
Kitsune of 2 Shadows: A Naruto Fan-fic

A twist of fate brought a recently passed Adam into the Shinobi world. Now as one half of it's main protagonists. Armed with Adam's knowledge of future events and his past life experiences. He hopes to change the fate of the Shinobi world. Another twist of fate removes the now named Raiken from Naruto's side within minutes of their birth. Raiken will escape his captors and return to his brother. Just in time to try and mitigate the damage of the worst of the events to come. Read along as the Uzumaki Heirs reclaim their lost legacy and restore their clan and their honor. Raiken has a unique knowledge of future events. How will this change the timeline?

F_Abe_41 · Urban
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Chapter 2: Reunited

Yeah, Naruto responded to the Kyuubi in his head. What is it? He asked the fox in his gut. Is it a genjutsu? Are we going to be attacked?

-Raiken's Perspective-

Oh shit! It's really him! That's fucking Uzumaki Naruto! I know I'm just a copy of him but, this is really happening. Raiken was saying to himself, Kurama's Yin half laughing his ass off at the thoughts his container was having. Shut up asshole! You're not helping here Kurama. I've been living this life for 13 years now and I still fan boy at these strange times. Ugh!

Do you think he knows about us? He is aware that he's being watched. I'm sure my Yang half has already felt me. Well hell, he is going to get the wrong idea right off the bat huh? Looks like it Kit, the fox said mirthfully. I guess this has to be like this, it's already happening. Placing his palms together he dropped the seals. That allowed them to be felt fully.


So, they're not hiding as much now aye!? Underestimating me already? Good. Just the way I like it. In the middle of all his clones Earth Style: Hiding Like A Mole Jutsu. When he appeared again he held a Kunai to the neck of the hooded individual. Tell your associates to come on out or they'll pick up a corpse. Two Shunshin's put Samui's katana at Naruto's neck and Yugito's claws at his guts. Release Rai-Kun immediately or YOU will be the corpse. A smirking Naruto is a dangerous Naruto!

This group found that out, as he appeared behind all 3 of them. Chakra ball forming against their backs. In each of their ears simultaneously, you hear that? Rasengan, unless you feel like watching all your guts, fly into one anothers faces. You will tell me why you are spying on me in my own training field!? Raiken put his hands up in a placating manner. Uzumaki Naruto, you know nothing of your past, do you?

What the hell do you want!? You don't know the first thing about me! You're not even from Konoha! Ahh! But I am said Raiken What? Asked Naruto, don't play mind games with me DATTEBAYO! Do you know the circumstances of your birth? Who your parents were? Your clan? Your burden? Your brother? Raiken said the last part almost inaudibly. But that was what Naruto heard the loudest.

WHAT!? what the hell are you saying!? ANSWER ME DAMN IT! He was screaming as he turned the guy around, only to be staring into his own face . The same whisker marks, the same spiky hair the same cerulean eye the left eye was a, *gasps* is that a Byakugan? Who are you?

Raiken, Uzumaki-Namikaze Raiken son of Minato Namikaze and Kushina Uzumaki. You and I are the Sandaime Jinchuriki of Kyuubi no Kitsune.

No, it came out in a whisper. No, he shook his head in refusal. No, he shed tears. No, his shoulders heaved in sorrow. No, why!? Why lie to me my whole life? I'm the son a of a fucking KAGEEE! The primal roar he released at that point would be spoken of for years to come. Oh Naruto.

Raiken hugged his sobbing twin. The pain was as bad as feeing Kyuubi's Yokai burn for the first time. His brother was going to break right in front of him. The Yokai was leaking from Naruto rapidly. Kurama! I won't help kit, that needs to be you and him. You're the only person alive that can help heal this right now. You know what you have to do.

Damn it! What has this shithole done to my brother!? Flying through hand seals and slitting their palms. He grabbed their bleeding hands together Uzumaki Sealing Art: Twin Link Restoration. The cut healed but their blood mixed. Their chakra mixed, their hair took on the traits of the other. Now they were both blonde and redhead at the same time. Their pupils became permanently slit.

-Shared Mindscape-

Both boys were living one another's lives on replay. Seeing and sensing the things they lived through. Naruto benefitted the most in sheer skill gained. Raiken was humbled and shown that his Fugato has a much stronger spirit than he. Because he was not sure that he would've been able to endure. Raiken became aware that it's about time for the 3 year training trip with Jiraya. With no Kumo around, I have to show him how to master your power.

Right Kit, he won't have a better teacher for that. Kit? Yeah Kurama? You're gonna need a new affinity test after this. Looks like both of you can use all 5 elements now. Come again!? I asked the fox. You heard me the first time, Kurama said. Lightning still my best? Yup! Ok, business as usual. He still the Wind God? Yup! Excellent, I'll have to give him his gear, he won't fit his old clothes once we get done with the sealing. Yin Kurama, HOW DARE YOU! you have no right to speak that name ninjen.

SHUT THE FUCK UP YOU STUPID FOX! I am your Yang half's partner, I have full control. You want to play stupid? He twisted the seal on Naruto's belly and the Tori gates came crashing down on his arms, legs, body, tails, and snout. Now you can just sit there like a good boy til I let you up. Got that? Til I SAY SO. You must be out of your GOD-DAMNED MIND, if you think you're the boss here.

NOW! I am gonna tell you how this shit is gonna go. If you want to die!? Then keep being a selfish, angry child. We are the children of prophecy! Ohtsusuki Hagaromo gave you life, I know you come from the Juubi. You're gonna enhance Naruto's senses, you're gonna give him the Kitsune Vision I have.

You're gonna start working with him or so help me Hagaromo! I'll show you what REAL pain is! Momentarily turning on his Black Lightning Armor for emphasis. AO's Byakugan a stark contrast to the whole image. Now that it has a slight red tint on the very edges of the lilac tone. Kurama's Yokai fundamentally changing the DNA of the Dojutsu making it Raiken's.

-Yugito and Samui's Perspective-

What the hell is going on? Are they going to lose control? Rai-Kun please be ok. They stared as half of Raiken's hair became blonde. Half of Naruto's hair darkened to Crimson. Naruto seems to be growing as well. The Yokai started to go back into the boys. Soon after they both fell out unconscious.

-The Next Day-

Naruto awoke to smell of grilled fish. He was reminded by his stomach, that he had not eaten since the ramen from last night.

He sat up wondering if it had all been a dream. That would be a cruel joke of a dream if that was the case. Morning Naru-Kun, breakfast is ready Yugito said at the door. Hearing her voice the realization came, it wasn't a dream. It really happened! I really have a brother!

He came out of the building looking for Raiken. Morning guys! He said with a cheerful tone. Woah! Wait a minute! Didn't you have red hair yesterday? What gives?

Oh? You haven't even seen the changes yet have you? Samui handed Naruto a mirror so he could inspect himself. No way! COOL! I look awesome! Hey did I get taller?

Aww man! That sucks, I can't afford new clothes right now he said downcast. Heads up! Raiken tossed a scroll to Naruto. The design is gift from me, the clothes are a gift from the people of Wave Country. Temperature, and size seals so the clothes will adjust with your growth. The Haori has metals woven into the fabrics. Great for defense against blades and projectiles.

It's got ORANGE in it! Naruto said with stars in his eyes. It's, it's perfect dattebayo. He said his eyes growing moist yet again. He went back to the sleeping area to change into his new clothes. These things feel great! So comfortable! He tested his range of motion to make sure. They're the best gift I've ever gotten! Well, second best he said giving his brother a hug. Alright!

I believe you said you wanted to train?

Raiken said, as he fished out two small sheets of paper. This is Chakra Litmus Paper, run your chakra through it. It will react to your nature affinities. Naruto did as he was asked and the paper split into 4 parts. There was a bright flash of blue flame, one piece soaked one piece crumbled, one piece wrinkled. Then all of it disappeared in a vortex in his palm.

What the hell is that supposed to mean dattebayo!? It means you have an exceptionally strong Wind affinity. Followed by Fire, Water, Earth, then Lightning. It means you can use Jutsu from all elements. WOOHOO! I'm gonna be strongest ninja ever. Indeed you will be, if I have anything to say about it you will be!

Ya know? Naruto started saying, that kinjutsu really helped. Twin Link Restoration huh? Our Clan really was amazing, weren't they? Right Naru-Kun we absolutely were, and we will be again. Raiken said patting the Uzumaki Scroll of Seals on his back. Well then, let's keep things simple? I need to learn our birthright and so do you! I'll show you Ka-Chan's Kenjutsu? You show me Tou-San's Rasengan. Sound good to you? HELL YEAH!

The Uzumaki Twins spent that week mastering the Rasengan. Getting Naruto acquainted with the UzuKen, and the Dance of the Whirling Tides. Naruto introduced Raiken to Gama Kichi who was shocked to know the truth. The day before Jiraya was supposed to grab Naruto for the training trip. Naruto dragged the trio to Tsunade's office.

-Hokage's Office-

Hey Baa-Chan! Naruto had to duck as the paperweight came flying at him. Landing cleanly in Raiken's palm, sheesh that stings Tsunade-Sama. I know my brother has a brick head but that could hurt someone! Ya know? She hasn't looked up from her paperwork until the second voice spoke. It was almost identical to Naruto's, when her eyes met the group in her office now.

*GASPS* points the finger at Raiken, How!? Who the hell are you! She asked with tears already falling from her face. These were rage filled tears, Who the hell do you think you are to use a henge to fool my little brother like that!? She slammed her fist on the desk making it creak even with the reinforcement seals she had added. ANBU!

FUCK! Naruto said out loud. WHAT THE HELL BAA-CHAN!?

Ignoring Naruto's outburst Taunade said. Yugito Nii, Samui of the Crescent Blade, and you imposter, Drop the henge or I'll have you all gutted in my office. This is no henge Tsunade Senju. If you want an honest response you will have ANBU leave, the office sealed, and the root agents there and there taken out as well. Added Naruto at the end of Raiken's statement.

You heard my Fugato! *GASPS* ANBU Take the trash out with you. Yes Hokage Sama. Naruto sealed the office, Twin? Oh no! No! Please no! Not like this. Why like this? *Gasps* Raiken You survived? Hello Baa-Chan, you got it right! He said with a sad smile. Uzumaki-Namikaze Raiken Sandaime Jinchuriki of Kyuubi no Kitsune's Yang half.

Where have you been!? What happened to you? You've been hurt! That eye is a Byakugan, from where? I don't have the energy for the entire story today. On another day I would like to have you come into my mind with Inoichi Yamanaka. You will have all the answers you seek then. The short version is that I was kidnapped by Kumo. I left Kumo with every Uzumaki Artifact they stole. Then I left Kumogakure a smoking crater for what they did to my Ka-Chan, my Clan, and us.

It'll take them at least 20 years to recover from what I did. Raiken said with a satisfied yet sinister sneer. Hmmm I can't say I disapprove of your methods. Why have you brought 2 Kumo Kunoichi with you? Tsunade, We seek asylum in Fire country and are willing to work for it. We offer Kenjutsu, Taijutsu, and of course Fuuinjutsu! I fled to Uzu for a while, and found the Uzumaki Scroll of Seals, he patted it.

I bring the resurgence of the Uzumaki Clan! I return to Konoha it's stolen prince. Yugito and Samui are my betrothed and as Heads of the Clan. In this situation where most of the Clan is gone. We are allowed to have multiple wives to grow the clan numbers. So we also bring a third Jinchuriki to Konoha's arsenal. Hmmm I really can't argue with that. Tsunade said folding her arms under her impressive bust.

I actually have your birth record it was never filled out. Your admittance into the ranks will be easy. Your girlfriend's on the other hand, she said. Will require probationary periods, and ANBU tail for 3 months. She pulled out 3 Konoha Hitiate and tossed one to each. Welcome to the Shinobi forces of Konohagakure no Sado.

For your Sakes we will keep you out of the public eye for a while.

I will require that you be tested, so we know where to rank you. Tsunade-Sama, I request to be allowed to train my brother up. You already know how Kumo feels about their Jinchuriki. I have the Fox mastered, I can show Naruto the way too. 3 perfect Jinchuriki would make a powerful war deterrent. Wouldn't you agree Baa-Chan? Not you too Gaki!? Ugh! Fine! Jiraya can deal with you two.

Baa-Chan? What is it Gaki!? Is there an Uzumaki Clan Grounds in Konoha? As a matter of fact she said pulling out a scroll, and a set of keys. It just so happens that your private training ground is right on the edge of your Clan Grounds. So you actually added that Training Grounds worth of land to the Uzumaki land. Oh WOW! No wonder I always felt right in that place Naruto said with a smile.

The seals dropped and the Uzumaki Twins left for their Clan Grounds. With Samui and Yugito in tow, they ran into Hinata Hyuga. Literally! Ouch, oh crap! I'm so sorry Hinata-Chan I wasn't watching where I was going and I. I'm such an idiot Naruto said downcast. Hinata going almost crimson from the close proximity of her Naruto-Kun.

Oh n-no i-its ok Naruto-Kun!

He helped her up off the ground and then remembered. Hey Hinata-Chan I want you to meet a most important person! Huh? She said momentarily reminded of the present moment. Standing next to Naruto now was another Naruto! Oh God! her body heat got too high, too fast, and she fainted. What's wrong with you Hinata-Chan? Is she ok?

Naruto bakka! You're rather dense aren't you bro!? She OBVIOUSLY has deep feelings for you. Seeing 2 of you gave her an overload she won't ever forget.

Are you sure Rai? Naru, that girl has it BAD for you! No one else! I can tell because that's how Samui use to be around me, once upon a time. As you heard in Baa-Chan's office we can have multiple wives. These women love me, if you choose someone they should love you. This girl, she loves you Naru-Nii. But she's so weird!? It's not weird! She's shy, and probably gets bullied at home. Show her she's loved as well and watch that flower bloom. I trust you Rai. He picked Hinata up bridal style and they Shunshin to the Uzumaki Clan Grounds.

-Uzumaki Compound-

The boys put their chakra into the seal and the seal accepted both. It glowed blue, then red, then blue again, then click. The gate opened up and they all entered the property. MULTI SHADOW CLONE JUTSU! 3000 clones all of them saluted and got to cleaning, building, sealing, and painting. As well as anything else they needed to make the place livable again. During the cyclone of clones Hinata woke up.

She had not registered the changes to Naruto the first time around. Now staring at her love, she saw the half head of crimson hair, the slitted pupils. How much taller and broader he is now. Naruto-Kun? W-what happened to you? It appears as though she might be worried about you brother. B-Brother? Naruto-Kun has a brother? What do you mean brother? Naruto-Kun is an orphan, isn't he?

Well, yes and no! Raiken said with a shrug.

I will answer your question Lady Hinata. But first, answer me this! How long have you been in love with my Fugato? Turning around she came face to face with a single slitted cerulean orb. A Byakugan with a slitted pupil and a crimson rim. How is this possible!? Her own Byakugan flaring to life in anger and bewilderment and wonder too. That this boy looks exactly like her love but has one of her Family's eyes in his socket!

How can this be? Why do you have my family's Dojutsu? Where have you been all these years That NARUTO-KUN WAS SUFFERING!? WHY!? Why? Now Naruto, Raiken looked at him deadly serious. You still think this girl doesn't love you? But why? Why me? You're a princess! You deserve so much better than a, than a demon like me. He said suddenly finding the floor much more interesting. SLAP! DON'T YOU EVER SAY SOMETHING LIKE THAT ABOUT YOURSELF AGAIN NARUTO UZUMAKI!

Calm down Hina-Chan! Dont be so hasty. Let me answer your question first. This eye I lost fighting AO, of the Kiri Hunter Corps. He thought he had me until I put him in that stasis seal and took from him what he took from me. He said pointing at his Byakugan. This belongs to Konoha anyway, right? I just figured I'd bring it back to my homeland. I was born here the same night as Naruto. I was stolen by Kumo, this made Hinata gasp and clench her fists tightly.

I know your history with Kumo. You'll be happy to know that presently Kumogakure is a smoking crater. Her eyes widened at that bit of information. The Kyuubi has influenced this Dojutsu it cannot be removed anymore. It would kill anyone else from Yokai poisoning. By this point Hinata's eyes were as big as dinner plates. I recovered all Uzumaki Artifacts and headed for Uzu and then Wave Country. Finally making my way here.

We were inducted into the Shinobi ranks today. Raiken said with a smile, that smile mirrored by Samui Yugito and Naruto. Samui and Yugito are with Raiken. Which brings me back to what I was going to ask. Is it true Hina-Chan? Do you really love me? Since when? Since the first day Naruto-Kun she said blushing again. So, does that mean you would want to be my girlfriend? If I asked that is, Naruto tried to amend with a grin. She could only get redder as Naruto asked. Just nodding was the only thing she could trust herself to do.

His answer was a resounding YES as she barreled into him. One thing Hime, you can't wear that weak willed mask anymore! You are the princess of the Hyuga Clan. You should let it be known and take the respect they fail to give you. He said before putting his arm around her shoulder. Ya know?

I am the son of Uzumaki Kushina and Minato Namikaze. NAMIKAZE!? Hinata blurted out. Y-y-you're, the twin sons of Yondaime Sama. Finished Naruto for her, yes Hina-Chan Lord Fourth is our father. We have our Ka-San's Clan name Uzumaki. Shodaime-Sama's wife is out Great Aunt. Our Ka-Chan was chosen as the previous container for the Kyuubi. We inherited the duty after the events of the night of our birth.

After a few moments of uncomfortable silence. Naruto was about to speak when, What happened to your hair Naru-Kun? You're almost a whole head taller than when you left for your last mission. I guess Kyuubi is why you both have slitted eyes. Uzumaki Kinjutsu, reserved for twins that have been separated for long periods. I gain all his experiences and memories, and he gained mine.

The cost was the way our hair looks now. Since I am already a Perfect Jinchuriki it came with Kitsune Vision which is why our pupils are slitted. We have night vision, telescopic vision, and genjutsu. My Byakugan has a 20mile range currently. Kyuubi's influence has caused infrared vision, no blind spot, and my veins don't show when the Dojutsu is active.

Also my normal eye has all the attributes of the Dojutsu and the Kitsune Vision essentially both my eyes do the same things. Thanks to Kyuubi and Fuuinjutsu Raiken said with the same foxy grin Naruto was wearing. I also have this, holding up a half ram seal. His eye changed to the original Violet slit pupil. I, I can't see through the genjutsu!? How did you do that? Hinata asked Raiken. Fuuinjutsu Hinata, Uzumaki Sealing Arts.

No one will know I have a Byakugan until I have solidified myself in this village. Only you know, because I love my brother, and you love him. AO of the Hunter Corps of Kirigakure stole this eye from someone in the leaf. He took my natural eye, the eye that looked most like Ka-Chan. Raiken said his fist cracking from how tightly he balled it. So I put him in a stasis seal and took back what belongs to the leaf. He didn't have a chance to activate his seals to prevent theft.

Aoi Rokusho traitor to Konoha, I cashed in his bounty. I took his head and retrieved a family Artifact. Raiken unsealed the Raijin No Ken and then tossed Naruto the plans for it's brother sword Fujin No Ken. Naruto unsealed his gift from the late Sandaime Hokage. His very own iteration of the Adamantine Staff designed to work in conjunction with Kyuubi's Chakra and Fuuinjutsu. It extends, thickens, it also conducts chakra.

Asuma Sensei taught me how to use his trench knives, I prefer these better. He said pulling out a pair of daggers, he wore on his lower back. We should be able to mark our weapons with Hiraishin markers, soon enough. After tomorrow's test there won't be a question about your potential. They bumped fists and Naruto heard I think you should show off for Hina-Chan. She deserves to know what you can do now.

Both boys went to the middle of the field and bumped fists again. No Bijuu Chakra? Raiken nods, agreed. Shadow Clone Jutsu! Naruto summoning 2 clones. The clones powering up a B-Rank powered Wind Style: Gale Palm. Naruto then jumped up and his feet landing on the jutsu. The Clones shot Naruto towards Raiken.

Wind Style: Cyclone Fist! The attack left Naruto landing, where Raiken was previously standing. Raiken's Lightning Clone broke through 2 trees. Before exploding into a shower of sparks on the 3rd. Appearing behind Naruto in a Shunshin Raiken said, Lightning Style: Dragon Flash Uppercut. A bright flash at Naruto's feet was all the warning he got. The flash making him flinch, he took the hit in the chin. A small lightning dragon attached to him, taking him 15ft in the air.

Using a clone to substitute with, Naruto appeared behind Raiken. Water Style: Slicing Water Wave! A quick substitution put Raiken in mid air Earth Style: Earth Bullets! Shit! Naruto slammed his hands on the ground, Earth Style: Mud Wall. Hiding Like A Mole Jutsu, Naruto sank into the ground. Raiken came over the wall Lightning Style; Thunderclap Arrow. Only to shoot his attack into nothing. Naruto came up on the top of his wall.

Wind Style: Air Bullets shooting half a dozen shots. A quick Shunshin barely got Raiken out of the way. Raiken grinned, took a deep breath and, Fire Style: Fire Ball Jutsu. A big Red-white flame came out of Raiken's mouth barreling towards Naruto. Fire Style: Fire Ball Jutsu! Naruto responded with a flame of the same intensity in a Blue-white flame.

Hinata could only stare in shock at this unbelievable fight. Her love and his brother were casually using Jonin reserves. Whatever notions of Naruto were had before. they're in for a nasty surprise. She thought smugly, proud of the prowess her Naru-Kun held. Please stop she said, I think if you keep going it will become a serious fight. I believe there's no one in our age group that can beat you now. Samui and Yugito both nodded, Lady Hyuga is correct.

If Naruto is anything like Rai-Kun, he will get too excited and start using truly dangerous jutsu. Both boys scratching the backs of their necks with a sheepish grin.

Lady Hyuga? Samui was asking. When Hinata turned her attention to both girls. Yugito and Samui both bowed at the waist.

We know there is no changing the past but, we would like to apologize. On behalf of our former Village for their actions towards Konoha, your Clan, and you.

Hinata could only turn beet red from embarrassment and the memories. Pl-please don't treat me any different. I, I am only a simple genin. I am not strong, my family knows how useless I truly am. Naruto and Raiken both narrow their eyes at her. Both having Naruto's memories Raiken was not fond of Hyuga Clan. Their eyes may be a God send. But their actions and the way they carry themselves.

It's disgusting, I will knock them down every chance I get. The boys had a short mental conversation. Don't you worry Hinata-Chan, we will help you get stronger. All of us, the girls said simultaneously. Ano I am grateful to you all for your help. Bowing, Gomenasai. You are welcome to come train with us anytime. Yugito and Samui will be in the Village while we are gone. I will be leaving with Jiraya and Naruto. After tomorrow's test I'm sure we will be leaving.

-Flashback Jutsu-

Raiken, glad I didn't have to wait long for you. No problem Baa-Chan, I'm just happy to get this over with. Scanning the office with his sensory ability. He only felt ANBU chakra present, he asked her with sign to clear the room. ANBU leave us! The chakra signatures all faded away. Raiken put up privacy seals and say I'm the chair. Ok Yamanaka-Sama, you may enter. Going into a meditative state, Raiken was prepared for Yamanaka Inoichi.

-Inoichi Yamanaka's Perspective-

Hmmm this mind is so clean, I would never guess that he is half of Kyuubi's Jinchuriki.

Welcome Yamanaka-San, to my mind. Before my soul inhabited this body my name was Adam Hutton. When I died I had an encounter with Kami. I am not sure if you have ever used a computer before but I will do the hard work for you this time. Pulling up the files from the night of the Kyuubi attack.

I was allowed to keep my memories from my life as an adult. I was a warrior, in the military of my home world. I am adept at hand to hand combat and small blades are a love that I still have. Raiken said smiling, playing the memories. Inoichi who could only stare in horror. Biwako Sarutobi was cut down along with the rest of the medical staff Naruto was being held up by a man in an orange mask with a single eye hole. That eye hole held a fully matured Sharingan.

He threw Naruto in the air, Kushina screamed out NARUTO! A yellow flash and Yondaime-Sama caught Naruto out of the air. Throwing off a blanket covered in explosive tags off his son.

He flashed both boys out of the delivery room and into their crib. Then a flash and a few moments later another flash. Kushina was now in bed, the boys were moved to her side. Where are you going Minato? Was heard in Kushina's voice.

If you're going back into battle, kick that one eyed bastard's ass for us dattbane! As you wish my Lady. Minato replied as he kissed all of their foreheads. Putting on his Hokage robe and sealing some kunai. I'll be back in a flash! The there was a yellow flash and Minato was gone again. My Sochi my Naruto oh Raiken you're perfect. Kushina said weakly, I love you two so much. You two take care of one another. You two are the hope of the Uzumaki Clan, The Guardians of the Leaf.

Raiken looking at Naruto, I can tell you what I thought that night. Because I still think it now. Naruto will be great! I will make sure he is great, I took my Fugato from absolute luck. To a Mid-Jonin threat and we've only known one another for a week. My deal with Kami was to be his sword and shield. I know everything about this world. On my world where Adam grew up Naruto was a comic series. Widely popular! It became an animated series, that became a worldwide phenomenon.

Inoichi was shocked, Raiken then played his old memories. Once again Inoichi flabbergasted by the brutality Humans were capable of. Even more so when he was told that there was no chakra on his world. Then the gun fight that took his life. The memories of the night of Kyuubi attack start again after that. You, Inoichi just shook his head. Yeah, if you would have just SAID this!? He said motioning to the screen. You would've been thrown in a padded cell, the key thrown away.

He then played the rest of that night for Inoichi. Minato reappearing in a yellow flash. Kushi-Chan I'm sorry, we don't have another way. Looks like that joke about fuzz ball being a family heirloom holds weight doesn't it?

-Flashback Jutsu Release-