
Kodokuna kokina ko

Have you ever wondered what would happen if child neglect, bullying, Abuse, Suffering We're poured Into a little cup?. Then imagine that same cup getting overfilled little, by little, by little Till It can't store anything In It anymore and starts dripping. little, by little, by little. Repeat this process over, and over, and over again till the cup cannot take It anymore and completely breaks yet put back again. Now Imagine The cup taking form of a little child, a fierce yet fragile child that refuses to break and hangs on to the little hope It has, yet In the end It eventually let's go and Is put to rest

"That's So stupid!" "Oh my, Now why would you think that dear?" "Cause The cup should have Let go In the beginning cause It knew It would Break!" *Giggle* "Yes but The cup didn't want to but Was needed to" "Wait.. I don't get It?" "Hm here's a saying. ("A good person Is not someone who Is loved by the world and has everything but A person who was broken by the world and has nothing" "So they're a good person because the world doesn't like them?" "Well you could say It like that" *Silence* "Mommy why do you know so much about This?" "Hmm.. Well you could say I've met someone Like that before" "Whoa! Tell me, tell me!" "We'll Sit tight cause It's gonna be a long one"

"Let's begin On a dark and rainy where a mysterious figure was always rumored to be roaming around, Two stubborn kids decided to look for It ignoring the warnings of their fathers dragged along their commoner friends not knowing they would come across many challenges such as"

"TIME TRAVELING!?" *hmm.* "Meeting a child called Kiwa a child of a noble that was nicknamed Kodokuna kokina ko, The children become friends with the girl and start uncovering secrets that connect both future and present and discover that their friend Isn't as truthful as they think she Is". *Claping* "Wow! What happens next! Tell me!" "Well Shizukana you have to wait till April 24th" "Really why so long?" "Because I have Lots to tell you about, and I can't really remember everything that happened" "Aww. Okay but It better be long okay!" "Alright now go to bed" "Okayy" *Sigh* "If I were able to turn back time would I have been able to save her?" "If there really Is a god out there, can I be sent back just 1 more time" *Flashing lights* "My child I have given you a lot of opportunity's, This shall be It" "Thank you very much I won't waste this opportunity, not again"

Creating A novel Is super Hard yet I still do It because I wish for others to get Inspired and create their own novels and make It a hobby, heck a job even! I hope you guys enjoy reading this because I've decided to give It my all

Disclaimer! This story was made to create child niglect, bullying, abuse and other harmful topics awarenes. Please understand that the main story will be focusing on it and shows how harmful It can be

KingZ1creators' thoughts