
Kiss Me Not

Excerpt: "Just strip, will you.." Hearing her command, he smiled viciously. Stepping closer to her, he whispered, "Why don't you do the honors and satisfy yourself? This body and my whole existence are now all yours!" *Book 1: Kiss Me Not, My Prince* (Completed - Chapters 1 to 273) Brione Yu was a successful model/actor with philemaphobia (fear of kissing). She had everything one could ever dream of, but her world crumbled when she lost the most important person in her life. He was not only her best friend but also the man she loved with all her heart. While she spent her days missing him and longing for him, she had an unexpected encounter with a recluse Prince who resembled her best friend substantially. Though their characters were contradictory, he reminded her of the man she loved every time she set her eyes on him. Was fate playing some kind of cruel game with her? Or was she being played by the Prince? ********************************** Book 2: Kiss Me Not, My Princess (completed - Chapters 274 to 382) “You took all my firsts, so take responsibility for it.” Did she hear it right? This was the height of shamelessness! “Your firsts? What about me then? You took all my firsts away!” “And I’m willing to take responsibility, my Princess.” he firmly stated with a devilish smile on his face. Kimmy was a Princess who ran away from an arranged marriage her mother set up for her. Years passed, and she came home with a broken heart. On her return home, she met the man she was supposed to marry. The man who surprisingly could make Kimmy's body tremble with desire for him. But, what would happen if the first love she used to chase before showed up before her just as she was about to move on? Who would the Princess choose to spend the rest of her life with? =========== Other Books: The Crown's Entrapment (in writing) The Untamed: Game of Hearts (completed) The CEO Who Hates Me (completed) The General Who Hates Me (completed) The Doctor Who Loves Me (completed) The Law of Attraction (completed) contact me at: Discord Link: https://discord.gg/PNGkTUy twitter: @EUSTOMA_reyna instagram: eustoma_reyna Facebook Page: @eustoma.reyna **** PS: Commissioned Book Cover owned by the Author! Do not use it!

Eustoma_Reyna · Urban
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382 Chs

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The next morning, Cedric woke up early for his morning exercises. After washing up and changing his clothes, he grabbed his phone before going to join his father for breakfast.

He looked at his phone and sighed in disappointment. There was neither a message nor a missed call from Brione. He stopped in his tracks and whispered, "I should just call her," trying to convince himself that it was okay and was not considered clingy. He simply wanted to hear her voice because he missed her.

He dialed Brione's number and his lips stretched into a bright smile when she picked it up after one ring.

"Hello?" he heard Brione's soft and lovely voice.

"Good morning sweetheart. I just called to check on you. Did you have your breakfast?"

"Check on me for what? I'm doing well and was about to go down to get breakfast. What about you?" Brione replied.

"Of course I have to check on my girlfriend!! I'm obviously missing you very much and can't wait to be back with you."

Cedric had a wide grin on his face at the thought of how Brione saved his number but he stopped himself from teasing her and instead shamelessly asked, "Did you miss me too?"

"Of course not! Why would I?" Brione said loudly but she could feel the erratic beating of her heart.

"Ouch, that hurts!" Cedric whispered.

"I mean we were together just yesterday and it has not been that long since I last saw you. It's certainly not long enough for me to miss you," Brione explained further even though she did not know why she did. It was like her instincts responded naturally.

"Hmmm, but how come I miss you so much?" Cedric commented.

Brione bit her lips to stop the smile forming on her face. His words caused her heart to flutter, giving butterflies in her stomach.

"Anyway, you should go get your breakfast. Make sure to eat well sweetheart. I will see you soon. Don't forget to think of me whenever you can," Cedric said before he cut the call and continued walking towards the dining hall to have breakfast with his father.

He was startled to see Olivia sitting beside his father waiting for him.

"Good morning Your Highness," Olivia greeted with a smile. Cedric replied with a half-smile saying, "Good morning Livi."

Will arrived after Cedric had settled in his seat and just like Cedric, he too was shocked to see Olivia in the dining hall, having a conversation with the King. He threw a questioning glance at Cedric to which he only answered with a shrug.

"Olivia, Cedric is going back to the island after breakfast. Since you have some free time now, why don't you go visit the island with him just like old times?" Lucas enthusiastically suggested.

"Yes, Your Majesty. That is actually why I'm here. I was hoping his Highness Cedric and Will could take me with them. It has been a long time since I had a vacation." Olivia said with a sweet smile, looking at Cedric and Will alternatively.

"Sure no problem," Cedric answered plainly since he felt there was nothing wrong with it. According to the files he had read, he and Olivia spent most of their time together on the island whenever any of them was free.

Olivia felt happy that Cedric did not reject the idea. She was holding her breath while she waited for his answer. Good thing that Cedric agreed otherwise she wouldn't have known what to do. She thought that the island would be off-limits for her since he had a fiance.

After breakfast, Cedric and Will went to his study room to talk privately.

"I promised Brione that I would help her regarding Gavin, so you should continue the investigation and see if there are any traces of him. I want his DNA test done too. I don't remember a single thing so there might be a possibility that I'm missing out on important things that my father hid from me because he probably thinks it's not important."

Will sighed and said, "I still think it would be better to ask your father about this. Although he has a lot going on, you are his son and you are more important to him than anything else."

Cedric looked at Will and said, "What if Gavin and I are related and even father is not aware of it? I want this matter to remain between us until all the questions are answered."

"What about Brione? Will you tell her the result of your DNA test?" Will asked.

Cedric did not reply because hadn't decided what to do yet. He was scared that Brione would not tolerate him anymore and just leave.

"Let's go Will, Livi is waiting for us. By the way, are you interested in Livi?" Cedric asked, making Will's face turn pale.

"What?! What are you talking about?! Since when did you become a busybody?!" Will replied while panicking on the inside. He looked elsewhere to hide his reddening face from Cedric.

Cedric laughed because he could read Will's expression. He stood up from his chair and patted Will's shoulder as he passed by him and said, "There's nothing more than friendship between me and Livi now. So don't hesitate to make a move on her if you actually like her because if you don't you'll be left with the biggest regret in your life. The regret of not even trying.

That is why I'm so bold with Brione. I'm aggressive around her because there are a lot of capable men who want her, so I must hurry and make her fall in love with me. You only live once and regret is something that will end up destroying your happiness in the future. So make sure to live your life with no regrets."

"Aren't you scared that your aggressiveness will scare Brione?" Will asked.

"Of course I'm scared! That's why I'm toning it down just like you said. Good thing I am handsome and someone with power. I think that's a major plus point, don't you think?" Cedric chuckled at his own words.

Will laughed and said, "And arrogant too. Maybe Brione prefers arrogant men and overbearing men like you. Ah, how nice it is to be a Prince."

Cedric's face suddenly lost its smile as he whispered, "No, she doesn't like me because of my status or personality Will, it's because I have Gavin's face. That's my biggest advantage which I hate very much."

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