
Kisah Sang Penandai

Author: Dewi_Juni
Ongoing · 405 Views
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This Life As A 2nd Generation Villain

Qian Jun (mc) : What, I, a 30 year old man transmigrated as 18 year villain chaebol, but why the f** the plot so cliche. Heroine(1) : Why is this guy so hateful and scumy compared to that guy ? Protagonist (1) : Why are these " crazy mad scientists" know about my power, who told them ? Protagonist(2) : Why is my sister in that bastard arms? Protagonist (3): What, your only sister, here my whole family's women are in that bastard arms. Qian Jun : Whole world is my chess board, I'll play with anyone women and daughters and who go against me...heh... no matter even if it's heaven sons...they will suffer...hehe...what you think I'll kill them...nah ....death is too light for these species. Heroines  : Why is that guy cold smile more attractive than those guys fake kindness. Qian Jun : Hahaha ...these arrogant puny guys, did they leave their brain with their creator. These delusional guys are the only brainless guys in the whole plot. Heroines : I'm sure Qian Jun will pamper me. Qian Jun : hehehe....here you will earn for my 'villain' love not the other way around girls. ........................................................... Do add the novel in your library, even if u don't read it now....yr addition it to yr library is also helpful to me. ......... MC has both lust in his *dick and a *smart brain to make these guys suffer hell in their own heaven. No YURI No NTR No ped*philia No R*pe .... Your little help is a great help for me. .... This novel is not written by me completely, I took this novel from a MTL site where the translation is same as dog sh!t. But I like this novel, so I adopt this novel for  IMPROVEMENT and    DEVELOPMENT in grammars ,pronouns and names correction. So please you don't need to waste your energy in commenting that 'I stole this work or anything negative'. I'll suggest you too not compared my adaptation to OG one as there will be many changes . ..... MY DISCORD https://discord.com/invite/C39EGehuvD MY PATREON LINK https://www.patreon.com/SpiritImmortal?utm_campaign=creatorshare_creator

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Dua kali menikah, dua kali pula dirinya dikhianati. Kisah percintaan Dila Ramadhani yang selalu berujung pengkhianatan, membuat dirinya tak percaya kalau cinta sejati dan ketulusan itu ada. Memperbaiki diri tak lantas membuatnya semakin dicintai, tapi justru dikhianati lagi. Berkali-kali dia mempertanyakan pada dirinya sendiri, apa kekurangannya sebagai istri. Dila menjalani kehidupannya bersama dua orang anak dari pernikahan pertama dan satu orang anak dari pernikahan kedua. Melewati hinaan-hinaan dari keluarga sendiri hingga terpuruk tak punya uang dan anak-anaknya terancam berhenti sekolah. Suatu hari, Dila bertemu dengan Alvin. Pertemuan yang awalnya terjadi antara Dila sebagai pengendara ojek on line dan Alvin sebagai pemesan jasa ojek on line. Dila tidak tahu kalau malam itu Alvin baru saja memergoki tunangannya sedang bersama laki-laki lain di sebuah hotel, Alvin menggunakan jasa ojek on line untuk lari dari tunangannya yang mengetahui kalau dia sudah terpergok selingkuh. Pertemuan-pertemuan berikutnya pun terjadi, seperti sudah digariskan oleh takdir Alvin dan Dila. Sampai akhirnya, Alvin jatuh cinta pada Dila sang pengemudi ojek on line dan langsung mengajak Dila menikah. Dila yang masih trauma pada dua pernikahannya terdahulu, awalnya terang-terangan menolak ajakan Alvin untuk menikah. Namun akhirnya, perlahan cinta itu tumbuh di hati Dila. Apalagi setelah dia melihat betapa Alvin sangat menyayangi ketiga anaknya. Akhirnya, Dila pun menyerah, dia menerima ajakan Alvin untuk menikah. Satu hal yang Dila tidak mengerti, kenapa Alvin yang muda, tampan dan kaya, tidak memilih wanita yang jauh lebih muda dan cantik. Berulang kali Dila pertanyakan hal itu pada Alvin sebelum pernikahan terjadi, akhirnya Alvin pun menceritakan rahasia pribadinya yang membuat dia selalu dikhianati kekasih bahkan calon tunangannya sendiri. Pernikahan Alvin dan Dila ditentang oleh kedua paman dan bibi Alvin yang ikut tinggal bersamanya di rumah mewah milik orang tua Alvin yang sudah meninggal dunia. Sementara kakak kandung Alvin sendiri, Aprilia, sama sekali tidak keberatan kalau adik laki-lakinya menikah dengan seorang janda beranak tiga. Aprilia menyadari kalau kekurangan yang dimiliki adiknya menyulitkan adiknya untuk mendapatkan istri. Sementara, ada sebuah amanat dari kedua orang tua yang mengharuskan Alvin untuk segera menikah, agar harta yang ditinggalkan keduanya, bisa segera jatuh ke tangan Alvin seutuhnya. Berbagai cara dilakukan oleh kedua paman dan bibi Alvin untuk memisahkan Alvin dengan Dila, berbagai masalah antara keduanya timbul setelah menikah, tapi hebatnya Alvin, kasih sayangnya pada ketiga anak Dila tidak berubah. Sampai akhirnya tanpa sengaja Dila mengetahui kalau masalah pribadi Alvin ada hubungannya dengan kebencian paman dan bibinya pada Dila dan anak-anaknya. Bagaimanakah perjalanan cinta Alvin dan Dila yang dipenuhi intrik keserakahan dan harta? Bagaimana pula cara Dila menghadapi para pembenci dan mempertahankan rumah tangganya kali ini?

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Get a LIFE!

Rhea Aileen was in between two men. A handsome and successful young businessman. A successful CEO is like a hit story on every reading platform. While the other one is a rich artist, a famous painter who is 70 years old. "Damn it! Livy, what are you doing?" "I write your story." "Please, delete it!!!" "But why? You told me to write before, right? "Oh C'mon... Please move to the sofa, I want to see what you wrote! " Oh, God. "Livy... this is crazy!" "But that's the truth, isn't it? Your life is indeed between those two men!" "Oh please..., Let me write my own story!" Ok, introduce myself, my name is Rhea Aileen. According to my crazy friend, Livy my life is in the middle of two men. Yes, that was true. However, there is one thing I need to get right! Our relationship is not what you think when you read Livy's story. Yes, the three of us are close, but because we are neighbors. I moved to Bandung, rented a small house in a rich people neighborhood. Oops! Don't think that renting this house is expensive! Of course not, because the house is in the skewer area(tusuk sate). Please googling yourself why skewers usually rent cheaply. "Cough...! the Feng shui is bad, same as your luck too cough!" Livy said, pretending to cough. Yes, I hate that fact, but that's true. But the point is... My house is flanked by two other houses. On the left, is the house of a grumpy former artist, a famous painter who has retired. Don't ask how much his wealth is, because I don't know either. On the right... this is what's interesting! He is rarely at home, he always goes in the morning and comes home at night. A rich, handsome, successful, super busy CEO. And . . . don't ask how many women he has brought home almost every night. Psst, I mean... a lot! And... this is our story... "Finished already?" Livy asked while picking her nose. "Ew... Livy put your hand down! Ok, That's it, that's all! Um almost forgot..., sorry if there are harsh words in my story. Yes, sometimes I swear. But the point is, if you want to read my story, I've already told you from the beginning, ok? Happy reading...

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