
Kokushibo In Jujutsu Kaisen

Cole takes a walk out of his home, on the night he happens to see someone gets robbed, he try to help, but ends up with getting himself killed, just as Cole thoughts starts drifting away, he meets a ROB. What happens after he meets this omnipotent being, to find start reading!!! Spoiler alert!!!!! (A) Yeah also it will have spoilers for the up coming stories in the Jujutsu Kaisen!!!!

Jojo_Dragon · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 2 Born As The Outcast of The Zenin Clan


On a snowy night in fourteenth February of year nineteen ninety, within a large proberty residence of the Zenin clan in Tokyo. In a small well ducked room, there were a mother which was holding a newly born baby.

The mother was a relatively short youthful women, her shoulder length black hair, stitched scar running horizontally through her forehead and she wore a traditional attire.

She was smiling while holding a baby, she then went out to look at weather.

She gave some chuckles and said "The experiment was success. The plan can go start with the next phase, but even then i didn't think a cursed objects created with the mixed blood of both a cursed spirit and a human would create something like a hybrid such as this.", she then looked back at the baby which was in deep sleep.

The baby had pale skin complexion, small spiky black hair with crimson red tips, six yellow glowing eyes which seemed as they were starring at directly at your soul, they all had red flesh sclera and with eye having thin brown brows. The mom felt a feeling of looking at something profound, when she looked at the sleeping baby.

"Sigh! Your shall name be, Michikatsu Zenin. I will expect much from you in the future, i shall wait to see your again little guy." the mom sighed and said.

Shen then put the sleeping baby back in a crib and went to desk and wrote down something in a letter. After she was done, she left the letter on the desk open and left the residence.

After some seconds had gone people dressed in traditional attire, members of the Zenin clan had stormed in and scanned through the whole place. Some of the members took Michikatsu out from his crib and quietly left, while the others in the residence continued searching for some strange signs and clues.

After they had searched for a while they found an experiment room under the residence, in there they found traces of many cursed spirits, human flesh and trail of huge amounts of curse energy. This became had became a hidden classified story in the clan.


After some days later in the Zenin clan hall, numerous of people had meet up there such as Naobito and his pregnant wife, Nobuaki, Chojuro, Jinichi and his outcast little brother Toji and Ogi. All around in a circle around a baby who was in lying in a crib, crying for its food, which a servant came and fed it until it was full.

After some time had passed and many of the clan members had come, Naobito came out from the crowed and shouted

"Members the Zenin clan, together today we meet up for an incident that had happened and plan to do the jurisdiction.", Naobito took a continued right after.

"A sorcerer had infiltrated our residence and for long time had done experiments on our clan unlucky chosen members."

Many members showed angry and displeased expressions from the news and complained.

"Ah! How dare they, do such a thing to us!" Jinichi shouted

"They must have done it in our weak state from all the oppression of the Gojo clan the and that Gojo kid getting born with both the limitless technique and the Six Eyes." Ogi shouted right after.

It continued with more members voicing their anger and displease.

Then Naobito started to hush and calm down the mass, to which after the mas had been silenced and the room was quiet, Naobito continued to speak.

"When we had found him information about him? It was already too late as he had escaped and left us with a gift." Naobito said and pointed at Michikatsu.

Nearly everyone of the Zenin clan members started to look at Michikatsu, but when they saw him they felt nauseous and disgust and fear, to which nearly everyone looked away from him all expect Toji, the outcast, the black sheep of the Zenin clan.

Naobito continued to say "From some little information we have collected from the journal in the lab, we have found out that he is a hybrid made of humans, cursed spirited and cursed objects. So the question of todays meeting is, if we should kill it now, or spare it as it still does have the zenin blood in it?"

When they heard that, they zenin members were split into two factions, those that chanted in unison to kill it and the other that said to spare it.

But there were more that wanted Michikatsu dead, to which Naobito was agreeing with.

"So, the hybrid shal-"

"How about I take care of it?" Toji cut in the middle of the Naobito's speech.

Everyone turned to where the voice came from and were shocked to see that it came from Toji.

"At least until its somewhat four or six years old, we can check it out and see if it maybe could inherit one of our ancestral cursed technique's inheritance's, or any cursed technique. Even if it didn't awaken any cursed technique, we can always kill it when we want to." Toji continued saying.

This new opened option gained many zenin members attention and thinking. They started to discuss with each other and it continued like this for a while.

While they Zenin clan members were discuss with each other, at a small crib in the room, a small weird looking baby was completely quiet while all the adults were talking, shouted and screaming at each other.

"I almost died right there, but Toji saved me. I Love you, Toji Fushiguro! I should have stopped earlier, as I tried to act like a cute baby, and ask for food, but all that come out was just me making crying sounds. Which I should have guessed that as my vocal cords haven't started to be able to vibrate air."

So then Cole tried to listen to what the adults were talking about and while he was listening, the memories of the baby surfaced into Cole's minds and he gained them.

"My name is Michikatsu...t-this cant be a coincidence, right? AND my mother has stitches on her forehead!! It seems that i was born i valentines day in year nineteen ninety."

Cole was shocked by all this confusing coincidences and when he calmed down he found starting to play around with his feet. To which he stopped straight away, he had never felt this embarrassed with his actions, but he calmed down fast and continued to listening at what the adults were are discussing.

Then once again came and Naobito silenced the assembly and when it had became silent he said.

"As we can't agree, we try voting once more and for the decision. All those in favor of keeping the baby alive hands up, while all those in favor of killing the baby keep them hands down."

This time the votes were quite opposite from last time as now there were more in favor of you being kept alive than dead.

"As such the the decision is made and the baby is being kept alive and the responsibility of it will fall down to Toji."

To which many of the Zenin clan agreed on, all but two people who the first were Toji, his expression became stun, when he heard the decision.

While the other person was Cole, as a manga reader, he knew much about Toji, things such which even Toji didn't even know about himself as such Cole had a general view of him and he was viewed as a gambling addicted bum.

But Cole knew that he couldn't change anything, so he had to flow with Toji for some time.

(A) Next chapter will have a time skip of 5 years, around the time where sorcerer gain their cursed technique.

Dobbel release of chapters today, thanks for reading! :D

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