
Meeting Him

It was the first day at my new class at UA and I was already late.

I sprinted down the sidewalk, piece of a donut in my mouth and was trying to put my shoes on. I had to admit, I had my days where I would have the occasional over sleep or ignored my alarm clock. But why did it have to be on the FUCKING FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL!?!?

I skidded to a stop outside of the UA gates and sighed. It was a pretty sight, the huge glass building was a sight you could see from uphill and wa an inspiration to all kids who wanted to be heroes.

I ran up the sidewalk along with the other students who were almost late and sprinted throughout the halls. Desperately searching for 1-A.

I slid past a door and fell when I tried to stop.


I quickly opened the door to already find a chaotic situation. A blue haired boy was having a conversation with a ash blonde who just snarkily snapped remarks at him. I slid past them without drawing attention to myself and sat in the very back.

On my left was a boy with the head of a bird and my left was an empty seat. In front of me was a boy with spiky red hair and sharp teeth.

He turned around and grinned at me.

"Hi!" He said kindly.

I smiled and nodded my head in acknowledgment.

"I'm Eijiro Kirishima!" He said.

"(Y/N) (L/N)." I said cheerfully.

"(Y/N), that's a pretty name." A blonde boy with a black electric bolt in his hair said. "I'm Denki Kaminari."

"Nice to meet you." I said.

"How did you do in the entrance exams (L/N)?" Kirishima asked.

"Oh, I was recommended." I said. They both were quiet.

"YOU WERE RECOMMENDED?! What's your quirk?" A girl with pink hair and skin asked. She had horns and black eyes with golden irises.

"You have pretty eyes." I said shyly.

She smiled and gripped my hands.

"I like you already. My name's Mina Ashido!" She said.

I laughed and tired to keep my nervous system from shutting down.

Just then, a cute green-haired boy opened the door and all eyes went to him. He had a cute set of freckles and unruly hair. He was adorable.

The blue haired boy stopped lecturing the ash blonde and approached him.

I sighed and thought about my friends who didn't make it into UA. We had promised each other no hard feelings if we got in, but when I received that letter of recommendation to UA, they stopped talking to me. I pulled out my phone that had a Mirko case and looked through my contacts for any notifications.

"Aww, cute case." A voice said. I turned to see a floating UA uniform.

"Um, what." I said looking at it. Then it clicked.

"OH! Your invisible!" I said standing up and going in circles around her. "Hmm. It doesn't seem like something you can control. Like you can't turn it off huh? I wonder what your parent's reaction might have been when your quirk popped up." I grinned at her.

I heard her gasp.

"You guessed it! Nobody ever guesses it and just assumes I'm a ghost." She sighed.

"And ghost can wear clothes, how?" I asked. That didn't make any sense.

"THANK YOU!!" She shouted. "At least someone here figured it out. I'm Toru Hagakure."

I held out my hand.

"(Y/N) (L/N)." I said.

"If your here to make friends, you might as well leave." A voice said from the door drawing your attention to the door. I couldn't see them, but they had said something to the three who were standing by the door and they quickly moved to their seats and sat down.

"I'm Shouta Aizawa. The pro hero Eraserhead. I'm your teacher."

"Lovely." I muttered to myself.

When Edgeshot had recommended me to UA, he had told me to steer clear of the grumpy hero. Now he was my teacher. With my luck, of course that's how it worked out.

"Put these on and meet outside. Were going to go over some things real quick." He said holding up blue outfits with white and red stripes in a pattern.

All the girls met up in the locker and you all started undressing. I was hesitant to take my clothes off, already knowing what to expect, but did it anyway.

"(Y/N)!! Can I call you (Y/N)? YOU HAVE A ROCKING BODY!" Mina said coming over. I sighed and finished slipping my shirt off.

"You can call me (Y/N). And thanks." A girl with brown hair came over and brushed her hands across my abs.

"These scars . . . " She said. I had a couple of stitch and jagged scars across my body from all my attempts to train my quirk.

"Yeah, I'm not the most careful person in the world when it comes to injuries. The only thing on my mind is getting the job done." I cringed at Uraraka's comment.

"There's nothing wrong with scars." Someone gently said. It was a pretty girl with black hair. "I'm Momo Yaoyorozu. Just call me Momo."

"Nice to meet you." I said.

"Cmon girls. We got a class to catch!" Mina cheered.

~Time Skip~

The ash blonde from this morning had just shown off his explosive skill and launched the ball 705.3 meters.

I looked at the other intimidated students but held my ground, refusing to fall into the fawning over such a asshole.

"WOW! 705.3 METERS!" Kirishima crowed.

"Hmm." I said looking the blonde up and down.

"Kacchan is still as amazing as ever." The cute boy with green hair from this morning said.

"Kacchan?" I questioned.

"That's him . . . " The boy trailed off looking confused. "OH!" He said his face getting red. "His name is Katsuki Bakugou, but I call him Kacchan since we grew up together." He rubbed the back of his neck.

"That's pretty cute." I giggled.

"Your pretty cute." A voice said.

I looked down to see a purple haired boy gripping his shirt.

"Hey there beautiful, do you got a boyfriend?" He asked. He gripped my pant leg. "If not, I'm available."

"I wouldn't doubt it." A voice said.

~Kirishima's Point of View~

I was watching the girl from this morning. Patronized at how kind, cheerful, and pretty she was. She laughed will anyone, if the showed interest in her, or were kind people. But then I saw Mineta go over to her and follow in suit.

"Hey there beautiful, do you got a boyfriend?" He gripped her pant leg. "If not, I'm available."

"I wouldn't doubt it." I said coming over. "Leave her alone Mineta." I pulled him off of her and threw him from her.

"Nice one." The girl with brown hair and pink cheeks said giving me a thumbs up.

"Thank you. I was two seconds away from killing him. Actually . . ." She said in a hesitating tone. I laughed.

"Hey Kirishima." My heart swelled at the fact that she remembered my name.

"What are you guys up to?" I asked, standing protectively, but unnoticeably by her side.

"Mr. Ass in a Box over there." (Y/N) said pointing at the ash blonde who had just gone.

"Oh. Bakugou? Yeah, he doesn't seem friendly." I said scratching my neck. I clenched my fist. "But that's even more of a reason to be his friend!"

(Y/N) laughed.

"You have a kind heart Kirishima."

My eyes widened at her words and I looked down. This girl was already stirring something inside of me on the first day? How was that possible?

I felt my face flush.

"Haha, thanks. But everyone deserves a companion. Even if they don't want it." I looked at Bakugou. "He seems like someone with a lot of anger pent up inside, so we got to slowly pour it out until it's gone."

"Easier said than done." Midoriya muttered.

"Now pay attention. . You will be put there a series of training to see where you are and how you rank.Whoever gets the lowest score will be expelled." Aizawa-sensei said.

Everyone gasped except for a select few and (Y/N).

"Not nervous?" I asked her calm face.

"Why should I be?" She cocked her head. "There's no way I'm getting expelled."