
Chapter 13. Like a normal man

  Just like that, the magic was gone. I stared at Jason in disbelieve, knowing what this cocky bastard’s answer would be.

  “Of course, I remember you.” He stated with a faint smile.

  Making haste, I got up from his lap and moved to sit on my spot on the sofa. I was furious.?

  How dare he act so coldly and rude to me in the interview? First, he almost hit me with his fancy car, then he acted like he never met me. No!

  “I don’t have to stay here! You dick!” I spat at him, taking my belongings and leaving the club.

  There was no need to stay around this arrogant, spoiled idiot. I got my photo with him. He could go to hell, for all I cared!

  Storming out on the busy street, I felt the evening air filling my nostrils. It was like I was free, free of Jason’s challenge. Now I could move on to the next and forget that I ever met the self-absorbed prick with the red Porsche.