
Knights Multiverse

Chapter releases are scarce, but happen between Thursdays and Saturdays! Read Episode 1 of Knights Multiverse on WEBTOON now!! Synopsis— A boy is raised in a dark and impoverished environment from birth. He realizes the unfairness of the world from an earlier age than most. As he begins to grow older, he decides that he doesn't want anyone else to go through what he did. But the world is a big place, and there are situations that can be far worse than what he could ever imagine. As he fights his way through dark organizations, republics, wars, and even the gods themselves, our main protagonist comes to see just how shallow his dream really is. Is it even possible to achieve such a thing? But the answer to that is far away, past even the largest countries, or even the largest planets. The core of good and evil itself lies at the origin of all things. Beyond the barrier.

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449 Chs


Tekkyon was seated at a wooden table across from his girlfriend, Chia.

They were having dinner. Steak, chopped potatoes, and asparagus. Served with a glass of wine.

Tekkyon leaned back and sipped his wine.

Chia looked up at him. "You haven't touched your food..."

"Not hungry."

Chia put down her fork. "What's on your mind?"

Tekkyon stared up at the ceiling. "I'm going to overthrow the empire."

Chia was in shock. "What?!" she exclaimed in a loud whisper. "Do you know what you just said?!"

"Yeah. I've been thinking about this for a long time. Nyx has sat on the throne for too long. She's gonna try and throw the world into chaos. I won't let such evil go free."

Chia looked down at her lap. "Can you really do that...?"

"Of course I can. I can do anything."

"Are you doing it alone...?"

Tekkyon looked out the window. "Someone's working with me."

"Overthrow the empire... that's actually crazy if you think about it."