

Knight of Sona Sitri

A new begining

I am an Ryo kundo, I love swords and I have learned kendo from a young age. But something happened while an official match the fucker of an opponent landed a critical hit and the impact was so bad that I have to give up on kendo, I cursed myself for born in a poor family that time, my family was not that poor but not that rich that they can get me completely healed to get back to my love of sword,as such I came to a realization of how much moneys worth I promised myself to become so rich that I can live my life without any regrets. But I didn't get the chance cause I AM DEAD you heard it right I AM FUCKING DEAD and as for how I died guess guess it's the LEGENDARY TRUCK-KUN fucking hell I didn't even start my journey of becoming rich shit shit shit give me my life back I want to learn swordmanship dammit I wanna become rich and order people want MONEY but I cant do that do I cause I AM DEAD

?-you are pretty amusing child! Even after being dead you think about money cant let go of otherworldly desrie I see! But you are more amusing you are thinking about money well others thinks about women and virginity and stuff when they die...

Ryo-what the hell are my ear ringing or I just hear someone call me right now in this darkness???

?-no you are hearing me child I AM SOMEONE YOU HUMANS CALLED GOD

Ryo-w w what the! Sorry for dis..

GOD-its fine child just answer my question why are u so hung up on money when u r DEAD

Ryo-dunno just have my priorities right..

GOD-amusing pretty amusing…wanna go back to the world to become the richest..

Ryo- seriously yeah sure send me send me back

God-hold on child I cant send you to human world choose any other world to your liking..

Ryo-like isekai and stuff ..if possible send me to demon slayer world

GOD-you like sword over money but I see but I cant that world is not under my jurisdiction.

Ryo-then just send me to any world with sword and magic..i will become rich on my own that's the promise I made to myself..

GOD-hahahahahahahaha!!!!you will not ask for something else like sytem bloodline and stuff others die for those and wont you ask for to be born in rich family..hmmm

Ryo-no because  believe in myself and my own hardwork and power..

GOD- I see…you are preety amusing at the same time amazing with almost no lustjust that hung up on money is quite ….leave that tough you pique my interest…

Well with that said I will send you to the world of magic and S.W.O.R.D.S and a GIFT to to amuse me

Now have fun…and yeah the child I am sending your soul to can have a sad childhood but done lose heart accept it as a trial so that you can wield the power and strengthen your conviction for future

I BID YOU FAREWELL and don't hate me for what you will face child..

Ryo-woaaaah whats happening !!and what do you mean by trial and sad childhood and what gift



! GOD_sigh!!!i don't know what I did was right or wrong lets just see



Uwah uwahhhh!!!uwah

(what the why am icrying ! wait that's not the case why I am a baby again wait ..yeah I am reincarnated yeah I remember now which world is it tough)

?-GO Take him with you and take this box it's a gift for him

(woah!!! who is this a vallant man but with cuts and bruises why so much blood)

[the boy stops crying]

?-but what .sob. what .sob. about you will die come with me don't leave not afer I found a reason to leave

(what the who is this woman holding me in her arm is…is she my mom in this world so that means …that man is my f-father)

?-forget about me I cant leave for long either way protect him our SON our sign of love now go…

[kisses the woman in lips and caresses his sons hair]

(he is looking toward me wait I want to say something …he is gonna die just like that yeah I know I don't know him but he is my father in this life)

?-go son leave with your  mother forget about your stupid father but make your mom proud in the future shower her with love …and in future if you learn about me just try to forgive me my CHILD  ALEX PENDRAGON forgive me

?-nooooo don't go wait I cant I cant leave without you!!!!! Wait

?_ I am sorry LISSANA I am truly sorry

(wait wait wait whaaat the PENDRAGON so far I remember I know a guy from anime name high school DXD named ARTHUR PENDRAGON I rember him cause his was a swordsman I WAS NOT AN OTAKU in my past life so I don't remember much About him I aonly watched anime which had swords in it so I don't remember about HIGH SCHOOL DXD either but I cant be sure this world is of high school dxd tough there can be other anime or manga with the title PENDRAGON  like…..i don't know)

LISANNA- sob sob sob he will die that idiot will surely die !!!!but I cant I will protect you alex I will…



I am ALEX and currently I am in underworld in a small but not shabby house with my mother she is a devil of mid-rank-class she is no bigshot in demon world, currently we are in SITRI territory mom is friend with the old lady town manager here so he did a favour and gave her a house to live and a small job to mom so she and I can live fine.

So my speculation of being in the world of HIGH SCHOOL DXD were correct but it does me no good cause I don't know the story so well I only rember fragments as I only small fights basically sword matches and stuff I don't know which timeline this is and I don't remember much character as this was obviously HAREM based show even small kids know that lol…well enough of that.

No one in the underworld knows about me being pendagon..not even me well that's what my mom thinks…heheheh but I know but I wont reveal it cause it will cause problem..guess in the future when I am strong enough…one thing I know about this world this world has crazy power level system one day you are strong next day some god or dragon comes and gets you..

I tried asking mom about her and her past but she never told me anything, she does not even tells me about her side of family, so far I know her name is lisanna nothing else no title she never told me het title and people knows me as ALEX no title some people even tought I am orphan but iam not…

My mother is not a stray devil is that I know cause if she would not be in the underworld with me…

Well enough with that I need to train this world has magic and SWORDS!!!!!!and I have another ambition I guess you guys didn't forget MONEY yes MONEY I will earn it and so much that I will become the richest that I can get all that I want...…..!!!!!


Now I am at my backyard training to become a SWORDSMAN sword for life !!!!!!!! I am traing with breath from DEMON SLAYER that has been always in my mind cause it was the best sword based manga in my last life ..I am trying to intrigate breath with magic I learnt a bit about magic from the town library when mother is not home I go the sneaking to learn about magic..

BREATH OF BEAST with enhancement magic to make my senses and body strong;

BREATH OF WATER with water magic to do those cool stuff tanjiro did;

BREATH OF FIRE with fire magic to those stuff rengoku did it was the coolest in the movie tough;

BREATH OF THUNDER with thunder magic it was my favourite style of breath quick and flashy;

And I have put hold on other breath for now cause you know I am a child and the magic are pretty basic which I intrigated any demon can learn it or learns it I am also trying to learn QI cause YAMI was the best in black clove …so far I have no problem but there was a certain deadlock I have low magic with being half-devil half-human my magic is low han average demon child!!!!yes truly low and if that was not enough I don't have any demonic inherited power or whatever that is and this worlds truly powerfull wepon Sacred gear I don't have that in me I am sure of. HOW you ask with a bit of grasp of QI I can sense myself and there is nothing special in me well I cant use QI fully tough only with BREATH of beast or medidtation I can catch a bit of QI this ccan help in combat….i also swing a stick everyday as much I can,and try to refine my past knowledge of kendo and do the legendary SAITAMA workout…

Like that 2 week passed I cant get a breaktrough in magic and when I was thinking a sudden tougth struck me as a thunderborlt GODS GIFT!!!!!!!!!!


Yes GODS GIFT why didn't I thought of it earlier he must have given me something but icant think of anything I called out for him.."oi GO ouch ouch ouch" oh yeah I am demon cant call him so I did not get anything or what???

I was kind of heartbroken then another tought came to my mind the box that my father left with my mother …what could it be…

I start searching for it all arount the house and I found it minutes later under the bed !!! I opened it excitedly and for my surprise there was a sword A FUCING SWORD cover in bandages and looking rusty but my gut was telling me this is some kind of awesome sword like a curse sword ….there was a letter at side of the sword I just took and put in my pocket of my pants I was just exited of the sword as just when I was going to touch the sword ….\

lISANNA-w-what are doing stop!!! (Said anxiously)

as she rushed over took the box from me anxiously closed it and oplaced it away from me…

LISANNA- why did you open the box !!! what were you thinking(said angrily)

I never saw my mom so angry she was always a loving and doting mother but now I am kind of scared…

Alex- w-w-what happened mom I am s-sorry!! Don't be angry I am sorry(said with puppy dog eyes)

She then hugged me..

LISANNA- no its not your fault I was just scared that's all (hugged tightly) but listen to me iwill say it once that sword !!you are not strong enough to wield it I know you like sword and want to be swordsman but that can wait for the future …now just be alex my cute adorable alex nothing else okay…(said with teary eyes)

Alex- okay mom whatever you say I will do it!!!!

Lisanna – good boy my cute alex go and wash up..you reek of sweat I know you train behind my back (give a head chomp) just don't overdo it you are the only one I left in my life okay!!!

Alex – heeehehehehe!!! Okay mom I promise not to overdo it!!!(said similing)

I went to the bathroom… I was a bit sad to not able to wield the sword but there will be time in the future tough demons tend to live long as I was changing clothes a piece of paper fall from my pocket

( this was with the sword what is this )

I opened the paper with to look if something was written on it and there was something written but it shocked me to my bones…

[Hello Child,

Its me your favorite neighbourhood god; well jokes aside if you read this letter that means you have reincarnated and have come in contact with the sword , if you are able to tame it then job well done and if not then become strong the sword will react to your will once you are able to tame this sword your trial will end and then will your real journey begin;

The sword is kind of a sacred gear I guess you know sacred gear but its kind of not a sacred gear and its not the strongest it can be said it falls right below loungious type sacred gear but you can make it stronger with your will and show me how far will you go Ryo kudo or should I say Alex Pendragon show me what can you do against all odds and yes don't forget to becom richest Man ok


Ps- don't hate me if you face some sadness in the future]

I see so the God did send me something and its powerfull at thatnot the strongest but I will use it to become the strongest swordsman AND RICHEST MAN at that

And so 2 years passed by

I was training every day with legendary saitama workout and developing my own magic with sword try using QI while moving but I was going nowhere with QI tough well it can always get better with combat experience in future as YAMI said 'break your limits'well I didn't forget my other main goal in the process tough that is Buisness plan for the future I have many tough lets which I chose to become rich as I was thinking something happened which changed my world "M-mooom"


I always had a void in my heart about my past and family, their betrayal,my peerage member death ,my master became criminal, the void became even more bigger when my beloved died protecting me and my son. I was sad, really sad I came back to the demon world get a place to stay and job as a favour from old friend of mine everyday life was not bad as my son was cute and helped me healed my empty void in my heart, but it was never completely healed I was stressed really stressed and agony, hatred,despair,sadness was always there in my heart but between that there was a little light ,my cute little swordsman alex just like hisn father crazy for swords and prodigy in it, so much good that found new ways to intrigate his magic with his sword to counteract his low level of magic. I think if he was born in Pendragon family and not a demon would he had a great life,I wondered every day and so it started happening I grow weaker and weaker everyday the light was not enogh to fill the empty void of darkness and now I am loosing my consciousness I am feeling weak I am falling I cant control my body I can hear alex shouting"mooom" but I cant answer icant speak I know I am alive but at the same time I am not . Sorry alex sorry dear I cant keep my Promise Alex please be strong please pleaser,you are my light I will hold on to it even if I am not here please make me and your father proud ,I wanted tosay it but I couldnt I wanted to cry but I could not forgive me  ALEX>


I took my mother to Sitri hospital I was crying I don't want to loose her I could not have any regret of loosing my father, because I did not know him that well, but my mom she was everything to me in this life she was everything I could think of….

Soon the doctor came out

DOCTOR- your mother has fallen into sleeping diesases she is not dead or will not die either she will be in coma for years and I don't know when she will wake up…lets hope for the best for the future young devil(said the doctor with eyes of pity)

Alex-(I could not hold my tears I cant think of anything right now I just said) is there anything we can help her with any magic medicine anything

DOCTOR-sigh I am sorry there is no cure other than hope(he left)

I saw my mother lying in the bed like a lifeless corpse still breathing.. i went close to her

Alex- I wont lose hope I will never lose hope you will wake up someday and see me as a great swordsman and feel proud …That's a vow I take as a devil…

I soon went home you would ask I should be with mother right now what a selfish devil well you can say whatever you wan right now I don't care because I want MONEY, why you ask because that is a hospital and they would not keep my mother for free and she have to stay there for medication or she will die without medicine…so right now I need money for hospital fees and medicine…

I soon search the house and look for every penny I have enough for three months of fees and medication but what after that, and I need money to survive now you do guys understand the importance of money, indeed money and there is only one way to do job, but no one will give job to a 5 year old even tough I look 7 due to my training, but that does not make difference….

And so somehow I went on doing jobs in restaurants like serving, washing dishes etc I also learned to cook because no one will give me free food…first time cooking was crappy like I ate shit but it improved with time as I saw how cook cooked food in restaurants and ask them to teachme they knew about my condition and felt pity so they teached me as much they can

Soon I become 7 year old

I started to take small mission for more money from the black market like hunting beast, my first experience with low ranking killer rabbit was deadly said to be the weakest monster but still gave me hell, I count not win by dominating it could only kill 3 killer rabbit even after so much training because I did not have any real battle experience and I never killed in my past life…

I stated hunting for black market with restaurant job I was in a bit stabilizing situation right now as mom old friend also helped me with mom s hospital fees but it was not enough I need more power and money..

There was no way to boost my magic and my swordmanship was pretty good like amazing for my age bu the problem lies with mafic because that is where true power lies as I was thinking I remembered …THE CURSED SWORD


I went home

 Open the box where the sword was saw the sword and gulped my saliva, with time and practice I became more proficient in QI and with combat experience it became more efficient not the best but well enough to sense how much power can an opponent have…

My Qi and my gut where telling me that this sword was dangerous yet powerfull,I forgot about dangerous only focused on power….because I needed it I need power for mom for my dream for becoming rich power for everything …

So I just forgot about everything even gods warning about how deadly this sword could be I needed power and the sword in front of me will give me the power..

As soon as I took the sword in hand my mind became blank and it started hurting very bad like really bad, it feel like some kind of energy was devouring me...and soon I fell on the ground with sword in my hand i could not hear my screams as I left my consciousness and fell into slumber …..

I opened my eyes I saw destructive area everything destroyed barren lands , fire I could only say these word"what the fucking hell where am i!!!!!!!!!!" and then I heard no I saw a monster in front of me gigantic yet composed yet deadly, his aura made me kneel he had green and white scales, he did not opened its mouth, he just stared at me my mind was going crazy for lust , lust for battle, lust for women, lust for blood, and finally lust for power ….

I somehow kept my urges in check and focused on lust for power, I looked into the eyes of the dragon,it snorted and started to speak"so power aiii, so small but so much desire for power kid " he kept staringand spoke again"just get the hell out or u will corrupt your mind amd die" I was bewirlded die just like that no….

I want powe I want to survive when was it that I forgot about my previous life I don't know the only thing I know right know I wanted power, power over everything bu I will not die not like this I stood up …

The dragon was amused snorted and said" I met many people with lust for power but you are the first one to withstand this much,speak your reason for seeking power"

My mind was clear I just said what came to my mouth"POWER IS EVERYTHING in this supernatural world till you got power you have everything the power to protect loved one, you havee power to kill enemies and finally if you have power you have money with power there is many ways to earn money"

The dragon laughed at me"hahahahahahahaha!!!! Amusing pretty amusing kid your reason for seeking power is not malicious yet malicious, you want power to protect yet to control"(reminds me of certain someone) thougth the dragon

I did not beat around the bush I asked" who are you, what is this sword ,and is it a sacred gear"

DRAGON-I am nothing but a sort of spirit that lies in this sword,this sword was wielded by the first dragon slayer to slay a mad dragon king of destruction, he corrupted people mind and after he was slain a part of soul was absorbed by the the sword, and I transformed into the dragon which was slain by me …pretty ironic isn't it

He continued

But that's not the end with his soul came the mind corrupting power which you are felling right now so after my first weilder there was no one that wielded me a person came close but he failed at the end….this sword became a cursed sword with dragon slaying power with a bit of dragon power….sigh….. as for sacred gear part it is a sacred gear but at the same time it s not I am a sword spirit born by desire of the first wielder and his power but as the dead soul of the dragon reside within me so with time I got sacred gear power as well…you want me to wield don't you"

Alex –yes

DRAGON- name me

ALEX- sorry!!!!!!!!!

DRAGON- I said name me and make me yours

ALEX-just like that!!!!!!!!!!no test no pwer dsplay nothing!!!!!!!

DRAGON- if can withstand this mus=ch of curse than I guess you can wield it just don't rely on the sword to must and dominate it to keep it in check… I also want to be wielded, I am laying dormant for a longtime,the world should know that I have returned …!!and I have a gut feeling you will use me good !!!so give me a name before I change my mind>>>>

ALEX-O-okay wait!! Name name!! I get it YAMATO …THE CURSE SWORD YAMATO….

YAmATO- hmmm not bad but not that gread either well I will work with that, SO ALEX from this day forth I should be known as YAMATO SWORD OF ALEX THE NEW DRAGON SLAYER!!!!!!!!!! Make good use of me PARTNER...

ALEX -w-woah sure p-partner!!!!!!

YAMATO- iam merging with your soul so rest for now...


I am 11 now…FOUR years passed

Since I named YAMATO and he became my partner this rusty looking KATANA covered with bandage in its hilt looks like scrap and its scabbard is in worse condition covered in more bandages but its strong …

After yamato merged with my soul I got a certain boost in my magic I gain more experience in fight while fighting strong opponent as yamato always give me pointers and help me get stronger my understanding of QI became more strong and now I can see trough lies …pretty op isn't it YAMI is god…and yeah MOST IMPORTANT I gained DRAGON SLAYING MAGIC which resides in the sword!!

Currently I am in forest, to say more acurrately in pet forest outside SITRI domain I am not here to get a pet familiar I am here to hunt wolves and big one there fur sold for hefty price covering mom two month worth of fees the more the better…

As I was looking for wolf my luck did not loose my side this ime and in front of me was a wolf standing tall giving an aura of an warrior.. I smirked as I know it would not be easy but will be fun fight for survival

[ooooh! Am wolf and an strong one I cant stop my urge for its blood but you have to finish it fast!!! Someone is out there watching you someone strong really strong other s are okok!!!] said YAMATO

(I know I have sensed them but got no malice from them, they just want to see me fight,then lets put a good show partner)

[hahahahah sure parner]

I unschieted yamato from its scabbard …

'breath of beast'enhanced my overall strength

'breath of thunder' took my stance and charged with lightning speed not fast enough as there are more faster opponent in the world and lastly when I reached close enough without giving the giant wolf time to react'breath of flames' enhanced my blade with enough flames to make the sword glowing red and a bit of DRAGON SLAYING MAGIC to contron the flame I sliced the giant wolf neck with a clean strike without giving him time to react…blood spouting out og his neck and the corpse falldown

I gave the corpse no attention looked toward the bushes and  said

"enjoyed the show now come out I know you are there " with a stoic face

To my surprise three girls came out I felt like I saw them somewhere before and yet not .

The first girl to speak was a twin tail shorty with magical girl outfit and staff in her hand her bosso, were also developed for her hight ..it was shocking to say the less.. well I am in DXD world where male lead power is based on boobs so anything is possible…

"I am SERAFALL you can call me magicall girl levi-tan " said doing a pose of magical girl!!!(cute was what I thougth)

"oneee-sama stop it" said the other girl with glasess angrily and cold tone but there was no malice I felt that and the third girl with also glases but a bit long in hight just stood there with a stoic face but curios eyes pointed towards me as she was inspecting…

"what happened don't hate your cute onne-sama so –tan I just did what I do for introduction" said with sulking face yet cute

"forget it!!! who are you and what was that sword technique and why are you killing wolf at such a young age"sad the girl looking towards me I didn't sense malice but curiosity so I answered.

"my name is ALEX, as for my sword technique I am self-taught for survival in this world of stonger gets live and decide, as for killing the wolf I needed money so I will sell the fur" I stoped midway, watched the girls eyes widened and the goofy magic girl became serious,,, as they were silent an in astonished face I  asked "may I know who are you miss" I asked politely

" I am SONA SITRI  this is my big sis SERAFALL LEVITIAN and this is my queen TSUBAKI SHINRA"


As I heard that name my eyes widened I knew I saw them somewhere before sona friend of that red head boob princess and heir to the SITRI domain where I live and  serafall one of the satan taking the name levitian ..

I kneeled and bowed instinctively as I don't know their personality or I don't remember it from the show and they are bigshot like real bigshot don't wanna offend them now would i..i spoke

"forgive my impudence MAOU sama and Lady Sona I should have known your presence and acted accordingly pl…"

SONA- nononono don't need act so formal! Me and my queen where here to look for familiar but we stumbled upon you facing the giant wolf… I tought you must be some swordmaster disciple but turns out you are self taught must say iam impressed" serafall noded at her words

Alex-(I stood up and bowed lightly and responded)thank you for your kind word LADY SITRI!!!

SONA-(looks frustrated and spoke)I said no formalities

Alex – as you wish sona sama( as I said that yamato responded afer being quiet for a while)

[hahahahahahahahahah brat Hahaha just your luck… got out to hunt wolves and stumbled upon MAOU and a noble heires reminds of a time when a certain shota-con cme to buy you and you gave him smack in her gfut hahahahah}

I just looked at him agrily and spoke"shut up now or I will shove you into that dead wolves gut"

 [oioioioi don't do that now I am sorrrrry ] said yamato

But serafall eyes widenedand she asked curiously " is that sword a sacred gear"

While the other two are dumbfounded

ALEX- you are half correct maou sama this sword which I nm=amed YAMATO THE CURSED SWORD, is actually sword which was used to slay a dragon and a part of dead dragon soul was absorbed by the sword so it became a cursed sword who ever wields it will become psyco from mind corruption but I tamed it so I got the sword dragon slayer magic at the same time because of dead dragons dead soul it also became a sacred gear'

[ironic isint it ] said yamato sadly

Serafall, sona and tsubaki eyes widened..

Sona did not waste time and asked excitingly


ALEX-excuse me

Sona- I said join my peerage become my knight

Alex-(I think becoming a satan sister knight will not be bad and I know in future she face dangers so I can fight to become stronger)I see but I have three condition if you accept I will be your knight and serve till the day you die"

Sona – okay lets hear your conditions first

Serafall was exited because her sister will gain a pretty strong knight that can protect her at the same time she was thinking to make him her side kick in the show he was pretty cute and handsome…tsubaki was just getting more curious..

Alex- 1 my mother has an sleeping disease she is in sitri hospital I hunt beast to sell them to get enough money for her fees and medication and for my survival I wish you can make my mother hospital fee and medication free..

I looked at their gaze they have despair and pity looks in their eyes

Serafall-your motheris also suffering from that don't worry I will make it free

Alex-(tears were forming in his eyes he didn't cry but the girls saw and there heart feeled a little touched)2.i want certain freedom not that I wont serve you I will always be there by your side still I need a certain freedom like to allow stong opponents to get stronger

3. I hope to open my own buiseness I hope your family can help it

Sona – GRANTED GRANTED GRANTED now become my knight( said happily)

Tsubaki and serafall were happy as well

Alex- I pledge my loyalty to Sona sitri sama forever .

Sona- ii tought it will take two knight but it took one I knoe=w you are strong

Alex- I am half devil half human and my magic is low so I formed new sword technique to counter that and this sword of mine which also a sacred gear is megre with my soul after I named it, is not part of my soul in future if I am srong enogh I can get balance breaker then you would need two knight to form the contract but now I am weak and need time to grow….

Serafall-PERFECT !!!good for you so-tan we came to find you familiar and ended up having a strong knight!!who can gwet very strong in the future because I can sense it the sacred gear can not be lognious but have the capability to become one!!!! We should celebrate lets head back home and show him to father and mother they will be happy to see you gain strong and loyal knight and with him you can win many rating game in the future

Both SONA ANS TSUBAKI eyes widened they now realized how mus=ch of a stronger knight they had gained

SONA_y-yeah lets head back….!!!!


Here I am must say it's a really big mansion… more like a castle, house of the lord of Sitri domain …




Serafall- I will go and talk to father about Al-chan…you guys wait here…

(and she is gone…I am here with sona and tsubaki )

Sona- so Alex tell me.. you are half human right so who is your father and what if family name….

ALEX- th-that I don't know Sona-Sama mom never told me about my father …nor her side of family!!! And I never asked because I was never interested …yeah I was a bit curious about my father and asked mom once , but then she forbid me to ask anymore, and at that time only sword and my mom matterd to me…so ididnt delve into in and now mother is in coma there is no way of knowing…

Sona- I see, well lets not talk about that anymore wannna play chess…

Alex- sure

SONA- okay sit there I bring the chess pieces, tsubaki please serve some tea…

Tsubaki- sure sona-sam

AND as we were playing Some time passed by and magical Maou brought her Mom and dad, in short this territory lord

 I stand up bowed , and showed my respect..

Alex- greetings Lord Sitri and Lady SItri… I am Alex Sona – Sama new knight

LADY SITRI- OH!my such a cute child…

SHE Caressess my hair…

LORD sitr- SO alex Tell me about me…

I am getting a kind of curious gaze from lord sitri, guess he is just worried about his daughter lady Sitri tough she is kind of a airheadshe just came to liking me just like that…

Well as long as its not malice its fine…

Alex- y—yes sir ( so I began telling him everything about me and sword YAMATO)



Lord SITRi- I see…well don't worry about your mother I will take care of it.. serve my daughter and protect her…

( I can sense uncertainity and distrust I his word lets just say it does not matter any ways)

Alex- sir you don't believe my story do you…

Everyone became serious

Lord sitri- What makes you say that…!!!

Alex- I can see trough lies sir!!!!!!!!!

[ HAHAHAHAHAHA I cant get enough of this!!!!! Every ime you reveal your ridiculous ability of yours you come up with… I cant get enough of people facesHAHAHAHAHAH]

Everyone eyes widened  AND Sona she was schoced to the core…

Sona- you what!!! and what is this ability YAMATO talks of…

Alex- Its called QI when your five senses are at peak, you can see in you and your surrounding…. And just by there breathing and heartbeat you can know how many people are ther when HIghtened…you can see trough lies and see if someone have malice towards you….

Lord sitri forgot everything And just hold my hand tightly and said…

LORD Sitri-teach me this ridiculous ability of yours

Sona- mee too !!!see trough lies HEHEHEHE( she GIgiled )

Serafall- me three teach me teach mee…

Alex- I can teach you how to hightened your senses, and then you can learn yourself how to see trough lies …by looking and some one body posture hearbeat breathing… but if you just heightened your senses you can use it and you are still and focus highly, to use it while moving you need to have battle experience with Qi more like life and death battle… same goes for you sona sama…


Lord SItri- I just neeed that see trough lies!!i can do that while sittingf on chair and judge people and those old coots of old demon faction..

Sona- I need it for chess I can see trough oponents faints

( well I did not think of using Qi in politics and chess .. well everyone has there priorities right)

Serafall- ME ! what about mee did you forget about me ALL- chan…( said with teary eyes and sulking face but still cute)

Alex- NO! nO! Serafall –sama its not like that… its just that you  ARE AN AIRHEAAD!!!!!!!!! And an airhead its hard like not possible to focus on your five senses you will always be distracted…

HAHAHAHAHAHA everyone laughed at thisd

Serafall- So-tan Al-Chan is mean he is calling me airhead!!!!!! Punish him…

SONA- no he is right!! Ypu are an AIRHEAD


Lady Sitri- OK OK .. enough with that lets go have luch Alex you too!!!!

Alex- OK


6 month have passed since I became Sona- Sama knight! I aalso taught Sona- Sama and Lord Sitri About Qi and now they are on there own to utilize it perfectly…

WITHIN These month I came to know Sona- Sama little more ..she is smart, intelligent, chess lover and strgegist…..

 Tsubaki also open up to me a bit well you can say we are good friend we guys train together to become better….

I am in formal wear we have a party to attend Maou SIRZECH LUCIFER son is born so we all are going …I went to SONA- sama room to call her that everyone is ready because she is late…

I don't remember the story much but I know that Sirzech and her sister have big role and they are strong and they both have strong swordsman in there peerage!!!! So I am exited…..

Alex- Tsubaki why are you outside and what happened why is sona-sama room locked from inside….

Tsubaki- sigh… its good to tell you now!!! Sitri family elders, who are part of old demon faction, made her engaged few years ago..he is a womanizer and only sees Sona- sama as I don't want to say it…

Alex- I see!!! So he will be coming to the party I suppose..

Tsubaki- yeah…

( i don't remember anything like this in the story but yeah red head boob princes havefiancee issues that I remember… but I have to do something…if cant let sona-sama marry someone like that after she help me with money and gave me a new home.. I like it here and I will protect it!!!)

Alex- Sona- sama its me alex can you please open the door… I know you are in not good mood but lets just talk …me and tsubaki are your peerage your family… we wont let anyone hurt you not and womanizer at that trust us PLEASE!!!

Sona opens the door

SONA- promise you wont let him come near me and help me!!! WITH THIS ENGAGEMENT ISUE!!!!

Alex- I promise!!!

Tsubaki- I promise Tooo

Sona- well then lets go….




And now we are here in gremerory mansion just like Sitri Mansion Big Like a castle we went inside

LORD AND LADY SITRI went ahead of time and SERAFALL- sama being a maou was there to begin with…the first person to greet us was red hair boob princess and Sona-Sama childhood friend RIAS GREMORY!!!!!!

RIAS- Sona long time no see how were you…. You should have contacted me

"Greetings Sona-Sama" ( said Rias Peerage)

Sona- Sorry about that I ..was abit busy

Tsubaki- greetings Rias-sama

Rias- Greetings Tsubaki who is he!!!

Said rias pointing finger at me

Alex- Greeting Rias-sama I am alex Sona- samas Knight….

RIas- OH!!! Sona you got a knight that's great!!!!

And as we were talking A CERTAIN SPOILED BRAT interrupted us his eyes were on sona and full of lust ..

Spoiled brat- hello Sona!!!! Why didn't you come to meet me before I am your FIANCEE YOU know!!!!!

Said the brat without even looking in her eyes but he bosom and as he was leading his hand to touch sona-sama I knew she was digusted I released my killing intent on that brat!!!!!


AS I released my killing intent whoever was around me was shocked and a bit scared but that brat fall on his knees almost pissing his pants I released my killing intent… I mege my killing intent which I gained by killing beast and the sword to make it powerfull

Soon the brats Father came turns out he was watching all the way long…

FATHER of spoiled brat- what happened!! Who is this low level devil to release such killing intent on my son!!!

Alex- oh !!! Sorry sir its just a habit of mine I am Sona-Sama knight and he was watching my master with lustfull eyes so I did what should be done!!!!!!!!

SONA AND TSUBAKI giggled and RIAS and the others who were watching were enjoying this I guess!!!

FATHER of spoiled brat- you!!!!!!!!! Sona is his fiancée he has the right to watch her and treat her however he wants!!!what will you know about the power and might of pure blood devil you low life half-blood!!!!!!

At his words I got angry really angry !!!tsubaki was more angry and I know she will outburst at any moment so I cotrolled my anger calmed down and said…

Alex- oh !! is that so I didt know that, I am new to society of noble and pure blood devils!! I am sorry!!

At my words he was smirking than I continued….

But I want to see the might of the so called pure blood devil.. why don't your show his power to me trash me in a fight and earn the right of doing his ways with my master….

FATHER of spoiled brat- youuu!! Who the hell are you to decide for your master!!!

Sona – I AGREE!!! If your son defeats him I will marry him without any questioning but if he loses to my knight you have to back down on this marriage!!!!

At sona samas words the spoiled brat came back from his slumber excitedly and said

Spoiled brat- I aceept!!!!!!!!!! I will show this low life half devil might of pure blood and make you mine.....




Everyone was exited to see the match even the MAOU were looking AJUKA- sama made a domain for us to fight and looking at me and my sword curiously…..

Lord and lady sitri were looking at me happily they knew I will win and save her daughter from this womanizer of a fiancée that the could not because of political issues..

And serafall sama was cheering me like a cheerleader!!!!" go go  Al- chan trash him and everyone who comes to steal my so- tan" and as usual sona-sama was embaressed because of her sister!!!

And it start

Spoiled brat- I will trash you!!! Low life….

And he used his bloodline ability and shoot it towards me ….

I didn't mind his words because I was looking forward to his face when I defeat him..i was not overconfident because of my strength its just that after so much training I knew you cant defeat me with just simple attack you have to have the skill….

So I activated 'breath of thunder' rush towards him as fast as possible without getting hit by any attack.. have to say QI is amazing when comes to this short of thing YAMI for life!!!!

When I got close enough I took my sword which was always on my waist I did not took it out of the scabbard I attack with the scabbard because if I did he would be dead and I cant do that!!!

With'breath of fire' I did fast swing fast enough so that he cant react and stop my sword right in front of his neck and looked in his eyes with as much killing intent as possible… he got scared an fall on his back!!!!

 Everyone was surprise cause the match ended in a minute which people thought will take time…even the MAOU were shocked looked at me curiously AND serafall was just happy…

FATHER of spoiled brat he was angrier than ever…



I knew alex was powerfull his soword technique are good but when it comes to real combat its even better…its not just that from the time I made him my knight I came to know him even better he is smart, even tough he didn't ever beat me at chess he did end up giving me hard time more than tsubaki which I enjoy, he is hardworking and alwys comes up with absurd sword technique to counter his flaws…and more than that he is a gentleman he has never seen me tsubaki or any other women in any form of lust!!! Yeah he sometime check out women but I don't say anything because I know it's a boys habbit but he does not takes it far liked that spoiled brat and a certain fire chicken I know!!!!!

 BUT everyone cant be perfect, as everyone he has a flaw he is HUNG UP ON MONEY!! Like seriously hung up…he always bets money while playing chess with me and loses all the money but next day he comes agin and bet more…sometime me and tsubaki tease him because he rarely wins a bet its, really funny he even ask me and tsubaki for loan so that he can bet earn money and retur it and when he loses the bet the sulking face of his looks really CUTE…we even make him do certain odd jobs by giving him the bait of money......…

TSUBAKI once made him do full body massage on her he was flustered a bit and I was amazed with tsubaki s courage but he did it and closed his eyes when touching certain private part he would not do it if tsubaki would have not offer him her a month worth of salary….HAHAHAAHA he was cute when I looked at his red flushed face and we started teasing him more…because we know he would not have those felling until the girl says him he loves him….

Well I guess choosinghim as my knight was the best thing I have done in my life, he is decent, cute,strong listens and protects me evrtime and today he even promised me he will keep away leechourous man away from me,,,,,he gives me the feeling


What was that what was that feeling don't tell me!!!( AS I WAS THINKING SAIROG SPOKE)

SAIROG- Sona your knight is powerfull…he is like me in certain area he makes news ways for his sword to counter low magic of his and by looking at his physique I can tell he trains hard like me

Rias- yeah he is good finish the match in a minute just like that you got a strong knght sona!!!!!and conrats on being free from your womanizer fiancé …if only someone could beat that fire chicken for me!!!!!!!!!

SAIROG- yeah Sona I want to fight him can you make him fight me!!! I don't want to fight him for your hand tough just a spar!!!9said laughing)

HAHAHAHAHAH everybody laughed

SONA- hehehe you can make him fight you if you just offer him a bit of money!!!


SONA- hahaha yeah he has a bit of weak toward money, till its under his moral he will do anything for money!!!!!

SAIROG- I see just some money and I have a good new sparring partner!!!nicehahaha

RIAS- wait what is FATHER of spoiled brat doing now why is he activating his blood line magic!!!!! He should be stop or it will turn out bad!!!!

SONA_ y-yeah!!! Lets go to one-sama she could stop it


SIRZECH- serafall you sister Knight is strong I cant wait for the future where he gets even better!

AJUKA- yeah !! more than that that sword of his is itt a sacred gear or what???

SERAFALLL- dingdingding!!!! You are half correct, it's a sword which was used to slay an dragon king and that dragon soul was absorbed by the sword so the sword became a sacred gear with dragon slaying power and a bit of dragon power

AJUKA_- amazing so how powerfull Is that gear of his???

SERAFALLL_ it's a cursed blade which can make its user go crazy only AL- chan is able to tame it after the first dragon slayer and the sward is named YAMATO,it said that it's a bit weak from longnious type gear but it depends on user it can grow stronger!!!!!!

AJUKA- what seriously people go crazy he tamed it and almost god tear artifact you have to let me test him!!!

SIRZECH-I am also quite interested on where can he goes I guess your sister will be on safe hands SERAFALL

SERAFALL- yeah I know !!! I know the day I met him he will be loyal and even die for SONA!!!but more mportantly strong in the future!!!wait whats that FATHER of spoiled brat doing we have to stop him!!!!

FABILION- wait!! I want to see whats more that brat got!!!

AJUKA- yeah iwant to see what happens if he unschyte his sword!!!!!!!if anything becomes dangerous I wil stp it!

SERAFALL- ok if you say so!!!.....


Now comes his angry father cliché chinese manhwa lol cant even accept his sons losss

FATHER of spoiled brat- you!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I WILL KILL YOU!!!!!!!!!

Cliché really cliché but why no one is doing anything!!!!!!.....ah iget it Ajuka-sama was curious about my sword!!!! I think he wants to see my sword in action!!

[ it will be dangerous you are not strong enough to face him nor the less defeat him]

(I know and iam sure MAOU –samas knows tat as well they just want to see you in action they will stop the fight if it get dangerous!!!!!)

[I see than what are waiting far unschyte me let the world know that I am CURSED SWORD YAMATO!!!! Sword of alex]

(you are really battle maniac aren't you I can feel my blood boiling because of your excitement, it becomes difficult to control you in this state)

[hahahahaa blood show me enemy's blood}

( haaa no use he lost it)

FATHER of spoiled brat- feel honoured to die by the hands of me a pure blood devil

I Sighed internally, took position 'breath ofwater' it good for defense so I choose it one hand ond the scabbard other on the hilt of the katana….made the coat in water inside the scabbard when the attack came close, with the use of qi made my senses accurate… I just need to protect myself so I will cut trough the area where I can get hit

And then when attack came closer unschyted the sword with a shout top of my lungs


A water like wall was created in front of me protectict me from t he wide based magic attack that damn FATHER of spoiled brat was schocked to the core with my rise in power.. I kinda like face of people in despair just like his son AM I TURNING INTO SADIST… well I will think about it later…

Right now my sword has gone mad and for relieving his stress he is shouting like a madman!!!!!


Everyone who heard it were quite shoked with his words and my magic and defense I sighed internally and said …

ALEX- shut up yamato or I will throw you in gutter

[blo…ehhh!!!! Don-don't do that I will keep quiet really quite just not that]

He quited down and I saw sirzech coming looks like they are satisfied and it will stop here!!!

FATHER of spoiled brat- yo…

  SIRZECH- SIR DETHOK I guess it should end here! It was between Alex and your Son ,your son lost and accept the consequences!!!

DETHOK- hA!!!!!! Okay if you say so SIRZECH-SAMA I will leave and my son will not marrey SONA this engagement is caneceld

He looked at me and then at lord and lady sitri with an angry look and left with his unconscious son!!!!

I exited the domain with SIRZECH –SAMA

Alex- Thank you SIRZECH –SAMA !! (I bowed)

SIRZECh- I did not do anything ..but yeah we should talk later..

Alex- sure whatever you want…

As I was talking I saw Sona running towards me and hugged me I guess she was happy really happy

Sona- thank you!!!

ALEX- Its my duty that I fulfilled!!

SERAFALL- mooo!! Now AL –chan is taking my so- tan


SONA-(what am I doing I just hugfged him like he was nothing and this feelimg)its nothing like that,its  just that I am free of that womanizer that's allunlike you he deserve it..

Serafall- mooo!! See see ria- tan help me she is being mean

RIAS- there there

SAIROG- Alex was it I wanna spar with you do you accept

Alex-give me money I will surely!!


Just then AJUKA came in

AJUKA_ ALEx visit my lab in future I wanna check that sword and I wanna see that magic swordmanship of yous!!!

Alex- sure AJuka- SAMA but it wont be free…

Ajuka s lips twitched

[hahahahah and people say my lust for power and destruction is bad, what about you brat always gouing anywhere you smell money]

Alex- shut up half of my earnings goes to your maintainence you rsty piece of junk!!

[ohhh!no money is good really good you should always ask for more,I support you,just next time by high quality cleansing wateri kind of got a liking to it

Hhahahahah every one laughed


The celebration went well we all congrutalated Sirzech for his son

We were on the way back Me, Sona- SAMA, tsubaki, SERAFALL-sama, lord and lady sitri were on the way back on the same carriage..

\LADY SITRI- alex thank you with this, Sona is atleast free for now…(said smiling)

Lord Sitri-  yeah only for now , once we get back to the domain, the old coots will again bring another full blood devil to make them marry her we cant do anything with our power

Everyone was silent Sona-sama wanted to tell something but couldn't even Serafall-sama was sad at the moment then sudden scene struck me from the anime… ispoke

Alex-pardon me but why does not sona -SAMA gives a condition for marriage

Sona( eyes lit up) what do you mean

Alex- I mean to say why does not sona- sama makes it so that anyone who can defeat her in chess will marry her or she will choose her husband on her own in the future, till she does not choose her husband the challenge is accepted by her, as far as I know there is no one in younger generation who can defeat her in chess and now she has mastered a bit of qi its almost impossible

Sona- yes that's it I can do that ( said with eyes filled with hope)

Lord- but what about old coots will they agree..

As sona hope was going down I spoke again..

Alex- than just let Lady Serafall cause a tantrum in front of the elder, serafall-sama will say that it's the only thing her sister has ask her till now and she will keep her promise if she had to destroy the sitri house itself

Everyone was in awe because they believe this will work, everyone knows serafall-sama is underworld NUMBER1 siscon!!! This will work

Sona- Will you do it for me one-sama Please( Said with puppy dog eyes)

Serafall_(blood flows from her nose) y-yes anything anything for my so-tan!!!(she hugged her tightly)

Tsubaki- you are quite the scammer ha Alex

Alex- obviously to earn more money you need to no how to scam( I said proudly puffing my chest)

Tsubaki- still u always loose bets

Alex-don't talk about that(I became depressed in an instant)

Hhaahahah everyone laughed


(this felling,I don't know what happens in the future but thanks alex I know you will be by my side to protect me always and if ......in future lets not think about that)

And as planned we executed sona-sama demandsand serafalll-ssama tantrum was to be seen it was cute yet frightneeing no one debated

As promised to sairog and AJUKA-sama they game me money I spared and told them about my sword and techniques

I even had sword fight with kiba too he was good cant wait till he unlocks his balance breaker!!!!!

I got a bit of fame after the celebration incident as an strong knight no one says me low life half devil well something good happened I suppose

Time passed by I got more control over the sword and my qi and breath techniques were refined as well..

Many people came to challenge Sona-sama for chess match but get there ass kicked old coots politics did not worked and the challenger challenge me to show that theuy are powerfull and I cant protect sona-sama,well practice for me and they got there ass swiped by me ass well..

As such 5 year went by...


5 years passed now I am on my way to kuoh academy were it all begun….the plot of the story that is..

Sona-sama and tsubaki were already at the academy as they were 1 year older than me sona-sama has become student council president as the story and tsubaki vice president…

They are now second year and iam new fresh men….

I went inside the gate sona-sama told med to get to the student council as soon as I reach the school she wants to show me new peerage member new comrades lets see if they are strong…

?woah who is the handsome boy

?-he is cute

?-new prince of kuoh I suppose

Oh yeah I did never describe my looks did I, well never late than ever, I have white hare and pink pupils in my eyes fair skin tall!70 cm and have good physique and I don't care about women not right now but in future sure right now my goal is sword na MONEY….

So went inside the campus and went to the student council

Knock knock

?- cpming,who are you maybe

ALEX- I am alex is sona-sama here

?-oh so you are alex please come in!!!!she will be here in a minute….

?-who is he??

? he is alex kaichou knight she talks about..

Sona- is everything ready

Tsubaki-yes everything goes as planned!!!

Alex- greeting Sona- sama!!


SONA- (after so much time I did not get rid of it I guess I know what happens in the future) Oh alex good you are here how is everyone in the underworl

Alex-everything is going good other than my failed business organizationSigh

SONa-hahaha same as always

?(what the what is thisflowery situation I have never seen kaichou who is rather cold is seem a bit girly… don't tell me) tsubaki is this what I think it is????

Tsubaki- kaichou is not sorted her feling yet and alex is a bit dense you get it right..

?yeah I definetly get it

Sona – well enough with that now meet your new peerage members!!!!


Tsubasa- bishop

Tomoe- knifht like you I want you to train tomoe..

Alex- you know the deal right son-sama

Sona- yeah yeah you get the money you want… and call me kaichou here

Alex- SURE ehehe

MOMO- whats with the money is kaichou his sugar momy

Tsubaki- its nothing like that its just that he has a severe lust for money and does anything for money and earnmoney till its under moral compass

Tsubasa- hehehe I can make the junior do lot of odd job for me if that the case

Sona- your class will be !-b I want you to look into the boy name saji I thing he has a sacred gear

Alex- sure!!!!!

And I left to my class...…