
Sir Roran of Deira

where is Freda?!" Lord Gerriant yelled the third time that morning. He had finally returned home only to find out that Freda had been missing for more than twenty four hours.

"Do you really have no idea about your sister's whereabouts?" He asked Roran, but he was lost in thoughts.

"No, father must not find out about Freda or he will go after her immediately. That could turn out to be a huge embarrassment for us.

"Roran?!" Lord Gerriant spoke focusing his attention on Roran

"I am sorry father" Roran replied clenching his feet.

"I am really disappointed Roran. First, you missed your chance of becoming one of the greatest knights of Deira, and now your sister is missing and you can do nothing about it. Tell me! Did your brain get wounded alongside your arm?!" Lord Gerriant spoke, but Roran didn't respond. Lord Gerriant, however, summoned the servants of the house and instructed them to search everywhere for Freda.

Meanwhile, at the palace, Freda had just returned from the training ground, and exhausted, she collapsed on her bed. Prince Hadrian's words the previous day crept into her mind, and smiling, she said

"A worthy opponent huh?"

"I guess my duels with Roran paid off afterall." She spoke to herself again, but as she closed her eyes to sleep, she heard a gentle tap on her door. She rolled out of bed to get the door, and right there, was Jonathan, prince Hadrian's servant.

"He...hello" she said a bit surprised by his presence, but Jonathan maintained a smiley face.

"His Highness asked me to personally deliver this to you" he said handing the box he was holding to Freda.

"What may this be?" She asked politely

"It is a robe." Jonathan replied

"You are expected to wear this and be present at the banquet tonight, please do not be late." He said and left almost immediately.

"What exactly is going on today?" Freda asked herself. She dressed up in her robes before heading for the banquet. She looked more charming and elegant as a man, and as she walked in, the squires kept stealing glances at her. Some complimented her outrightly, while others only stared in awe. Not long after she had joined the others on the table where they sat ready for the banquet, the royal family, King Brice Haworth, Prince Hadrian, Princess Isabella and the Queen, Adrienne came in and took their seats facing them. Freda caught Hadrian's gaze but looked away immediately.

"What is going on?" Freda asked a fellow Squire.

"It is the wedding ceremony of Lord Lawrence and Princess Josephine, the Prince's Cousin." The Squire replied.

"It is also our knighting ceremony today " another squire spoke. Freda's eyes shone in excitement.

"I can not believe I will finally become a knight today, I wish Roran was here" she thought to herself.

"The banquet is about to start" Simon, one of the knights spoke. Princess Josephine and Lord Lawrence walked in to the admiration of everyone. The banquet lasted for a while before Prince Hadrian finally stood to his feet. He took a long scroll from one of the servants and standing with his sword in hand, he called out the first squire.

"Francis Griffiths" he said, and the squire knelt before him, and took his oath. Prince Hadrian raised his sword and with it, he touched the squire on the shoulder with the sword.

"I dub you knight of Deira" he said. Sir Francis Griffiths dressed in his armour and received his sword. Prince Hadrian did the same to the other Squire but when it came to Freda's turn, he hesitated. Freda was afraid that she might not be dubbed a knight, but a smile brightened up Prince Hadrian's face as he picked up the sword.

"Roran Gerriant" he said, and Freda knelt before him. She took her oath of knighthood and gently, Prince Hadrian placed his sword on her shoulders.

"I dub you knight of Deira" he said and a feeling of fulfilment enveloped Freda. She dressed up in her armour and together with the other knights, mounted her horse, ready for their martial games.

"This is for you Roran" Freda muttered to herself as a tear rolled down her cheek.

"To Deira!" Prince Hadrian yelled raising a toast

"To Deira!" The knights replied raising their wine glasses too.

The banquet lasted for a while, but it finally came to an end. Freda was still sober when she got to her chambers. She sat by the window in exhaustion, and the thought of Roran and her father back home flashed through her mind.

"I am a knight of Deira now Roran, I know you and Father will be so proud of me." She said. Freda was aware that she had only succeeded in crossing one hurdle, and many others that were more difficult and deadly awaited her, but she was more determined than ever to succeed.