
Knull In Young Justice

First wife - Ishtar, 2nd - Cheshire, 3rd - I have no idea. The mc will have kids so be warned, alot of slice of life, lovey type, with drama and fighting. 3 love interest, not really sure but I already have two in mind. but the mc is obsessed with one character in particular. I own nothing, and I don't own the cover art. It all belongs to their respective creators.

BlackMoon2 · TV
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14 Chs


Seeing as some people are confused about the beginning, and how history went from what I wrote so far, ill be checking points off what has happened in a general sense.

- Millions or even billions of years ago, Knull was brought out of the void, in this world of light he fought back, killing powerful beings in the universe, at some point in time knull was pushed back and defeated by a large group of beings. His body was weak and when he was unable to fight back, he was trapped inside the fragment of light, deep within a dead planet. They didn't account for the planet to drift and collide with another planet setting him free.

- The fragment of light - it and the sky fire were once one, the color changing from the radiation from the planet knull was trapped on, entering earths atmosphere they broke into two, one moving to the west the other fell where vandal got his power.

- 50,000 so years ago - After hitting the earth, a crack was formed in the fragment of light, knulls essence was leaked out into the water unable to take form. Thragg II son of Thragg was used in a live bait hunting ritual. Weak and dying the water called out to him, Knull seeing this as a blessing whispered for the boy to drink more and more over the years.

- Thragg killed his father - After getting the strength from the liquid, he killed his father Thragg the first, and two other men next to the fragment light liquid.

- Thragg Kills the men in his village - Thragg's heart was not satisfied with just killing his father, he wanted to kill all the men that drove his mother to suicide. With his new found strength he did this with ease, killing the men and the tribe chief.

- Thragg's fucked up wife - During his time before he had powers, thragg was promised a woman to marry and to procreate with. Yet his father had other plans, having a secret relationship with his son's wife, the result being a child, Turoc, but the woman played the child off as being the mc when it was in fact his brother.

- Take over - Thragg would go on to want more and more, the power given by the water was amazing but it was never enough, but he couldn't understand that it was knull, he was changing the mc body to his liking waiting for his Consciousness to become whole once more, after 12 years of wandering, drinking and killing, knull who had fully left the fragment of light took over mc body, well gave mc his power and will.

- Other odds and ends of other things being shown, even though more history will be added later. - 1,803BCE - The kingdom of Babylon is established, Vandal, Knull/Thragg, alongside Vandal's children, Nabu, and Ishtar ruled as God's.

During this time, Ishtar would fight and talk to knull, getting to know his view on life and the world. They eventually fell in love and the story of Nergal and his queen goddess Ishtar was born.

During this time, Ishtar was getting sick, and older, as knull had to watch her grow old. So knull went on a campaign of slaughter, using the hundreds of thousands of humans as experiments. Finally making his first symbiote, because it was born from blood, and held the screams of the many, she was called scream. He bonded it with her and she no longer grew old and went back to the peak of her life. Ishtar was horrified by the lengths that knull would go to, so she tried to guide him, she knew it was out of love for her, something he never showed anyone else, but her father used this and other things to manipulate his daughter and to helping him seal him away.

- 300 years before current time - During the war with knull, Ishtar found out she was pregnant, due to her fear of what might come about she had scream suppress the child's growth rate, after knull was sealed she ran away, hiding, during this time she gave birth but when a symbiote dragon attacked their home, Muaka awakened his power. He was able to control the being, but this allowed knull to feel his son. Using him as an extension of himself, making him go on a rampage many times, during this time Muaka's memories were a mess, and time didn't seem to past for him, until his mother pleaded to knull and because of his love for her, he let her go.