
Kiss Me, I'm Yours

AjaraAthena3000 · Urban
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10 Chs

Chapter 7

Ronan parked his car a black away from the coffee shop and glanced at the time. It was 12:30pm. He took out his bottle of antidepressants from the glove compartment and stared at it.

It had been years since he had to take it but he was contemplating it now. His brother had handed it to him last night along with the phone number for his old therapist just incase. Ronan frowned at the bottle and tossed it back in the glove compartment, closing it decisively. He wasn't that far gone.

He shook his head. He wasn't depressed. He was about to get his heart crushed. Those were different things and he could handle this. He could handle someone he loved deeply breaking him. It wasn't the first time he was hurt and it wouldn't be the last. He couldn't run to pills, or his therapist all the time. He just needed to learn how to put himself back together after this.

He got out of his car and started walking to the cafe. He knew what to expect. Devin was going to end things between them. And he wasn't dumb enough to not know the reason.

It was 12:50 when he walked into the cafe. It was a little crowded, with college students and office workers making up the majority. A few heads turned his way and he managed to smile brightly and wave at the few college students he had see around campus. He maintained a soft expression as he made his way to his favorite seat. It was in a far corner of the cafe where he could maintain a clear view of the entire floor and right next to a window. It was the very same table he and Devin had had their first date.

He put on his most natural looking gentle smile and politely greeted the waitress that came over to ask him what he'd like. He ordered an Americano for Devin out of habit and a Frappuccino for himself. He also ordered two cupcakes, a croissant, a blueberry muffin and a slice of cheesecake for himself. He'd need it.

Just as the waitress left, Devin appeared.

He sat down, fidgeting nervously in his seat as Ronan checked his watch. 1:05pm. Ronan wasn't smiling anymore as he watched Devin.

While they sat in silence, the waitress came with their order. Ronan smiled at her with a brightness he didn't feel and grabbed the blueberry muffin. He took a sip of his coffee, still looking at Devil while he began eating his muffin. He raised and eyebrow in cruel amusement when Devin couldn't look him in the eye. He didn't say a word. He wasn't the one with something to say.

"Ronan... I... I want to break up..."

"Ok," Ronan ignored the pain in his chest at that statement and kept eating his muffin. Food was a brilliant distraction.

Devin stared at him in shock, "What?"

"I said ok. What, did you expect me to beg you to stay? It takes two people to be in a relationship. It doesn't matter how much I want you to stay... I have no intention of tying someone unwilling to me." Ronan gave himself a mental high five for saying so much without crying and took a sip of his coffee.

"It's that easy...huh?" Devil smiled mockingly at him. "Did you find someone else already?"

Ronan laughed. It was a loud, clear laugh, "No but I'm sure you intend to leave me for Natalia?"

Devine face stiffened.

"Ahhh... so I'm right? She won huh?" Ronan laughed again, but he couldn't hide the anger and sadness he felt. He could feel his throat tighten as the emotions he tried to supress broke through. He put the muffin back in the paper bag with the other pastries and set them aside. "So... in the end I wasn't enough for you...." Ronan's voice cracked and a single tear escaped. He hurriedly wiped it away with a wistful laugh and stood up.

"Well, thank you for telling me in person. I hope you're happy. Goodbye, Devin," He left the money for the bill on the table and walked out of the cafe.

He walked to his car, almost running. He didn't want to start crying now. He had to keep it together. He had to keep himself together.