
Knight's Journey in Westeros

This will be basic fanfic. meaning I won't stray too far from canon. Far enough but not too far. How far? Go and find out. Anyway my creative juices are at an all time low and decided to create a new fanfic in my alt email. I will be picking those up soon, but not at the moment. This will be fast pased but not too fast that I end up typing 'they fought like legends and then the MC won' no... uhk gross. The only thing legendary about that is how fast it was. There will be no magic on this one. I'll leave those shenanigans to the red priest and wood witches. This will be an OP MC, slapping bitches left and right. he won't be too good or too evil nor will he be a disgusting pig who wants to fuck every pussy he sees. Swords! Spears! Shields and Mailed Fist! Let your steel do the talking! Heavily inspired by 'A knight's tale'. As painful as reading that fanfic is due to the grammar, I still liked it.

Swordbringer · TV
Not enough ratings
24 Chs

Chapter 10: Loss

(AN: continuing from previous chapter)

Tywin walked towards his son's cell followed by Jon Connington.

Tywin has no illusion as to why the man was here. It was simply too much to ignore the chance of getting one over the Old Lion of the Rock.

And despite knowing this, he isn't at all blaming the man but his children.

'I should have listened to you Joanna. I should have listened to you.' he kept repeating as he chastised himself for this oversight.

His wife had warned him but simply left it in stride as a childish curiosity. He believed in his children. Hoping that they would usher in a grand dynasty under the Lannister name. But now-

"Here we are Lord Tywin." Connington said cutting off further thoughts of the past. Tywin simply nodded and then went inside the cell.

There he saw his son, head bowed as he held it with both hands where he sat. His clothes remaining the same and untouched, immaculate even. Standing out in stark contrast with his dishelved hair, red eyes and tear stricken face that painted him more as broken mad man.


Jamie snapped his head into attention. And spoke. "Father! please listen-"

"Enough." Tywin interrupted. Tywin simply looked at his son's eyes. Hoping to find a glimpse of answer as to why. But he knew there would be no point.

"I have been told of what had happened." Tywin said. Making sure not to allow his voice to break.

"Lady Lysa Tully had gone to the maester of the castle with hopes of procuring a concoction that would have guaranteed pregnancy for the bedding ceremony." Tywin hated every word coming out of his mouth. But he has no choice. He has to do this.

"Sadly when she asked the maester, she was too shy to admit that it was for personal use and said it was for her father instead." He has tried to think of other solutions but this was the only path he could take.

"And so the maester instead gave her an 'Aphrodisiac' commonly address as a lust potion. But due to considering Hoster Tully's age instead of yours, not only was the concoction more potent, the dosage was wrong and the effects were... unintended." Tywin fought the urge to gulp down his concerns as he there was no turning back now.

"Lysa Tully gave the potion to your sister, Cersei. So she might administer it to you with hopes of not triggering the effects. But.... sadly, she did not expect her to do what she did."

Steeling his heart. He gave the final nail in the coffin. "She didn't know that your sister would seduce you. And due to the effects of the potion, you failed to control yourself. Leading to the situation she had found the two of you in which subsequently led to your current situation." he said as coldly as he could.

"Is all of this true, my son?"

Seconds passed in silence and while Jamie was crying for his sisters plight, he couldn't help but feel disgusted at himself for feeling relief. He looked down at his feet, unable to meet his father's eyes. He knew what it meant, he would be saved from execution...by condemning his sister into the block.

This was his father's way. Jamie knew then that his father would only do this if left with no choice. And sadly a son is worth more than a daughter in their world.

But despite trying to console himself, Jamie couldn't answer. A voice within is telling him he should. Fear and even more fear gripped his heart with each passing second. His indecision is making him lose sight of things. And the voice in his head, trying to defend his sister's life grew weaker and weaker as the reality of the situation began getting clearer and clearer. And the more he sees, the more he feared as he began to realize, that death is the only outcome of any path, should he choose otherwise.

He has only two true choices to choose from. His life? Or his sister's?

"Time is up." said Connington.

Tywin offered no answer as he only walked out, hoping that his son would make the right choice. Because he knew, he doesn't want to know which was his. Despite his conscience mocking him, refused to acknowledge the fact that he would always choose his son over his daughter.

~~~ Break ~~~

Tywin arrived at the large number of Lannister men missing from the camp. Looking to his tent he, he saw someone he was not expecting anytime soon.

Arthas was at the entrance standing right next to his brother Kevan, who from the looks of things looked busy. 'Too busy...'

"Lord Lannister." greeted Arthas with a bow.

"Ser Arthas. Come in."

Entering his tent, Arthas spoke immediately.

"I have come to ask for a favor."

Tywin raised a brow at the boy. And as soon as the weight of his words registered within his mind, Tywin grew incredibly curious. So he gave Arthas a nod for him to continue

"My advisor, Sif. Had been kidnapped. I wish to know where she is. Along with the names of the perpetrators responsible for burning down my camp and killing two of those who are mine."

"....and what would you do with this information."

"That is yet to be decided. As I am curious my self."

"Curious to what?" asked Tywin.

"As to whether I would make them suffer first before killing them."

"....hmm...And what would House Lannister gain for such service?"

"A favor."

"A favor for a favor? Surely you understand the magnitude of what you asks of me."

"And you know the magnitude of what my favor offers."

Tywin of course understood what it meant to have a sword of his quality at his beck and call. It was after all why he sponsored the likes of Clegane.

And so he agreed. Knowing he would not be losing much in the ordeal.

"Thank you, Lord Tywin." he said sincerely. Giving Tywin an insight to their relationship.

"Do not thank me yet. You will have the answer you seek as soon as I have it."

"Very well...may I speak with her?"

"...no..." whispered Tywin.

Arthas could feel the solemn air in the Old Lion's voice and so he decided to take his leave as he still have a conversation that is now overdue with the Starks.

~~~ Break ~~~

Morning came with the gathering for a court. The trial was as people expected, incestuous acts between Cersei and Jamie.

And it was not something Arthas was willing to miss. So despite the glares, the pointing, the laughter and the whispers, he decided to attend.

A make shift court, raised platform with four seats, two on each side of a throne which was raised in the middle.

And a small platform for the defendant located at the center of the court. Placed specifically for one purpose, for the accused to feel judged not just by the Lords but also of the crowd.

Amongs the crowd, Arthas stood close to Tywin as was indicated by Kevan. Despite the scandal of what it meant, Arthas did not care as his eyes were glued to one person who looks at him with such hollowed eyes. And it nearly broke his heart.

"Order!!!" shouted Jon Connington, shushing the crowed.

"I! Aerys of House Targaryen! Second of his name! King of the Andals and the First Men! Lord of the Seven Kingdoms! Hereby recuse myself of this trial!" whispers broke at his words. "Rhaegar of House Targaryen! Lord of Dragonstone and Heir to the Throne! Shall precide over this trial in my stead!"

After the announcement the king was expected to step down from the throne but instead reclined where he sat. Not even bothering to hide his glee to the people.

"Jamie of House Lannister." said Rhaegar, prompting knights to push the boy forward. And then knelt him into the small platform. "You are accused of committing incest by Lord Hoster of House Tully, Lord Paramount of the Trident and Lord of Riverrun. How do you plead?"

He did not answer. Making the air tense around him. Arthas could see the indecision in his eyes, but most of all is fear coupled with something else. He was shaking, as could be heard by the clanking of his metal cuffs. And soon he began breathing deeply as he started looking around. Looking lost and afraid.

And then his eyes landed on Arthas. And to the surprise of the Young knight, Jamie's eyes morphed to horror and sadness.

"Jamie of House Lannister!" raised Rhaegar, forcing the attention upon him once more. "How do you plead!"

"....not guilty your grace...."

Arthas didn't miss the baffled and hurt look on Cersei's face once he answered.

"Cersei of House Lannister. You are f-"

"I am not guilty your grace." Cersei said with certainty in her voice despite the fear that echoed around it.

"The crown brings in it's first witness. Lord Hoster Tully, Lord of Riverrun."

And from there the court was followed by nothing but witnesses from the crown that all simply stated the exact same thing. Hoster Tully, Rickard Stark, Tywin Lannister, Jon Connington, Jon Arryn and the five knights that followed after them. The only thing that differed is the clearly drunk, Elbert Arryn, who publicly commented on how beautiful and round her ass was. Which disgustingly received a round of laughter as Cersei bowed her head in embarrassment hiding her face behind her golden locks.

But neither Arthas, Tywin nor Kevan were pleased. And with the three of them standing together with their blonde hair and bright eyes, they all looked very intimidating for the crowd. Specially to those who were across from them.

Arthas though was also keeping an eye on Brandon Stark and Robert Baratheon seated on the other isle. The two openly laughing and looking as drunk as Elbert Arryn.

The court then had a small recess. Which usually meant last minute backroom deals and bribes. And sure enough, Elbert Arryn approached Tywin Lannister. Looking sure and smug at himself.

"Lord Tywin." greeted Elbert.

"Heir Arryn." said Tywin...but nothing else.

To Arthas who was watching from the sidelines. It was clear the punk was not expecting Tywin's passive stance. Though Arryn's words were plain, that in itself is a red flag. It means he was hiding something. And unfortunately for the youth the likes of Tywin do not bite unless playing along with his prey. That....and his face keeps twitching.

"My lord, if you have the time. I have something I wish to discuss with you." said Elbert.

"Very well." replied Tywin.

Arthas held back a laugh that was masked by his cold persona as they walked on by.

Elbert Arryn's ploy is plain as daylight. Better negotiation status for the Lannister girl. She is a beauty. No doubt about it. But her wealth and the prestige of her name made her even more enticing.

Elbert has the name to match her. The son and heir to a great house. Sadly someone like Elbert has not the riches, reputation, nor the looks necessary to bag her.

So if he is ever going to be negotiating anything. He needs to have the upper hand. And it needs to a big one, like a life or a hostage at hand. And Elbert Arryn believe he has exactly that. Hostages. Ones he can use against Tywin.

Sadly for Elbert, this was the amateur move. Everyone wanted exactly what he had, leverage and so it was no surprise that Tywin expected this.

"Poor bird, landing on the Lions nest." said Brynden Tully as he stood by Arthas' side.

"Indeed. Though I must admit Ser Blackfish, I am surprised that Lord Hoster actually filed a complaint against the Lannister Heir." replied Arthas.

Arthas admits it did not make sense for Hoster Tully to do this. He basically had House Lannister on a choke hold. Catching the heir in a scandal while being betrothed to one of the Tully Sisters. Hoster could have asked for Castamere or lands on the western border and Tywin would have accepted if it meant saving his house from utter ruin. So the question is...why? Why go through with this?

"That's cause he didn't." Brynden gritted out. Making Arthas's eyes narrow.

"I see...who was it? The father or the son?"

"The son."

"*sigh* ...does he not realize he is merely creating discontent amongs his own Lords?"

"I believed he thinks this better, than having that discontent pointed at one of his lords."

Arthas stopped and look at Blackfish with incredulity. Brynden on the other hand simply stared at Arthas as seriously as he could.

He nodded moments later, with no choice but to accept the current way of things. He then saw Tywin walking towards him calmly with Elbert looking like he doesn't even know where he is. Arthas raised a brow at the old Lion only for the man to flash a smile as he passed by, easily missed as the man hid it quick enough.

"Ser Tully." greeted Tywin.

"Lord Lannister. My brother expresses his apologies for his brash action regarding the current circumstances."


"Indeed my lord."

Tywin merely grunted but gave no indication of his acceptance or his rejection. All conversations ceased as the doors to the hall opened once more indicating the continuation of the Trial.

As soon as everyone is seated once more. Rhaegar continued. "We will now be hearing the defense of the accused. Bring in your first witness."

"For the defense of Jamie Lannister, we call forth, Lady Lysa Tully to the stand." said Kevan Lannister.

Lysa Tully's testimony was shattering. It was enough to actually give the audience reason to start jeering at Cersei, and the poor girl who continue to cry in denial was merely ignored by her own brother.

"Order!" shouted Rhaegar bringing the noise to an acceptable degree. "Bring forth the maester!" Then came forth the maester. "Your name maester."

"Tothmure your grace, maester of Harrenhal."

"Maester Tothmure, Lady Lysa Tully had stated that she came for you to obtain a concoction at the day of the wedding ceremony. I wish for you to clarify for the court what exactly happened."

"Your grace on the day of the wedding ceremony, Lady Lysa Tully came to me with a concern. She said she required something to help ensure that would allow a man to perform splendidly for the night. Of course when I asked to whom it was for she simply said it was for her father. So I gave her something to that I believed would help. The Citadel called it aphrodisiac or commonly known as 'lust potion'. I admit, I did not expect that it was meant to be used for the bedding ceremony. If I had I would have given a different one."

"Elaborate maester."

"The lust position comes in two different brews. One is diluted, the effects are slightly weaker, enough to make a man stand in attention on his wedding night and the time it takes to take effect is usually after an hour or two.... But the second one is what I gave her your grace. A concentrated version it has an immediate effect your grace. Coupled with a powerful trigger."

"A trigger maester?" asked King Aerys.

"Yes your grace. You see it would require that the man be... uhmm... eager for it to take effect."

Tywin frowned.

"Eager? How so maester?"

"He not only would have to have been seduced your grace..."

Tywin was now gritting his teeth.

"He would have had to uhmm... want it to happen."

Chaos broke out as the Lannister children were subjected to derision, curses, insults and jeers of the crowed.

The highborns were lost on what to do. But that is more so to Rhaegar, Elbert Arryn and to Tywin. As none of them had predicted such an outcome.

Atop the raised throne, overlooking the display before him. Aerys smiled from ear to ear with his yellow teeth in open display as opposed to Tywin's angry scowl. He had won, and the mad king knew it.

~~~ Break ~~~

Rain poured heavily unto the crowd and yet none had dared taken shelter. It isn't everyday that a highborn is executed after all. And so people clamored and push just to get a glimpse of the Lannister Princess as some had called her. As she was dragged to the Executioner's block located at the center of the arena.

But despite the noise, Arthas could only listen in at her heart breaking plea. Calling out to her father endlessly. But Tywin was not responding, not to his daughter nor to his brother who had been in a panic right beside him.

Cersei soon reached the block. And was forced to her knees. Looking down at her broken form, Aerys Targaryen addressed her.

"Cersei of House Lannister. Your guilt has been proven beyond doubt. And as such the punishment for your crime shall be death!"

".....please.... mercy, m-my king..."

"Hmm, I am not without mercy my dear. And so as such I will give your father a chance! To save your life, a price must be paid." Aerys said, shocking the crowd.

He then looked to Tywin and said. "For your daughter's life. You must pay the crown....

A Valerian Steel Sword!"

The people were stunned. It was not a price people would willing pay, but the fact that it was known that House Lannister had lost their Valyrian Steel Sword just brought to home how far the king would go to mock Tywin Lannister.

Seconds passed as only the pouring rain could be heard. And then the king spoke once more, cutting through the pouring silence.

"I see, I had forgotten your house does not have the means to pay it. Very well then. If that is the case! Then anyone can pay the price! Anyone!" Aerys shouted gleefully. No one would pay it of course. Just as Aerys was about to put an end to the farce...

"I WILL!!!" someone shouted.

The crowed parted as Arthas himself walked forward. And surprisingly, with his Valyrian Steel Sword already drawn.

People began to whisper at his actions. Some didn't even bother hiding their satisfaction. But most looked at him like a fool. Like a lost cause. But to Arthas: 'I don't need this sword. Just you all watch.'

Stepping Infront of the executioner Arthas handed the handle of the sword to the man and then released Cersei from her bindings. Who held on to him as she cried her heart out.

The sword was then handed to Rhaegar who then inspected the sword's beauty. But right next to him sat a fuming Aerys. He was winning and he would not be denied his victory. Slamming his hand to the arm rest he began shouting.



The crowed gasp at the King's words but he wasn't done as he then he turned to Tywin.

"AS FOR YOUR SON! HIS PUNISHMENT IS TO SERVE THE CROWN AS A KNIGHT OF THE KINGSGUARD!!! THIS IS MY WILL! MY POWER! MY ROYAL DECREE! I! AM! THE! KING!" shouted Aerys as he then began stomping out of sight. The Kingsguard followed, except one who looked at Arthas for quite some time before marching away.

A chill spread through everyone as the King's madness was finally put into full display. And so with curiosity sated, the people began to walk away. A short distance away, Tywin could be seen standing there.

Cersei, unable to control herself, rushed to her father and then slapped him. After she did, she hugged him and he hugged her back.

Arthas not wanting to intrude on the moment turned around to look away.

Arthas looked up and felt the cold touch of the rain upon his face. With the darkened sky and rumblings of thunder, the final day of the tourney has come, and the nightmare came with it.

He looked down at the sheath in his hand. Empty and void. The sword that would have granted him victory over anyone and anything this world has to offer. Is now gone.


He looked behind only to see a subject of his plight. The source of his loss. And acceptance bloomed as he looked upon her beauty, now smidged in pain. Making him smile slightly.

"I was good. Too good. That people thought they could mess with me. That they could hurt those who are mine... That was a mistake. One I will see corrected today."

"Tell me my dear, what will you advice that I do to achieve this goal?"

Cersei smiled and said. "Death...is a good motivator."