
Knight of the Griffin

Ashley - How was I supposed to know that my life would change so drastically one day? Never did I believe in the mystical, let alone meet one. Sam - Who would have thought that my brothers would hate me so much to try and kill the love of my life. Turns out that she is my bonded and the only person that can help me stop them from harming her. Now I just have to find a way to tell her the truth about me. I do not own the cover.

linkaz1220 · Fantasy
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14 Chs


(Ashley POV)

I could feel my body lifting in the air, strong hands were wrapped around my upper arms. With the angle that this thing was above me, I wouldn't have been able to see it. Even if I could open my eyes. A loud screech could be heard from behind us. The thing above me tightened his grip on my arm. It suddenly cried out, letting his hands open.

I screamed. I was falling. I will never see Sam again. Out of now where, there was a body beneath me. It was covered in fur and had wings. Not sure what to do, I started kicking and screaming. The beast growled at me and nipped at my writs that was hitting his face.

"Put me down!" I yelled, the wind carrying my words away.

The beast growled some more.

Finally opening my eyes, I was staring into the eyes of an eagle. But it had a lions body. Racking my mind, I searched for the answer. A conversation lowed through my head that Sam and I had.

"Do you believer in mythical creatures?" Sam asked out of now where.

"What? Like dragons and unicorns?"

Sam nodded.

I thought about my answer. "I guess it would depend on what type it would be."

Same was silent for a while. "What about griffins?"

"What are those?" he laughed. "What?"

He wrapped his hand in mine. "Nothing, Ashley. I'm just shocked that you don't know what griffins are."

I gave him a soft growl. "Well what are they?"

Sam pulled me into his arms, and he had this look in his eyes. "They are creatures that can't be trusted. If you ever meet one, you must run."

"Okay." I promised. "But what do they look like?"

Sam sighed. "They are creatures that have the head of an eagle with pointy ears, the body of a lion, and have wings. Whenever you see one run."

This couldn't be true, this thing should not be real. The promise I made Sam rushed through me as I struggled to get this monster down. I scoured the grounds below looking for some where to land. Spotting an open meadow in the distance, I grab onto what looks to be its ears, pulling on them in the direction of the meadow. The thing cried out as I tugged on its ears. Flying in the direction of the meadow, I positioned my body so that I could jump off, if need be.

As we lowered to the ground, I knew that this monster would not land. Preparing, I inched closer to the edge ready to jump. Just a few more seconds and I will be there. One. Two. Three. I launched myself into the air. Only to have its claws wrap around my calf.

I screamed. I was slipping.

The beast roared, claws digging into my calf.

I screamed some more. The feel of his claws tearing at my leg was horrible. I have never felt anything like it.

We landed, the claws immediately retracting, causing me to fall and land on my back. I tried not to look at the damage done. Lying my head back down, I take in a few deep breaths, trying to steady my racing heart.

"Are you hurt?"

A voice called out, but there was no one around aside the beast and I. Finally looking into its eyes there was a lot of sadness and guilt swimming in the depths.

"I'm sorry about your leg."

No this could not happen. I was hearing voice, but no one was talking. I must be losing my mind.

"Now why would I let you lost your mind after I just saved your life?"

I really must be losing my mind. I could hear this things thoughts. The sting of unshed tears threatening to spill over.

"Everything will be alright. I will not hurt you. I am not like the others of my kind."

Taking a deep breath, I tried slowing my racing heart. Why could I hear this one's thoughts but not the others?

"That is because we bonded."

What? What the hell did he mean by bonded.

"We are now one. I will hear your every thought, and you will only hear mine when I want you too. I know this will be hard to understand right now, but we need to go."

"What they hell are you talking about?"

"I promise to explain everything later, but we must leave." He promised.

Her turned his body, resting on the ground, waiting for me to hop on. "I don't trust you, as long as you don't hurt me again"

"I vow that I will never hurt you again."

I took his work and hopped on his back. "Be careful."


(Sam POV)

It was so weird having Ashley in my head. It was a lot different than what the stories have told. Mother always told me not to bond with anyone till I was old enough. When I asked what boding was she said, "It is the extension of life."


"Whenever you bond with will become yours and you will become hers. The bonding allows you to connect to each other in ways that you can only dream of."

"But how will I know?"

"You will know my son. You will know."

I guess mom was right when she said that the connection would be strong. Thinking of Ashley she was finally mine. No one could ever take her away from me again. I wonder if I should tell her that it's me. She would freak out. With the look she kept giving me I know that things would be different from now on.

I screeched as Ashley pulled on my ears. "What?" I thought to her.

"Um, we have some company coming." She said out loud.


"Those other griffins are behind us." She said pointing behind her.

Damn, I thought to myself. I thought I managed to get rid of them. "Hold on." I told Ashley. Her grip on my fur tightened. Nose diving into the trees would be one of the best ways to get rid of them. They may have strength and power, but I had speed.

Wings pulled back, we slowly started to fall. Once we picked up speed, nothing could catch us. "Lean to the right." I told Ashley.


Her words were carried by the wind, but I heard her mind. "So we can aim for the trees without losing speed."

At my explanation, Ashley slid her body to my right and leaned. I expanded my wings just enough to tilt in the right direction. She was already a natural rider.

There were stories that once a bonded rides their mate nothing will be the same again.

A scream pulled me out of my daze.

We were right on top of the trees. Not wanting to hurt my wings or Ashley, I pulled her into my arms wings folding around her, molding to my body.

The pain that shot through my back was like nothing before. Everything was in pain. Un-folding my wings Ashley lay there unconscious. I somehow managed to get her onto my back and started walking deeper into the forest.

My brothers could be heard above us, but they would not be able to catch me once I started moving.

"You can't get away from us, little brother." Dominic called out.

"You have nowhere to hide." Dante said.

When he said that in the distance a cave showed up through the trees. The cave was damp and wet. The smell that came wafting out of the back smelled like dead bodies. Low to the ground, I crawled to the back of the cave to get as far away as possible from the entrance.

Gently easing Ashley off my back onto the floor, I pushed her hair out of her face with my beak.

"Uh…" she moaned.

I sighed. At least she was all right. Making sure that she was okay, I curled my body around hers.

She moaned. "So cold."

Her words were so soft that I strained to hear them. When her body started shaking my wings automatically folded around her like a blanket. Once her breathing slowed to a soft deep calming sound. Eventually I drifted off to sleep by the sound of her breathing.

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