.

But the next moment, the rolling waves were pierced and torn apart by Lao Zi's tail, rushing wildly on the water surface.

But then Chihiro and Hoshita Shuichi's water style had also been completed, and they jumped up at the same time.

Water Style - Water Dragon Bullet Technique!

Hoshita Shuichi used two seals, and Chihiro used 8 seals, but because they had to cooperate, they still burst out at the same time.

The water flow converged, the two dragons intertwined, and then swooped down.

Double Dragon Kill!

This time, Lao Zi was finally knocked down.

However, the next moment, before Sarutobi Shinnosuke could use Lightning Release, tails shot out from the water like arrows.

Hideichi Hoshita and the other two dodged immediately.

"Captain, I'll close in and contain them!"

Hideichi Hoshita shouted.

Although he only needs to make two seals for Water Release, he is actually far from being good at it.

Moreover, the Jinchūriki's attack speed is too fast. Without anyone to fight, and without the dominant Water Release ability like Kisame, and Samehada that can absorb chakra in his hand, it is difficult to deal with him.

Sarutobi Shinnosuke is proficient in the five releases, but in terms of Water Release, he is still not as good as Kisame. There is a big gap in chakra alone.


Sarutobi Shinnosuke responded after dodging.

Hideichi Hoshita rushed forward immediately, moving at high speed on the water surface.

Water Instant Body Technique!

This was learned from Sarutobi Shinnosuke!

It is also the third type of instant body technique that Shuichi Hoshita has mastered in addition to the basic instant body technique and fire instant body-lotus step by step.

While moving forward at high speed, he dodged the two scarlet tails that kept attacking.

On the other side, Sarutobi Shinnosuke and Chihiro cooperated to perform water escape, avoiding the tail attack while suddenly using the water breaking wave technique to cut off the tail attacking Shuichi Hoshita.

Shuiichi Hoshita took the opportunity to rush forward and killed in front of Lao Zi, and the Ama-mu sword in his hand burst into a blue-green light and cut it down.


Lao Zi actually clamped the cut Ama-mu sword with both palms.

But the high temperature on the blade burned the tail beast's coat, and the terrible burning made Lao Zi scream in pain.

But he gritted his teeth and didn't let go, or it could be said that at this moment, Lao Zi was on the verge of a rage, and the newly grown tail pierced Xingxia Xiuyi like a sword.

Two streams of water suddenly rose up, entangled two of the tails.

Almost at the same time, the lotus on the Ame-no-Mura sword bloomed towards Lao Zi.

Hell Lotus!


Before Lao Zi's other two tails hit Xingxia Xiuyi, he was blown away.

Immediately afterwards, the water dragon roared, opened its mouth and bit Lao Zi, dived from the air, and rushed into the bottom of the water with a bang, raising a huge wave.

As the water surface rose and fell, Xingxia Xiuyi raised his left hand with a curved claw, and the dragon head emerged. The white chakra in his mouth was highly condensed, and then a small beam of light burst out.

Dragon Flame Breath-A Sword Across the World!

The high temperature ray penetrated into the water. Lao Zi instinctively sensed the danger and twisted his body to avoid the vital part, so that the high temperature ray only penetrated his shoulder.

Hoshita Shuichi raised his left hand, and the blazing white light column rose up, cutting Lao Zi's body and the tailed beast coat.

The scarlet chakra immediately vented from the wound, and Lao Zi let out a beast-like roar.


The violent and evil chakra opened the water flow.

"It seems to be a big deal..."

Hoshita Shuichi felt something was wrong, Lao Zi seemed to be going berserk.

He immediately retreated to Sarutobi Shinnosuke and Chihiro: "Captain, it's not good, this guy is going berserk!"

Sure enough, the next moment, a huge monster appeared.

"Go to hell!"

Lao Zi's voice sounded.

"I can actually keep my sanity..."

Hideichi Hoshita was surprised, then he put away his knife and raised his right hand.

Wind Style - Rasenshuriken!

At the same time, the deep purple Tailed Beast Ball in the mouth of the Four-tailed Old Purple was also completed and shot out.

Hideichi Hoshita also threw out the Wind Style Rasenshuriken, colliding with the Tailed Beast Ball.


Hideichi Hoshita and the other two retreated quickly.

The Wind Style Rasenshuriken and Tailed Beast Ball exploded together, accompanied by a deafening sound and a strong sun-like light. The terrible power expanded and erupted outward, like a rapidly expanding ball of light.

After expanding to a certain extent, it shrank sharply, followed by a terrible storm that scraped the ground three feet.

Sarutobi Shinnosuke pressed his hands on the ground.

Earth Style - Multiple Earth Flow Walls!

Three layers of earth walls rose up in front of Hideichi Hoshita and the other two.

The next moment, accompanied by a roar, the storm arrived, and the two walls in front were torn apart, which blocked the storm.

When the storm passed, the ground shook violently.

When Shuichi Hoshita and the other two climbed up the earth wall, they saw the four-tailed beast waving its tail and running wildly.

"It's really difficult..."

Shuichi Hoshita was helpless.

Sarutobi Shinnosuke said: "Yan, Xun and I will contain it, you find the right time to use the wind escape spiral shuriken, as long as you can hit it, even the tailed beast will be fine."

"No, Captain, I want to keep it simple and solve it with one move!"

Shuichi Hoshita jumped down from the earth wall.

With the Ama-no-Mura sword in hand, he inserted it into the ground under the gaze of Sarutobi Shinnosuke and Chihiro.

At this moment, the chakra that had been accumulated in the abdomen for a short time poured out.

Not only that, even the Yin seal on the forehead that was not unlocked in the last battle with the AB team was unlocked at this moment.

Hellfire Lotus!


The earth cracked, and a blazing blue light emerged from it, as if a terrible dragon was swimming underground.

"This is..."

Sarutobi Shinnosuke was shocked: "S-level sword technique secrets!"

Chihiro was surprised: "What a huge chakra, flame..."

Sarutobi Shinnosuke said: "It should be some kind of sealing technique that can seal chakra."

Their eyes extended along the cracked earth, and then they saw the crack split into three, the middle one went straight to the Four Tails, and the left and right two circled.

Looking at the spreading cracks, the Four Tails stopped, pressed down with both palms, and turned the earth into a large piece of magma.

Fire escape?

What he was least afraid of was fire escape.


The flames erupted from the ground, colliding with the magma sea created by the Four-Tail, raising waves of magma.

But this could not hurt the Four-Tail, even the high temperature was ineffective against him.

But at the same time, around the Four-Tail, the ground cracks had formed a circle, and then clusters of blue flames erupted, forming fire lotuses.

These fire lotuses were large and small, tall and short.

The tall ones were higher than the tall Four-Tail.

The buds of the fire lotuses all faced the Four-Tail in the center, then bloomed and exploded.

At this moment, a closed, terrible explosion space was formed, and the terrible explosion force was all squeezed towards the Four-Tail in the middle.

In an instant, under the gaze of Sarutobi Shinnosuke and Chihiro, the sight was completely distorted, and the place where the Four-Tail was located seemed to be rubbed by several pairs of hands, and the space seemed to be distorted.

This place turned into a veritable hell of fire!

The huge Four-Tailed One, when it wrapped itself with its four tails, seemed to be frozen for a moment, and then big holes exploded in its body.

He could resist or even ignore the high temperature, but he could not ignore the impact and compression.

It's a long story, but in fact, the Hellfire Lotus exploded in a flash.

Then Sarutobi Shinnosuke and the others felt the heat wave sweeping over, and their originally sharply distorted vision gradually returned to normal.

The huge Four-Tailed One fell down, and its body shrank rapidly, and finally turned back into Lao Zi, lying painfully on the charred and cracked ground.

Almost at the same time, Hoshita Shuichi's body softened.


Sarutobi Shinnosuke appeared instantly and hugged Hoshita Shuichi, and Chihiro also appeared immediately and pulled out the Ama-no-Mura sword.


Without time to check on Lao Zi's condition, the two immediately had to retreat with the exhausted Hoshita Shuichi.


Hideichi Hoshita said weakly: "Captain, use the seal scroll to collect a few pieces of the four-tailed meat."

Sarutobi Shinnosuke glanced at the small scroll that Hideichi Hoshita was carrying, nodded immediately, and quickly got busy.

Chihiro supported Hideichi Hoshita and asked: "Yan, do you want to study the power of the tailed beasts?"

"That's very dangerous."

Hideichi Hoshita smiled weakly: "It's okay, I will give it to Lord Orochimaru to study when the time comes."

Chihiro nodded, took out the food pill, took off Hideichi Hoshita's mask, and fed it to him.

Sarutobi Shinnosuke came back quickly, and then took Hideichi Hoshita to retreat immediately.

On the back of Sarutobi Shinnosuke, Hideichi Hoshita had dull eyes, but he couldn't help cursing in his heart: "Why is my opponent always so strong, damn!"

His idea of ​​filling the two Yin seals this year was completely written off after two battles!

However... the feeling of using this ultimate move is really great.

That instant outpouring, the gorgeous technique, the pleasure instantly reached the peak!

And it is not without gain.

The meat of the four tails!

Very worth studying!