

Kira, an only child left alone when her father dies, and her mother leaving her in the hands of another. She sets out to find the truth about her fathers death and mother's disappearance with rage in her heart

Emoji_9 · Urban
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9 Chs

Chapter 08: Can you cook?

Kira returned to the hospital at 2AM , she silently walked into Rena's ward with two bags. one was a bucket of ice cream and the other was chicken. She bought them knowing fully well that Rena was a night owl and is probably awake now. She barely gets sleep and Kira knew that Rena would question her on her whereabout thus buying these as bribes, she smiled to herself thinking about the looks on Rena's face.

As expected Rena was awake, her arms crossed on her chest, she was sitting and her back leaned against the bed. Kira flashed Rena a radiant smile lifting up the bags but Rena frowned instead.

"Where did you go?" Rena asked, scrutinizing Kira from head to toe. Kira rolled her eyes-isn't it obvious!- she walked closer to Rena's bed.

"To get you these, you'd like some huh?" she asked wiggling her brws. Even though Rena had her doubts, she still accepted the ice cream hugging it to herself, and Kira didn't mind one bit, so long as Rena didn't try to squeeze answers out of her. she was good.


Staying in the hospital for a week isn't something one would want. The doctor entered Laila's room, where Kira and Rena were. Rena had fully recovered with just a bandaid on her head which had to be changed after every few hours. While Laila was still recovering but obviously she was tired of staying in the hospital so the doctor agreed for her to be dismissed and prescribed medications for the both of them to take daily.

The trio left the hospital and headed home. The maids have already prepared breakfast and they ate before having their baths.

"Aunt?, we'll need to head back soon" Kira said.

They were sitting at the dinner table, after laila woke up from her long nap. Laila knew they had to go back to work very soon, but despite knowing, she still sulked, when next will she see these two?

"Stay a little, don't tell me you're leaving tomorrow?!" she exclaimed, her eyes widening, looking back and forth between the two ladies.

"No, no,of course not" she continued, Rena missed this aunt so much too. Plus they didn't have much fun because of some idiot, which she was sure Kira had taken care of.

After dinner they all sat and watched movies till midnight before everyone dispersed to their rooms.

Kira was prepared for bed when her phone rang, she took it and placed it on her ear "Miss, he's ready to talk" Ken said over the phone. Ever since, that driver has been undergoing torturous punishments, sometimes he'd beg them to kill him instead, but Kira had clearly told them not to, thus the man suffered. Few days back, they got hold of his wife and kid, taking them away to a secluded area -unhurt- Kira's men tied them up loosely and threatened Skyler-the driver- to speak or else a bullet will blasted right through his five year olds little head. He still refused to budge thus a bullet was fired to the ground few metres away from the girl's legs -no intent of actually killing her- she cried out, her eyes were closed but she could speak. After the video they untied them and gave them food. Skyler finally gave in it seems.

"I'll be there by morning and get the doctor to treat him but not fully...Yet" She ordered and dropped the call, she went to turn off the lights when Rena walked in.

"Who is getting treated?" She asked and Kira stared at her, her eyes bright as the moon outside

"Mr Skyler" Kira told nonchalantly and walked to her bed, in hopes of ignoring her friend.

"And who is Mr Skyler?" Rena asked raising her brows "come on Kira , you can't ignore me, who is he?" She persisted when Kira didn't spare her a glance. Kira sighed and turned to look at Rena then sat up on her bed.

"The so called driver that almost killed us" Kira said, she knew she couldn't hod it for much longer, especially not from Rena "He got hurt so i..."

"Or you hurt him!" Rena cut her, sighing and rubbing her temples to sit beside her "And after all that did you get anything from him" she asked. Instead of trying to talk her out of it, Rena was well aware that Kira wouldn't stop anyway, plus it's late already, the deed has already been done, So she could only support her at least.

"Yes, he is finally ready to talk, after i took drastic measures" she explained and Rena widened her eyes 'you killed someone?' was written all over her face "No i did not kill anyone. yet. Just some extreme threats nothing more" Kira shrugged "go back to bed, tomorrow you're coming with me" she said, covering herself with the duvet. Rena sighed and walked out closing the door.


After breakfast, Kira made Rena bring up an excuse of them meeting up with a CEO for a brief meeting. Laila believed and they left the house. it was a quiet trip to the resort. Leah as expected was there to lead them in "uhm, miss... don't mind me asking but..." she spoke and paused eyeing Rena.

Kira looked over her shoulder "she's with me" she only said not introducing Rena.

Rena glared "second in command, so you watch yourself" she whispered to leah and walked ahead to meet up with Kira. They reached the basement, each and everyone of them stood at attention the moment she walked in headed straight to the corner where skyler sat. tho this time only his hands were tied up and one could see the bandages on his body, he looked worse than the first time she had seen him.

"Rena this is Mr skyler" Kira sarcastically introduced and Rena fell into shock from all the bruises on his body, she looked around the room and started noticing what the basement looks like, at first it was dark but now her eyes had adjusted to the light here, she stepped back when the man glared.

"tsk, tsk, still with the attitude? huh" Kira moved closer staring into his eyes and he was intimidated, he lowered his gaze "good, now you ready to talk?"

"Yes but first i want to know if my wife and daughter are safe" He spoke, his voice hoarse, weak and tired. Rena who was standing quietly fell into shock when she heard about his family. Kira kidnapped them?!!, she so wanted to ask but knows better than to interrupt.

"This isn't a bargain, but.. okay" Kira said and turned, when a screen lowered itself. His wife and daughter wee back at their house with no worries. His daughter looked a bit traumatized but she'll be fine. "now..." Kira continued when the screen went back up "speak"

The man heaved a breath of relief "i was sent by someone name jacob he..."

"Wait a minute, you don't know him?" Leah cut him off getting cold glares from Kira, so she shut her mouth and moved away.

"yes i... i don't know him, but i know the person who referred me to him, his name was charles.. yes charles" he confirmed stuttering. Kira blazed all of them close to her had shivers run down their spines. Skyler panicked "i swear to you!"

"describe him" Kira commanded. her guesses were right, that damned man, perhaps, the embarrassments weren't enough.

"He was yey height, fat, round face, he has dark hair, but i'm guessing it's a wig." He described Mr Charles and every details were on point, do they think they could make history repeat itself huh?. Madness!!

"Anything else?" Kira asked again, her mood drastically changed, it was dark now, her hands were in a fist itching to punch and that punch might end up om the man sitting in front of her, if he dared lied to her.

Sensing her rage "ye...yes i heard him talk one time but over the phone. it was about killing you, Abigail's daughter? and then taking over the company and since you had no offsprings it'll be easier for them.. i think.. Jacob is you uncle" He said the last words to himself still in deep thoughts

"Go on!" Kira jerked him out of his thoughts

"The man on the phone said something 'since abigail failed in her attempts twenty years ago, i won't fail.and from now on, Charles, you are the acting CEO, don't mess things up' then i was given orders to kill you and two other women... yes, yes that one behind you" He pointed at Rena "I should make sure you died" He lowered his head.

Kira still kept her cool until the mention of her mother's name. so... she was part of it? she murdered her husband?!

"Please don't kill me" The man started to beg "i only accepted it because o had no job and needed to pay bills and fees at home, please i'll do anything" he begged joining his palms.

"can you cook?" That was the next thing that sprouted out of Kira's mouth, and all their jaws dropped. cook huh? Even skyler was in shock but snapped out of it.

"Yes, yes very well" He replied seeing before him.

"Good you'll be an assistant chef at my house back in Vallarta, and you're bringing your family too. You look capable for combat but i doubt you, i don't trust you. so i'll send your child to school and pay you" She said, turning to leah "Release him"

They were all in awe at her sudden change in character, to think she's giving someone who had attempted to murder them a job and a roof to live under!.

"Thank you, thank you so much, i'll never disappoint, thank you!" If her had known this would be his reward, he'd have confessed earlier!

Kira left the basement after giving leah orders to send him home to prepare for his trip back to her house. Rena walked bedside Kira quiet as ever. Ever since she walked into that place, does she always have to get a torture room everywhere?, forget that, Abigail killed her own husband?! Lost in her thought, too quiet that Kira noticed and stopped walking.

"Have something to say?" She asked the ever noisy human beside her. Rena just smiled and shook her head, Kira squinted her eyes "hm okay." then continued to walk towards the car. They got in and the new driver drove off in a tinted Sedan, no one spoke through the ride back home. They were both in their own world of thoughts. Actually thinking the same thing.

While Kira had always suspected jacob her supposed uncle, she never once thought her own mother would be involved, all these years she thought Abigail ran away because she couldn't take care of her even with the money, and that she was scared she'd be killed next. Her hate for her mother just increased compared to the anger she had towards Jacob. And who knew that, that stupid CEO was actually fake, he was more of a puppet been controlled by strings. How pitiful!.

"Uhm Kira?" Rena called out, when Kira looked at her and saw Rena already outside the car holding the door "we are here" she said. Kira stepped out of the car and went into the mansion.

Rena found Laila in the kitchen with a maid obviously making lunch "Aunt, what are you cooking?" She inhaled the scent "it smells nice"

Laila chuckled "I'm making a lot" She said and Rena's eye brightened "see for yourself, and where is Kira?" Laila asked but obviously Rena didn't hear anything else after 'see for yourself' so Laila turned towards the door to see Kira leaning on the door frame, she smiled widely, Laila went and pulled her by her hands "come dear. i've forgotten how you made those rice porridge the other time, teach me" Of course she was lying, it was just an excuse to get Kira to be part of the cooking. Handing her an apron, and helping her take off her wrist watch, Kira started knowing fully well that her aunt was lying but oh well she was a;ready in the apron so... why not.

"Huh?!, you... you can cook?!!" Rena exclaimed looking at her friend in an apron looking all chefy right now "oh hell break loose!, how come i don't know about this huh?"

"you never asked" Kira shrugged moving about looking for her ingredients. Laila laughed at Rena's reaction, she was following Kira about questioning her.

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