
Konoha's entry-level ninja! (MTL)

Good news: I have traveled through time! Bad news: I have traveled through time to a world of Naruto full of perverts and cheaters. Good news: The entries are blessed, and they can also be combined. [Student]: When studying, the concentration is 100%! [Self-discipline]: Diligence can make up for shortcomings, and efforts will be rewarded, even if they are insignificant, but without accumulating small steps, one cannot reach a thousand miles. [Strong and strong]: Strong and vigorous, recovery ability increased by 100%, resistance to injuries increased by 100%, and physical talent increased by 100%! [Ninjutsu Master]: Any ninjutsu seal can be shortened to two seals, and ninjutsu talent increased by 100%! Ninjutsu doctor, transformation expert, transformation master... Looking at Uchiha and Otsutsuki, Hoshita Shuichi sneered: Cheating? Pervert? You have more cheats than me? Are you more perverted than me? • • Warning! This is a machine translation, made by Google Translate, so there will be mistakes and names changed! • Original Author: Soybean Master Original Name: 火影:正派的我成了幕后黑手!

Destiny_Splash · Anime & Comics
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140 Chs

A special wedding gift!

The border of the Fire Country.

  When Shuichi Hoshita woke up, the sky was already bright.

  He replaced Sarutobi Shinnosuke and Chihiro, and the main body was on alert, while the shadow clones went to look for food.

  When the sun was high in the sky, in front of Sarutobi Shinnosuke and Chihiro was the fragrant roasted rabbit meat and fish soup.

  Chihiro couldn't help but smile and said, "This should be the happiest moment!"

  Sarutobi Shinnosuke nodded in agreement.

  After swallowing the roasted meat and fish soup, the fatigue in the body was swept away.

  "By the way, Shuichi, you have practiced Fire Style and Wind Style to such a level, will the next step be to explore the fusion of the two chakra nature changes?"

  Chihiro asked.

  Hoshita Hide nodded: "I have this idea."

  "If you can master Scorch Release, then the Scorch Release Chakra mode will be easier to control and more powerful."

  "Of course, this is the direction of specialization, and we will develop in other directions in the future."

  Sarutobi Shinnosuke smiled and said, "There are seven types of chakra nature changes in total. Shuichi, you have mastered them all now, right?"

  Chihiro was surprised to hear this. She really didn't pay attention to this.

  Hoshita Hide nodded and admitted: "Yes, just in terms of chakra nature changes, I have indeed mastered them all."

  Chihiro exclaimed: "This... You have mastered seven types of chakra nature changes at the age of 10."

  "I remember that Shuichi was born with two types, which is simply not the same dimension as us."

  Hoshita Hide said with a smile: "The captain also mastered six types!"

  He had never seen Sarutobi Shinnosuke use the nature changes of Yang Release.

  Moreover, if he started counting from the age of 5, even if he counted until last year, it would have been 4 years.

  Nagato mastered six types in three years.

  Sure enough, the cheaters can only be compared with the cheaters.

  After hearing what Shuichi Hoshita said, Sarutobi Shinnosuke smiled bitterly and shook his head: "Shuichi, I'm not that good at your age."

  Chihiro said: "There should be no one who can compare to Shuichi at this age, right?"

  Sarutobi Shinnosuke nodded in agreement.

  Even Namikaze Minato, who was praised for his high talent, was also very good at this age. He saved Uzumaki Kushina from the Cloud Ninja, but he couldn't reach the level of Shuichi Hoshita.

  After a casual chat, the three of them set off. It was around 2 pm when they returned to Konoha.

  Shuichi Hoshita and Chihiro went back to the locker room, while Sarutobi Shinnosuke went to the Hokage's office to report the mission to Sarutobi Hiruzen.

  Especially about the last battle, Sarutobi Shinnosuke's report was extremely detailed.

  Sarutobi Hiruzen listened very seriously, and the faster he smoked, the more shocked and surprised he became.

  After Sarutobi Shinnosuke finished speaking, Sarutobi Hiruzen couldn't help but ask, "Has it come to this so soon?"

  "What an amazing talent, he is indeed going to surpass Minato!"

  Sarutobi Shinnosuke nodded and said, "According to the evaluation of this battle, I think Shuichi's strength can be compared with the three ninjas and elite jonins like Sakumo-senpai."

  "And considering Shuichi's age, as well as his self-discipline, hard work, and talent, he obviously has great growth potential in the future."

  "In addition, Shuichi has mastered the seven types of chakra nature changes. When he asked me for advice on earth escape, water escape, and lightning escape, he showed his comprehension. I think it's only a matter of time before he becomes a versatile person."

  "Also, he is learning sealing techniques from Minato-senpai and Kushina-senpai. It is said that he is also very talented..."

  "I think that Shuichi in the future will be a person like you, my father!"

  This evaluation is not low.

  But Sarutobi Hiruzen nodded in agreement, and he also thought of a point that Sarutobi Shinnosuke didn't mention.

  That is a keen political sense.

  From this point of view, he is a very qualified successor to the Hokage.

  However, with Shuichi Hoshita's age, Sarutobi Hiruzen felt that it was also something that the next generation of Hokage should consider.


  At the Root headquarters, Sarutobi Hiruzen was listening to Sarutobi Shinnosuke's report.

  Danzo was also reading the intelligence sent back from the Rain Country.

  Twelve rock ninjas, two of which were pure jonin teams, all died in the battle.

  "Mastering fire escape and wind escape... is it Shuichi Hoshita?"

  Danzo's eyes flickered.

  He knew about Sarutobi Shinnosuke's situation, which was almost a replica of Sarutobi Hiruzen when he was young.

  But from the battlefield traces, it would not be left by Sarutobi Shinnosuke, the style is different.

  "The growth is really amazing, just like Namikaze Minato back then..."

  Danzo felt a little tricky.

  Because he realized that he could not control the cunning kid very well.

  "In this case, we can only form an alliance with interests like Orochimaru."

  Danzo made a decision.

  If Hoshita Shuichi is willing to stand on his side, let alone the various forbidden techniques in the Sealed Book, even the results of the ongoing Wood Release research can be appropriately shared.

  But if this kid insists on confronting him and is detrimental to Konoha, then he doesn't mind destroying it!


  Iwagakure Village, Tsuchikage Office.

  Ohnoki looked at the information in front of him with a gloomy face.

  12 elites, including two jonin teams, were actually wiped out like this.

  And they were solved by three people from the other side!

  "Are you sure it's the Konoha ninja who attacked Lao Zi last time?"

  Ohnoki looked up and asked.

  Huang Tu nodded: "It can be confirmed that from the perspective of chakra perception, it is more accurate than identifying from appearance, unless the other party can change his chakra."

  Ohnoki snorted after hearing this: "Fire Release, Wind Release... and he doesn't look very old."

  "Mobilize the spies in Konoha Village to find this guy, and then..."

  "Issue a reward, 10 million... no, 30 million!"

  Huang Tu nodded immediately after hearing this, and then turned around to make arrangements.


  Kumuga Village, Raikage's office.

  After quickly reading the intelligence, the Third Raikage looked at Toshiro: "Are you sure it's the kid who made the AB team retreat in embarrassment?"

  Toshiro nodded and said, "Based on the information sent back from the Rain Country, it can be basically confirmed."

  "There is someone in Konoha who has this kind of fire escape ability, and he is also a member of Konoha's Anbu, so it should not be wrong."

  The Third Raikage sneered: "This time, Ohnoki suffered a big loss, but..."

  He glanced at the information on the table and said, "At such a young age, he should be known as a genius in Konoha, right?"

  "Can you confirm his identity?"

  Toshiro said: "According to our analysis, this person is most likely the youngest Chunin in Konoha, named Shuichi Hoshita."

  "This person graduated at the age of 6 and became a Chunin in the same year. He is a subordinate of Konoha's Yellow Flash Minato Namikaze."

  "But according to the existing information, Minato Namikaze currently has three other subordinates, so this Shuichi Hoshita is very likely to have entered Konoha's Anbu."

  "According to Konoha's tradition, this is also very common sense."

  The Third Raikage immediately slammed the table and shouted, "In that case, let's mobilize our forces to get rid of this brat!"

  Toshiro hurriedly said, "Sir, Third Raikage, forgive me for being frank."

  "With the strength shown by this Shuichi Hoshita, unless a large force is besieging him, I'm afraid you'll have to take action yourself to be sure to kill him."

  "We must treat him with the same attitude as we treated the White Fang of Konoha, otherwise we will lose combat power like the Iwagakure."

  The Third Raikage snorted after hearing this, "You think too highly of him!"

  Having said that, he still listened to Toshiro's opinion and asked, "What do you think?"

  Toshiro immediately said, "Sell this information to the Iwagakure, I think they will take revenge."

  Although the Third Raikage didn't like this unpleasant approach, he still nodded: "Then let's decide it!"


  In Konoha Village, Shuichi Hoshita, who came out of the Anbu headquarters, had no idea that he had been on the desks of the Tsuchikage and the Raikage.

  After going home to wash up and then going to Akimichi's Udon noodle shop to eat a bowl of noodles, Shuichi Hoshita came to the Konoha Hospital to see Shizune and the others.     I haven't seen them for more than half a month, I miss them a lot.

  However, in the hospital, Shuichi Hoshita saw Nohara Rin and Shizune following the pharmacist Nono.

  After saying hello, he couldn't help asking, "Rin, are you guys taking a rest?"

  Nohara Rin nodded and smiled, "Minato teacher and Kushina sister are getting married, and the specific time will be confirmed after you come back!"

  Shuichi Hoshita was surprised to hear, "It seems that I'm back at the right time."

  "Then I won't bother you, I'll go to Minato teacher first."

  Waving his hand, Shuichi Hoshita left the Konoha hospital and came to Minato's house.

  It was Uzumaki Kushina who opened the door. She was very surprised to see Shuichi Hoshita: "I just talked about you with Minato, hahaha, you're back, come in!"

  After entering the door, Shuichi Hoshita found that Namikaze Minato was busy decorating the house, and hurried forward to help.

  Not long after, Kakashi and Uchiha Obito also appeared with things.

  It turned out that they were ordered by Uzumaki Kushina to buy things for the wedding.

  Under the command of Kushina Uzumaki, who stood with her hands on her hips, Shuichi Hoshita and the other three were busy all afternoon, decorating the house and creating a wedding atmosphere.

  Kushina Uzumaki looked around and nodded with satisfaction: "That's it!"

  Then she looked at Minato Namikaze and said: "Since Shuichi and Jiraiya are both in the village, let's do it the day after tomorrow!"

  Minato Namikaze nodded with a smile: "No problem, let's do it the day after tomorrow!" In

  the 43rd year of Konoha, April 24th, this was the day when Minato Namikaze and Kushina Uzumaki got married.

  Shuichi Hoshita and the others immediately congratulated them.

  Kushina Uzumaki smiled and said: "Don't forget to give us a wedding gift when the time comes, otherwise..."

  As she spoke, Kushina Uzumaki raised her fist to threaten.

  Uchiha Obito couldn't help but complain: "How can you ask for a gift on your own initiative?"

  The next moment he was hit by Kushina Uzumaki's fist, "You can't refute what the master's wife said!"

  Uchiha Obito couldn't help but hold his head and scream.

  Kakashi cast a contemptuous look.

  Shuichi Hoshita looked at him and smiled, then asked Minato Namikaze: "Minato-sensei, will you invite many people to the wedding?"

  Minato Namikaze smiled and said, "Not many."

  "Kushina and I don't have any relatives, so besides you, there are only a few friends."

  "By the way, we will invite the Third Hokage to be our witness."

  Shuichi Hoshita was a little surprised to hear this.

  But after thinking about it, it seems normal.

  Although Minato Namikaze's name of Yellow Flash has spread in the ninja world, he is not the Fourth Hokage who will turn the tide in the future. But it doesn't

  matter if there are many or few people, happiness will not be reduced by a few points.

  So after hearing this, Shuichi Hoshita smiled and said, "It seems that it won't be too hard at that time!"

  Uzumaki Kushina put her arm around Shuichi Hoshita's neck: "Why, Shuichi, are you going to be lazy at that time?"


  After having dinner at Minato Namikaze's house, it was already evening. After saying goodbye to Kakashi and Uchiha Obito, Shuichi Hoshita went to Orochimaru's experimental base.

  On the way, he couldn't help thinking about what wedding gift to give.

  "Giving gifts is really troublesome!"

  Xingxia Shuichi scratched his head.

  He couldn't follow Tianyun's example and give him a kunai or other exquisite ninja tools, right?

  That would be unlucky?

  After thinking about it, he hadn't come up with a conclusion yet, but he had already arrived at Orochimaru's experimental base.

  When Orochimaru saw Shuichi Hoshita, he smiled and said, "Shuichi-kun's mission this time is very big!" Shuichi

  Hoshita was stunned for a moment, then realized that the Root had collected intelligence from the battlefield, so he smiled and said, "We have all retreated, but the Iwagakure Ninja actually caught up with us. Lord Orochimaru, I was forced to do it."

  Orochimaru couldn't help laughing when he heard it, and said, "Lord Danzo is a little afraid of you!"

  Shuichi Hoshita smiled lightly and said, "If you don't cooperate with him, maybe he will find a way to get rid of me?"

  Orochimaru did not comment, and said, "In fact, the chaotic Rain Country is in our interests, isn't it?"

  Shuichi Hoshita said while busying himself, "It's not up to me, but the thoughts of the Third Hokage."

  "The will of the Hokage is our will."

  Orochimaru understood instantly.

  Shuichi Hoshita suddenly asked, "Does Orochimaru know that Minato-sensei is getting married?"

  "What do you think I should give as a wedding gift?"

  Orochimaru said with emotion, "Minato... No wonder that idiot Jiraiya is also in the village."

  "Wedding gift..."

  After thinking for a while, Orochimaru suddenly smiled meaningfully and said, "Shuichi-kun, I think your idea about the tailed beast Jinchuriki is very suitable."

  Shuichi Hoshita was stunned when he heard it.


  After finishing the experiment and returning home, Shuichi Hoshita lay on the bed after washing up, thinking about Orochimaru's suggestion.

  Maybe Orochimaru knew that he knew that Uzumaki Kushina was the Nine-Tails Jinchuriki.

  Or maybe Orochimaru was reminding him that Uzumaki Kushina was the Nine-Tails Jinchuriki.

  Shuichi Hoshita was more inclined to the latter.

  In fact, it must be the latter.

  "This is indeed a good suggestion, but it is a speculation after all, and it has not been verified."

  "Unless I verify it myself now..."

  Shuichi Hoshita frowned.

  If he could help Uzumaki Kushina tame the power of the Nine-Tails, it would be very good indeed.

  Even if he is not a perfect Jinchūriki, he can master the power of the Nine-Tails and form the Nine-Tails Chakra Mode, which is amazing.

  Moreover, in terms of sealing techniques, his teacher Minato Namikaze did not teach him much, most of which were taught by Kushina Uzumaki.

  Five element seals, evil seals, contract seals, and studying the Demonic Fuujin together...

  "There are some things that I can't change no matter what, but there are some things that I can..."

  After making the decision, Shuichi Hoshita couldn't help but think of Orochimaru, and secretly sighed: "Aunt Snake is worthy of it, you really see through people's hearts!"

  Now Shuichi Hoshita is sure that Orochimaru doesn't know that he knows Kushina Uzumaki is a Jinchūriki, and he was just reminding him before.

  One of the purposes is probably to let him do human experiments.

  He got up, put on his clothes, packed up, left his shadow clone, and then carefully opened the window and jumped out. He

  returned to Orochimaru's experimental base, took out a large piece of preserved flesh and blood of the four-tailed beast, sealed it into the seal scroll, and took it away.

  After he left, Orochimaru appeared and smiled softly, "I was right!"

  "Then the next step is to wait... It's really exciting!"


  On the other side, after leaving Orochimaru's experimental base, Shuichi Hoshita came to a forest near the Death Forest.

  Here he found a vacant land, then took out the talisman paper and hung it on the kunai, and then inserted it into the ground.

  Then, as Shuichi Hoshita's mind moved, the lavender chakra light spewed out from the talisman paper, and then formed a barrier like an inverted bowl, covering the entire vacant land.

  Shuichi Hoshita, who was already proficient in sealing techniques and curses, obviously had no problem creating a barrier.

  After setting up the barrier, Shuichi Hoshita opened the scroll and unsealed the piece of meat that had fallen off the Four-Tails' tail.

  Holding the head-sized piece of meat in both hands, Shuichi Hoshita frowned: "Should I sprinkle some cumin on it?"

  "It shouldn't be effective if I grill it, right?"

  "But the entry tree doesn't seem to say to eat it raw, right?"

  In fact, if it weren't for the entry, Shuichi Hoshita would be more inclined to use the cells of the Four-Tails, and cultivate them continuously like Orochimaru, to create a four-tailed tail, and then seal it into his abdomen, and then tame it and use it as a battery.

  Gritting his teeth, closing his eyes, Shuichi Hoshita opened his mouth and bit.

  If you've never taken a risk, take it once!

  If you've never been crazy, go crazy once!

  If you've never been perverted, go perverted once!