
Kirarabu - Killer Love

Meake was raised by two members of the Uchiha clan until one of the clan members, Itachi, killed her foster parents and the entire Uchiha clan. Years later, Mea sets out to find Him. https://tenshistories-m.blogspot.com

Mea_3453 · Anime & Comics
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4 Chs

Chapter 1

The darkness almost takes away my sight as I walk through the familiar streets. Everything is extinct, nowhere is a soul unconventional among the Uchihas, for there are not only many, but usually everyone rushes even at such times. Now, though, not what really worries me.

I hear an deafening scream a little further away, from one of the little streets, I immediately start running in that direction. As I turn the corner, I stop. The two members of my host family are lying on the ground soaked in fresh blood with their killer above them. As I look at the man, I get the feeling of pain and hatred at the same time, I don't even procrastinate much, I attack him.

We fight each other for minutes without looking into their eyes, not as if I see a lot of them, as my tears obscure my vision. Even the fight is only done out of anger, with the help of my hearing, but in a careless moment I find myself on the ground with the man I loved above all else.

"How could you?" I whisper broken. Itachi looks me in the eye with contempt, and the Sharingan immediately takes over. What has just happened is repeating to me over and over again.

"I wanted to know what I was capable of," I hear his voice, but it's all like an echo. I don't see him, I just hear him meanwhile killing the people I loved over and over again. The pain is in my heart.

"Is that all? Is that why you were able to kill them? Everyone?" I begin to realize that he has killed not only my foster parents but the entire clan. Cruel, without conscience.

"I needed to know how much I had developed over the years," I hear again the sound that has always shaken the cold. The only difference now is that instead of being good, an uncomfortable cold feeling is running down my back. "You don't feel any more than they do, but at least they were strong," the genjutsu disappears, so the picture clears slowly before me. I can't see Itachi's face because of my tears, but I vaguely see him towering over me, straightening up his gun. "Neither you nor my pathetic brother deserve to praise you so much that you don't have to live the pathetic life you have now," he turns his back, but looks back over his shoulder. "Then if you're strong enough to confront me, find me."

And after a moment, I find myself alone, swaying in tears, smelling blood.


It's been minutes, but none of us are moving. It's like we've both froze, our eyes aren't fluttering, we're just staring into each other's eyes, yet there's an invisible struggle between the two of us. He plays that night with me again and again with the Sharingan, and with the help of the Sutagan, I try to radiate all the pain inside me into it. And that night I had a lot of pain, which I feel again thanks to the genjutsu, and thanks to my ability to clan, he too.

The ability of my eyes is manifested in being able to project my feelings on others as if they had their own feelings, but they also have physical pain. For example, if we say figuratively that I feel like they were stabbed in the heart with a knife, they actually feel it.

A tear flows out of my eyes, but besides, nothing changes, we just stare into each other's eyes. Eventually, we fall to our knees almost simultaneously, both panting exhausted. There is a bloody tear coming out of my eyes, which means I have well crossed the line that my eyes can hold at once. It's also an ability that doesn't hurt to train to last longer.

"You can take it," Itachi mutters, and two figures jumping on both sides, also wearing Akatsuki's cloaks. The last image that comes into the auditorium is Itachi's Sharingans as they disappear and then darkens everything around me.


"Are you sure she is?" I hear a soft female voice.

"Yes, absolutely." Look, a male voice unknown to me replies, probably pointing at the woman.

"You're right," he agrees.

It's all dark, I can only hear the sounds. I can't move, nor can I open my eyes. I don't feel ropes on myself, it just stings in my neck, but in some unbearable way. Heaven, mar, and I'd rather scream the feeling, but not a single sound can come out of my throat. What happens to me? Where am I? Who are around me? What do they want from me?

"She's awake," said another stranger.

"Is the poison still working?" she asks. Ah, so I can't move because of a poison. Great.

"Only for a few moments," replies the latter man, who says they are responsible for my current condition.

I really just have to wait a few moments and my muscles will finally come to life again, and pretty slowly I can move all my limbs. I don't know how poison it was, but it's strong, for sure. The colors and lights slowly return to my eyes, until I finally find myself facing a bunch of men in red and black cloaks, with only one woman standing among them.

"Who are you?" I ask the question, but I am also surprised by my voice. Even though I want to radiate determination, a thread-thin voice just squeezes out of my throat. I exercise myself in the seat on the bed, which seems quite comfortable anyway. The bed may be comfortable, but the situation itself is not a drop.

"Drink, it'll get better," a blond-haired guy hands me a glass of water. I shake my head. "Calm down, not poisoned, um," he smiles reassuringly at me, and I believe him for some reason. Maybe it's just thirst that makes me, but I take the cup out of my hand and drink the water in big sips.

"We are," begins a red-haired boy with a face like a puppet.

"I know who you are," I change to a more natural voice, and I don't even care to give me some respect, as it's clear that they're all older than me. And what is the reason for this shift? The presence of Uchiha in the background, whom I now only notice. "But I don't know what you want from me yet."

"It's very simple," an orange-haired man with some unknown metal protrudes from his face. "Join us!"

Suddenly I don't even know if I'm laughing or crying for that sentence. Even for me to join the organization that includes Itachi? There is no way!

"More like death!" I answer in a moment, when I make sure, the man known as Pein said no joke. A tall man with a literally sewn body pulls out a kunai and is already moving towards me to comply with my sentence. I would call Sutagan, but my clan's ability is blocked for some reason, and I don't even have to think much about it to figure out because of the poison. I wouldn't even have time to think, since the man is almost in front of me, but in a moment the red clouds will obscure the scene from me.

I tremble all over my body, not only because of anger, but also because of fear. Two are standing in front of me, with my back to me, and as I look up, I see the blond boy from whom I just got the water, and… Itachi.

"You can't hurt her, um," the blonde says, and Itachi looks back at me. Probably the only reaction you can see from me is a mixture of endless surprise, fear and anger.

"No one will hurt her, because she's joining us," Pein says in an intolerant voice. The two men in front of me step out of the way, so I have a view of the others again. I will definitely not join them!

"What's the use of this?" I ask the question, which apparently many do not like.

"She really wants to die," remarks the attacker.

"Apart from being able to survive," the only female member of the team begins, "and regain the ability of your clan, you can find answers to all your doubts."

I automatically look at Itachi, who has meanwhile returned to his original place, but I immediately look away from him. I hesitate for a moment, then my curiosity makes its way.

"What do you think exactly?" I look at the blue-haired woman with a faint smile on her porcelain face.

"Everything you are curious about about the past, the present or the future."

"What do you know about these?" kicks up.

"Not me," she looks back for Itachi, involuntarily following her gaze. My gaze meets Itachi's, and suddenly an unfamiliar feeling floods me. He would have been ready to save me and clash with his partner. But why? And that blond boy? Who is he at all? Why would he sacrifice the peace he had with his partner for me?

By the time I wake up, most of the company is no longer in the room. Only the blue-haired woman, the blond boy, Pein and Itachi stay inside me outside of me. I'm blinking some. Great, Itachi must have dropped into genjutsu, and that's why I don't remember when the others went out.

"She'll join," Itachi says, then gets up and leaves.

"But I," I would begin, but look back in the doorway.

"You know. I felt" And that's leaving us. I look around incomprehensibly.

"With Genjutsu, you have eliminated the blocking effect of your ability," the fluffy answered my silent question. "I'm Deidara," he says, smiling with an encouraging smile as I look at his hand and then on his face without accepting the handshake.

"Meake," I mutter grimly. I've always hated it when others decide things for me, but unfortunately the truth is that if Itachi and Deidara hadn't been here before, that weird guy would have killed me. So I really didn't have much choice left.

"I'm Konan, and he's Pein," the blue-haired girl points at herself first, then at the man full of metals. "The one who wanted to attack is Kakuzu, who stirred the poison, the red-haired guy, Sasori." The figure that looks like a shark is Kisame, who is a teammate of Itachi", by the way, adds Konan, who has started to introduce Akatsuki members who are no longer present.

"I don't really care who the Uchiha's teammate is," I mutter. "I'd rest if you let me. I don't intend to stay long" I declare, and Deidara starts to object.

"You have to stay, because... Well, what Konan said," he points to unanswered questions about the past and the future."

"I want to rest," I repeat, and Konan and Pein nod and leave. Deidara still remains, apparently saying something, but he's wondering for a long time whether to say it.

"This will be your room," he points around, but I'm almost certain he didn't mean to say that. I nod, I don't want to force the conversation, because I'm weak enough myself. Deidara takes the card and goes out, leaving it to me.

The room is quite nice anyway, it fits my style, which I think I owe to Itachi, because only He knows who I am and what my taste is. The bed is comfortable, although the walls are white, all the furniture is either red or black, which may be because of my taste, or simply because Akatsuki has these colors. The furniture is relatively modern, the whole room is similar to the home room.

I lie back on the bed, the fatigue settles on me right away, so I fall asleep soon. Itachi and our common past appear more than once in my dream, most notably the night that can be attributed to the most horrible night of my life. That's when I lost my foster parents and my love at the same time. And what did I get in return? That's when my ability to clan came out at night, just when I had the biggest pain of my life.
