
Konoha's entry-level ninja! (MTL)

Good news: I have traveled through time! Bad news: I have traveled through time to a world of Naruto full of perverts and cheaters. Good news: The entries are blessed, and they can also be combined. [Student]: When studying, the concentration is 100%! [Self-discipline]: Diligence can make up for shortcomings, and efforts will be rewarded, even if they are insignificant, but without accumulating small steps, one cannot reach a thousand miles. [Strong and strong]: Strong and vigorous, recovery ability increased by 100%, resistance to injuries increased by 100%, and physical talent increased by 100%! [Ninjutsu Master]: Any ninjutsu seal can be shortened to two seals, and ninjutsu talent increased by 100%! Ninjutsu doctor, transformation expert, transformation master... Looking at Uchiha and Otsutsuki, Hoshita Shuichi sneered: Cheating? Pervert? You have more cheats than me? Are you more perverted than me? • • Warning! This is a machine translation, made by Google Translate, so there will be mistakes and names changed! • Original Author: Soybean Master Original Name: 火影:正派的我成了幕后黑手!

Destiny_Splash · Anime & Comics
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140 Chs

Assassination Tactics Special Forces!

In the stands, Nohara Rin, who was cheering for Uchiha Obito, was stunned and stopped talking: "Obito...what is he doing?"

Kakashi couldn't help but snort: "Idiot!"

Others were also stunned, especially Yuhi Kurenai, Sarutobi Asuma and others.

They were all in the same class, and they had some understanding of Uchiha Obito's strength. He was not so weak that he was killed in one move, but this situation was really... speechless.

Hoshita Shuichi was also at a loss for words at this moment.

He kindly reminded Uchiha Obito to be prepared and not be disturbed by Nohara Rin's voice.

Never expected that this guy would actually try to seal and use fire escape at such a close distance.

You think you are the first generation, clap your hands, and whatever you shout will come true?

"Might Guy wins!"

Hoshita Shuichi announced helplessly.

He didn't know that the reason why Uchiha Obito used Fire Release was to regain face after losing the second team battle.

In a room, the TV screen clearly showed the situation in the examination room.

Standing behind the third Hokage Sarutobi Hiruzen, Namikaze Minato couldn't help but smile awkwardly when he saw Uchiha Obito lose in such an unreliable way.

He has led two Uchiha, and their personalities are really different.

Thinking about the daily quarrels between Uchiha Obito and Kakashi, this team is really not easy to lead, far less worry-free than the previous team!

However, Minato Namikaze still spoke for Uchiha Obito: "Although Obito has encountered many accidents, his strength is still very good. Moreover, he is very kind-hearted and has been working hard towards the Hokage. He will be a very good ninja in the future."

The third generation Hokage Sarutobi Hiruzen, who was smoking, sighed slightly: "Accidental ninja, it seems that he needs more training!"

Minato Namikaze hurriedly smiled awkwardly: "Yes, Lord Hokage, I will supervise him well."

In the examination room, the duel continued.

Hoshita Shuichi stared at the two sides of the battle, not missing a detail, as if he was afraid that they would go too far, so that he could stop them at any time.

But in fact, he was recording the actions of the two sides of the battle, all stored in the memory palace as samples.

Now there are more and more people in the Konoha Village in his memory palace, including Danzo.

Yuhi Kurenai, Sarutobi Asuma, Nohara Rin... one by one, his former friends came on stage.

These people already have samples in the memory palace, and now Shuichi Hoshita has an updated version.

And all of these will be the basis for Shuichi Hoshita to develop illusions in the future.

The Sealing Technique-Memory Palace is to seal the memory of the shadow clone, but now it is also the basis for further developing illusions. This is Shuichi Hoshita's plan for a long time.

"Hatake Kakashi, Might Guy!"

Unconsciously, Might Guy is on the court again.

As Shuichi Hoshita waved the flag, Might Guy and Kakashi fought in a group.

Although Might Guy does not know any ninjutsu, his battle is undoubtedly pure physical technique.

At this time, Kakashi did not use his newly developed new lightning escape technique, but also used physical technique to fight Might Guy.

"This should be the most exciting duel in the third game..."

Shuichi Hoshita said secretly.

The second place was a battle between Sarutobi Asuma and a Hyuga clan, and in the end Sarutobi Asuma won.

The son of the Hokage who was recommended to the daimyo by him has mastered the nature change of wind style chakra. He is also a leader among his peers except for Shuichi Hoshita, second only to Kakashi.

"However, the path of pure physical skills is still too difficult to walk."

Shuichi Hoshita watched Might Guy exhaust his physical strength and finally fall down.

"Kakashi, win!"

Shuichi Hoshita announced.

At 4 pm, the third round of the Chunin Examination also ended successfully.

Shuiichi Hoshita brought the score sheet to see the Third Hokage Sarutobi Hiruzen, bowed and greeted: "Third Hokage, Minato-sensei!"

"This is the score sheet for the third game."

Sarutobi Hiruzen took it and said: "Shuiichi, in your opinion, who is suitable for promotion to Chunin?"

Shuiichi Hoshita pondered for a moment and said: "In addition to Hatake Kakashi, Sarutobi Asuma, Shiranui Genma, and Yamashiro Aoba all have enough strength and experience to be Chunin!"

Sarutobi Hiruzen nodded slightly, but did not express his opinion immediately, and said: "Shuiichi, you have worked hard these two days, and report to the Anbu after two days of rest!"

"Yes, Third Hokage!"



Just after coming out of the examination room, Shuichi Hoshita saw Shizune waving at him, and immediately walked up quickly: "Shizune, why are you here?"

Shizune said: "I didn't expect you to be a Chunin examiner. It's a pity that I found out too late. Otherwise, even if I didn't participate in the Chunin exam, I would come to see it."

Shuichi Hoshita couldn't help laughing and said: "It doesn't matter. Next time I will apply to the Third Hokage to be an examiner for the promotion of the medical class."

He is a special jonin who was promoted with medical ninjutsu, and it is reasonable for him to be a Chunin examiner for the medical class.

The two chatted and laughed while walking towards the Konoha Hospital.


Although it is a two-day holiday, for Shuichi Hoshita, except for eating, taking a walk with Shizune in the evening, and sleeping, the rest of the time is spent on training.

Especially his S-level sword technique is about to be completed.

He has not used this year's "Flash of Inspiration". Last year, he originally planned to use "Flash of Inspiration" to solve the secret of S-level swordsmanship, but because he had a clue, he used it on the wind escape spiral shuriken when he was sure he could develop it.

And this year's "Flash of Inspiration", Shuichi Hoshita plans to use it on the secret technique for controlling chakra that Tsunade is developing at the end of the year, and fully develop the Hundred Healings Technique in advance.

At that time, he can try to develop the Fire Release Chakra Coat, or the Fire Release Chakra Mode.

July 27, the 42nd year of Konoha.

The 9-year-old Konoha Special Jonin Shuichi Hoshita officially joined the assassination tactics special force directly under the Hokage, that is, the Anbu!

Unlike the Root, which has a separate headquarters, the Anbu directly under the Hokage is in the annex of the Hokage Building.

And this time, it was still Sarutobi Shinnosuke who brought Shuichi Hoshita with him.

"Shuichi, in the Anbu, real names are generally not used, so a code name is needed."

Sarutobi Shinnosuke said when he came to a window to receive equipment.

"Then call it Yan."

Hoshita Shuichi picked a code name at random, and then said to the ninja in the window: "Senior, can you give me a tiger mask?"


The ninja in charge of equipment nodded, and then picked a tiger mask.

Hoshita Shuichi hurriedly thanked: "Thank you!"

In addition to the mask, there are also wrist guards, long swords, steel vest armor, and two tattoo stickers.

Sarutobi Shinnosuke smiled and said, "The tattoos on both arms are also one of the symbols of the Anbu. I'll help you put them on."

Leaving the tattoos on the outside of both arms, the two continued to walk inside with their equipment. Sarutobi Shinnosuke continued to introduce, "The Anbu directly under the Hokage usually has 4 squads, or 4 classes."

"The squad is led by a squad leader, and there are usually 4 small teams, with 4-5 people in each team."

Hoshita Shuichi silently calculated that according to the minimum number of 4 people in a squad, a squad plus the squad leader is 17 people, 4 squads, 68 people.

That is to say, the Anbu ninjutsu directly under the Hokage is usually within 68-100.

This is just the standing stock.

"This force is indeed not weak. After all, those who can enter the Anbu are all elites, at least outstanding talents among the Chunin."

"I just don't know how many people there are in the Root..."

Although he has been in the Root for three months, Shuichi Hoshita doesn't know how many people there are in the Root.

But considering the character of the old man Danzo, it is probably not much less than the Anbu directly under the Hokage.

Not long after, Sarutobi Shinnosuke brought Shuichi Hoshita to a locker room.

There are already four people waiting here, none of them are wearing masks, three men and one woman, and the oldest is estimated to be only in his twenties.

"Everyone, from today on, Shuichi Hoshita, codename Yan, is a member of our team."

Sarutobi Shinnosuke introduced.

"Akimichi Shigeiwa, code name: Force!"

"Nara Satoshi, code name: Deer!"

"Yamano Shinichi, code name: Heart!"

"Sure enough, it's Ino-Shika-cho..."

Hoshita Shuichi immediately greeted them and called them seniors.

The moment he saw these three people, he had guessed, based on their hair color, hairstyle, and Akimichi Shigeiwa's burly figure.

Moreover, these three families have always been very close to the Sarutobi clan and the Hokage line, and Sarutobi Shinnosuke is the son of the Hokage.

After greeting, Hoshita Hideichi looked at the only woman, who looked about the same age as Sarutobi Shinnosuke, only about fifteen or sixteen years old, could she be...

Just as he was thinking, the black-haired woman smiled and introduced herself: "Chihiro, codename Xun!"

"I always hear Shinnosuke mention you, and today we finally meet."

Hoshita Hideichi hurriedly greeted: "Senior Xun."

Finally, Sarutobi Shinnosuke smiled and said: "Codename Saru, currently the captain of this third team and the team leader."

"Hideichi, from today on, you are a member of our team and the Anbu."

"Let's put on our equipment first!"

Everyone immediately put on their equipment and masks, then left the Anbu headquarters and left the village at the fastest speed.

After walking a distance, the team stopped. Sarutobi Shinnosuke took off his mask and said, "Before the mission begins, Yan, tell me what you are good at!"

This is an old routine. Xingxia Xiu nodded and said, "I am good at fire escape, wind escape, and medical ninjutsu. I also know a little about water escape, lightning escape, earth escape, and illusion."

These words surprised the other three people except Sarutobi Shinnosuke and Chihiro.

They have heard of the title of the youngest Chunin and the special Jonin, but at this age, is it too much?

"Captain, let me test it!"

The big and large Akimichi Shigeiwa said.

Sarutobi Shinnosuke shook his head: "Riki, your style may not be able to test Yan's ability, so I'll do it myself!"

He smiled at Hoshita Shuichi and said: "Yan, you don't mind, right?"

Under the mask, Hoshita Shuichi was eager to try: "Of course I don't mind, Captain!"