
Konoha's entry-level ninja! (MTL)

Good news: I have traveled through time! Bad news: I have traveled through time to a world of Naruto full of perverts and cheaters. Good news: The entries are blessed, and they can also be combined. [Student]: When studying, the concentration is 100%! [Self-discipline]: Diligence can make up for shortcomings, and efforts will be rewarded, even if they are insignificant, but without accumulating small steps, one cannot reach a thousand miles. [Strong and strong]: Strong and vigorous, recovery ability increased by 100%, resistance to injuries increased by 100%, and physical talent increased by 100%! [Ninjutsu Master]: Any ninjutsu seal can be shortened to two seals, and ninjutsu talent increased by 100%! Ninjutsu doctor, transformation expert, transformation master... Looking at Uchiha and Otsutsuki, Hoshita Shuichi sneered: Cheating? Pervert? You have more cheats than me? Are you more perverted than me? • • Warning! This is a machine translation, made by Google Translate, so there will be mistakes and names changed! • Original Author: Soybean Master Original Name: 火影:正派的我成了幕后黑手!

Destiny_Splash · Anime & Comics
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140 Chs

Four-tail, you are too weak! (+3000 words)

Hoshita Shuichi closed his eyes and bit, chewed it twice and swallowed it, he was really wolfing it down.

  If you don't know, you would think that the thing in his hand is so delicious.

  After a while, a piece of Four-tail meat the size of a human head was eaten by Hoshita Shuichi.

  Wiping his mouth, Hoshita Shuichi was a little confused: "It seems that there is no resistance... huh?"

  "Here it comes!"

  Hoshita Shuichi's expression changed, and he felt his stomach getting hot, and then gurgling, and then a strong and evil chakra was generated.

  "So strong!"

  Hoshita Shuichi was shocked. The chakra of the Four-tail is not only large in quantity, but also in terms of pure quality, it is stronger than his.

  To be more direct, if the same fire escape is used, the same amount of chakra, the fire escape performed by the Four-tail chakra will be stronger than his!

  A large amount of Four-tail chakra is growing in the body. Just such a piece of meat, the amount of chakra produced in a short while has exceeded the upper limit of Hoshita Shuichi's current physique.

  In the blink of an eye, scarlet chakra quickly spread over Shuichi Hoshita's body, starting from his abdomen.

  Shuichi Hoshita could clearly feel that the chakra of the four-tailed beast was infiltrating every cell of his body, and it was full of strong malice, as well as erosion and plunder.

  Once his mental will was defeated, these chakras would quickly invade his body, and at that time his cells would change because of the four-tailed beast chakra and transform into the four-tailed beast!

  "Good guy!"

  "Sure enough, to fight against the tailed beast chakra, physical fitness is only secondary, the key is the game of mental will!"

  Shuichi Hoshita was excited.

  The next moment, the tailed beast chakra also wrapped his head, and then even more terrible malice invaded, countless illusions, countless tempting thoughts appeared one after another.

  Then a spiritual world unfolded, and Shuichi Hoshita's consciousness appeared in a lake world full of evil thoughts and evil chakra. It was

  also at this moment that Shuichi Hoshita pulled his concentration to the maximum.

  "Come, hug me, I can make you stand on the top of the ninja world!"

  Hoshita Shuichi curled his lips: "I'm sorry, I almost beat your Jinchuriki to death last time!"

  Four-tail: o((⊙﹏⊙))o? ?

  Four-tail roared: "That's a waste, he can only use my power poorly!"

  Hoshita Shuichi asked calmly: "Then, with all your strength, can I surpass Senju Hashirama who sealed the Nine-tail?"

  Four-tail: o((⊙﹏⊙))o? ?

  Hoshita Shuichi asked again: "Can your power make me comparable to the Six Paths Sage?"

  "Can you defeat Kaguya Otsutsuki?"

  Four-tail: ( ̄△ ̄;)!!! ! !

  Hoshita Shuichi disdainfully: "If you can't do that, what's the use of you?"

  The Four-tail is angry: "I can help you convince the other tailed beasts and let you gain the power of other tailed beasts. At that time, you will be another Six Paths Sage!" He

  actually has a little brain?

  But Shuichi Hoshita was still disdainful: "Can you beat the Nine-Tails?"

  Four-Tails: o((⊙﹏⊙))o? ?

  Shuichi Hoshita continued: "You can't beat the Nine-Tails, how can you convince him?"

  "With your mouth?"

  The Four-Tails became more and more angry, evil thoughts surged, and his voice roared: "Don't you want to kill the Danzo who threatens you?"

  "With the power of this uncle, it's easy for you to kill him!"

  Shuichi Hoshita shook his head: "I can kill him without your power!"

  "The key is, can your power allow me to kill through Konoha?"

  The Four-Tails was furious: "Why do you want to kill through Konoha?"

  Shuichi Hoshita looked like a fool: "If you don't kill through Konoha now, why do you want to kill Danzo?"

  The Four-Tails snorted coldly: "Of course, find an opportunity to kill secretly, and then put the blame on Lao Zi of the Hidden Stone Village!"

  Yo, a little clever!

  But Shuichi Hoshita was even more disdainful: "That is to say, you can't kill now, you have to wait... Then what do I need you for?"

  "If you wait, I can kill it myself, why do I need your power?"

  Damn kid!

  The four-tailed beast growled, and then tempted: "Then don't you want to possess Yakushi Nono, Asuka, Shizune, Tsunade and the others at the same time?"

  "Even the Sand Ninja's Ye Cang..."

  "As long as you have my power, you can use my power to erode them and control them."

  Hoshita Shuichi was surprised: "You actually have illusion abilities?" The

  four-tailed beast went crazy: "It's erosion, chakra erosion, and I control them!"

  Hoshita Shuichi heard it with disdain: "Then what do I need you for?"

  "Can't I control them myself with illusions?"

  "You control... am I playing with you or them?"

  Hoshita Shuichi shook his head, "The four-tailed beast is the four-tailed beast, too weak!"


  "You damn brat!"

  "I'm going to tear you apart!"

  In the spiritual world, the four-tailed beast roared, set off a frenzy of evil thoughts, and rushed towards Hoshita Shuichi.

  Hoshita Shuichi instantly entered the fire escape chakra mode, pulled out the Ame-no-Mura sword and flicked it, and the blue knife light instantly split the frenzy of evil thoughts into two.

  "Four-tail, your power is too weak."

  "It's just one tail at most..."

  Hoshita Shuichi jumped up and stood in the air. After putting away his sword, a huge halo appeared on his right hand, and then the halo expanded, and a sharp and piercing sound of air friction sounded.

  Wind and Fire Halo Rasenshuriken!

  "There's only one tail, what are you jumping around for?"

  As he said that, Hoshita Shuichi threw the Rasenshuriken in his hand. The

  Four-tail danced with his only tail and roared: "Don't underestimate me!"

  However, he couldn't condense the Tailed Beast Ball when he opened his mouth.


  The Rasenshuriken hit the Four-tail accurately, cutting its body open, and the ball of light expanded, completely covering the Four-tail, and then he could no longer withstand this power, his body collapsed and turned into rolling Tailed Beast Chakra.

  At this moment, in the barrier, Shuichi Hoshita, who was shrouded in scarlet chakra, opened his eyes, and then clasped his hands together: "Seal!"

  Under his clothes, on his abdomen, the talisman of the Eight Diagrams Seal appeared, and the vortex of the end turned. The Eight Diagrams Seal was first completely opened, and then reopened. As the spiral turned, the tailed beast chakra on Shuichi Hoshita's body and body was immediately pulled into the Eight Diagrams Seal.

  Then, this tailed beast chakra entered the Yin Seal covered by the Eight Diagrams Seal.

  When all the tailed beast chakras gathered, a mini Four-Tails reunited and soaked in the lake formed by Shuichi Hoshita's Yin Seal to store chakra.

  And outside, it was a prison formed by the Eight Diagrams Seal.


  The lake exploded, and the Four-Tails roared in resistance, trying to break the seal.

  But the next moment, in the Yin Seal lake, five different chakras appeared, forming ropes to tie up the furious Four-Tails.

  With a plop, the Four-Tails fell into the lake.

  Five Elements Seal!

  This is a seal formed by using the five chakras of wind, fire, water, earth and thunder. It is a sealing technique that can disrupt the enemy's chakra and prevent the enemy from using chakra.

  This technique was taught to Shuichi Hoshita by Kushina Uzumaki.

  The Four-Tails, which was at most in the One-Tail state, was immediately sealed by this sealing technique and was immediately finished. It could no longer use chakra and could only sit in the lake and watch its own power merge into the lake below little by little and become Shuichi Hoshita's power.

  "This abominable kid is actually good at sealing techniques..."

  Looking at Shuichi Hoshita outside the prison, the Four-Tails closed its eyes unwillingly to rest.

  Anyway, it can't win...


  Shuichi Hoshita put down his hands and released the high concentration state at the same time: "That's it?"

  "It seems a bit weak!"

  "But so is it, it's just the power of a piece of meat."

  Shuichi Hoshita carefully felt and observed, and then found that the source of the power of the tailed beast was natural energy.

  "A collection of chakras, even if it dies with the Jinchūriki, will be resurrected after a period of time."

  "When a person dies, the body rots, and the soul enters the Pure Land."

  "The tailed beasts are different. Their soul consciousness floats in the ninja world, and then absorbs natural energy to reappear."

  "That's why such a piece of flesh and blood can have such a huge amount of chakra."

  "For the tailed beasts, it is not the body that limits them, but the spirit!!!"

  Hoshita Shuichi looked solemn: "The reason why the four-tailed power I have sealed now can only explode to the state of one tail at most is because the spiritual will of the four-tailed meat I ate can only control so much power."

  "The dead Six Paths Sage is actually in the same state as the tailed beasts. His soul is free and can absorb natural energy from nature through fairy arts."

  "Although the Six Paths Sage is dead, he has actually gotten rid of the limitations of his own body..."

  There is no doubt that from the tailed beasts, Shuichi Hoshita came to an astonishing conclusion.

  Speaking of old coins, the Six Paths Sage is the strongest one!

  Xingxia Shuichi sighed secretly, and then returned his attention to himself: "It seems that I underestimated myself..."

  "My mental will is much stronger than expected."

  "It's not just because the entry has improved my mental will and physique. Isn't my long-term self-discipline a manifestation of a strong mental will?"

  "In addition, there is concentration..."

  After some thinking, Xingxia Shuichi already had a plan in his mind.

  The four-tail chakra in the one-tail state is at most a small power bank, which is far from enough.     He needs to further cultivate the four-tail cells, at least like Orochimaru cultivated the eight-tail, and cultivate a complete four-tail tail.

  When the time comes, killing one tail will surely increase the chakra limit of the small four-tail in the body.

  The same is true for the eight-tail...

  "Another one can use the four-tail chakra to comprehend the lava escape..."

  Hoshita Shuichi smiled, then stood up and collected the barrier and went home.

  He must not let Yakushi Nono and the others find out.


  Humming a little tune, Hoshita Shuichi went home happily, collected the shadow clone, and fell asleep.

  The next day, Hoshita Shuichi finished his morning training as usual, had breakfast, and then went into the study, took out a blank scroll and started writing.

  He had already tried it himself, so the previous inference could almost be regarded as "true knowledge".

  However, this cannot be given directly to Uzumaki Kushina.

  This is a taboo!

  So, after completing it, Hoshita Shuichi first found Sarutobi Shinnosuke, and asked to see the third Hokage Sarutobi Hiruzen through Sarutobi Shinnosuke.

  In the Hokage's office, upon hearing Sarutobi Shinnosuke's report, Sarutobi Hiruzen immediately fixed his eyes: "Let Shuichi in!"


  Sarutobi Shinnosuke immediately accepted the order.

  A moment later, Hoshita Shuichi knocked on the door alone and handed the scroll he had prepared to Sarutobi Hiruzen. Sarutobi Hiruzen

  unfolded the scroll and his eyes immediately fixed.

  The inference about the tailed beast chakra and the experiment of the four-tailed chakra!

  This is the title!

  Sarutobi Hiruzen immediately took a big puff of cigarette, and then continued to read. What

  caught my eye was not the inference mentioned in the title, but the reference to the chakra theory.

  The first is the theoretical reference in the ninja school textbook, and the source of the reference is very considerately marked at the back.

  Then it is the reference to the explanation and understanding of the chakra theory by different people.

  The people here are Yakushi Nono, Tsunade, Minato, Uzumaki Kushina, Orochimaru, Sarutobi Shinnosuke, Uchiha Shisui, Hatake Sakumo, Kakashi... Sarutobi Hinata couldn't

  help but take a big puff of cigarette again.

  This form... is a bit special.

  The following content made Sarutobi Hiruzen's eyes condense.

  Because it was the inference that the will of the spirit played a decisive role in taming the chakra of the tailed beast.

  After that, it was Shuichi Hoshita's own experiment, which proved his inference with success.

  Although there was only one experiment, a successful example.

  But at this time, Sarutobi Hiruzen felt very convincing.


  "That guy Orochimaru..."

  Sarutobi Hiruzen could think with his toes that it must be Orochimaru who took advantage of the special time of Uzumaki Kushina and Minato's wedding to reveal the secret of Uzumaki Kushina's Nine-Tails Jinchuriki to Shuichi Hoshita, and lured Shuichi Hoshita to do the experiment on himself.

  Slowly looking up, Sarutobi Hiruzen looked at Shuichi Hoshita with a gentle look: "So, Shuichi, did you know about the Nine-Tails from Orochimaru?"

  Shuichi Hoshita followed the trend: "Yes, Third Hokage!"

  Sarutobi Hiruzen sighed, "Although it was successful, it was too dangerous for one person."

  The result was very satisfactory, and the method needed to be discussed.

  Hoshita Hide understood in a second: "Don't worry, Third Hokage. Next time I conduct the experiment, I will call Minato-sensei, or Tsunade-sama, Jiraiya-sama and others." Sarutobi

  Hiruzen was speechless.

  He really didn't mean that!

  It was just the temptation of the Nine-Tails that Sarutobi Hiruzen couldn't resist.

  Otherwise, he wouldn't have agreed to conduct research on Hashirama's cells.

  And Konoha suffered heavy losses that year, so he ordered the research to be sealed.

  But now there is a successful case, a perfect Jinchūriki... No, he only needs a Jinchūriki like Lao Shi from the Hidden Rock Village, who can master part of the power of the Nine-Tails, and he will be satisfied.

  So Sarutobi Hiruzen did not stop Shuichi Hoshita, but said very carefully: "Be careful, don't be stubborn, safety is the most important."

  Shuichi Hoshita naturally agreed: "Yes, Third Hokage!"

  Sarutobi Hiruzen nodded, closed the scroll and handed it to Shuichi Hoshita, and said with a smile: "This is to be given to Minato and others as a wedding gift, right?"

  Shuichi Hoshita took it and smiled: "Yes, it should be more unique!"

  "Well... It is indeed very unique."

  Sarutobi Hiruzen said: "In this case, let's go find Minato!"

  Shuichi Hoshita bowed and left.

  After leaving the Hokage Building, Shuichi Hoshita went straight to the home of his teacher Minato Namikaze.

  Logically speaking, the wedding gift should be given tomorrow.

  But this gift is a little special, so it naturally needs to be shown to Minato Namikaze first.

  Minato Namikaze, who was pulled to the corner by Shuichi Hoshita, was a little curious: "Shuiyi, what's so mysterious?"

  Shuichi Hoshita took out the scroll directly.

  Namikaze Minato took it and asked with a smile: "Is it a newly developed ninjutsu?"

  "Which direction?"

  Hoshita Shuichi was mysterious and smiled without saying anything.

  Namikaze Minato opened it with a smile, and then quickly became serious.

  When he saw the experimental part of Hoshita Shuichi, his expression was moved: "Shuichi, you..."

  Hoshita Shuichi smiled and said: "The power of the four-tailed beast is far less powerful than imagined, or it is only a part of the power."

  Having said that, Namikaze Minato, who had seen the power and evil of the tailed beasts, was still very moved: "Thank you, Shuichi!"

  Hoshita Shuichi smiled and said: "Then this gift will be given to you, teacher. I obtained the cells of the eight-tailed beast from Lord Orochimaru, and it is still being cultivated."

  "Don't worry too much about the master's wife. After all, when it comes to tailed beasts, the power of the nine-tailed beast should be the strongest."

  Namikaze Minato nodded solemnly: "Indeed."

  He has personally experienced the power of the nine-tailed beast, and that was the only time he was severely injured.

  Then he reminded: "The power of the Eight-Tails should be stronger than the Four-Tails, Shuichi, you must be careful."

  Hoshita Shuichi nodded: "Don't worry, Teacher Minato, I will keep you by my side next time."

  Namikaze Minato nodded, and then he felt relieved.


  After leaving his teacher Minato Namikaze's house, Shuichi Hoshita came to Orochimaru's experimental base again.

  After seeing Shuichi Hoshita, Orochimaru immediately smiled and said, "Congratulations, Shuichi-kun, you have proved your theory!"

  Shuichi Hoshita smiled and said, "Maybe it has something to do with my physique."

  "It's just an isolated case at the moment."

  Orochimaru laughed, "Haha," "That being said, I have great confidence in Shuichi-kun." Shuichi Hoshita

  asked back, "Are you going to do the same, Orochimaru?"

  "Or... are you willing to take out the Eight-Tails Horn for me to try?"

  He originally planned to cultivate the Eight-Tails Horn himself, but it seems that he doesn't need to waste so much time, as Orochimaru's Eight-Tails Horn is already quite large.

  Orochimaru smiled and said, "If Shuichi-kun needs it, of course there is no problem."

  "As long as you leave a sample, you can continue to cultivate it."

  An Eight-Tails Horn is nothing to him, it just wastes some time and money.

  But compared to the definite results, it is nothing at all.

  After hearing what Orochimaru said, Shuichi Hoshita pondered for a moment and said with a smile: "Thank you, Lord Orochimaru."

  "However, the experiment on the Eight-Tails needs to wait a little longer, and it would be best if it can be cultivated more completely."

  Orochimaru nodded: "Of course there is no problem with that."

  "So, you still want to continue the experiment on the Four-Tails?"

  Shuichi Hoshita nodded and revealed: "The upper limit of the chakra of the tailed beasts depends on the control of the spiritual consciousness."

  "The spiritual consciousness contained in a piece of flesh and blood is limited. Compared with the main body, it is too weak."

  Orochimaru's eyes gleamed: "Is that so?"

  "Shuichi-kun is really a surprise."

  "I didn't expect that the chakra of the tailed beasts is not limited by the flesh, which is completely opposite to humans."

  Compared with Shuichi Hoshita who opened a little God's perspective, Orochimaru relied entirely on his own research.