
Kiss Me, I'm Yours

AjaraAthena3000 · Urban
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10 Chs

Chapter 6

Ronan sipped his wine as he observed the painting before him. Emma Bolton's work was just as awesome in person as it was in the prints he had bought from her website. He smiled as he appreciated her detailed work. The painting was of a beautiful blonde woman, her smile on full display. It looked as if someone took a picture of her with the highest resolution possible.

Ronan walked on to the next painting smiling with thanks to the waitress that offered him a refill. The waitress was stunned for a moment and scurried off while Ronan went back to basking in the talent before him. He didn't even notice when Cameron had dissapeared into the crowd or where he had gone, he was that entranced.

He took a trip around the room, stopping to admire the pieces in turn before walking off to the buffet table. Cameron chose this moment to reappear, handing Ronan a plate of cake before switching out his wine for water.

Ronan frowned and sighed. He didn't protest. Out of all his siblings, he was the only one to drink until he got drunk. Cameron and Jerrica both had a public image to uphold and after Cameron ended up naked in bed with his psychotic ex girlfriend after the woman drugged his drink, they were even more adamant that Ronan be vigilant. Ronan didn't see the harm in getting drunk around his siblings though. He was sure that even if Cameron wasn't beside him while he toured the exhibit, his brother was no doubt somewhere watching him intently the entire time.

Ronan decided not to dwell on it and happily ate his cake. He was just finishing the last bit of cake when his phone vibrated in his pocket. Ronan sighed inwardly and put down his fork to fish his phone from his pocket. He didn't bother checking the caller ID and answered with a dry, "Hello?"

"Hey Ronan... It's me..." Devin's hesitant greeting made Ronan freeze.

He glaced at his brother and flinched when he caught the deep frown on his face. Ronan ignored his brother's gesture to pass the phone to him and handed him his plate instead. He covered the reciever and whispered to Cameron that he was stepping out before hurrying out the entrance.

"Are you there?"

Ronan took a deep breath and leaned against a wall, "Yes, I'm here. Just surprised you called." He decided to be honest. At this point, he had almost completely given up on Devin calling him. It shouldn't be something he had to consider for even a day. If he was honest, he expected him to call him the morning after, but it had already been two days since the Wednesday he drew a line.

"I... I almost didn't. But you deserve more than that Ro..."

Ronan could feel his chest tightening and heart stop.... "What do you mean Devin.....?"

"I... I don't want to do this over the phone Ro... Just... Let's meet up tomorrow. We can have lunch or coffee... I need to explain...."

Ronan felt his heart break. His chest had never hurt this much in his life. It felt like someone stabbed him... "Where?"

He somehow managed to keep his voice from shaking, but just barely. He slowly slid down the wall, bringing his knees to his chest. At that moment he didn't care that he was in public.

"At that cafe near the appartment... Joe's..."

Ronan laughed bitterly and knodded, "Really?... Fine. I'll be there by 1pm. If you arent there by 1:10, I'm leaving." Ronan didn't wait for Devin to answer. He hung up the call and looked up at the sky. He felt so much in that moment, but pain was the most prominent. He felt like someone cut out a piece of him and the hollow spot that was left ached.

Ronan looked a th his phone, his hands shaking, and dialed his brother, "Hey Cam... Yea I'm fine... Just... Can we go home?"