
Konoha's entry-level ninja! (MTL)

Good news: I have traveled through time! Bad news: I have traveled through time to a world of Naruto full of perverts and cheaters. Good news: The entries are blessed, and they can also be combined. [Student]: When studying, the concentration is 100%! [Self-discipline]: Diligence can make up for shortcomings, and efforts will be rewarded, even if they are insignificant, but without accumulating small steps, one cannot reach a thousand miles. [Strong and strong]: Strong and vigorous, recovery ability increased by 100%, resistance to injuries increased by 100%, and physical talent increased by 100%! [Ninjutsu Master]: Any ninjutsu seal can be shortened to two seals, and ninjutsu talent increased by 100%! Ninjutsu doctor, transformation expert, transformation master... Looking at Uchiha and Otsutsuki, Hoshita Shuichi sneered: Cheating? Pervert? You have more cheats than me? Are you more perverted than me? • • Warning! This is a machine translation, made by Google Translate, so there will be mistakes and names changed! • Original Author: Soybean Master Original Name: 火影:正派的我成了幕后黑手!

Destiny_Splash · Anime & Comics
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140 Chs

A little bit of shock, air raid!

After the capture, Chihiro immediately used illusion to cooperate with Shinichi Yamanaka to interrogate the captain of the team to obtain information.

Hideichi Hoshita observed silently. Except for him, the team had obviously cooperated for a long time and had a very tacit understanding. Even in the wild, Shinichi Yamanaka could not invade the enemy's brain to read the memory and thoughts, but with the cooperation of the illusion master, the speed of obtaining information was also very fast.

"The number of enemies is no different from what Yan perceived, and they are indeed the remnants of the air ninja."

"In addition to the current base, there are at least three other bases, but unfortunately he does not know the location of the other bases."

Shinichi Yamanaka finished the ninjutsu report.

Sarutobi Shinnosuke nodded: "It seems that we have to take down the leader of this base."

He quickly made tactical arrangements: "Xin, you control the captain of this team, I, Xun, and Yan use shadow clones to transform into the other three and pretend to be chased by the enemy..."

The tactics are very simple, just like wearing the enemy's clothes and pretending to be defeated to cheat the city!

Everyone acted quickly. Shinichi Yamanaka turned around and controlled the enemy captain. Shuichi Hoshita and the other two split their shadow clones and transformed into three other enemies. As for the real ones, they naturally fell into eternal sleep.

And Shigei Akimichi carried Shinichi Yamanaka on his back. He was big.

In this way, the four people in front fled and the five behind chased.

Because Shigei Akimichi was the last and big, Shinichi Yamanaka on his back could not be detected quickly.

The group rushed to the base where the enemy patrol team was resting.

The patrol team that had just retreated to rest had not even sat down yet, but was startled by an enemy attack and rushed out of the wooden house.

Seeing the enemy chasing closely behind their companions, they were immediately shocked.

"Shuiyi, what's going on?"

"Why don't you use flares?"

The team leader shouted and took out a flare.

Hideichi Hoshita looked at it and raised his hand to throw a kunai, which accurately hit the wrist of the team leader.

"Be careful, they are fake!"

The team leader screamed in pain.

Magic-Tree Binding Kill!

The moment Hideichi Hoshita threw the kunai, Chihiro had already started to seal.

The ninjutsu was completed, and in the enemy's visual perception, they were bound by trees one by one.

The next moment, blood splashed and the shouting stopped abruptly.

Hideichi Hoshita and Shinnosuke Sarutobi's shadow clones almost in order, and wiped the necks of two enemies in succession.

After the battle, Shinichi Yamanaka released the Heart Turning Technique, and then quickly controlled a bird to fly towards the enemy's base.

The enemy had no cordon in the meantime.

Looking at the flying bird, Hideichi Hoshita thought of his [Transformation Master] entry.

After taking this entry, he can also fly when he turns into a bird.

Unlike now, even if he turns into a bird, he can't fly.

Of course, if he masters enough biology, aerodynamics, etc., he can actually fly.

Just like Naruto and Bunta cooperated to turn into the Nine-Tails, with claws, he could catch Shukaku.

But the difficulty of using claws is a world away from using wings.

Even a young bird born with wings needs to go through a period of beating to learn to fly!

Hoshita Shuichi had never changed to a flying bird before, but now think about it, using the shadow clone to turn into a flying bird, learning to fly in the cliff area, once mastered, he will soon be able to take the entry of [Transformation Master].

When the time comes, he can turn into a tree like a tree, a stone like a stone, and a fish like a fish swimming in the sea... The application is too broad.

Five minutes later, Yamanaka Shinichi released the Heart Turn Technique, and then drew a simple map on the ground with a branch.

It is a map of the enemy's stronghold.

"The remnants of the air ninjas live in a wooden house on the top of the mountain, and this is where their leader is."

"In addition, there is a village at the foot of the mountain, and there are also warning points set up by them."

Yamazaki Shinichi explained to the simple map.

Sarutobi Shinnosuke nodded: "It seems that these people are very cautious."

Hoshita Shuichi looked at the map and said: "Captain, it's enough to capture the enemy leader, right?"

"In that case, let's raid from the air!"

Nara Chi smiled and said: "Yan, Xin's Heart Turning Technique controls flying birds, but there is no combat power."

"I'll do it!"

Hoshita Shuichi decided to give his teammates a little more shock, and his figure immediately jumped into the air. When his figure fell, a fire lotus appeared under his feet.

But unlike the instantaneous powerful explosion, there was no explosion this time, and Hoshita Shuichi's figure did not rise again, but stood steadily in the air.

Sarutobi Shinnosuke and his friends had seen the lotus blossoming at every step once before, but they were still shocked when they looked up at the lotus blossoming under Hoshita Hideichi's feet.

Because through the air and light distorted by the high temperature, they saw layers of lotus blossoming from the inside out.

This is the perfect state of lotus blossoming at every step!

"It's so beautiful!"

Chihiro couldn't help but blurt out.

Yamazaka Shinichi exclaimed: "Such a change in nature and form is simply..."

Nara Satoshi next to him uttered two words: "Abnormal!"

Sarutobi Shinnosuke thought to himself: "Senior Minato is not exaggerating at all. Such a change in the nature and form of fire escape is indeed unmatched in the entire ninja world."

"Yan, the leader of the remnant of the air ninja is left to you!"

Sarutobi Shinnosuke decided: "Others, raid!"

Hoshita Hideichi nodded and stepped into the sky.

Looking up from the ground, there is only a small dot, and the high temperature distorts the air and light, so even if you look up, you won't notice it.

On the ground, Sarutobi Shinnosuke and his men began to rush at high speed, rushing straight to the enemy's base.

In the sky, Hoshita Shuichi had already arrived above the enemy's base, and then slowly lowered the altitude.

A moment later, Sarutobi Shinnosuke and his men entered the village at the foot of the mountain, and then they were discovered.

Swish, bang!

The flare exploded in the air.

The enemies on the top of the mountain immediately flew out of the room, including the enemy's leader, a bearded man wearing a gray robe.

Hoshita Shuichi in the air immediately locked him, and then fell at high speed.

"It's Konoha's ninja!"

"Damn it, how did they appear here?"

"Retreat immediately!"

The leader of the air ninja shouted angrily, but then he felt something in his heart, looked up, and his pupils suddenly dilated.

And the high-speed falling Hoshita Shuichi had already completed the ninjutsu.

Illusion-Darkness Walking Technique!

This was the first illusion he mastered.

The vision of the air ninja leader was immediately deprived, and he immediately formed a seal to remove the illusion, but found that the ordinary way to remove the illusion was useless.

"Damn it!"

"Be careful of the enemy above your head!"

The air ninja leader shouted: "Hakata, take me away from here quickly, my vision is deprived!"

As soon as he finished speaking, there were shrill screams in his ears, followed by a pain in his neck, and his consciousness immediately began to blur.

Hideichi Hoshita killed three enemies, and then he carried the unconscious leader of the air ninja down the mountain.

"Yan, you did a great job!"

Sarutobi Shinnosuke praised, and then he passed by Hideichi Hoshita, and rushed to the top of the mountain with Chihiro and others, quickly harvesting lives.

One minute later, the battle was completely over.

Except for the leader captured by Hideichi Hoshita, all the other enemies were killed.

Hideichi Hoshita and others rested for about half an hour, and then returned to Konoha with the captives.

Because with Yamanaka Shinichi's technology, it is impossible to dig deep into the intelligence in the brain of the air ninja leader of this base, and it is the best choice to bring him back to Konoha alive and hand him over to the interrogation department.

By then, even the fact that the air ninja leader wet his pants when he was three years old can be dug out by the Konoha Anbu interrogation department.

Around 7 o'clock in the evening, Hideichi Hoshita and others returned to Konoha to hand over the task.

If it were an ordinary ninja team, such a mission would definitely not be possible to go and return on the same day.

The next two days of rest.

But on the last day of rest, Shuichi Hoshita was still practicing when he was urgently called away by Chihiro who suddenly appeared.

In the locker room.

While changing equipment, Sarutobi Shinnosuke reported the mission situation: "The destination of this mission is the Yu Ninja Village in Yu Country."

"The opponent is the Cloud Ninja, and it may be the AB combination among the Cloud Ninja!"