

Kira, an only child left alone when her father dies, and her mother leaving her in the hands of another. She sets out to find the truth about her fathers death and mother's disappearance with rage in her heart

Emoji_9 · Urban
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9 Chs

Chapter 09: Guest house.

The next two days went by smoothly and worry-free with Rena trying to persuade Kira into cooking again, after that afternoon. She had her fill and wanted to taste more of Kira's secret talents in cooking foreign food.

The trio spent time together, Kira didn't about what she found two days ago, all she wanted was to spend the remaining days with he beloved aunt. "Aunt, why won't you move in with us?" Rena asked whining about missing her too much "Do you know when next she'll let us come visit again huh?, Thanksgiving! I tell you!"

"Mhh, I like my alone time, where I'll cook for one not five even though we are just three" Laila said gaining a suppressed laugh from Kira and a dropped jaw from Rena, who rolled her eyes and scoffed.

"Are the tickets ready?" Kira asked packing her things.

They were in Kira's room about to part, it was a night flight and it was already sunset, thus they had to go.

The driver took their bags to the car while they said their goodbyes. Rena was doing the emotional thing way too much "Bye aunt!" Hugging her tightly, she left the two to talk.

"Take care of yourself as always my dear, and please don't punch anyone whenever you feel you want to okay" or even shoot, you don't want to stain your hands please" Laila pleaded holding Kira's hands. And Kira nodded.

"Yeah, yeah, I won't, take care of yourself too. Whatever you need, just give me a call okay?" She said and hugged Laila tightly "Bye aunt".

Laila kissed her forehead and she walked away turning back to wave again before getting into the car, Laila stood there until the car disappeared from her view.

It was about an hour to the airport, Kira called Leah to ask if Skyler was already at the airport, which he was.

Reaching the airport, they checked in briefly with Skyler, his wife, Avery, and his daughter, Alissa, while waiting to board the plane, Alissa went over to Kira and hugged her knee, Kira was a bit surprised, she looked at Rena, and Rena shrugged "Miss my dad said you'd take me to a new school right?" The little girl asked smiling cutely with her puffed cheeks

Kira lifted the girl and made her sit next to her "What's your name?" She asked smiling.

"Alissa!" She exclaimed, her smile widening and Kira couldn't resist pinching her cheek softly and the girl giggled.

"Such a cute name for a cute girl." Adjusting to face the girl more "And yes, your dad is right. you'd live with me and buy all the dolls you want!" Kira said when she saw the girl snuggling a small doll and what she just said brightened Alissa up even more.

"Really?!! All I want?10?" she asked, her eyes sparkling, Kira nodded, and Alissa jumped on her to hug her.

People stared, wondering if it was the famous Alexander Kira of Red Corp, they didn't get to see her, and some didn't even know what she looked like. Why was she waiting at the airport when she could board her private plane, when did she get a child?!

"Is that a child hers?" A young lady asked her friend while looking at Kira and Alissa talk.

"I doubt that. I heard she doesn't even have a lover, so how?" Her friend also said looking doubtful.

"But they look so close, do you think she adopted or maybe..." she leaned in "Out of wedlock!" she whispered, clamping her mouth, that would be so indecent and newsworthy if she did get pregnant out of wedlock.

"Hey, hush! both of you. Are you hoping to meet your end anytime soon?" An old man scolded the ladies and they shook their heads. "Look they are leaving" one of them pointed.

Kira went to board her plane whilst holding Alissa's hand, but Avery called the girl to come over and she tightened her grip on Kira's not willing to let go.

"it's okay we are to the same place after all" Kira said to the woman who nervously smiled and gave up.

Getting into the plane Alissa knotted her brows "Why are we the only ones here?"

"It's first class, so we are alone..." She explained to the girl who made a cute '0' expression

"It's yours?!" wow!!" She exclaimed looking around "I've never been on a plane before" she told to herself mostly, her eyes bright as she giggled happily.

"Not really, it's not hers.. but she does have one though" Rena took the girl from Kira and made her seat away from Kira. Mr Skyler sat beside her "Sorry about her" He apologized and Rena just waved it off before walking to the front where Kira was.

"Are you sure about this?" She asked Kira before taking her seat, sipping her juice. Kira was on her computer, she paused her fingers and continued "About what?" She questioned her question -Typical-.

"Bringing them along obviously," Rena asked, rolling her eyes frustrated.

"And since when do you ask me such questions, do I look unsure to you?" she raised her brows "He'll be of great use so hush" Kira nagged still looking down at her system before momentarily lifting her head to see Rena raise her hand in surrender and then back at her work.

3 hours later...

Sam got Skyler and his wife back to the house while Rena and Kira were taken to the office.

Skyler and his family were shown to their new place in one of the guest houses. It had three bedrooms, just right for them.

"How soon can you start working?" Sam asked standing by the door about to leave.

"As soon as I can. uhm tomorrow" Sky told him, mostly asking, and Sam nodded before leaving them to rest.

Alissa was looking around fascinated by how big it was, definitely twice the size of their old house, she was very much happy and excited, not waiting a moment longer, she went and picked a room, the one that was to her liking. After being certain that it was the room she wanted, she called out to her stepmom.

"Mom!, I found my room" she yelled out.

The rooms were upstairs, whilst the sitting room, kitchen and dining room were down. Alissa's new room was at the end of the hallway, with two windows, the bed was in the corner. it was medium-sized which was perfect for her, then towards one of the windows there was a small bed-like cushion one could sleep or relax on. On the other side was a built-in closet with two sides, and a shoe section. There was a small reading table beside the bed and a lamp on the side of the bed as well. Perfection. That was what it is.

"How is it?" Avery asked the girl that had touched every little thing.

" I love it!" She exclaimed hugging Avery tightly.

"Okay let's get you settled in" They arranged Alissa's clothes and some of her junk stuff where they should be, putting sheets and pillowcases that Sam brought earlier. After hours of moving, Sam brought food for them.

"Can I see Miss Kira now?" Alissa asked Samuel with her big round eyes begging.

"She's at work" He said "You'll see her eventually" He said and pet her head "Excuse me" and walked away.

Skyler turned to his daughter, and caressed her cheek with a small smile "Listen, Alissa, you have to behave okay? do you want us to go back to our old house?" He asked her, and the girl frantically shook her head.

"No, no I like it here," she said clutching the hem of her dress.

"Good, so behave, don't stress the Miss that brought us here okay? And don't disturb her. Also, you see her place over there?" He asked, and she nod "Don't go there without asking first okay? please be a good girl" He reasoned out with her and she accepted with a nod and promise before she hugged him.