
KnB: I Became the Manager (Dropped)

MC wakes up to find himself in another world after his death. Years later he realises he's in the world of KnB and becomes op with his own luck and effort. Joining the Seirin team as a manager and hidden ace, he'll take the basketball world by storm. . --> Disclaimer: Canon characters and plot are not mine. Cover is not mine. --> Basketball matches are not written very well and won't go into too much detail. --> Updates are when I'm free.

Honey_Seeto · Anime & Comics
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32 Chs


"Oi Takumi! What did you do? Why does Kaijo's coach look like he's seen a ghost?"

Seirin shot questions at the boy who paid avid attention to his book. Without looking up, he replied, "Does it matter what I said? Just be thankful I got you guys to use full court and play with copycat...which by the way, you better not lose against."

Kagami, Riko and Kuroko were the only ones silent and thinking; 'That guy is definitely hiding something / dangerous'

Kagami's animal instincts always made him subconsciously wary of Takumi and this just added to his uneasiness. Kuroko thought Takumi was a good guy deep down but was too mysterious. Riko had similar thoughts to these two but she often disregarded them with how often the boy enjoyed teasing her. She swore she'd make him talk one day but for now, it was time for the practice match.

Kaijo was still in a small state of shock knowing a boy, their age, and manager of Seirin actually said something that scared their monster coach enough to show more respect to the team.

Kise was pleased to be put in the game but also curious about Takumi who got him in with a few words.

'I knew it. That guy is definitely more than he lets on but...why did he seem so similar to 'that' person when staring down at his coach?'

Takumi didn't seem to realise he set off a whole chain of questions in everyone's mind but even if he did, he wouldn't care.


Coach Takeuchi. Takumi had discovered some interesting things about the fat man that weren't addressed in the anime. For instance, how he was an avid gambler and a frequent at one of White Tiger's underground casinos. Just the mention of it and Takumi had easily scared the man and from his tone and look, it was an obvious threat to expose him unless he gave proper respect to Seirin.

Kaijo's coach could only sit on the bench with a dark aura.

That kid knew of his biggest secret, one that could threaten his position and reputation and even land him in jail. But how the hell did he know is the question.

Unfortunately, his mind wouldn't be calm till he found out how that kid knew and couldn't focus on the match that had started.


Takumi glanced up from his book and looked at the court. He was curious how things would turn out now that he changed the plot, even though it was minor. Initially, Kuroko had managed to steal the ball from Kasamatsu after Kaijo got the tip-off and pass it to Kagami who dunked and broke the hoop.

Now that Kise was marking Kagami, Takumi didn't think Kagami would be able to easily dunk.

Kasamatsu had the ball and muttered, "Let's take it easy,"

Like the original plot, Kuroko ducked down and stole the ball before running towards the hoop. However this time, instead of Kasamatsu going after him, it was Kise. Kagami ran up the other side and Kuroko shot the ball towards him before he dunked it with a powerful slam.

Kaijo gaped as Kagami flashed a vicious grin at Kise who smirked.

"So, Seirin still takes the first basket huh," said Takumi rubbing his chin. He glanced beside him at Riko who looked worried. 'She must be reading their numbers.'

"Their physical strength is high, isn't it?" Takumi said. Riko nodded with a frown, "As expected of a national level team. This is going to be a tough game and I don't know how far Kagami and Kuroko can take us,"

"They should be fine...probably. But just out fo curiosity, do you have a backup plan incase something happens to Kuroko?"

"What are you talking about?" Riko looked at Takumi in question.

"I mean, first of all, he's our trump-card. But that doesn't mean we can always rely on him because he too has too many weaknesses. His speciality, misdirection, is probably something like magic tricks that depend on diverting people's attention elsewhere however, do it too many times and obviously others will notice."

Riko's eyes widen in realisation, "His invisibility runs out,"

"Exactly. That's why I'm curious whether or not you have a backup plan should that happen."

"I feel stupid not to have thought that before. Unfortunately, Hyuuga and the rest aren't at a level yet to be able to challenge Kaijo but they have enough skills to buy time and stall." Riko tapped her chin and continued, "The main point is to conserve Kuroko for the start, climax and end which we can do by subbing Koganei in between."

"If I may, instead of Koganei, try subbing Furihata in instead." Takumi whispered. He didn't have anything agains the cat guy but he felt Furihata was a better choice in terms of skill. During the practice match against the seniors, Furihata's performance was actually pretty good but was overshadowed by Kuroko and Kagami.


"Hai. He may be inexperienced but if anyone can buy time, it'd be him. Plus, I'm sure you're already aware that he's a good support player."

"Hmm," Riko thought for a bit.

On court, Kise had already copied a lot of Kagami's moves irritating the red-head. Kuroko did his best to get the passes to Kagami but his partner was constantly pressured and marked by his former teammate.

The score board read; 15 - 12 with Seirin barely in the lead.

Now, Riko called for a timeout and to everyone's surprise, pulled out Kuroko.

"Eh? What is coach thinking?" Kagami asked. The others were even more confused when Furihata replaced him with shaking legs.

"Calm down Furry-kun," Takumi clapped the boy's shoulder. Then he leaned down to whisper something and the boy nodded and took a deep breath.

Kaijo was wondering what Seirin's female coach was up to sending a newbie in. Kuroko was also confused and asked Riko on the bench.

"Kuroko-kun, your power runs out doesn't it?" Riko asked. "I'm talking about your misdirection,"

Kuroko replied, "It does. Is that why you pulled me out? To conserve it?"


"You should say these things sooner! I need to know things like this so I can plan our attack Kuroko-kun." said Riko.

"Sorry coach. You didn't ask -- "


Takumi leaned in front of Riko and gave the shadow a flick on his forehead turning it red.

"That's not good phantom. You shouldn't wait for someone to ask for you to tell stuff like that."

Kuroko rubbed his forehead, "I apologise coach, Takumi-kun. It won't happen again,"

"Yes I expect you tell us everything when we return to school," Riko huffed. Takumi smiled and turned back to the game.


a/n: Last chapter for this week. Will post more later.