
Konoha's entry-level ninja! (MTL)

Good news: I have traveled through time! Bad news: I have traveled through time to a world of Naruto full of perverts and cheaters. Good news: The entries are blessed, and they can also be combined. [Student]: When studying, the concentration is 100%! [Self-discipline]: Diligence can make up for shortcomings, and efforts will be rewarded, even if they are insignificant, but without accumulating small steps, one cannot reach a thousand miles. [Strong and strong]: Strong and vigorous, recovery ability increased by 100%, resistance to injuries increased by 100%, and physical talent increased by 100%! [Ninjutsu Master]: Any ninjutsu seal can be shortened to two seals, and ninjutsu talent increased by 100%! Ninjutsu doctor, transformation expert, transformation master... Looking at Uchiha and Otsutsuki, Hoshita Shuichi sneered: Cheating? Pervert? You have more cheats than me? Are you more perverted than me? • • Warning! This is a machine translation, made by Google Translate, so there will be mistakes and names changed! • Original Author: Soybean Master Original Name: 火影:正派的我成了幕后黑手!

Destiny_Splash · Anime & Comics
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140 Chs

Blue Lotus, Bloom! (+3500 words)

"Captain, you will be on the front for me later. I will test the new technique I developed before!"

  After the perception, Shuichi Hoshita said.

  Under the mask, Sarutobi Shinnosuke's eyes fixed: "Is it the technique from the end of last year?"

  Last year, Shuichi Hoshita slept for two days and two nights because of developing a new technique. He and Chihiro went to visit him, so they knew a little about the situation.

  Considering the strength and fighting style shown by Shuichi Hoshita in the previous battle with the Four-Tails Jinchuriki, Sarutobi Shinnosuke nodded: "Okay, I will be on the front for you!"

  "But don't be too brave!"

  Shuichi Hoshita chuckled: "Don't worry, Captain, I cherish my life very much!"

  Handing the mask to Sarutobi Shinnosuke, Shuichi Hoshita took off his hood and waited silently.

  Soon, 5 figures appeared a hundred meters ahead.

  "Is this kid the one who defeated Lao Zi?"

  "It should be him. I may have recognized the wrong person, but my perception is not wrong. Don't be careless just because of your age. We have all seen the strength of his shadow clone just now!"

  "That's right, this hateful kid must be killed!"

  "Be careful, there is another person who should be hiding in the dark, the woman who is good at illusion!"


  The moment they saw the young face of Shuichi Hoshita, the rock ninjas were a little surprised. Some of them looked down on him for a moment, but thinking about the previous battle, the contempt disappeared immediately, replaced by solemnity and hatred. There were

  12 people, and now only 5 of them are left. 6 died, and one was seriously injured in the last explosion, and it is impossible for him to survive.

  With such a painful price, only a fool would look down on him again.

  At this time, Shuichi Hoshita clasped his hands together: Blue Lotus, bloom!

  The blue light between his eyebrows lit up, and the blooming light was like a blue lotus blooming.

  The gorgeous blue light quickly covered Shuichi Hoshita's head, torso, and limbs.


  The blue flames ignited his whole body, as if he was wearing a blue flame royal robe with lotus patterns.

  Shuichi Hoshita's long hair stained with blue flames flew backwards without wind, and the raindrops falling from the sky were evaporated before they could get close to him.

  Under his feet, the muddy land dried up quickly, and the nearby grass and trees also caught fire quickly.

  Sarutobi Shinnosuke, who was standing next to him, felt the terrible heat and immediately dodged and withdrew a distance, looking at Shuichi Hoshita's flame chakra coat in shock.

  "Is this similar to the Four-Tails Jinchuriki... Fire Style Chakra Mode?"

  "No, there is also the power of Wind Style!

  " "What an amazing chakra, terrible control!"

  Sarutobi Shinnosuke was shocked and exclaimed: "This should be no less than the Lightning Style Chakra Mode of the Cloud Ninja!"

  "Shuiichi is really Konoha's unique Fire Style and Wind Style Genius!"

  At this moment, Sarutobi Shinnosuke praised Shuichi Hoshita.

  The Rock Ninja on the opposite side was also shocked.

  Shuichi Hoshita's current state made them think of the lava armor of the Four-Tails Jinchuriki Lao Zi, that is, the lava style chakra mode.

  However, that can only be done with the support of the tailed beast's chakra.

  Could this kid in front of him be Konoha's Nine-Tails Jinchuriki?

  No way!

  "This guy's fire escape has reached the level comparable to the third generation of the Cloud Ninja Raikage, and the lightning escape chakra mode is similar!"

  "Be careful, try not to fight him in close combat. Like Lao Zi, this guy's body temperature must be very high!"

  "Create a favorable terrain to consume his power. This mode will definitely consume a lot of chakra. If it's not Jinchuriki, it will definitely not last too long!"


  Several rock ninjas exchanged opinions quickly.

  At this time, Hoshita Shuichi, who was already ready, said to Sarutobi Shinnosuke: "I'm on!"

  Before the voice fell, his figure had already rushed out, leaving a string of twisted blue afterimages.

  "So fast!"

  Sarutobi Shinnosuke secretly exclaimed, this speed was faster than when Hoshita Shuichi performed the Lotus Steps.

  "Although the fusion of the power of Fire Style and Wind Style has not formed a bloodline limit, it is already very terrifying and has changed the mode of the instant body technique."

  Thinking in his heart, Sarutobi Shinnosuke also followed.

  The rock ninjas on the opposite side also shouted in a low voice at the moment when Hoshita Shuichi moved: "Here it comes!"

  Then someone squatted down and pressed his hands on the ground.

  In front of Hoshita Shuichi who was running at high speed, walls rose up one after another. Hoshita

  Shuichi drew his sword, but it was not the Ame-no-Mura sword, but the katana equipped by the Anbu.

  At the moment of drawing it out, he slashed forward, and the blue sword light suddenly leaked, and the high walls exploded.

  This is the Blue Flame Waterfall Sword in the Fire Style Chakra Mode, which has the power of Wind Style. The blue flames of the combination of Fire Style and Wind Style leave the body and form a blue crescent-shaped blade.

  Blue Flame Sky Blade Second Stage - Blue Flame Vacuum Slash!

  With a sword, he cut the way ahead and passed through the wall, but at this moment the ground around him had risen, and he was facing a straight cliff.

  Just as he jumped up and was about to leave the huge pit, sharp stone pillars grew out of the walls on all four sides in an orderly manner, all growing towards the middle at a high speed.

  Hoshita Shuichi snorted and was about to swing his sword to cut off these stone pillars. Thick stone pillars also grew out rapidly from the place where he was standing.

  However, these stone pillars avoided Hoshita Shuichi and collided with the stone pillars growing on all four sides.


  One by one, the stone pillars exploded.

  It was Sarutobi Shinnosuke's technique!

  Although it did not completely cancel out the stone pillars of the Iwagakure, it also gave Hoshita Shuichi room to move.

  His figure flashed, the blue knife light flashed one after another, and the stone pillars fell one by one.

  In a blink of an eye, Hoshita Shuichi killed his way to the ground, and what greeted him was a sea tide formed by gravel and sand, which swept over him violently.

  Earth escape - landslide!

  Hoshita Shuichi walked in the air, but there was an explosive talisman in the sea tide of sand at any time.


  The detonating talisman exploded, gravel and sand flew everywhere, and the shock wave swept towards Xingxia Xiuyi.

  But Shuichi Hoshita did not dodge, because there were blue lotus flowers blooming on his legs and feet, spewing hot air, which completely offset the shock wave of the explosion below him.

  And those exploding gravel and sand naturally could not pose any threat.

  However, at this moment, two stone dragons swooped down from the air and attacked him.

  Earth escape - earth and stone dragon!

  Shuichi Hoshita swung his sword, and the two earth dragons exploded together, turning into countless gravels and scattered.

  On the ground, seeing his ninjutsu being broken so easily, a sturdy rock ninja jonin put his hands together to form a seal, opened his mouth and was about to spit out the rock cannon, but he saw a mud river sweeping towards him from the corner of his eye. Sarutobi

  Shinnosuke's ninjutsu, earth escape - earth flow river!

  The sturdy rock ninja jonin could only give up the attack, and his body flashed and retreated. After landing, he pressed his palms on the ground, and a mud wall rose from the ground, blocking the earth flow river.

  At this moment, a blue dragon head appeared on each of the shoulders of Shuichi Hoshita, who broke through the stone dragon in the air. The dragon opened its mouth and sprayed white fireballs one after another towards the position of the Rock Ninja below.


  Explosions sounded one after another, and Shuichi Hoshita directly covered the rocks with artillery fire, blowing them up.

  Several Rock Ninjas fought and retreated, constantly changing the terrain to defend against Shuichi Hoshita's attack from the air.


  The sturdy Rock Ninja Jonin just avoided a fireball and his face changed, because the ground under his feet had turned into swampy mud and was spinning at high speed, pulling him down.

  It was that guy again, and his earth escape was not worse than his!

  "Damn it!"

  The Rock Ninja Jonin gritted his teeth and was about to use his earth substitute to get away, but Shuichi Hoshita suddenly appeared in front of him, with blue fire lotuses blooming under his feet, standing on the spinning swamp without being affected at all.

  The Rock Ninja Jonin's pupils dilated, and he immediately gave up his previous idea, and his skin hardened quickly.

  Earth escape-hardening technique!

  At the same time, he quickly formed seals with both hands.

  Earth escape - Rock Fist Technique!

  Even if it means death, at least you will be seriously injured!

  The Rock Ninja's face was crazy, and his right hand was quickly covered by rocks.

  But before he could punch, Hoshita Shuichi had already swung his sword. The high temperature and high-speed flow of the two forces of Fire escape and Wind escape easily broke the hardening technique and passed through his neck.

  Then Hoshita Shuichi disappeared, and the sturdy Rock Ninja was drained of all his strength, quickly sank, and was submerged in the swamp in an instant.

  Another Rock Ninja who saw this scene was almost furious: "Toryu!"

  "Damn it!"

  "Go to hell, kid!"

  He pressed his palms to the ground, and dense rock pillars suddenly grew on the ground. These rock pillars continued to grow into the air, some taller and some shorter.

  Hoshita Shuichi's body was covered with lotus flowers, especially the blue butterflies dancing in the air, and he easily dodged them one by one.

  But just when he broke through to the central area, these rock pillars suddenly exploded.

  For a moment, rocks flew through the air, and countless pieces of rubble shot towards Shuichi Hoshita.

  Earth escape - earth pillar explosion!

  Even Shuichi Hoshita could not avoid such a saturation attack.

  But Shuichi Hoshita did not dodge at all, allowing pieces of rubble to break through the air.

  And these rubbles melted in an instant as soon as they touched his chakra coat, and could not cause any damage at all.

  "This guy's body surface temperature is too high, and such an attack will have no effect."

  "We must trap him first, otherwise with such speed and defense ability, we are afraid..."

  "Got it!"

  "And that guy who is in the way, we must get rid of him!"

  "Be careful of the other illusion master."     The remaining four Rock Ninjas were communicating, but their attacks did not stop at all.

  As they were talking, the rocks on the ground fell off, forming long sharp sticks that flew towards Shuichi Hoshita who had fought his way out of the forest of earth pillars.

  Earth escape technique - rock stealing stick!

  The dragon head on Shuichi Hoshita's shoulder immediately opened its mouth and spit out fireballs, blowing up the stone sticks one by one.

  Following Shuichi Hoshita, Sarutobi Shinnosuke also attacked, combining fire escape technique and earth escape technique, forming burning rock balls that shot at the four Rock Ninjas, interfering with and slowing down their attacks and hand seals.

  Walls of earth rose up, and then exploded one after another. Shuichi Hoshita rushed to a Rock Ninja behind the earth wall, slashed it with a knife, and the Rock Ninja's body was split in two, but then it scattered into rubble.

  Almost at the same time, the ground under Shuichi Hoshita's feet had broken into sand and gravel, and the head of a Rock Ninja popped out, spitting out a large amount of rocks, forming a rock man, hugging Shuichi Hoshita's legs.

  "Doppelganger trap!"

  Sarutobi Shinnosuke, who was behind him, immediately formed a seal, but the next moment, his feet were grabbed by a pair of hands that stretched out from the ground: "I will never let you interfere again, go to hell, bastard!"

  The voice of the Rock Ninja sounded, pulling Sarutobi Shinnosuke underground.

  But only halfway, Sarutobi Shinnosuke's body fell into a pile of mud.


  The Rock Ninja was surprised, and then he found that the rocks and soil around him had turned into a muddy swamp, and it was rotating and squeezing him constantly.

  This is a trap!

  "This guy, I knew it a long time ago..."

  The Rock Ninja hurriedly controlled the sand-like gravel to lift himself up, trying to get out before the power of the Yellow Spring Swamp penetrated in.

  But Sarutobi Shinnosuke's voice sounded: "My existence is not only to assist and interfere, but also a bait and a trap!" As

  the voice fell, Sarutobi Shinnosuke completed the seal, opened his mouth and sprayed a high-pressure water column, easily piercing the Rock Ninja whose half body was still underground.

  While the main body died, the shadow clone that had just cast the rock pillar prison to imprison Shuichi Hoshita also exploded with a bang.

  Only three of the four rock ninjas remained.

  One rock ninja dragged Shuichi Hoshita underground, and the other two had already completed the ninjutsu together.

  Earth escape - mountain earth technique!

  On both sides of Shuichi Hoshita, two huge hemispherical rocks more than two meters high rose up, and then hit Shuichi Hoshita in the middle at high speed.

  Although it is a long story to talk about all this attack and defense, it actually happened in a flash.

  Shuichi Hoshita fell into the trap and was caught by the enemy underground. Then the rock pillar prison and the mountain earth technique followed.

  The four rock ninjas cooperated tacitly, and the ninjutsu was coherent without any gaps.

  Even Shuichi Hoshita's reaction could not interrupt such a coherent technique. If there is

  no way to interrupt it, then don't interrupt it!

  Shuichi Hoshita's mind was running at high speed. The moment the rock pillar prison appeared, he handed the sword to his left hand, inserted it into the ground, and pierced the enemy underground.

  No hardening technique could resist it.

  Then, Xingxia Shuichi opened his arms to both sides, raised his palms, and faced outwards. Then a huge blue lotus emerged, and then bloomed in layers on both sides.

  Each bloom was an explosion, a high-temperature shock wave, and the overlapping high-temperature shock waves spewed outward. The hemispherical rock that came from both sides at high speed just crushed the rock pillar and paused, and then exploded with a bang.


  The two rock ninjas couldn't help but exclaimed.

  In the back, Sarutobi Shinnosuke's ninjutsu had been completed.

  Earth escape-sky-falling lid!

  A huge piece of earth and stone "pot lid" fell from the top of their heads. The two rock ninjas didn't have time to seal and quickly dodged and retreated.

  But the next moment, two blazing white light beams penetrated and came, and the two rock ninjas twisted their bodies in the air to avoid it.


  One of the rock ninjas screamed miserably, and one of his arms was cut off by the blazing white light beam. As soon as his body landed, a blazing white flame suddenly burned on his body, and he screamed even more miserably.

  Succulent Technique!

  Another Rock Ninja was shocked and angry, and tried to rescue him by making hand seals. However, a beam of blazing white light had already burst out. He was about to jump to dodge, but his body suddenly froze.

  On the side, Chihiro's figure rose from the ground, and made hand seals with both hands.

  Magic - Tree Binding Kill!


  The fire dragon breath fired by Shuichi Hoshita's dragon head on his shoulder hit the heart of this Rock Ninja with great accuracy.

  Bang, the Rock Ninja fell to the ground with his eyes wide open.

  Another one was also burned to death by the blazing white flames.

  At this point, all five Rock Ninja Jonins were written off.

  Three to five, all won! The

  blue flame on his body extinguished, and then the blue chakra also shrank back to his forehead, and then the Yin Seal and Bagua Seal were resealed.

  Shuichi Hoshita let out a long breath of foul air.


  The breath that was stuck in his heart was finally released.

  Sarutobi Shinnosuke and Chihiro came to Shuichi Hoshita, looking at the battlefield and the corpses, they were a little silent.

  Although it was three to five, they knew very well that even without their assistance, Shuichi Hoshita could have achieved the current results.

  Fire Chakra Mode, so terrifying!

  "Shuichi's strength is probably not inferior to the three ninjas and elite jonins like Konoha White Fang."

  Chihiro silently evaluated.

  Sarutobi Shinnosuke handed the mask to Shuichi Hoshita, who was still savoring the battle, and helped him pull out the sword, saying: "Retreat, such a big commotion should attract a lot of ninjas!" Shuichi Hoshita

  came to his senses, nodded, then put on the mask and took the sword.

  The three of them immediately retreated overnight, and Shuichi Hoshita was still leading the way with his thermal vision eyes. It was not until they entered the Land of Fire that the team stopped to rest.

  "Shuichi, you rest first, Xun and I will keep watch."

  Sarutobi Shinnosuke arranged.

  Shuichi Hoshita was not polite either, sitting under the tree with his eyes closed, but he did not rest immediately but reviewed the battle just now.

  There is no doubt that the Fire Chakra Mode is very strong.

  High temperature can attack and defend at the same time, and it also greatly increases his speed.

  If the opponent was not a ninja like Rock Ninja who is good at changing terrain, he would have been rushed to the front by him.

  In addition, in the fire chakra mode, it is more convenient to perform Lotus Steps, Dragon Flame Breath, Buddha's Wrath Lotus, and Blue Flame Flow Sword Technique.

  If there is a disadvantage, it is that in this mode, he can only perform fire jutsu and wind jutsu.

  Hoshita Shuichi smiled secretly: "But this is enough. Fire jutsu and wind jutsu are my strongest aspects now. If these can't defeat the enemy, other jutsu will be difficult."

  "Besides, I haven't used my full strength today!"

  "Fire Hell Lotus, Wind jutsu Rasenshuriken, Wind Fire Light Wheel Rasenshuriken are all useless."

  "But against Rock Ninja, although these jutsu are strong, they are actually not very suitable."

  Rock Ninja are very defensive. For a few Rock Ninja Jonins, they can still defend against large-scale attacks.

  On the contrary, powerful single-target attacks such as Dragon Flame Breath and Blue Flame Blade Jutsu cannot be defended.

  Of course, Wind jutsu Rasenshuriken and Wind Fire Light Wheel Rasenshuriken can also be single-target attacks.

  But against these Rock Ninjas, Hoshita Shuichi felt that it was unnecessary.

  "At this stage, with such combat power, plus the chakra of Yin Seal, if you don't waste in the war, there should be no problem in saving your life."

  "If you can add Creation Regeneration, it will be even better."

  Thinking in his heart, Hoshita Shuichi fell asleep.


  At the same time, at the Rain Country battlefield,

  Yahiko, Nagato, and Konan were the first to arrive.

  In fact, they were first alerted by the battle in the cave, and then tracked here.

  "The terrain here has been completely changed..."

  "It must be the Rock Ninja, only they have this ability!"

  "It is indeed the Rock Ninja, just like the corpses left on the previous battlefield, they are all Rock Ninja."

  "Only the Rock Ninja..."

  Yahiko checked the traces of the battlefield, his expression becoming more and more solemn: "For a battle of this scale, these Rock Ninja are very strong, and their opponents..."

  Nagato said: "Their opponents are even stronger, and there are only two... no, it should be three."

  "The main force is a person who is very good at Fire Style."

  Konan felt incredible after hearing this: "Can Fire Style reach this level?"

  "These Rock Ninja are all at the Jonin level, right?"

  Nagato carefully examined the traces of Fire Style left on the chakra battlefield, and thought: "Maybe it's not just Fire Style, there is also Wind Style, a combination of Fire Style and Wind Style." Yahiko

  said: "Is it the Scorch Style Kekkei Genkai? I remember that the Sand Ninja should have such a strong man." Nagato

  shook his head: "No, if it's Scorch Style, there shouldn't be any traces of Wind Style."

  "From this direction, it is very likely that they are from Konoha."


  Yahiko sighed, then smiled, "It's worthy of being the village where Jiraiya is from."

  At this time, Nagato reminded, "Someone is coming!"

  Yahiko immediately shouted, "Nagato, Konan, retreat!"

  The three of them disappeared at the same time.

  Soon, waves of ninjas appeared on the battlefield one after another, and then left.