
17: "H-ttta-Guys, i-is that a cliff?!" "Yup!"

Lance's POV:

It was time for lunch now. He made his way through the line, and loaded his plate, not really paying attention. Then, he made his way to his table....and topped short, spotting Keith, panicking a little bit. Should he hide? Skip out? Face the guy even after what had happened? He didn't know. So, he threw his plate away-he hadn't been hungry anyway-and hid in the halls. He didn't want to, or feel ready, to see the guy again. And he was sure Keith felt the same way, or something similar. If the guy didn't.....he wasn't human.

Keith's POV:

He stood by the doors, not too hungry, watching the line-until a certain, brown haired guy entered. "Fucking shit!" He muttered, and ran outside, leaning on his bike. "No way am I facing him right now!" He stayed out there until lunch was over. Then he went to his next class. Thankfully, it was science, something he was good at. And luckily it took his mind off Lance and other stuff. Once school was over, he went home, grabbed his pictures, and drove to work to submit them to Shiro, who would then put some of them in an ad. He wondered if his little snaps of Lance and Hunk were good enough. He prayed that they were.