
Konoha's entry-level ninja! (MTL)

Good news: I have traveled through time! Bad news: I have traveled through time to a world of Naruto full of perverts and cheaters. Good news: The entries are blessed, and they can also be combined. [Student]: When studying, the concentration is 100%! [Self-discipline]: Diligence can make up for shortcomings, and efforts will be rewarded, even if they are insignificant, but without accumulating small steps, one cannot reach a thousand miles. [Strong and strong]: Strong and vigorous, recovery ability increased by 100%, resistance to injuries increased by 100%, and physical talent increased by 100%! [Ninjutsu Master]: Any ninjutsu seal can be shortened to two seals, and ninjutsu talent increased by 100%! Ninjutsu doctor, transformation expert, transformation master... Looking at Uchiha and Otsutsuki, Hoshita Shuichi sneered: Cheating? Pervert? You have more cheats than me? Are you more perverted than me? • • Warning! This is a machine translation, made by Google Translate, so there will be mistakes and names changed! • Original Author: Soybean Master Original Name: 火影:正派的我成了幕后黑手!

Destiny_Splash · Anime & Comics
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140 Chs

First meeting Akatsuki, willful moment! (+3000 words)

After leaving Orochimaru's experimental base, Shuichi Hoshita carefully thought about the entry [Devourer].

  Judging from its effect, it is probably a red entry.

  "Physical compatibility, I'm afraid it is really about compatibility with other genes."

  "Maybe there is also a blood limit..."

  The physical compatibility appeared in two consecutive entries, and the tendency is already very obvious.

  "Fighting against the malicious invasion of the tailed beast, although my mental strength and mental will have been improved, I am really not sure."

  Shuichi Hoshita thought of Naruto.

  Naruto's personality that seemed to be hit by Kotoamatsukami almost fell.

  And Killer Bee... his focus on rap seems to be a brain problem.

  "I have a pessimistic view of human nature, and there are many evil thoughts hidden in my heart."

  Shuichi Hoshita thought carefully: "Concentration, then anchor point..."

  "Dean, Shizune... or ninjutsu? Or the desire to become stronger?"

  Shuichi Hoshita hesitated.

  But he was not very anxious.

  It would be safer to try again after getting the [Medical Master] entry and improving the compatibility of the physical body.


  Time flies, and it's March in a blink of an eye, and Shuichi Hoshita is finally 10 years old.

  In the past few years, he basically spent his birthday on missions. Now that he is finally in Konoha, and it is a new year, Pharmacist Nono made special preparations.

  Birthday cake, longevity noodles, and all Shuichi Hoshita's friends and elders in the village were invited.

  So, when Shuichi Hoshita returned home in the evening, it was a surprise and grand celebration.

  Tsunade, Aman, Uzumaki Kushina, Shizune, Might Guy, Yuhi Kurenai, Ebisu, Sarutobi Shinnosuke, Chihiro, Uchiha Shisui…all those who were not on a mission arrived.

  And this was also the first time that Uzumaki Kushina met Asuka.

  So, when they sang the birthday song, ate birthday cake, and everyone was playing and chatting, Shuichi Hoshita was pulled by Uzumaki Kushina's ear, complaining that Shuichi Hoshita had kept it a secret from her for so long.

  Hoshita Shuichi could only beg for mercy repeatedly, pretending to be confused and not knowing the identity of Uzumaki Kushina's tailed beast Jinchuriki.

  Uzumaki Kushina also knew the source, so she handled it with care, and then went to chat with Asuka.

  They used to be playmates!

  After Uzumaki Kushina left, Shizune immediately came up and pulled Hoshita Shuichi to play games with Yuhi Kurenai and the others.

  The birthday party lasted until after 9 o'clock.

  After sending the guests away one by one, Hoshita Shuichi cleaned up with Yakushi Nono and Asuka, and was busy until after 10 o'clock.

  "Take a rest first, and sort out the birthday presents tomorrow."

  Yakushi Nono said.

  She hoped that Hoshita Shuichi could rest early.

  "Yes, don't worry, I promise to fall asleep as quickly as possible!"

  Hoshita Shuichi smiled and quickly packed his clothes, then went into the bathroom to take a shower.

  However, while taking a shower, his attention was on the entry tree in his mind.

  Just at the birthday party, the shadow clone that he had left outside to practice before going home finally completed his practice.

  [Lightning escape expert] lights up!

  Lightning escape talent increases by 100%, and the player can perform Lightning escape ninjutsu without any seal.

  "The next step is to develop the Lightning escape instant body technique. Once it is developed, I can take down [Instant Body Expert]."

  "In addition, [Water escape expert] and [Earth escape expert] will be completed soon."

  Hoshita Shuichi thought as he gradually fell asleep.

  In fact, if he concentrates on water escape, earth escape, and lightning escape ninjutsu, and constantly supplements them with actual combat, he will soon be able to master them and then take them down.

  But human energy is limited after all, so if multiple projects exist at the same time, there must be a priority.

  And his priority is to increase his combat power limit, and then to be comprehensive.

  In a nutshell, specialize first and then be broad!

  And [Instant Body Expert] is an entry that can greatly improve Hoshita Shuichi's speed, and at the same time allow him to practice Flying Thunder God Technique faster in the future, so the priority is different.

  But [Instant Body Expert] requires a different instant body technique, so in order to develop Lightning escape instant body, he took down [Lightning escape expert] first.


  Time flies and another month has passed.

  Just as Shuichi Hoshita had acquired the [Earth Escape Expert] and had not yet completed the Lightning Escape Instant Body Technique, a mission to leave the village suddenly fell upon him.

  After leaving the village, the three-person team headed west.

  "This time the destination is the Rain Country."

  Sarutobi Shinnosuke began to reveal the mission information: "And the mission target is the many ninja organizations in the Rain Country. We need to investigate their situation and assess their strength."

  Shuichi Hoshita's corner of his eye jumped slightly, and he immediately asked: "Captain, to assess the strength of the Rain Country ninja organizations, do we have to cooperate with Hanzo and help him pacify the Rain Country?"

  Sarutobi Shinnosuke nodded: "The Third Hokage does have this idea, and this is also to curb the ambitions of the Rock Village."

  "Secondly, he wants to further cooperate with Hanzo through this, and completely make the Sand Village lose the possibility of forming an alliance with Hanzo."

  Shuichi Hoshita nodded after hearing this, and probably also felt Sarutobi Hiruzen's pulse.

  The Third Hokage is now trying his best to maintain the current situation in the ninja world. Even though he knows that the major ninja villages are ready to move, he hopes to delay time as much as possible to buy time for Konoha.

  And Hanzo is still very deterrent.

  If the Rain Village is pacified, both the Iwagakure and the Sand Village will be a little wary. Although

  the Rain Village lost and Hanzo lost in the Second Ninja World War, the Land of Rain has indeed become a quagmire for the major ninja villages to a certain extent.

  Hanzo was really good at bullying weaklings, killing a large number of them at a time, and was even more powerful than those puppeteers in the Sand Village who liked to use poison.

  "It seems that we may meet Nagato and the others this time..."

  Shuichi Hoshita said with a little expectation. Chihiro

  said at this time: "We hope that the Rain Village will pacify the Land of Rain, but the Iwagakure, Sand Village, and even the Kumogakure may not want to see it."

  Shuichi Hoshita agreed: "For them, the chaotic Land of Rain is the most suitable, so that they will not be in the way. After all, he is a demigod in the ninja world."

  However, what was not said was that Konoha did not want the Rain Ninja Village to pacify the Rain Country.

  It can even be said that the current chaos in the Rain Country is the work of Konoha, Rock Ninja, Cloud Ninja, and Sand Ninja. There

  are so many ninja organizations, who knows if there will be ninjas from major ninja villages pretending to be there?

  This method is simply sparse and common.

  Sarutobi Shinnosuke said: "So we need to be more careful in this mission. The situation in the Rain Country is very complicated."

  Hoshita Shuichi and Chihiro nodded in unison: "Understood!"

  They set off at around 2 o'clock in the afternoon, and the three of them spent the night at the border of the Fire Country that night.

  Early the next morning, Hoshita Shuichi and the other two entered the Rain Country and began to investigate the Rain Country Ninja Organization.

  Before that, the Anbu had actually received a piece of information from the Root, and had a general understanding of the Rain Country Ninja Organization and had a rough list.

  The reason why it is not a definite list is that the large and small ninja organizations in the Rain Country change very quickly.

  A small ninja organization may have only three or five people, and sometimes it will die in the Rain Country in less than a month.

  After three days of investigation, Shuichi Hoshita and his two companions found that the situation in the Rain Country was much more serious than they had imagined.

  There were so many ninja organizations, no exaggeration.

  Shuichi Hoshita had seen a ninja with a few samurai to create a ninja organization, and then shouted slogans to collect protection fees from the village.

  Shuichi Hoshita almost couldn't help but kill such a ninja organization with a knife.

  When resting in the cave, Chihiro couldn't help but sigh: "I can't imagine how terrible it would be if the Fire Country was like this!"

  Facts have proved that happiness is all about comparison.

  Compared with the Rain Country, the Fire Country is simply a paradise.

  Not to mention that the Fire Country has always been a big fat piece of meat in the eyes of other major countries.

  After eating the dry food, Sarutobi Shinnosuke took out a list and said: "The next ninja organization is a bit special, called Akatsuki, and advocates not using force to achieve peace."

  Chihiro shook her head after listening: "Too naive!"

  "In a chaotic place like the Rain Village, it is impossible to do it without force."

  Shuichi Hoshita agreed.

  Raise your fist, and others will listen to your great principles honestly.

  Sarutobi Shinnosuke continued, "And this Akatsuki has some relationship with our Konoha."

  Chihiro was surprised: "Is there a spy from the Root, or from our Anbu?"

  Sarutobi Shinnosuke smiled and said, "No, it's because the three leaders of this Akatsuki organization are disciples of Lord Jiraiya."


  Chihiro was extremely surprised.

  Hoshita Shuichi also pretended to be surprised. Chihiro

  asked quickly, "Why would Lord Jiraiya have disciples in the Rain Country? Could it be the last Ninja World War?"

  Sarutobi Shinnosuke nodded, "It should be."

  "We'll know the details later."

  Half an hour later, Hoshita Shuichi and the other two set out in the rain, approached the Akatsuki headquarters based on the information from the Root, and hid in the dark and observed silently.

  Soon, Hoshita Shuichi finally saw Nagato, Yahiko, and Konan.

  "They all look very young, probably about fifteen or sixteen years old."

  Hoshita Shuichi's eyes finally fixed on Nagato.

  Samsara Eye!     One of the most powerful eye techniques!

  Nagato's ability to quickly master the six types of chakra changes should have a lot to do with these eyes.

  "Then will there be White Zetsu monitoring nearby?"

  "There should be..."

  Just as he was thinking, Shuichi Hoshita was suddenly startled and quickly shrank his head.

  Nagato turned his head and looked over!


  "Nagato, what's wrong?"

  Seeing Nagato stop, Yahiko couldn't help but turn his head and asked.

  Nagato frowned slightly, then turned back and said, "Nothing."

  The six people from the Akatsuki organization continued on their way.

  Behind the broken eaves and broken walls, Shuichi Hoshita couldn't help but sigh: "What a sharp intuition!"

  After the Akatsuki organization went away, Sarutobi Shinnosuke and Chihiro appeared beside Shuichi Hoshita.

  Sarutobi Shinnosuke smiled and said, "You are worthy of being the apprentice taught by Master Jiraiya!"

  "Next, you have to be more careful, Shuichi, don't be careless."

  Shuichi Hoshita nodded.

  Then the three followed the Akatsuki organization and monitored them.

  Soon they witnessed the battle between the Akatsuki organization and another ninja organization, and the battle ended quickly.

  The Akatsuki organization won, and all the members of the other ninja organization joined the Akatsuki organization.

  After the Akatsuki left, Chihiro couldn't help but say, "I underestimated this Akatsuki."

  The Akatsuki used force, but it didn't seem to use force completely.

  After force gained the upper hand, a wave of peace ideas directly convinced the other side.

  This completely overturned Chihiro's cognition.

  Sarutobi Shinnosuke didn't know what to say for a while, and finally could only say, "Observe for a few more days."

  The next day, Hoshita Shuichi and the other two witnessed another battle of the Akatsuki.

  The battle was extremely fierce, and the Akatsuki's reasoning laughed. Although it had the upper hand, the Akatsuki still took the initiative to retreat.

  On the fourth day.

  The Akatsuki used the previous method to subdue a group of only three people.

  After finishing the investigation of the Akatsuki, Chihiro couldn't help but say, "They are indeed very special and very courageous. They practice their own ninja way in their own way."

  Sarutobi Shinnosuke deeply agreed. Hoshita Shuichi

  was a little emotional.

  It's a pity that fate is in the hands of others.


  Half a month passed in the blink of an eye.

  Shuichi Hoshita and his two companions investigated more than 200 ninja organizations. Some of them were just investigated today, but the next day they found that the ninja organization they investigated the day before was destroyed or dispersed.

  Inside the cave.

  Sarutobi Shinnosuke checked the booklet that recorded a lot of information, and finally closed it and smiled: "The mission was completed well. Let's take a rest for a night and go back to the village tomorrow!"

  Chihiro immediately said: "It's finally over. The weather in the Rain Country is really unbearable."

  It rained every day, and it was really uncomfortable to be wet all over.

  Shuichi Hoshita looked at the drizzling rain outside and couldn't help but think of the Wind Country. It's

  really dry and flooded .

  At night, Shuichi Hoshita was responsible for guarding the first half of the night. He simply left a shadow clone to guard the entrance of the cave, while the main body practiced the Water Break Wave Technique by a nearby river.

  [Water Escape Expert] This entry, he only has the proficiency of this technique, once it is proficient, the entry can be taken.

  When the five escapes are complete, summon [Ninjutsu Doctor].


  Suddenly, Shuichi Hoshita stopped moving and disappeared.

  Something is happening with the shadow clone!

  Shuichi Hoshita appeared in front of the cave, and beside him were Sarutobi Shinnosuke and Chihiro, who had been awakened by the shadow clone he had disbanded before.

  The rain was still falling, and in the dark night, it was impossible to see.

  "There are quite a few enemies, a total of twelve. Captain, shall we retreat?"

  Shuichi Hoshita asked.

  Sarutobi Shinnosuke asked, "Can we evacuate quickly?"

  Shuichi Hoshita shook his head: "I'm afraid not, we need to cover the rear, but leaving the shadow clone should be able to delay for a while."

  "Then let the shadow clone cover the rear."

  "Move! "

  Sarutobi Shinnosuke gave the order decisively. After leaving the shadow clone, Shuichi Hoshita's eyes suddenly lit up with bright blue light. The originally dark rainy night was no longer a problem for him.

  "Captain, Chihiro, follow me!"

  Shuichi Hoshita shouted softly, and took the lead.

  Sarutobi Shinnosuke and Chihiro looked at each other and followed together, but they were very surprised in their hearts. This was the first time they had seen the Heat Vision Technique.

  "What a powerful ninjutsu talent. It seems that this pupil technique is the use of fire escape, which can allow people to have vision in the dark."

  Sarutobi Shinnosuke secretly admired and guessed.

  After walking forward in the dark for a while, there was a roar behind him.

  The battle broke out!

  After another moment, Chihiro's expression changed under the mask: "It's the Rock Ninja!"

  "Specially targeting us!"

  Sarutobi Shinnosuke frowned: "It seems that our whereabouts have been exposed!" Hoshita Hideichi, who

  was leading the way in front, paused and couldn't help but feel annoyed.

  From graduation to now, his two companions who died in battle died at the hands of Rock Ninja.

  Although he also killed a lot of Rock Ninja, in fact, he was still holding his breath deep in his heart during the previous mission in the Kingdom of Birds.

  It happened that a sparse forest appeared in front of him at this time. After entering the forest, Hoshita Hideichi stopped.


  Sarutobi Shinnosuke stopped in confusion.

  Shuichi Hoshita took off his mask and said, "Captain, since the Iwagakure are coming for us this time, I'm afraid they will chase us relentlessly."

  "Xun, these guys are pretty strong, right?"

  Chihiro nodded: "At least four of them are at the Jonin level, they cooperate well, and their ability to change terrain is very strong!"

  After listening to this, Shuichi Hoshita said seriously: "The best way to face a pursuit is actually to kill all the pursuing enemies."

  Sarutobi Shinnosuke smiled bitterly. He didn't expect that Shuichi Hoshita, who was always calm and strictly followed orders, would have such a willful moment.

  But just as he was about to speak, Shuichi Hoshita said, "These Rock Ninjas are coming specifically for us, which means they have been following us before. It's hard to say whether they have set up an ambush at the border of the Rain Country."

  "Now we retreat overnight, and I'm afraid we will be in a very bad state by dawn."

  Although the Rock Ninjas have never seen their faces, the perception ninjas can identify people through chakra.

  Sarutobi Shinnosuke frowned after hearing this. Although this possibility is not great, it is not impossible.

  However, he also knew that this was probably an excuse made by Shuichi Hoshita.

  Is it because of the two companions before?

  Sighing secretly, Sarutobi Shinnosuke said, "In this case, let's get rid of these troublesome guys together!"

  Who doesn't want to take revenge?

  After deciding, Sarutobi Shinnosuke said, "Xun, go to the back of this forest."

  "Rock Ninjas are always good at changing the terrain. It will be very disadvantageous for you at that time. Go to the periphery and use illusions to assist us."

  Chihiro nodded, "Understood!"

  After that, she immediately crossed the forest to make preparations.

  Shuichi Hoshita and Sarutobi Shinnosuke stood by the forest and waited quietly.

  After a moment, Sarutobi Shinnosuke said, "There are still 8 people, 6 of them should be at the level of Jonin!"

  "It seems that they noticed us a long time ago, and realized that we are the people from the Bird Country."

  His shadow clone was also eliminated.

  In the darkness, Shuichi Hoshita smiled: "Kill them all, the Rock Ninja will be very sad!" Sarutobi

  Shinnosuke said, "Maybe they won't chase us." Shuichi Hoshita

  took out a flare and ignited it into the sky.

  Sarutobi Shinnosuke was about to ask, and then he saw a sudden flame shooting up into the sky in the darkness.

  That direction was exactly their previous base.

  Sarutobi Shinnosuke immediately understood that Shuichi Hoshita used a flare to notify his shadow clone and used that trick.

  Looking at the flames rising in the distance gradually dimming, Shuichi Hoshita squatted down, pointed his finger at the ground, and then a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth: "Here they come!"
