
KnB: I Became the Manager (Dropped)

MC wakes up to find himself in another world after his death. Years later he realises he's in the world of KnB and becomes op with his own luck and effort. Joining the Seirin team as a manager and hidden ace, he'll take the basketball world by storm. . --> Disclaimer: Canon characters and plot are not mine. Cover is not mine. --> Basketball matches are not written very well and won't go into too much detail. --> Updates are when I'm free.

Honey_Seeto ¡ Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
32 Chs


[A/N: Okay readers, just to be clear, I have already warned you in my synopsis and you should know from my previous writing that I suck at describing actual games. So read at your own risk.]




The ball pounded against the ground, every bounce sounding denser than the other. The punks gulped and gritted their teeth as they carefully watched Takumi slowly coming closer to them with a blank face.

Though the boy was expressionless, the whole court, including the bystanders, couldn't help but feel like they were prey to a dangerous beast. It was amazing the presence of a single boy emitted.

Kagami, Kuroko and Kise stood off to the side and watched with bated breaths.

Then, like a bullet, Takumi charged forward with such speed that the bullies weren't able to react in time and could only watch in shock as the ball shot towards the hoop going in perfectly without touching the rim. Everyone froze and gaped.

Kise and Kuroko sucked in a cold breath as they thought the same thing.

'His speed was on par with Aomine.'

"Oh? You guys can't even react a bit to that, tch, I guess I wasn't wrong when I said you were weak," Takumi sneered, provoking the group.

One of the thugs growled and got the ball ready to shoot in the hoop while the two others guarded Takumi. One of them even tried to step on his foot to which he skilfully avoided whilst giving the boy a 'kind' smile.

"Cheating as well...I guess it's to be expected when you lack the skills to stop me," mused Takumi in scorn.

After saying that, he ducked past the two and ran to the boy with ball just in time to block him as he made the shot.

After stopping him, he dribbled the ball to the half-way mark and skilfully avoided a hand from the right which tried to steal the ball. He did a cross-over and stopped at the three-point line before pulling off a perfect jump shot.

As the game progressed, Takumi's form stood in top-condition while the punk's got more drained. His dunks were filled with power and his speed and defence were impenetrable. He was, in short, a monster.

Kagami couldn't help but watch in awe as Takumi drove past two defenders and executed an easy layup without breaking a sweat. Kise and Kuroko watched him with complicated looks.

With both being members of the generation of miracles, they knew just how good they were and why they were referred to as prodigies but this guy...

"Would Aominecchi be able to match against him?" Kise muttered out loud. Kuroko couldn't answer him.


[Takumi's POV]

I let out a deep breath and stared in visible disappointment at the thugs collapsed around me. I know I had said they were weak but it was still sad to know it only took less than 5 percent of my actual skill to beat them.

I could see the fear in their eyes as I stared down at them and snorted before walking to the three seated on the side.

Kagami stood up and marched towards me with a determined look on his face but before he could say something, I cut him off.

"I'm not playing against you,"


I sighed and picked up my jacket and bag, "Because I don't want to. You've already seen what I can do so this much should be enough,"

"I guess that means you won't have a match against me either, Takumicchi." Kise gave a sheepish look.

"Correct." I smiled. "Perhaps one day I'll agree but you'll have to up your arsenal or else you'll be mercilessly crushed,"

Kagami clicked his tongue with indignation.

"But that was awesome Takumicchi!" exclaimed Kise all of a sudden. "Just how did you do it? And why haven't I heard of a genius like you before?"

"For the first question, I played a lot and got a lot of experience from street ball." It was a half lie. "And for the second question....this is actually my first time going to school."

".....eh?" The three blinked at me in confusion.

"I mean, I've been homeschooled for my whole life and this is my first time to go to a public school." I clarified.

"For real? But you don't seem like the type to be--"

"That's rude Kise-kun." Kuroko scolded the blonde.

"Ah sorry. I didn't mean it like that," Kise rubbed his head. Kagami looked as if he couldn't care less about my backstory. Typical basketball idiot.

"Nice tattoo by the way," Kise mentioned looking at my inner arm. The other two's eyes turned to the same spot and I could see Kagami's brows furrow a bit.

"I don't think it's allowed though," said Kuroko.

I snickered, "It's not but who's gonna see it? Besides, they can't kick me out." Thanks to Uncle.

Suddenly, I felt I vibration in my pocket and I pulled out my phone to see a very angry message from Riko.

"I think we need to go. Coach is looking for us and she doesn't seem happy." I said making the light and shadow duo flinch.

Kise checked his phone and draped his blazer over his shoulder, "I gotta go as well. It was fun today and I'm glad I played against you guys but....." His eyes narrowed while his lips still formed a smile, "We won't lose again."

"I look forward to it, Kise-kun." replied Kuroko.

"Bring it on," Kagami grinned.

"See ya copycat!" I shouted. Kise's face twitched at the nickname while Kuroko and Kagami sighed.

We had walked out of the court on onto the sidewalk before we spotted Riko stomping towards us with a pissed look and before we knew it, she had tackled Kuroko to the ground and put him in her famous Boston crab hold.

Fearing her fury, the rest of the team who had arrived, and Kagami, all walked away whilst sending a silent condolence to the poor blue-head who called for help. Kuroko's face was turning pale but Riko didn't show any signs of stopping and I felt a bit sorry for him.

Therefore, I put my hands on her waist and lifted her off the poor boy letting him breathe in relief.

Riko struggled against me, "Let me go you bastard! I need to discipline him,"

I didn't loosen my hold and whispered in her ear, "He's learnt his lesson Riko-chan. Anymore Boston crab hold and we might lose our poor trump-card."

I could see her ears turn pink as she blushed and thankfully calmed down.

Kuroko seemed shocked at how easily I tamed her and when he looked at me, I put a finger over my lip with a smile.