
KnB: I Became the Manager (Dropped)

MC wakes up to find himself in another world after his death. Years later he realises he's in the world of KnB and becomes op with his own luck and effort. Joining the Seirin team as a manager and hidden ace, he'll take the basketball world by storm. . --> Disclaimer: Canon characters and plot are not mine. Cover is not mine. --> Basketball matches are not written very well and won't go into too much detail. --> Updates are when I'm free.

Honey_Seeto · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
32 Chs


[Third Quarter]

Koganei, much like Furihata was good at supporting the team. Within this period however, the gap between Seirin and Kaijo was widening with Kise's increasing strength. But as usual, Takumi wore his signature lazy smile and didn't seem at all worried at how the game was looking.

Kagami was having a bit of trouble without Kuroko but he didn't act recklessly thanks to Takumi's warning. Most of the good moves he pulled were copied by the blonde but instead of getting pissed, he merely clicked his tongue and continued on with the game. His dunks and layups were good but getting the rebounds were difficult and he and Mitobe had to work extra hard on jumping to get them.

'It seems my words really do have an effect on the plot. Tiger will most likely mature quicker rather than take a whole season.' Takumi thought. This made Takumi think of the whole plot of the series. When he first learned he was in the KnB world, it wasn't really in his plan to change the plot but now...

"Fufu, shall we win the Inter-high this year?" murmured Takumi to himself. Kiyoshi's return after the inter-high greatly helped the team's strength because Seirin has a weak inner side. If Takumi replaced him, no doubt would Seirin be able to beat Touou but shall he do that? Or should he just let things progress?

Seirin's devastating loss to Touou was the main motivator for the team, especially Kagami and Kuroko, to get stronger. If he does help them win against Touou, there's a good chance they'd still lose to Rakuzan since the starters' levels are too low.

'Hmm, what to do....'


"Sorry I was thinking about something." he said to Kuroko who was staring blankly at him. "Kise is getting really serious isn't he?"

"Yes. Our senpai's are doing a good job to score and Kagami seems to be improving through the match." Kuroko said. "But...."

"Just wait a little longer Kuroko. We'll put you in soon ,"


The third quarter soon ended with a 9 point gap between Seirin and Kaijo.


[Mini Time-skip]

"Honestly speaking Takumi-kun, I tempted to put you in but it would be such a waste since this is a practice match," whispered Riko to Takumi. "But you don't seem worried at all."

"Of course I'm not. I have faith in phantom and tiger and even more in our senpais."

"I'm glad but I'm curious where this faith came from,"

"For the senpais? I trust in their foundation. The key to a good team is its foundation and last year you took the liberty of pounding it into them.

Riko smirked at the compliment. "I have faith in them too,"

They were now at the final quarter and the game was heating up. If Kagami scored a basket, Kise scored one right back but now, Kuroko and Kagami have finally started their synchronising and are passing to each other to get past the blonde.

Takumi could see Seirin slowly succumbing to their stamina but they pushed through right till the last minute where the two teams were now tied at 98 points each.

In an instant, a dangerous aura burst from Kise who gritted his teeth and increased his speed.

'I refuse to lose!'

He jumped and scored a dunk but Kagami was able to get one back bringing the score to a tie again. It was then when Kuroko told Kagami another thing they could do which Kise wouldn't be able to copy; a buzzer beater.

Takumi grinned and stood up before packing up the things and getting the water bottles ready.

"What are you doing? The game's not over yet," Riko asked. Her palms were sweaty and her nerves were on edge with the match. So close...Seirin was so close.

"It'll be soon. It's over for Kaijo,"


As soon as she said that, a shout brought her attention back to the court where she saw Kagami and Kise jump for the ball thrown by Kuroko. Thought the two jumped simultaneously, Kagami's figure seemed to be climbing higher and higher till Kise was face-to-face with the back of his jersey.

'H-How?! How can he be higher?' thought the blonde. 'We jumped at the same time but why am I falling first?'


Kagami shouted and slammed the ball into the basket just as the buzzer sounded.

*BRRRT* "Match over! Seirin High wins,"


"We did it!"

Riko slumped with a sigh of relief and a smile found its way to her face. Seirin cheered and wore happy smiles of their own. 'They did it! They beat a miracle!'

Kise looked to be in a state of shock. He actually lost. Tears fell from the blonde's eyes before he quickly wiped it away.

"Stop crying dumbass." Kasamatsu slapped his back. "How dare you say you've never lost before. For now, we need to get revenge,"

"...Hai senpai,"

The two teams bowed to each other before separating. Kaijo's coach looked furious while Riko was bursting with smiles. Takumi had a small smile as well and handed the players their water bottles and towels.

"Thank you Takumi-kun," said Kuroko.

"No problem phantom. It's my job after all,"

"I'm wasn't talking about the water. I was talking about your strategy of substituting me and preventing me from being accidentally struck by Kise-kun's elbow,"

Takumi paused and looked at the smaller male, "I see. For the elbow thing, you're welcome but about the strategy...I don't even know if you could call it a strategy but regardless of whether or not I said something, you guys would've still won."

"How do you know?" asked the blue-head.

"Hmm....I wonder," Takumi flashed a smirk and packed away the supplies leaving Kuroko to his own thoughts.

"Weird bastard," muttered a certain ace who had overheard the conversation, (not on purpose of of course).

"That's rude to call someone that Kagami-kun."

"Hmph," someone was still holding a grudge from being told off earlier.


"This deserves a total celebration!" Koganei pumped his fist.

"Why don't we get something to eat?" suggested Riko. The team murmured their agreement before she asked how much money everyone had after transport fare. The total sat at an unfortunate 500 yen.

"...Home it is then," Hyuuga sighed.

Before the group walked away, Riko saw a passing truck sign for steak and her face brightened into a smile.

Takumi hadn't said much this time and just let the story play out.

Plus, he was craving for some steak as well.