
KnB: I Became the Manager (Dropped)

MC wakes up to find himself in another world after his death. Years later he realises he's in the world of KnB and becomes op with his own luck and effort. Joining the Seirin team as a manager and hidden ace, he'll take the basketball world by storm. . --> Disclaimer: Canon characters and plot are not mine. Cover is not mine. --> Basketball matches are not written very well and won't go into too much detail. --> Updates are when I'm free.

Honey_Seeto · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
32 Chs


After the mini-game, everyone went to the locker room to change while Takumi had already taken off.

Riko sat on the bench looking through her notes when Hyuuga came up to her with the other second-years.

"Oi, that kid never played once in the match. How come?"

"Huh? Oh I kind of forgot to sub him in," Riko said sheepishly. "But it doesn't matter, I already know that guy is strong."

Izuki looked at her, "The dvd...how was he?"

"What dvd?" Koganei asked.

"Takumi gave Riko a dvd for her to watch of his playing. How as it coach?" asked Izuki.

Riko turned silent for a minute before opening her mouth, "I...have never seen a player of his caliber before. If I had to say, he'd be on par with the miracles from what I've heard of them,"

The boys looked shocked.

"What about compared to Kagami?" Hyuuga asked.

"I'd say he'd all too easily crush him. That's just how much of a monster he is," said Riko rubbing the bridge of her nose. "He's a complex character though. I think he really means it when he says he's here to have fun and doesn't mind being a spectator or bench warmer. But at the same time, I get the feeling he wouldn't let us down if I put him on court."

"..." Hyuuga and the rest didn't know what to say. They knew what coach looked for in anyone joining the club is commitment and to have a proper goal. If they got a guy like Takumi in, it be a strong addition to the team but whether he'll be allowed is entirely up to Riko.

'Seeing how close they seemed, it's likely he'll become a member.' thought the eagle-eye who had seen the duo conversing on the bench. 'Coach probably already knows what to do with him.'

Right then, the door opened and Kagami walked out of the locker room heading straight for the exit without glancing once at the seniors making Hyuuga pop a vein.

"That brat has no respect for his seniors!"

"Hyuuga, your true side is showing."


Kagami yawned as he entered the fast food restaurant. After placing his order for ten burgers, he took his tray and sat by a window seat before biting into his burger. Out of the corner of his eye, he caught another figure and choked.

"Heuk! What the-- why are you sitting there?!" shouted the red-head.

"I was here first. It is you who came and sat after me," Kuroko said sipping on his drink. Kagami clicked his tongue and opened his mouth to say something when someone else arrived.

"Areh, phantom and tiger, what a coincidence to see you here," Takumi smiled and pulled a chair to sit on.

"Why the hell are you here?!" Kagami scowled. Takumi stole one of his burgers and bit in to it ignoring the fuming expression on the red-head's face.


"Thanks for the burger," Takumi said.

"You bas--"

"You didn't play today Takumi-kun," Kuroko cut off Kagami much to the latter's anger. Instead of saying something, he just huffed and ate his meal.

"Good to know you have working eyes phantom," said Takumi in a teasing tone. "I think must've forgotten to put me in seeing how entertaining you two were. I have to say, you guys are not bad."

'Just not bad...' thought Kuroko. This Takumi was a little hard to figure out. He seems like someone...out of this world if possible. Friendly, but doesn't voluntarily socialise...except with the basketball team. He also feels a lot like Kagami, a wild beast but more dangerous. What a curious guy.

The three left the restaurant and walked to the crossing. Suddenly, Kagami asked Kuroko a question.

"What would happen if I played one of the generation of miracles?"

"You'd be crushed instantly," said the ever blunt Kuroko. Takumi snorted while Kagami growled.

"Do you have to put it like that?!"

"Well tiger, I don't think you could sugar-coat it. The generation of miracles are simply too out of your league...currently." Takumi yawned. "However, if you went against them with Kuroko here, you might be able to take them on."


The duo stopped and looked at Takumi.

"What do you mean?" asked Kagami.

"Eh? Kuroko can explain, I'm too lazy to."

'This bastard...' thought Kagami angrily. Takumi sent a playful smirk and walked off.

"See you guys tomorrow!"


The next day at school, Riko came to find Takumi in his class and called him out.

"Oh Riko-chan, to what do I owe this pleasure?" asked Takumi as the duo spoke in private. She rolled her eyes.

"I need to confirm something with you," she continued. "What exactly are you wanting to achieve by joining the basketball club?"

"Eh? Didn't I already answer this?"

Riko sighed, "You did but you have to understand that my goal is help the team win the two tournaments and I can't have half-hearted people joining if they aren't going to take it seriously,"

'She really cares about this huh.' thought Takumi as he studied the brunette's face.

"You know my capabilities already so I think you've already understood you don't have anything to teach me correct?"

"...yes," Riko seemed a little miffed about that and Takumi had to stifle a chuckle.

"Then how about this, I join the team as a manager,"

"Eh? Manager?" Riko blinked. "That's..."

"I know it's mainly females who do the job but I'm happy to take the position. Additionally, only if you really need it, I can be the team's trump card."

Riko's eyes widened as she pondered on this option. Why didn't she think of this earlier?

"Very well. We'll go with what you suggested."

"Great. Was that all you wanted to talk about?" Takumi leaned agains the wall.

"Basically. I'll see you later then," Riko walked off.

"Bye Riko-chan!" Takumi said loudly making the girl give him a glare. He chuckled and walked back to his class.


During the morning assembly, a humorous sight was seen on the roof of the school. Several teenagers, members of the basketball club, announced their goals. Takumi was exempted from this since he'd be the manager but enjoyed the show.

The vice-principal caught them before Kuroko could say his goal and gave them a lecture on the roof with everyone watching.

Takumi was about to leave when Hyuuga came up to him with raised eyebrows.

"Takumi-kun, is it true? You are going to be the basketball club's manager?"

"Oh it seems she's told you already. Yes, it's true."

Hyuuga seemed to click his tongue and mutter something like "damn, what a waste,"