
Kissing Hellfire: Marry Me, Evil Lord

Power comes with a cost... and it was something she was willing to trade her soul for. A few nights before her wedding, Lauren sought a way to break her fourth engagement. Known for her bad reputation as the rebel princess, she was the only lady who had the guts to step foot on the Everston mansion, the house of a notorious warlord, in the middle of the night. She offered him a wicked alliance that the entire kingdom did not see coming: a marriage. A vixen pretending to be a damsel in distress and a man whose crimson eyes screaming for bloodshed. Could something blossom in this treacherous dance of lies and deception? -- "Are you upset?" She eyed him sharply. "Should I be honored that I got tricked by you, milord?" He drank the remaining wine in his glass with one gulp and put it on the wooden table. He stepped in front of her. His hand was on the rail on her side while his other hand grabbed her glass and finished her wine before putting it down. The way his Adam's apple moved with his every violent gulp made her feel a tickling heat around her nape. When he brought his attention back to her, he licked his lips to wipe off the trace of wine. "How shall I make it up to you then?" he asked with his deep voice, like a seductive devil asking his victim how she would like to be killed. Dangerous yet… enthralling. - Note: This is a dark fantasy-romance genre with a lot of gore, family feuds, steamy scenes, twists and turns, and other explicit content (no rape) that will rile you up and might give you a heart attack so basically this is not for soft-hearted ones, so read at your own risk!

macy_mori · Fantasy
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259 Chs

Hidden Eyes

The sun had already set but the servants were still not done organizing the things in Lauren and Alec's chamber. Lauren wanted some changes and Alec's things also needed their own spaces, especially his table and load of case files.

While she was busy supervising the servants, the door opened and Alec went in. She looked at him with disdain.

"I'm heading to the council, my wife. I will make sure to be back by midnight," his tone was cold despite how sweet his endearment might sound.

The endearment was like a curse in her ears but as much as she wanted to mock him, she couldn't because the maids were listening.

"Take care, my husband, and don't take too long. I will be waiting," she said with a smile but her eyes held a disdained look.

Alec didn't say more and left the room.

By the time of dinner, Lauren didn't join the others in the dining hall with the reason that she was still organizing their new chamber.