
Tracing down the clues -2

KNIGHTS, SuperNovas building.

"So you are saying we need to like dig that grave and wake up the dead body?" Andrew frowned leaning back on his chair. This girl never failed to throw such surprises at him.

"No we don't need to wake up the body, I mean it's practically impossible but we can try talking to it. Maybe I can since I managed to hear its thoughts in its cell." Kyra calmly stated making Venessa and the frog shake their heads. She wasn't being practical again!

"But Kyra it's dead! We can't like awake the dead creatures magically," Venessa added trying to be more rational. But Andrew already knew what she was trying to bargain.

"We can actually," Kyra mumbled a little anxious rubbing her neck.

"I mean there's a ritual through which we can talk to the dead ones. Necromancy has always been my forte, trust me!"

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