
Kiss Me, I'm Yours

AjaraAthena3000 · Urban
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10 Chs

Chapter 10

<p>Alexander watched Ronan as he silently ate his pizza. He wondered exactly what he should say to the boy before him. He still looked so sad even as he smiled bitterly. <br/><br/>"You don't have to help me grade papers or anything for the rest of the week," the sentence left his mouth before he could properly think about it. <br/><br/>Ronan paused for a second and cast a puzzled glance his way, "I don't think that's necessary...."<br/><br/>Alexander smiled lightly, "If not for you, then for my other students. You tend to...overanalyze when you're in a mood. A straight 'A' student could get a 'C' when you're in one of your moods."<br/><br/>Ronan flinched a little and smiled. Alexander was right about that. He ran his fingers through his hair and sighed. "Thank you... Thank you for everything today. I know you don't like being involved with personal problems....but thank you for going that far for me." Ronan could feel his cheeks heat up in embarrassment as he remembered how much of a mess he was. <br/><br/>Alexander chuckled, "Don't worry about it. I do want to keep things professional, but you're human Ronan. It's natural for you to have personal issues once in a while." He bit into his own pizza and relaxed into his chair, "We might work together, but I'm still a teacher at this university and you're a student here. It is my job to help you, to council you. Consider today a part of that job." He smiled gently at the blushing redhead before him.<br/><br/>Ronan relaxed into the sofa and stared at Alexander. If he was being honest, he was slightly confused by how kind Alexander was being to him. He was never particularly rude or mean, but there had always been a wall between them, one that kept their relationship strictly professional. Today's Alexander felt more like a friend than a teacher, and Ronan didn't mind that at all. <br/><br/>Ronan finished his pizza in silence and glanced at the time. His eyes widened slightly as he realized it was 8pm and he frowned when he glanced at Alexander's desk to see a pile of graded essays. He sighed, "I'm so sorry... I came here to help and I...didn't..."<br/><br/>Alexander chuckled and shrugged casually, "I'll just give you more to mark next time and we can call it even. Don't worry so much Ronan."<br/><br/>Ronan smiled apologetically and nodded, "Ok. thank you."<br/><br/>"You never have to thank me..." Alexanders whispered reply was inaudible to Ronan as he got up from the sofa and folded the throw. <br/><br/>"We really should start packing up if there's nothing left to do. I'll help you clean up before I go."<br/><br/>Alexander got up to join him and they both cleaned up the remnants of their dinner and left the office together. Alexander locked his office door and ushered Ronan to the parking lot where they parted ways; with Alexander reminding him about the creative writing assignment they had due for Tuesday. <br/><br/>Ronan got into his car and his shoulders relaxed. He was surprised at just how much better he was feeling. He had been crushed earlier that day and his chest still stung at the thought of his mess of a love life but, the pain was....manageable. Turns out a good cry was what he needed. <br/>He looked at the glove compartment where he had stashed his antidepressants and sighed. Well, if he ever needed them, they were there at least.</p>