
Chapter 31 Blaming her

Justin enters his cabin. When he walks ahead, he is stunned for a moment.

"What are you doing?" He asks in his dominating voice that makes her startled.

Genevieve was standing at the glass door that separated the two cabins. She was opening and closing that door again and again and was observing it carefully.

She looks at him and says, "Look at this door. It is not getting closed properly. It stays half open no matter how hard I try to close it".

"Is it that important to you? Just leave it as it is and get back to work", he roars as he glares at her.

"Why does he seem angry? He seems to be in the same mood as he was in the evening of the fashion show", she whispers to herself while staring at him.

He walks towards his table and sits on the chair. When he notices that she was still standing at the door and staring at him, he frowns.

"Why are you still there? Stop wasting time and start working", he orders.