
Knights of Hallows

Sai Shido lived a typical life as an average office worker in a world where supernatural beings remained hidden from humans. However, everything changed when he found himself in a horrid situation that altered his life forever. This transformative change was both a blessing and a curse, thrusting him into a new world of the supernatural and responsibilities. Now, he must embark on a new journey as an exorcist, navigating the challenges of his newfound abilities.

B_Kurisaki · Fantasy
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7 Chs

Chapter 6 - Under the City Lights

Sai stepped into Yasuko's office, immediately enveloped by its warmth and peace—a stark contrast to the dark, haunted places they usually frequented. Yasuko, ever cheerful, greeted him with a broad smile and extended a check towards him.

"Great job on your first mission! I know it was tough, but you showed true bravery," Yasuko praised, her voice brimming with genuine admiration.

Sai's eyes widened as he glanced at the check—fifteen thousand yen. "Wow, this is more than I expected," he murmured, surprised by the generous amount that could comfortably cover his expenses for a month.

Yasuko chuckled, her eyes twinkling with delight. "You earned it, Sai. Keep up the good work!"

"Thank you, Ms. Yasuko. I'm glad I could contribute," Sai replied, his voice filled with gratitude.

Yasuko leaned back in her chair, her smile sweet. "Well, considering there's no active mission on the schedule, why don't you take the rest of the day off? Use this time to relax and recharge. When we have a lead or an emergency, I'll need you at your best."

Sai nodded appreciatively. The prospect of a free afternoon was particularly appealing after the intense experiences of his first mission.

("Wow, this is starting to turn out great!") Sai thought to himself.

"I'll do that. Thanks for the advice, Ms. Yasuko," Sai responded, his voice hinting at relief.

With a final smile, Sai left Yasuko's office, his steps lighter with the anticipation of an unexpected break. Yasuko returned to her documents, ever prepared for the next call to action.

As the sun dipped behind Osaka's skyline, casting the city in vibrant oranges and pinks, Sai, Sato, and Yume meandered through the bustling streets, their laughter echoing the joy of a carefree afternoon.

("This is different, not being alone for a change...") Sai mused silently.

"And that's when I got scratched in the eye," Sato recounted with a mischievous twinkle in his eyes.

Yume raised an eyebrow in playful skepticism. "Ha, by nine cats? You're totally making that up!"

("Ha, he's gotta be making that up.") Sai thought with a side grin, enjoying the banter.

"Am not! It totally happened," Sato insisted, his grin broadening.

"Oh yeah? The great Sato Ashita, invulnerable to harm?" Yume teased, her laughter carrying down the street.

"I didn't know how to control my technique back then," Sato retorted, pretending to be offended.

Yume's attention then shifted as she pointed to a quaint ramen shop nestled in a quieter part of the neighborhood.

"Yeah, yeah... Oh, let's try that place!" Her enthusiasm infectious, they all headed towards the promise of a delicious meal.

Settling into a booth, they were quickly served steaming bowls of ramen by a friendly waiter.

"Enjoy!" the waiter said, leaving them to their meal.

Each slurp was a burst of flavor, eliciting a sparkle in Yume's eyes. "Wow, this is delicious!" she exclaimed.

"This is seriously the best ramen I've ever had! How about you, Sai?" Sato inquired, eager to hear Sai's thoughts.

Sai smiled softly, savoring the moment. "Yeah, it's really good," he agreed, enjoying the warm, comforting meal.

After their meal, they visited a nearby park. Full of energy, Sato chased after a bug, much to Yume's amusement.

"Look what I found, Yume! Your prince charming!" he joked, presenting the bug to her with dramatic flair.

"Hey, don't you dare come close!" Yume shouted, half-joking, half-serious.

Yume squealed and dodged away, her laughter echoing through the park as they chased each other around.

"Noooo... Hey, I'm serious!" Yume called out between laughs.

Eventually, they collapsed onto a park bench, breathless and giggling.

("They're so funny,") Sai thought, watching them with a content smile. The joy of friendship filled him with a warmth he hadn't felt in a long time, a feeling he was beginning to cherish.

"Hey, Sai! Come join us!" Sato called, inviting him over.

Sai hesitated for a moment, then, feeling a sense of belonging, walked over and joined them on the bench.

("Is this what having friends feels like?") he pondered, still somewhat new to this warmth.

"It's so nice to have time off," Yume said, stretching and looking up at the sky before turning to Sai with curious eyes. "Sai, what's your dream?"

"My dream?" Sai echoed, caught off guard by the question.

"...I've never really thought about it," he admitted, then added uncertainly, "...I guess being good at something?"

Yume smiled encouragingly, ready to offer words of support. But before she could speak, Sato jumped in with a playful challenge.

"You're an exorcist now, and I bet you'll be a strong one! But watch out, because I dream of becoming the best exorcist in Osaka! And I'm declaring you my rival! So, promise me you'll always do your best, okay!?"

"I'll try my best!" Sai replied, somewhat nervously agreeing as they sealed the promise with a fist bump. Yume watched them with a smile, delighted by the bond forming between her two friends.

"Let's take a photo to remember this moment," Yume suggested, raising her phone to capture a selfie with her two besties.

Her light and genuine laughter mingled with theirs, wrapping the trio in a blanket of shared joy as they relaxed on the bench, surrounded by the fading light of the day and the city's bustling sounds.

The peace of the afternoon was abruptly interrupted by the simultaneous buzzing of their phones. Sato, Yume, and Sai each reached for their devices, their expressions shifting as they read the new message.

"It looks like we have an emergency," Sato said, his voice losing its earlier carefree tone.

"So much for the day off," Yume sighed, her disappointment palpable as she slipped her phone back into her pocket.

The directive from Saitama was concise, instructing them to meet him at a designated corner near their current location. The urgency in the message was clear, snapping the trio back into their professional roles.

Arriving at the rendezvous point, they found Saitama leaning against a black sedan, his expression more serious than usual.

"What's going on?" Sato asked, his curiosity piqued despite the looming sense of urgency.

"Get in. I'll explain on the way," Saitama replied, gesturing towards the open car door.

Once they were all seated, Saitama didn't waste a moment. "We have an urgent mission at Namba City Main Building. Our patrols have reported unusual activity in the underground mall—it seems it's becoming a breeding ground for Nightmares."

Sai tensed at the mention of Nightmares, his mind already gearing up for the confrontation.

Yume's eyes sparkled briefly at the mention of the mall, a fleeting thought of shopping adventures crossing her mind before she refocused on the mission's gravity.

("We're going to the mall!?") Yume thought, momentarily excited, then she sighed, remembering their serious task.

"Your task is to exorcise any Nightmares you find and minimize property damage. You have until 10 AM," Saitama finished, setting a clear deadline.

("Hopefully, I don't die before I get to spend my paycheck.") Yume half-joked, attempting to lighten the mood.

Sato grinned, his confidence undiminished. "Another chance to show off our skills," he declared, his enthusiasm for the challenge evident.

("How can he be so coolheaded right now?") Sai wondered, admiring Sato's boldness yet feeling a pang of anxiety himself.

Noticing Sai's concern, Saitama reached into the passenger seat and handed him a familiar object wrapped in cloth. "Sai, I brought your sacred tool just in case you needed it," he said, his tone both stern and supportive.

"Thank you, Sensei," Sai responded, his anxiety lessening as he felt the familiar weight of his weapon in his hands.

Saitama nodded, pleased with Sai's readiness. The car slowed to a stop in front of the underground mall, the dark entrance looming ominously before them.

"Here we are," Saitama announced as they all prepared to step into the unknown, ready to face whatever challenges awaited them in the shadowy depths of the mall. The air was thick with anticipation and the weight of responsibility as they readied themselves for yet another test of their abilities.