
Kiss the Devilish Heartthrob

The story revolves around the protagonist, Nell Edwards. Nell is a normal and introverted girl, but her life is disrupted by an unexpected turn of events. Rumors start circulating in the school about a charismatic demon boy named William Evans, who transfers to the same school as Nell. William is a handsome and mysterious boy, possessing extraordinary looks and charm that deeply attracts Nell. However, it seems that he harbors many unknown secrets. Nell is intrigued by his allure and begins to interact with him, gradually uncovering the truth behind him. As the story unfolds, Nell discovers that William is not an ordinary boy; he is a descendant of demons with supernatural abilities. His arrival triggers a series of events involving mysterious powers and dangerous conspiracies. Nell finds herself immersed in a challenging and perplexing world, while her feelings for William intensify. With its gripping plot, suspenseful backdrop, and romantic storyline, "Kissing the Devilish Campus Hottie" captivates a wide range of readers. The collision of demonic elements with school life creates an atmosphere of mystery and excitement. Readers can follow Nell as she unravels the mysteries, experiences the love-hate relationship with William, and faces the dangers and growth they encounter. "Kissing the Devilish Campus Hottie" presents an unforgettable tale filled with romance, adventure, and unimaginable twists. This novel transports readers into a world brimming with magic and love, providing endless surprises and emotional moments.

Ye_Hong · Urban
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7 Chs

Chapter 1

Standing at the entrance of Shengyidun Public School, Neil's expression was unbearable with pain.

Recalling yesterday's foolish impulse.

She couldn't help but tap her head and said, "I'm a pig."

 "Yep, quite conscious."

William stood under the shade of a tree not far away, waiting for her for a long time. When he saw her coming alone with a suitcase, a sinister smile curved around his lips.

He put his hands in his pockets, raised his chin, and casually walked behind her. Just as he was about to say hello, he heard her deprecating words and nodded in response.

As soon as the voice came out, Neil reflexively turned around and glared at him with wide eyes, saying, "You say it again?"

Fuck your consciousness!

Who caused her to be like this?

This complete bastard——

Niel's angry hand clenched her fist tightly and almost swung it out: "What are you doing here?"

She has a bad tone and doesn't like to see him.

William raised his eyebrows lightly and approached step by step. She instinctively retreated and looked around in panic.

Seeing her hesitant, William's eyes flashed with satisfaction, his thin lips parted slightly, and he reminded her one by one, "Hmm? You forgot yesterday's bet so quickly?"

He extended his long arm and the next second knocked her against the tree.

She was startled and instinctively shrank her body. She looked up and fought back, unwilling to be outdone, "Who said I forgot?"

Willing to gamble and accepting defeat.

"Get your dog paws off me!"

"Do I want to deviate?"

"Hmm... Will you bite me?"

William leaned closer to her, and the distance between his faces was narrowed. Neil blushed uncontrollably and didn't open his head. Before she could speak, he said recklessly, "I..."

He paused and turned his gaze to her, saying, "I'm here specifically to torture you."


Neil's head exploded, she's so angry!

At the beginning of the school year, waves of students walked towards the entrance of the college, and the position she stood in was the most prominent.

When William walked out, a sharp scream pierced her eardrums.

"God——it's William Evans!"

"How could he be here?"

"Who is the girl between Mr. William and the tree? What is their relationship?"

"Is that a new student? No... Is Mr. William taking a fancy to her?"

Heartbroken and incredulous comments fell into Neil's ears one after another.

She angrily pushed him away, moved her steps, and almost hid behind the tree: "You stand still ——"

She spoke sharply and mercilessly, waving her fist as a warning, "If you dare to take another step forward, I want to you look 'beautiful'."

"Do you want me to look beautiful? Am I not beautiful enough in your eyes? Hmm?"

Williams ignored her warning, squinted his eyes and stared at her intently. He strode forward, clasped her wrist, pulled her into his arms, tightly hugged her waist, and with the other hand, his slender fingertips pinched her chin, lowered her head, and stared at her

In his bottomless eyes, there was a look that she couldn't guess.

She was very unhappy being pinched by her like this.

She struggled to break free, and the next second, a demonic voice slowly sounded, "Who said, 'I'll be at my mercy for a month?'"

"Is that you?"

"Neil Edwards."

Her movement of breaking free froze like being enchanted!

They are childhood sweethearts who grew up together, but their way of getting along is different from the typical childhood sweetheart.

Starting from memory, either you bullied me or I bullied you. Anyway, no day in the past was peaceful.

When you see the other person crying when they are being bullied, you will feel a sense of pleasure in your heart.

Over the years, she has been in a state of being suppressed by William, and she wants to turn over immediately.