
Konoha's entry-level ninja! (MTL)

Good news: I have traveled through time! Bad news: I have traveled through time to a world of Naruto full of perverts and cheaters. Good news: The entries are blessed, and they can also be combined. [Student]: When studying, the concentration is 100%! [Self-discipline]: Diligence can make up for shortcomings, and efforts will be rewarded, even if they are insignificant, but without accumulating small steps, one cannot reach a thousand miles. [Strong and strong]: Strong and vigorous, recovery ability increased by 100%, resistance to injuries increased by 100%, and physical talent increased by 100%! [Ninjutsu Master]: Any ninjutsu seal can be shortened to two seals, and ninjutsu talent increased by 100%! Ninjutsu doctor, transformation expert, transformation master... Looking at Uchiha and Otsutsuki, Hoshita Shuichi sneered: Cheating? Pervert? You have more cheats than me? Are you more perverted than me? • • Warning! This is a machine translation, made by Google Translate, so there will be mistakes and names changed! • Original Author: Soybean Master Original Name: 火影:正派的我成了幕后黑手!

Destiny_Splash · Anime & Comics
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140 Chs

Fire Style Chakra Mode!


Hideo Hoshita nodded and admitted, "Tsunade-sama should know about the Cloud Ninja's Lightning Chakra Mode, right?"

Tsunade nodded: "Of course, the Cloud Ninja's Lightning Chakra Mode is the most powerful, and it should also be the most powerful Lightning Chakra Mode and Ninja Taijutsu in the Ninja World."

"So, you want to use the Hundred Healings Technique to practice the Fire Chakra Mode, because you are best at Fire Chakra."

"Moreover, Fire Chakra is more difficult to control than Lightning Chakra."

Hideo Hoshita nodded: "Indeed, although my chakra control is very strong, my own chakra is far from enough, so I practice Yin Seal."

"And now with the Hundred Healings Technique, it will be easier to develop the Fire Chakra Mode."

"And it's not just the Fire Chakra Mode. With the Hundred Healings Technique, the difficulty of developing any chakra mode will be reduced."

Tsunade couldn't help but say: "You are so young. The amount of chakra is already very large, at least more than I was back then, and only Jiraiya has this level. "

Then she frowned slightly again: "But, are you too anxious?"

"I heard from Nono and Asuka that you don't have a day of rest or entertainment."

Hoshita Shuichi spread his hands helplessly: "Tsunade-sama also knows about the conflict between me and Danzo. If I'm not strong enough, he might deal with me at any time."

"Even without him, the ninja world is very dangerous. Now all the major ninja villages are expanding their armaments, the Rock Village is ready to move, the Cloud Village is collecting secret techniques everywhere, and the Sand Village is also working hard to increase its finances."

"Sir Tsunade should understand what these signs mean, right?"

"I don't want to die in the war. I'm not even 10 years old yet, and there are still many things I haven't enjoyed!"

Tsunade was silent after listening, then waved her hand with a lack of interest, turned around and took a bottle of wine to drink by herself.

Hiroshita Hideichi sighed, and did not try to persuade him. He quietly packed up his things and left.

Walking on the street, Hideichi Hoshita thought about what to do next.

The Hundred Healings Technique was developed without the "Flash of Inspiration", so this year's "Flash of Inspiration" must have a place to go.

"Then let's use the Fire Chakra Mode!"

Hiroshita Hideichi finally decided.

The Fire Chakra Mode can also be used for both offense and defense.

With the temperature of his Fire Chakra, ordinary hidden weapons such as kunai can be melted in an instant.

What needs to be paid attention to are hidden weapons with Wind Chakra and Lightning Chakra.

For example, Killer Bee's sword and the hidden weapons of the Sand Village Sand Ninja are equipped with Wind Chakra.

Especially Danzo!

Last time, I fought with Danzo's Shadow Clone, and this old guy's Wind Chakra is not worse than his.

No, it should be said that he is more experienced than him!

So, except for his teacher Minato Namikaze, Shuichi Hoshita did not pass on the Wind Style Rasenshuriken technique, nor did he give it to the village.

Shuichi Hoshita did not go home, but came to the barbecue restaurant of the Akimichi clan to order food.

After hearing the amount of the order, the clerk opened his mouth wide: "Master Shuichi, do you really... really want so much? Every meal?"

Shuichi Hoshita nodded: "Yes, every meal, temporarily order three days."

The clerk swallowed his saliva and nodded: "Okay, don't worry, it will be delivered to your home on time!"

Shuichi Hoshita smiled and nodded: "That's hard work!"

He left another deposit of one million taels.

In fact, he originally planned to eat the Bingliang Pills, but the Bingliang Pills were too unpalatable.

Then spend some money to eat good food. Anyway, he is not short of money now, after all, he doesn't have to pay for the experimental base.

The reason why he had to spend so much was because he wanted to quickly accumulate chakra.

He had figured out his digestive ability in the big eater competition, and he could really use it now.

After ordering food, Hoshita Shuichi went straight home to take a bath and think about the priority issues to be solved after the fire escape chakra mode.

He must be prepared for the fire escape chakra mode to be completed before the "flash of inspiration" is used up.

"Wind Instant Body..."

"Moreover, wind escape can be combined with fire escape to make the lotus step by step more powerful."

"The combination of wind escape and fire escape can actually strengthen the control of both, just like Ye Cang's fire escape. This can also be regarded as a preliminary exploration for the development of blood limit."

"There is also time and space ninjutsu, one more missing..."

Summoning technique, sealing scroll technique, summoning talisman, and multiplication detonation talisman technique.

Thinking about the space-time ninjutsu, Shuichi Hoshita couldn't help scratching his head. If he developed it himself, he still had no clear direction.

Either he could get the [Blink Expert] and then directly practice Flying Thunder God.

Flying Thunder God is difficult, but he has so many talents that he can handle it.


After taking a bath, Shuichi Hoshita put on his clothes and took out the analysis of illusion sent by Uchiha Shisui. After thinking for a while, the Akimichi clan's meal delivery arrived.

Various meats and fruit salads filled the entire living room.

Shuichi Hoshita went to make a large bucket of tea, and then he started eating like crazy.

Three meals a day, three days of eating, finally filled the Yin seal on his forehead.

At this time, there are still three days before the New Year.

In the yard.

Standing in the snow, Shuichi Hoshita lowered his eyes.

The next moment, the Hundred Healing Technique was activated, the Eight Diagrams Seal opened, the Yin Seal opened, and the huge chakra poured out like a flood.

In an instant, Shuichi Hoshita was completely enveloped by blue chakra.

In the kitchen, Asuka, who was making the Soldier Pills, worried: "Sister Nono, will Shuichi be too crazy these days?"

Pharmacist Nono looked up at Shuichi Hoshita in the yard and smiled softly: "Believe in Shuichi, he can do it."

"And we just need to support him."

Asuka nodded, then lowered her head and worked.

This is a new flavor specially developed for Shuichi Hoshita, a highly concentrated Soldier Pill, with twice the energy of ordinary Soldier Pills.

In the yard, Shuichi Hoshita has already pulled up his concentration, without distraction, and then "a flash of inspiration" is turned on.

Maximum comprehension, maximum innovation!


With his hands together, Shuichi Hoshita put all his strength into the nature change.

The next moment, his whole body was covered by orange-red flames.

But at this moment, it was as if he was standing in a huge orange-red flame. The snow around him melted quickly and the ground dried up quickly.

However, with Shuichi Hoshita's control, the flames continued to shrink and finally stuck to his body, with clusters of flames swaying in the wind.

At this moment, Naruto's Nine-Tails Chakra Mode and Old Purple Melting Mode appeared.

It was more condensed than the Lightning Chakra Mode displayed by the future Fourth Raikage Ai.

This was also because Shuichi Hoshita had a strong chakra control and the ability to change the form of Fire Release, so he could do it quickly.

At this time, Shuichi Hoshita seemed to be wearing a coat of flames, with his hair and eyebrows swaying with the flames.

It seemed to be completed at this step. He was indeed wearing a coat of Fire Release.

But for Shuichi Hoshita, it was not enough.

The defense of this flame coat is not enough, or the temperature is not enough.

The defense of the fire escape chakra mode depends on temperature, and it must be able to melt steel instantly.

So, after completing the initial shaping of the form, Xingxia Shuichi continued to change the nature further.

So, the orange-red flames on his body quickly turned into a blazing white color.

"This should not be my limit!"

Xingxia Shuichi lowered his eyes and continued.

One minute later, the original white flames on his body began to turn light blue little by little.

Blue flames, this is the high-temperature flame that he could not produce at one time before.

Five minutes later, Xingxia Shuichi's chakra suddenly exploded, and the white flames on his body were all dyed blue at once.

His whole body was covered with blue flames, except for the Yin seal mark in the middle of his forehead, which looked white because of its abnormal brightness.

But before he could be happy, Shuichi Hoshita groaned, and the fire chakra coat on his body instantly extinguished, and he staggered to the ground.


Asuka appeared, supported Shuichi Hoshita, and hurriedly said: "Bite my arm quickly."

Blood dripped from Shuichi Hoshita's nostrils.

"It's okay..."

Shuichi Hoshita felt like a needle was stabbing his brain: "It's just overusing the brain."

That is to say, his physique, mental strength, and mental will have been improved, otherwise he would have been unable to withstand it long ago. This is much more mentally exhausting than the last time he developed the wind shurikens.

The brain is about to burn.

"Asuka, don't worry."

Pharmacist Nono also appeared beside Shuichi Hoshita, but he was very calm, pressing his hands on Shuichi Hoshita's temples, and the green chakra light lit up.

Hideichi Hoshita was relieved immediately, and then his head was covered by his own chakra, and the original tingling quickly subsided.

"It seems that when you turn on high concentration, you must let your chakra wrap and soak the brain to ensure that there will be no problems when it is turned on for a long time. I ignored this point before."

Hideichi Hoshita smiled bitterly, and after Yakushi Nono wiped his nosebleed, he smiled and said, "It's okay. I ignored the protection of the brain before."

"Too much concentration, too fast thinking, and too much load on the brain."

The Hundred Healings Technique can protect the brain very well, but he just put all of it on the Fire Chakra Mode, and he was also confused.

Yakushi Nono and Asuka both breathed a sigh of relief.

Hideichi Hoshita stood up and smiled, "Don't worry, there will be no accidents later."

Although there were some small accidents, the results were good.

The Fire Chakra Mode is about to be completed.

"Shuichi, do you want to replenish chakra?"

Asuka asked.

Hashita Shuichi shook his head: "No, it's enough now!"

Yakushi Nono and Asuka looked at each other, then Yakushi Nono went to work, but Asuka stayed aside.

Hashita Shuichi knew that this was caring for him, so he didn't stop him and hurried on.

The next moment, he was covered with blue chakra, and then clusters of blue flames emerged.

This time, he didn't use white flames excessively!

Then he gradually reduced his concentration.

5 times!

2 times!

At this time, the blue fire escape chakra clothes had begun to become a little unstable.

Hashita Shuichi sighed secretly: "If it was a burning escape, I wouldn't need such a high concentration to control it."

High concentration means high consumption.

His current fire escape chakra mode still relies on the chakra of the Yin seal, not his own chakra.

"So, if Ye Cang has enough chakra, it shouldn't be as difficult as imagined to realize the burning chakra mode."

"Just like Lao Zi, with the support of the four-tailed chakra, it is not difficult to perform the melting chakra mode to form a lava armor."

Hiroshita Shuichi thought secretly: "A single chakra property is too difficult to control, especially fire jutsu, wind jutsu, and lightning jutsu."

"My next goal is either to develop melting jutsu or burning jutsu, which can more easily form a chakra coat."

"There are 3 minutes left, try to add wind jutsu..."