
When I woke up

I didn't have expected that it was the last normal night of my life. Had I known, I would have never slept so peacefully. Lying in the bed I was enjoying my life and barely was I acquainted with the fact that this was the last time I had the comfort of the human touch. My mum sang a lullaby to me and in a few minutes, it was all dark in front of my eyes.

The alarm rang and I woke up! Calling my mum I went downstairs, there was nobody at home and the atmosphere was so ominous and tranquil at the same time. Abruptly the house bell rang and as I opened the door there was no being on the other side, but what was more astounding was the fact that it was not my city. Wait it's not even my country. Is it even the same planet? Where the heck was I? I stepped out and saw a fountain flowing from a huge hill striking the stones and falling to the ground. Well as I moved forward I saw weird beings flying. Where had I got myself transported to? Is it a dream? Thinking this I pinched myself and I twitched. It's real. I saw two people standing on the edge of a canyon with wings who looked like some acquaintances to me. I had seen them, but where? Wait they were my parents! Don't jump shouting at the top of my lungs I ran but to my despair, they jumped. Are my parents alive?

As I climbed up the cliff what I saw was unrealistic. I couldn't believe my eyes. My parents were flying in the sky with wings, I was pondering about the same that somebody pushed me and I fell. When I was falling I knew it was my end. I took a breath and started chanting God's name as I was meeting death. My consciousness went to oblivion.