
Kirameku Sukāfu

In Japan, under the cherry blossoms, Yamazaki Kinari, a sixteen-year-old boy enters high school. This year will be special for our hero who, thanks to his meeting with Anzu Shimizu, will forge an identity he had never dreamed of. Anzu is the exact opposite of this young boy, she is smiling and sociable. Whereas Kinari is unsociable and listless. But this meeting will turn his life upside down.

Romansuu · Teen
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32 Chs

Meet my harem.

Anzu and I stayed together talking, but the time cut us off. I also had my event to go through and the start was scheduled for fifteen minutes.

That gives me time to walk to it.

I positioned myself on the line and noticed Yamaguchi and Maeda waving at me.

They must be running as fast as the club captains…

I inhale all the available air and concentrate.

The shot bursts and announces the departure.

A herd of men marches past me. A few seconds later, I was already alone, far behind them.

What am I thinking, seriously?

Start by moving your legs…

Anzu counts on me, I have to try, even if only a little…

I run at my own pace and think about everything that gives me strength: my sister and my otaku life.

This mile is for you, Hikigaya.

Hikigaya is such a charismatic character, I wish I could be like him!

Three kilometres.

I can't take it anymore, my heart is going to give out.

An… Aneko? Why is she running in my direction?

—Come on, darling, go for it! I'll walk with you for a kilometre!

Four kilometres.

I am going to die.

An… Anzu? Not you!

—Kinari, why are you slowing down? Give it your all, I guess!

They're crazy.

—Do you feel that strength, Kinari? Swing your legs!

What is this heat inside me? Where does it come from?

They went through a tough race a few hours ago, and they're struggling to help me.

I'm going to go beyond my limits, damn it!

Five kilometres.

I don't even feel the gravity anymore…

Masuko arrives at her turn.

—Darling, run for the club! Throw your arms out, I want to see you fly!

What is this emotion? Adrenalin? Rage?

I give it all I've got and increase my pace, again and again.

Don't let them down, don't let them down…

I see people collapsing from exhaustion in front of me.

To think that I could have been in your place.

Guided by my emotions, my determination explodes.

I must finish this race at any cost … at any cost … at any cost…

Six kilometres.

I reach the finish line and contemplate the brief stars that appear in my field of vision. That was the last image I saw before I collapsed in Masuko's arms.

I am in pain.

I am in pain.

I slowly open my eyelids.

Ouch… I can't feel my legs. I've been amputated by the Dragonslayer?

What the hell are those four doing here?

I hear our club president telling the girls I'm awake. They come up to me and pamper me.

—You could have collapsed on a girl who's in love with you at least,' Aneko mumbles whimsically.

—Or on a girl who takes care of you, stammers Anzu, crossing her arms.

—You were so classy, sensei!

Is that the first thing that comes to your mind, seriously?

—This is not the time for that, friends! Stop your whims.

I slowly get up from my bed and admire the twilight.

Is it so late?

—You can see the stars already, girls, you should go away, I feel much better.

None of the four dares to leave first.

I start the pace and reach my apartment before thanking my comrades for having watched over me while I slept.

I collapse on my bed.

A first day much too sportive for me…


Do I still have aches and pains? I can't believe it. But what an idiot I am to have made such efforts!

I get up from my bed, opened the window and shout.

—I curse you, festivals!

I walk around my room and think.

Aches and pains … extreme pain. But yes, of course!

I go back to the windows before screaming, one last time.

—Bless you, festival!

I will be able to take out the excuse of aches and pains to my PE teacher and avoid the swimming test, perfect.

I find Anzu who was waiting for me again, for almost thirty minutes.

Did she witness my two screams from my window? Shit.

Today is different, I have a plan in my pocket that sets the bar for my mood.

Let's recap, first, I'll address the PE teacher confiding that I have aches and pains. Then I'll sneak away to read my manga. It's a short but foolproof ploy.

After overacting to my PE teacher, he forced me to watch the swim race.

Too bad, we won't escape … I'll just have to devour my shōjo while everyone else has their eyes on the event.

I sit down on a bench, then Aneko sees me, and sits down next to me.

—Honey, will you stay and watch me swim, please?

You all intend to harm our plan? wonders Kinari otaku.


—I didn't bring your favourite shirt, so if you're not here, I'll take it the wrong way!

The guilt card, a good choice. In turn, I choose the lie card. Nothing will get in the way of my reading.

—I'll look at you, then.

Maybe it's a little kinky…

Aneko is staying with me all morning.



—I hadn't done it yet, but thanks for trying to make my dream come true.

—Uh … you're welcome, Aneko.

—I think it's why I fell in love with you. Actually, you're such a class act when you go out of your way for me. It makes me so hot!

Damn it, stop, I'm going to faint now…

—Don't you dare put me on the bench, I love you more than Masuko!

My heart is beating fast, it's beating much … much too fast…

—I … uh … yes.

I don't know what to say.

Masuko and Anzu come in front of me and ask me.

—Which one of us has the prettiest bikini?

Won-der-ful stammers Kinari in love before losing five liters of blood through her nose.

Their legs look so soft … but aren't they supposed to be in school swimsuits?

Aren't they fed up with their ridiculous contest? mumbles Kinari jaggedly.

Whom to choose…

I remember that the day before, Anzu had teased me a lot on the way to school.

To give him back to the camera, I announce my verdict.

—I prefer Masuko's!

Anzu crosses her arms, takes place on the diving board beside our club president and Aneko.

She didn't even get angry? Too bad.

The shot being fired, they enter the water with gusto.

It can be interesting to follow at least this race, no? My manga will wait a little bit.

It's quite balanced between them!

Anzu, with a devastating motivation, manages her breathing better than her competitors. Aneko adopts a violent swimming, splashing the two other girls.

The heroine of the eroge is not worthy of you!

—Ôta loses her stamina! exclaims the swimming teacher.

They have a commentator? Is it that exciting?

Who will win this race?

The perfectly executed gestures of Anzu make him take advantage.

Aneko, you're as slow as Uesugi Fuutarou,* stop splashing everyone!

—I won!

Anzu? Too bad, I had bet on Masuko.

On the scoreboard, our team was in the lead followed by the blue and finally the yellow ones in last place.

After their race, the girls surrounded me.

What do they want from me?

Aneko comes forward and confides in me.

—We've been holding out on you, honey… We've decided that the winner gets an opportunity.

What is she talking about?

—An opportunity?

When did she start using such complicated words?

Anzu comes up to me and whispers.

—The one who wins this race will have the chance to go on a date with you.

And we don't have a say in this?

A date? A date! What the hell, a real date?

—Would you like to get together with me for Christmas?

I look at him, and think of Chizu's words.

Big Brother, I want you to be a date for Christmas! I saw in the newspaper that it was something unique!

Might as well take his advice…


She jumps into my arms with tears in her eyes.

—Thank you,' she says sensually.

The losers move towards us and embrace us.

—Don't forget me, darling!

—Don't leave me, darling!

They all cling to me, to every part of my skeleton.

If my body is a twig, then I probably look like a flowering branch…

Hikigaya: Main character in the centre of a love triangle. (Oregairu)

Dragonslayer: Weapon of the main character Guuts (Berserk)

Uesugi Fuutarou: Main character without any physical ability. (The Quintessial Quintuplets)