
Konoha's entry-level ninja! (MTL)

Good news: I have traveled through time! Bad news: I have traveled through time to a world of Naruto full of perverts and cheaters. Good news: The entries are blessed, and they can also be combined. [Student]: When studying, the concentration is 100%! [Self-discipline]: Diligence can make up for shortcomings, and efforts will be rewarded, even if they are insignificant, but without accumulating small steps, one cannot reach a thousand miles. [Strong and strong]: Strong and vigorous, recovery ability increased by 100%, resistance to injuries increased by 100%, and physical talent increased by 100%! [Ninjutsu Master]: Any ninjutsu seal can be shortened to two seals, and ninjutsu talent increased by 100%! Ninjutsu doctor, transformation expert, transformation master... Looking at Uchiha and Otsutsuki, Hoshita Shuichi sneered: Cheating? Pervert? You have more cheats than me? Are you more perverted than me? • • Warning! This is a machine translation, made by Google Translate, so there will be mistakes and names changed! • Original Author: Soybean Master Original Name: 火影:正派的我成了幕后黑手!

Destiny_Splash · Anime & Comics
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140 Chs

Brain: Simple, Too Simple!

Time flies, and in a blink of an eye, Konoha's 41st year is coming to an end.

In the snowy grove.

Hideichi Hoshita let out a long breath, as if relieved of a heavy burden: "[Wind Style Expert] is finally taken!"

Entry: [Wind Style Expert]

Effect: Wind Style talent increases by 100%, and Wind Style is performed without a seal.

This effect is similar to [Fire Style Expert].

And for this entry, he mastered five Wind Style Ninjutsu: Fierce Wind Palm, Vacuum Ball, Vacuum Wave, Vacuum Big Ball, and Vacuum Blade.

Except for Fierce Wind Palm, which was left by his mother, the other four Ninjutsu all came from Minato Namikaze.

After lighting up [Wind Style Expert], Hideichi Hoshita immediately looked at another gray-white entry leaf.

This was just triggered.

Term: [Wind Style Master]

... 10 minutes of max comprehension and max innovation may not necessarily develop an S-level ninjutsu from scratch.

"There are only 3 days left until the New Year..."

Take out a soldier pill and swallow it, then sit quietly to restore your strength.

Although I don't know whether "a flash of inspiration" will consume a lot of physical strength, it's right to be fully prepared.

When the physical strength is restored to the peak state, Xingxia Xiuyi lowered his eyes: "A flash of inspiration, start!"

In an instant, Xingxia Xiuyi felt that he had changed his mind.

Many problems encountered in the practice this year, at this moment, I had a way of thinking.

For example, the perception ninjutsu that I have never been able to get started with.

For example, the high-temperature ray fire escape that is still the last step.

There are also medical ninjutsu, medical knowledge, and so on.

At this moment, Xingxia Xiuyi felt that he had opened a door, that is the door of knowledge, the door of omniscience.

But he immediately felt something was wrong.

Because he didn't know too much before, now his mind was turning, and all kinds of thoughts came one after another.

"Not good!"

Hiroshita Hideichi quickly turned on 10 times the concentration, and all kinds of thoughts were suppressed, and then he focused on wind escape, focusing on the wind escape-spinning shuriken technique.

So, he really felt the power of max understanding and max innovation.

How to change the form to form a high-speed rotating shuriken?

It turns out that the nature of wind escape must be changed first.

How to make the formed shuriken run stably and reach the state of being thrown out.

Build a double loop to form an interconnected three-dimensional cross loop.

S-level wind escape?


Too simple!

10 minutes, not even 2 minutes were used, and Hideichi Hoshita had already understood the complete wind escape spiral shuriken in his mind.

Why not add fire escape?

In addition to the terrible wind needle attack, add some high temperature.

It is not difficult to add fire escape, after forming the wind escape spiral shuriken state, inject fire escape chakra.

Soon, wind and fire spiral shuriken.

No, it should be called wind and fire light wheel spiral shuriken. The principle was also understood by Hoshita Shuichi.

There are more than 6 minutes left.


This time, Hoshita Shuichi's goal is to perceive the extremely complex technique of ninjutsu.

The hand seal of Minato Namikaze is a bit luck-dependent. Now that he has a brain, he must rely on his brain.

Time passed little by little, and this time it took longer than expected.

Because that technique contains knowledge that Hoshita Shuichi has not mastered before.

For example, earth escape, lightning escape, and water escape.

However, there is no problem at all under the maximum understanding.

Finally, 10 minutes passed.

The brain was downgraded instantly, and Xingxia Xiuyi felt like he had fallen from heaven and became stupid.

But it was only a moment, his brain swelled, his eyes went black, and something seemed to flow out of his nose.

Gritting his teeth and not fainting, Xingxia Xiuyi lifted the 10x concentration, and quickly ate another soldier pill, took out the thermos cup from the backpack next to him and drank the warm water with salt and sugar in it.

After drinking it all in one breath and relieving it for nearly 5 minutes, Xingxia Xiuyi's brain became clearer and the symptoms of black eyes disappeared.

Only then did he realize that what flowed out of his nose just now was blood.

"'Flash of inspiration' + 10x concentration is really terrifying..."

Xingxia Xiuyi smiled bitterly and covered the blood with snow, but his brain was still very dull and his body was very weak, so he had to give up trying to develop the wind escape spiral shuriken now.

After another half an hour of rest, Xingxia Xiuyi took the backpack and went home.

What he didn't expect was that it took 7 days, the 42nd year of Konoha, to recover to his peak state.

This was because his recovery ability had increased by 100%.

Otherwise, it would take half a month to recover.

Hideichi Hoshita decided to keep Asuka by his side next time he used it.

January 5, the 42nd year of Konoha.

Just after he fully recovered, Hideichi Hoshita couldn't wait to come to a remote and open area in the village.

Today he was going to test the Wind Style Rasenshuriken technique to turn theory into reality.


Hideichi Hoshita raised his right palm upwards and grabbed it. As the chakra gathered, a high-speed rotating Rasengan was formed.

He almost didn't use Rasengan in actual combat because it didn't suit his personal style.

It's better to use Blue Flame Sky Blade or Blue Flame Waterfall Sword than Rasengan.

Even without a knife, he prefers to use wind escape to bless kunai.

After the first step is the second step, which is the change of wind escape nature.

As Hoshita Shuichi continued to output chakra, a stronger whistling sound sounded, and a blazing white light circle formed outside the Rasengan.

This circle is the high-speed running wind escape chakra.

"Too much chakra consumption..."

Hoshita Shuichi frowned slightly, and then took the third step, the shape change!

Buzz buzz buzz!

Accompanied by a sharp and piercing friction sound, four "blades" like shuriken appeared outside the blazing white light circle and rotated at high speed.

And these rotating "blades" are actually formed by high-speed flowing wind escape chakra.

These chakras flow out and flow back from the second layer of the blazing white light circle, and the high-speed operation of the inner and outer circles forms the shape of shuriken.

At the same time, from the inside to the outside, the less chakra is gathered, but the faster it runs, so the core of the Rasengan is blue, the outer circle is blazing white, and the shuriken outside is almost transparent.

"With my chakra, I can only do one shot..."

Hiroshita Hideichi was speechless.

But this is also under the premise of not using the chakra of the Yin seal.

"Try to see if it is really completed..."

Hiroshita Hideichi raised his right hand, and then threw the wind escape spiral shuriken in his hand in the form of throwing crazy shuriken.

Buzz buzz buzz!

The wind escape spiral shuriken flew out at high speed, cutting the air, and flew out more than a hundred meters in a blink of an eye, and then lost stability, the whole ninjutsu expanded rapidly, emitting dazzling white light, and in a blink of an eye formed a huge ball of light with a diameter of more than 25 meters.

Then the howling wind swept in, blowing up a layer of mud waves!

After a while, the storm passed, and Shuichi Hoshita lowered his arm that was covering his eyes, and then performed the instant body technique to come to the core area where the wind escape spiral shuriken exploded.

There is already a huge pit here.

"The power is really good."

Shuichi Hoshita said secretly: "Not only does it have a strong cutting ability, but also a terrifying, high-speed running and shuttling tiny wind needles."

"Especially when the ninjutsu loses its stability and explodes, there is no orderly movement trajectory at all. Unless there is an immortal body like Six Paths Madara and Senju Hashirama, otherwise the meridians of the whole body are cut off, and even the cells are pierced. If you don't die, you will be a useless person."

"If it was a wind and fire wheel spiral shuriken, the storm just now should have been a terrible fire storm, directly turning into a mass kill."

Shuichi Hoshita gathered his thoughts and focused on the entry tree.

[Wind escape master] entry lights up, blue!

Wind escape talent increased by 100%, wind escape chakra property change increased by 100%, wind escape form change increased by 100%; except for blood-related wind escape, there is no learning obstacle for any wind escape ninjutsu or secret technique.

After the entry was added, Hoshita Shuichi raised his right hand, then raised a finger, the air flow on the finger rotated, and a mini version of wind escape spiral shuriken quickly appeared.

Then Hoshita Shuichi threw the wind escape spiral shuriken on his fingertips away. After flying more than 20 meters, the mini wind escape spiral shuriken also expanded, and finally the affected range was two or three meters wide.

The large wind escape spiral shuriken consumes too much chakra, the mini version is very economical, and it is enough for single-target attack.

Moreover, the size of the wind escape spiral shuriken can be flexibly controlled according to the needs of the battle.

Sitting down on the spot and eating a pill to restore his strength, Shuichi Hoshita thought secretly: "As far as the wind escape and fire escape ninjutsu I have mastered are concerned, the title of master is well-deserved."

"Not to mention combat experience, in terms of killing ability, it is not inferior to the elite jonin."

"But apart from other things, my biggest flaw is insufficient chakra."

"One is the physical limitation, and the other is the age limitation, so I used the Yin seal to make up for it, but the previous two times were abandoned halfway."

In fact, Shuichi Hoshita's chakra volume is definitely the best among his peers.

In December last year, he roughly estimated that he already had 3 cards.

At the same time, compared with Asuma Sarutobi, it is about twice as much.

"I can't control my growth, so I can only improve my physique and Yin Seal."

Hiroshita Hideichi secretly planned: "Stay for two years and fill up the Yin Seal."

"Get the two entries of [Master of Swordsmanship] and [Envoy of Space and Time], and then I will have two physical improvements."

"I am almost 9 years old now. It would be best to complete the goal this year, next year, or at the latest in the 43rd year of Konoha."

"Flying Thunder God is difficult to learn, so you can start with other space-time ninjutsu. Even if you use 'Flash of Inspiration' to create it yourself, it's fine."

After making a plan, Hideichi Hoshita got up and went home.

He wanted to go back and sort out the complicated technique of perception ninjutsu, and then get this ninjutsu, so that there would be one less shortcoming.