
konoha's demolition team (dropped)

three orphans start their journey through the shinobi world . starts from before 3rd war.

Madeka_Box · Anime & Comics
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1 Chs

chapter 1

On a rainy day, 7 people are jumping along The tree branches, cloaked, carrying with them three babies. they were being followed by dozens of masked men, occasionally throwing kunai and senbon towards them.

" They're catching up, we won't make it at this rate" said one of the cloaked figures. "don't worry Hikari ,If we're going to be caught we'll do so with a bang" , Hikari looked at him as if he was stupid while saying " not with kids we won't and they're going to catch us we'll have to stand back and buy time for Inochi and the children to escape she'll do a better job raising them", Inochi replies " no you can't orphan them I—" another cloak man interrupted her saying "we're being chased by 35 jonin 50 chunin, all lead by 2 legendary swordsman, the only we can guarantee the kids' safety is if you escape with them while we hold back these assholes", "I understand what I must do but you won't survive with only six of you" Inochi relented, conjuring two clones, along with her each taking on of the babies and kept running, while the six others stop and intercepted the approaching enemies .


Inochi, who had already covered enough distance that the only indication of the on going battle behind her was the trembling earth beneath his feet. After 16 hours of non stop running she reached the gates, only to be surrounded by more masked men, who were clearly different than the ones that were pursuing her before, one of them stepped forward asking " what is your business in konoha?" , Inochi tired from constant running, took of the hood of her cloak, showing a beautiful woman with pale golden hair, and pale blue eyes. She replied " I'm Inochi Nagamiya I request an audience with the hokage" the one in the lead nodded to one of his colleagues who flickered away , then he told Inochi " follow us to the hokage tower".


Inochi enters the office, to meet an old man wearing white robes. He looks at her and smiles " it's been a while, last time I saw you, you were still just two years old. Where are the others?" " we were followed by kiri-nin, they asked us to join as a clan in their village thinking we were just another village-less clan. When we declared our status as a konoha clan, they pursued us with a sizable backup. The others…they distracted them so I can run with the children" a pained look flash through Hiruzen's eyes before he said " I shouldn't have let you go.. the children, their names" Inochi's clone stepped forward with one of the children , one with bright red hair and deep crimson eyes, " this one is named Gōka Akamori", the next had similar eyes and hair to Inochi, "and this one is Mentaru Nagamiya", the last one had black hair and purple eyes, " this one is Shinen Kurokami". The hokage smiled and said " go , I will wire all their assets to you as their guardian, you still have some shopping to do" , Inochi smiled, seeing as she is dismissed she thanked Hiruzen before leaving home, not forgetting to send a couple clones to buy the necessities for the children.

-------- 5 years later---------

Many things happened in the past five years, the children all showed intelligence on their first year, after which she started training them…mentally of course, she made sure they are not affected by the will of fire propaganda and trained their flexibility preparing them for the academy.

They awakened their chakra at 2 years old, so she taught them chakra control and continued doing so for the next 2 years, they had a lot of chakra so they could practice a lot, she taught them seal-less chakra molding as she didn't want them to rely on hand seals.

And for the 5th year they were taught taijutsu and teamwork.

Though not all is peaceful as on their 4th year there was an 'accident'.

=========FLASH BACK =============

One can 'see' men in masks rushing into a house and grabbing 3 children while putting a seal on them to keep them asleep, then they took to roof tops, jumping from rooftop to rooftop, stopping in front of an old man standing with the support of a cane, sporting a x shaped scar on his chin, With an eye patch on his right eye.

As he was extending his hand to the sleeping children, he felt a massive headache assault him Making him kneel on the ground, then he felt a pain in his shoulder…one of his men stabbed him, before said back-stabber fell down ,life leaving his body. The one eyed old man frowned, his men that brought the children, took them back home, and the headache is preventing him from doing anything about it .

The masked man holding 3 kids put them gently on their beds, before heading to the chair in the living room, and kneeling in front of a golden haired woman, looking at him with anger clear in her eyes, she then put her hand on the root anbu…and grimaced with pure fury. The man fell down dead... brain dead.

The hokage in his office was sighing while dealing with paperwork, before a sequence of memories assaulted his head, "Inochi" he muttered before ordering his shinobi "bring me Danzo".


Shimura Danzo entered the hokage office, while massaging his head from the headache, Hiruzen didn't wait to admonish him "I told you those kids were off limits", "you're soft Hiruzen ,can't you see their bloodline potentially if you give them to me, I could mold them into the perfect weapons, rivaling the biju" Hiruzen frowned and looked at him "my words are final, no means no". Danzo then angrily stormed out of the office and muttered "keep an eye on them...we'll see whose words are final sarutobi. We'll see".

Gōka Akamori ( kekkei tota : Hell Fire {fire,yin,wind})[female]

Shinen kurokami ( kekkei genkai : Shadow Lord {yin,yang})[male]

Mentaru Nagamiya ( kekkei genkai : Mega Mind {yin,yang})[male]

Shadow Lord : absolute control over Shadows

Hell Fire : the hottest flame [hotter than Amaterasu](can be used for torture if the user wishes)

Mega Mind : can transform chakra into psychic energy and use related powers (greatly enhances genjutsu)

Inochi Nagamiya ( kekkei genkai : Mega Mind {yin,yang})[male]