
Knull In Young Justice

First wife - Ishtar, 2nd - Cheshire, 3rd - I have no idea. The mc will have kids so be warned, alot of slice of life, lovey type, with drama and fighting. 3 love interest, not really sure but I already have two in mind. but the mc is obsessed with one character in particular. I own nothing, and I don't own the cover art. It all belongs to their respective creators.

BlackMoon2 · TV
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14 Chs

Chapter 9 - Obsession..

[Thousands of miles away]

The ground seemed to Bubble with Darkness, a thick miasma of unending goo along the floor as a hand was pulled up, the white silhouettes of the walls cast in shadow as the hand pulled forth dragging a body with it. The body being dragged forth from the black, the stickiness of the darkness stuck to their skin as the being fell to the floor. his eyes red as he looked around the room watching as a woman pointed her weapon at him.

"Heal me.." his voice was cracked, his figure leaned over on his knees as he held his chest, every sense of malice in each word as he spoke to the woman in question.

"How, how is this possible, how did you get free, guar.." the woman's eyes seem to go wide looking at his figure, her weapons shaking as she tried to call out, only for a hand to reach out to grab her neck pulling her close.

"It does not matter, heal me and get this incessant light out of my chest." The being brought the woman close, his height overshadowed the woman as the armor reeled back around his heart, showing a good chunk of fragmented light in his chest.

"I will not, this is something you wished onto your self.." the woman said looking into his eyes, feeling his tongue reach out and lick her neck, as his eyes grew more angry.

"You will do as I have asked or I will kill you, hippolyta.." the beings eyes looked away for a moment, his words close but ever distant as he spoke on the matter at hand.

"You will not, or you would have done so a long time ago, your idle threats on my life have no weight here, Knull " the light in hippolyta's eyes could not help but crack a little bit, watching as the man looked at the floor, his hand becoming loose around her neck.

"Your life may hold weight in my heart, but I will kill everyone on this island.. if you do not do as I say.." Knull spoke, his eyes were strange, the red spinning in swirls as he looked to hers, her eyes going wide slightly at what he said in this situation, she would have to weigh the lives of her people over the love for this man.

"So you will continue, no matter what? I don't understand why you can not let go, and even now, you wish all that is yours, remains yours.." Hippolyta spoke in a defeated tone, it was clear from her eyes that she felt something strange about him, that he would go to such lengths in order to have his revenge.

"He took everything from me, so in turn, I will take everything from him. I merely need you to take this from my chest, I will not involve you anymore, that was our agreement, so that you may be happy with a child born from said gods, even though we both know her Origins." Knull spoke his armor peeling away as skin was shown, his long black hair flowing down, his illustrious robes floating in with slight wind that was in the room. his green eyes looking into hers with care, it was clear that he did not want to do this.

" I will take this from your chest, but please Knull, this is not the way, you know it to be true, even 5,000 years from that time." Hippolyta reached her hand out rubbing his actual face gently, her eyes soft as she placed the sword's tip next to his heart.

The world seem to be cast in Shadow dark and ever moving, two figures could be seen within a room, the silhouette of a blade placed on a chest, the light from the sword pushing into the light fragment within the chest as it was pulled free. the echoing sounds of pain left Knulls mouth, while his figure leaned over for a moment.

"I have waited thousands of years, misguided by one I loved, trapped by one eye trusted, and left in the Darkness by one who could have saved me." Knull spoke, his mouth spitting up dark blood as he looked into her eyes, his words ever pressing as he leaned up his height still towering over her as he looked into her eyes.

"You and her will always be mine, did you think that would change after thousands of years? no matter where you go, or how you try to hide from me, you will always be mine" Knulls words continued, his hand reaching out, caressing her face gently as he looked into her eyes, each word held weight, weight that seemed to crush her heart.

"I am no longer yours, what happened back then should stay as it was, we both know this.." Hippolyta spoke pulling her face from his grasp, her words echoing in the room as she turned her eyes to the floor, she knew in her heart it was true but would not go down the same path.

"Misguided as you are, you will always be mine Hippolyta, I who saved you from the gods, brought you out of slavery, and gave life to your most precious.." Knulls body seem to morph into the ground, the Blackness oozing across the floor as his body once again disappeared, leaving behind but a simple fragment of light, and a rose that seem to be ever-changing and ever dark but still it held the same beautiful color.

"You will not be free forever, guards, bring me the fragmented chest.."Hippolyta spoke, her chest still beating furiously, her mind the message she called out to the women outside the door,her hand touching her as she thought on what to do next.

"No one will know what this means anymore.." Antiope spoke, her words carrying a faint Whisper of doubt, yet she spoke all the same about the matter at hand.

"She and they will know, that is all that matters.." Hippolyta ignored the words of her sister, if he was free the world would see Darkness once more, a world she did not wish to live in.

outside the halls of this keep, Amazon's rushed around, calling back and forth to their sisters, a chest brought deep from the Earth an arrow was lite a blaze, the people of Themyscira watched on as their queen with the arrow sent it flying across the skies, but little did they know across the sky as it headed to an ancient Temple, it was grabbed the being, it's eyes looking, it's hand gripping hard as it snapped it in half.

"You will always be the same, Hippolyta.. always wishing to be different, even though we both know, what truly lies in your heart." the being looked down at the crushed arrow, his eyes spinning as they changed back to black.

"This world will be as I wish it, and nothing will stop me.." the Silhouettes of a dark ancient building could be seen in the background, the white of teeth showing as they melted nto darkness.