
Kiss the Devilish Heartthrob

The story revolves around the protagonist, Nell Edwards. Nell is a normal and introverted girl, but her life is disrupted by an unexpected turn of events. Rumors start circulating in the school about a charismatic demon boy named William Evans, who transfers to the same school as Nell. William is a handsome and mysterious boy, possessing extraordinary looks and charm that deeply attracts Nell. However, it seems that he harbors many unknown secrets. Nell is intrigued by his allure and begins to interact with him, gradually uncovering the truth behind him. As the story unfolds, Nell discovers that William is not an ordinary boy; he is a descendant of demons with supernatural abilities. His arrival triggers a series of events involving mysterious powers and dangerous conspiracies. Nell finds herself immersed in a challenging and perplexing world, while her feelings for William intensify. With its gripping plot, suspenseful backdrop, and romantic storyline, "Kissing the Devilish Campus Hottie" captivates a wide range of readers. The collision of demonic elements with school life creates an atmosphere of mystery and excitement. Readers can follow Nell as she unravels the mysteries, experiences the love-hate relationship with William, and faces the dangers and growth they encounter. "Kissing the Devilish Campus Hottie" presents an unforgettable tale filled with romance, adventure, and unimaginable twists. This novel transports readers into a world brimming with magic and love, providing endless surprises and emotional moments.

Ye_Hong · Urban
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7 Chs

Chapter 7

Miss Niel, who has been wandering in the courtyard for many years, is about to fall to the point of being tortured by him. It's really embarrassing to leave her at home!

"William, please be frank. In one word, where do I live?"

He wants her to beg him.

She didn't follow his instructions. She hugged her chest with both hands and raised her chin in a proud posture, saying, "I don't believe it yet. With my charm, I can't find a place to settle down here."

"I didn't expect you to use such lazy excuses just to escape!"

What does it mean?

She wants to leave and doesn't want to continue wasting time with him here.

Nine out of the ten words this bastard said could make her half angry.

"I use excuses? What excuses do I use?"

"The person who doesn't arrange a dormitory for me now is you. How despicable is Master William to use his means to make me beg you?"



William nodded meaningfully as he circled around her, grabbed her wrist, and forcefully slammed her against the wall. "Are you saying, 'Would you rather sleep on the playground than beg me?'"

His deep ending exudes a seductive and dangerous aura!

She answered yes or no, both are losses!


Neil went all out!

"If I had to choose, of course I would have chosen to beg you!"


She is a person without integrity.

People under the eaves have to bow their heads.


Shengyidun Public School is an advanced and abnormal college.

The reason Niel didn't apply to a college like William was because she didn't want to continue being squeezed.

At the end of the day, the seemingly evenly matched two in a fight were actually dominated by William.

Here, status is determined by identity.

People who can join the student union have certain strengths and advantages. In order to distinguish between the identity of the student union and ordinary students, Shengyidun Public School has designed two college uniforms.

The student union's color is red, while the average student's color is blue.

Not only that, but the members of the student union also have specific apartments to live in.

And the place where William brought Neil was the specific apartment area where the members of the student union lived.

She pulled the suitcase and silently followed William, looking around.

The more she looked inside, the more gloomy it felt here, with no vitality at all.

Is this supposed to be a legendary abandoned area?

William, in order to torture her, wants to leave her here alone to fend for herself?

No matter how brave Niel is, she dare not live here alone. She frowned and was carrying food, trying to figure out how to speak.

From afar, I heard a burst of cheers——

The next second, Nathan ran up to her and laughed heartily, holding his stomach. "Neil, your skills are not as good as others. What do you say you're trying to be strong?"

Niel, with a dark face, kicked him with her foot and said, "Get lost!"

This idiot grew up with William from a young age and is also the person she hates the most. No one can be on par with him

He always jumps out to mock her when she thinks she has won over William.

Let her hard-earned sense of superiority extinguish in a moment.

She knew that William couldn't have arranged a place for her so kindly. It turned out that he had found Nathan, a disaster star, to torture her with him.

"Oh, hello..."

"Niel, why are you so angry?"

Nathan was kicked straight, covering his thigh and looking at her with a resentful expression, complaining, "I came out specifically to pick you up."


She needs him to pick it up?

She gave him a cold and indifferent glance, which scared Nathan back and forth.

He was a bit hesitant and hid behind William, saying, "Did you provoke Neil?"

"I beg you to let me know before you provoke her."

He doesn't know what he's done, every time he sees Neil...

She looked as if she wanted to kill him: "I applied to live downstairs."



How about being so refreshing and crisp?

William saw his confusion and curled his lips, mocking, "Do you think you have such a fate to live with Neil?"

"..." Damn it.

Although it's a fact, at least give him some face!

Speaking so bluntly, Nathan's face turned green!


"I'll just keep my eyes wide open and see how you're being tortured!"


William glanced at him and patted his shoulder, saying, "I'll wait and see."

See if he was tortured or Nathan was tortured!

With these two mental illnesses, the next month will definitely not be easy.

Neil was thinking of finding an excuse to run away. William grabbed the lever of her suitcase and reflexively protected it tightly, saying, "What are you doing?"

"What, you're afraid I'll eat you?"

"..." Eat your uncle!

"No need for you."

She slapped his hand in disgust and ordered Nathan, "Come over."


Nathan had a bewildered expression on his face and was pulled to work before he could figure out the situation. "What does this have to do with me?"

He doesn't want to get involved in the war between the two of them.

At first, Neil wanted to leave, but upon closer examination, since she had come here, there was no reason to go back.

William is difficult to deal with, and there is still Nathan who can use it. Seeing him dragging on slowly and unwilling to come over, Neil said harshly, "If you don't come over again, I'll kill you."


It's amazing!

Under the threat of her words, Nathan honestly carried her suitcase up to the second floor.

This apartment has a total of five floors, with boys living on the lower two floors and girls living on the middle two floors.