
Aiko's Delusion

In the heart of Kyoto, where cherry blossoms painted the city in hues of pink, a group of friends gathered beneath the swaying sakura trees, their laughter echoing through the tranquil air.

"Isn't this view just breathtaking?" Aiko murmured, her eyes tracing the delicate petals floating on the breeze. Takumi, flashing his trademark grin, nodded in agreement. "Absolutely stunning. Makes you forget about everything else, doesn't it?"

"This is all stupid." The moment shatters and kicks everybody out of the memory-sharing as Haru shares his opinion.

"Well, it seems like someone is grumpy." Aiko responds as everyone simultaneously agrees with her.

"No one is grumpy this is just plain childish." Haru says while pushing his glasses up and folding his arms defensively. "I mean are we really going to take this lunch break to remember last summer, why not study instead?" He adds on.

Takumi stands up and points a finger at Haru like a superhero. "Maybe it's because you tripped and dropped your ice cream like a kid!" Everyone except Haru gives a collect snicker.

Haru opens his study book, scoffing while ignoring their laughter. "The Sakura trees were nice, at least admit that." Mio requests. Ryo piggybacks "I second that." "Ugh, whatever sure they were nice." Haru budges.

"There ya go!" Takumi puts his arm around Haru and shakes him smiling. "Get off me you mongrel." Everyone giggles at the two.

"Takumiii~!" Soon the moment is interrupted as two girls call out to Takumi from outside the classroom, shortly running away and giggling afterward.

"Popular as ever isn't he." Haru projects. Takumi scratches the back of his head while awkwardly laughing. "How do you put up with it every day?" Mio asks.

"I honestly don't know… I mean it's stressful having girls constantly call out to me and that's not mentioning the love letters too." Aiko sighs in disapproval hearing Takumi explain his stresses. "Why not just tell them off." Aiko says sternly, clearly irritated.

"I don't want to be mean I guess." Aiko rolls her eyes at Takumi's response.

Bell ringing.

As the bell chimes everyone perks up and starts packing their lunches up. "Afterschool who's down to hit up the arcade!" Takumi excitedly asks.

Haru gets up and leaves without saying anything. "Haha... how about you Mio?" Takumi asks. "Sorry, but I have tutoring, maybe next time!" Mio also leaves. "Umm, Ryo- Oh he's already gone."

Takumi slowly turns to Aiko as she's the last left. Aiko has her arms folded about to say no. Takumi notices this and starts to give puppy dog eyes. Aiko couldn't resist the temptation. "Fineee, I'll go." "YES!" Takumi exclaims and jumps up in joy.

Aiko shakes her head and smiles at his foolishness. "I'll see you after school Takumi." Takumi nods his head and speed walks out of the class.

Aiko takes a deep breath realizing the situation. The arcade, alone, with Takumi?? not only that after school too... All those romance mangas Aiko has read start to get to her as she shakes her head back into reality.

She can't help but blush a little at the thought of her "date" she has. "Who do you have the goodies for?" Aiko jumps and screams at Mio's sudden appearance. "When did you get in here?! I-I thought you left! And it's none of your business!"

"Well I left my notebook in here and when I walked in you were just zoned out." Mio explains. Aiko rubs her face trying to wash away the embarrassment. "It's obvious you were blushing about the arcade with Takumi." "Was not." Aiko bluntly disagrees.

"Why are you teasing me? Don't you have a boyfriend?" Aiko tries to make a point. "No, I don't." Aiko is shocked at Mio's response "Come on, walk me to my class." Mio says.

Aiko and Mio stumble into the hallway. "I'd expect someone like you to have a boyfriend Mio." Mio plays around with her greenish-black hair thinking about Aiko's comment.

"I don't have a boyfriend but I do find interest in someone." Aiko turns her head towards Mio in shock. "Who!?" Aiko frantically asks. Mio stops outside her classroom door and gives a mischievous smile.

"You'll figure it out." She then turns around and enters her class. Aiko rolls her eyes and starts walking to her class. "Just one more hour." She thinks to herself.

School bell.

Classes have ended marking the end of the school day. Students pour out into the hallway, accessing their lockers to get their books and head home. Instead of heading home like everyone else, Aiko nervously waits outside the building for Takumi.

"Takumiii~!" Aiko turns around to hear Takumi's name being called in a lovely tone. "What are you doing after school Takumi~?" Aiko would now spot Takumi and a random girl with her shirt unbuttoned near the chest area obviously trying to reel in Takumi

"U-uhm.. I have plans sorry.." Takumi responds hesitantly. "Awwhh~! That sucks! I thought we'd be able to hang out!" The girl would now pout.

Takumi scratches the back of his head while replying. "Haha… Yeah sorry, just bad timing." "It's okay Takumi! Maybe tomorrow!" The girl then trots off.

"Aiko!" Takumi waves at Aiko while running over to her. "Hey, Takumi." Aiko greets Takumi dryly. Takumi's hand drops back down to his side. "Is something wrong?" Takumi asks.

Aiko looks forward not facing Takumi. "Nothing is wrong! Let's get going." Takumi and Aiko walk the streets to the arcade. While they are walking Takumi is chatting off Aiko's ear like he does with everyone.

Aiko is trying to keep up with his chatter on various subjects. Games, anime, school, art, and clubs. While deep down Aiko is trying to process the jealousy she feels every time Takumi gives another girl his attention.

Aiko cuts Takumi off while he's talking "Takumi." Takumi's mouth shuts as he looks down at Aiko. "You know it's rare to see you out and about… You're usually the first one to go home."

Takumi nervously laughs again. "Haha well yeah. Today I managed to get some free time. That's why I wanted everyone to go but stuff happens!" Takumi points his finger in the air making Aiko giggle.

"Takumi you're dense." Aiko smiles "HUH? Well, I'll have you know something." Takumi goes back to rambling in Aiko's ear again as they walk.

-- End Chapter 1.