

Kira, an only child left alone when her father dies, and her mother leaving her in the hands of another. She sets out to find the truth about her fathers death and mother's disappearance with rage in her heart

Emoji_9 · Urban
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9 Chs

07: Like-Father-Like-Daughter

Abu Dhabi.....

"Listen to me, i need to get back as soon as possible Jacob, so you better figure it out" Abigail said on the phone, anger etched on her face.

It's been over a week since that incident and she still can't get a job, it's like when they hear her name they immediately decline her, she's been frustrated ever since and then Abdallah doesn't even pick up the phone, the other day she went to his house to at least speak to him only to find out that it's been sold and he had moved to a different country entirely with his family in town which angered her the more, that morning she stood at the gate of his house for hours in hopes of him returning which he didn't.

Then that same night she received photos of her and her with threats for her to leave the country as well if she wants to live, thus she had no choice but to plan her departure only to find out that her bank account has been barred, no matter what she did they didn't help her open a new one. Abigail had no other plan until yesterday when she remembered she had a brother who loves her -loved- she tried couple of numbers and all were either his secretaries or it doesn't even exist, she was stranded and at the brink of going berserk.

This morning she brought out all her contact book and found his personal number, heaving a sigh of relief, she made the call and the heavens gave her luck, it went through. After ringing twice the man answered and Abi quickly explained everything even the part where she suspected Kira HER OWN DAUGHTER for all of this. Jacob completely agreed but for the time being they were focusing on how to get her back home.

"I will, i will, hopefully you manage for a week more okay?" He pleaded, and Abi agreed, that's enough time to sell most of her things and pack up for good.

"Okay" she said finally calming down

" then we can plan Kira's downfall " Jacob started and Abi froze, okay she was mad at her daughter but her downfall isn't what she wanted but as it looks, if she disagrees she might forget about going home so she hesitantly agreed.


In the hospital, Rena was having dinner along with the other two, the doctor had informed them about dismissing them by tomorrow.

The night of the birthday didn't go as plan well they didn't have a bad day just a bad night.

Although she won't say it, it was clear as day that Kira was enraged about the whole thing and Laila already knew that Kira must've found the person involved by now or at least the driver, Laila had been trying to make her spit the truth by talking about the accident but the lady's mouth had been sealed shut, tsk, she's so good at hiding things. After dinner Laila went back to her room while Rena fell asleep because of the medications she was taking.

Kira left her room silently and went back home for work, her secretary had called her informing her about how the CEO of DYNASTY has been calling to rush things on the construction and he even went ahead to announce it to the media that they have 50% contract deal with RED Corp. Kira remembered fully well that they adjourned that meeting thus haven't finalized the deal, so why make a fool out of himself, what if she decides to oppose him on media, of course they'd believe her and not that low life of a man.

The secretary was already waiting for her at the house - 'Laila's '- , he immediately got up the moment he saw her coming in, he had been tensed ever since he walked in and now he might as well pee his pants because of the aura she was emitting, goosebumps covered his skin. Kira took her seat and he stood waiting to be told to sit or not, and she just kept quiet looking at the man standing, he cleared his throat " i just spoke to his secretary/assistant and he says he can't do anything about it though i... i tried getting to Mr Charles himself but it keeps going on hold " He told her, Kira already expected this, she stood again and headed out, Steve quickly followed, no wasting a single second of thought, Kira told her driver where he'd take them, with her in the back seat, her secretary in front, and then a heavily guarded car behind this time

"His location?" She asked no one in particular, but steve answered

"It's...it's the hotel Ma'am .X. Hotel" steve told her panicking from his own words.

If kira was a man, he's sure veins would be poppin up that forehead of hers, although she looks calm right now, the storm brewing inside of her was like no other.

Kira so much as despise Mr Charles to the bones, that she had always declined any offers he brings no matter how good or big, until she found out he had something to do with her father's death, she decided to keep her enemy closer. And now he thinks he can walk into her hotel anyhow and anytime he wishes?, That man!!!.

It was 11pm already the car parked and she got out, walked to the entrance, the security man straightened not expecting her here! At this time of the night, he lowered his head. -He was one of the many few to have met and seen this woman. Most of the workers here don't know who she was, thus the arrogant ones act rudely, the same time losing their jobs-. He greeted and opened the door for her and her followers, walking straight to the receptionist, on seeing her the lady's eye widened, what's the madam doing here?.

"Good evening ma'am " the young lady greeted, kira only nod and steve did the talking.

"The key to Mr Charles's room" he asked and she hurriedly gave the spare key, then escorted them to where the room itself is.

The lady was taken aback, Mr Charles came in an hour ago with -of course- a different woman this time -not like she's stalking- he was visiting the Hotel often for a week now ever since he got that deal with Red Corp. So why was the madam here, also how did she know he was here, wait! is...

"Open it!" Kira's voice echoed.

She got startled being lost in thought not realizing they've reached, she turned back again to finally notice four guards behind them, she nervously laughed and opened up. The view was utterly disgusting.

Mr Charles fumed for been disturbed "what is the meaning of...." he stopped, eyes balling out as he quickly used the duvet to cover himself "Miss Kira?, what.....what are you doing here, i didn't know we were having a meeting" he gulped his own saliva, the woman he was with got terrified by the glares been thrown at her, she packed her clothes and hurriedly left.

"Do i need a reason to come to MY OWN HOTEL Mr Charles?" She raised a brow in question, with an evil smirk "you know your wife would live to see THIS wouldn't she?" She asked the man again and he panicked.

"M...my wi...wife?!" He asked obviously sweating now, and shaking his head "no...no please don't tell her" He pleaded with his palms together, if not that he was naked, he'd be kneeling, but he can't let her see him naked. Never!.

Kira scoffed "oh i won't, but just to let you know that right now i don't have to because she's already seen it you know?" She uttered and a fair middle aged woman entered the room her eyes wet and glistening with tears.

"Ro...Rose?!!" He exclaimed in shock.

His wife walked slowly towards him and his heart raced, he hurriedly put on his underwear planning to get up, but she got to him before he could, he looked up at her "rose... i... i can.." A resounding slap hit his face hard, he shut his mouth, he was speechless and more importantly in despair,

Rosaline slapped her husband and ran out of the room crying, she had always suspected him having affairs , in fact countless of times her friends would tell her they saw him with another woman but she never believed them and accused them of being jealous of she and her husband's relationship.

An hour ago someone called and told her to come to this Grand hotel to get her husband, Rosaline had her doubts but her curiosity got the best of her and all in all it was true her husband was with a different woman in bed in this Hotel that she had been asking to be taking too in a presidential suite. Argh!.

Kira stared blankly at the man still in bed, who's still in great shock that a woman hit him.

"Now tell me CEO , you brought this upon yourself you see, like i said i didn't tell her did i? No. She saw for herself " Kira's devilish chuckle entered his ear, he got to attack her but he couldn't as her guards blocked him and grabbed hold of his hands.

"You....you sly evil woman !!!! What do you mean you didn't tell her? Huh?!" He yelled like he's lost his mind "how did she get here then?!" He mindlessly thrashed around

"When you get back to your 'home' you ask her, anyway Steve?" Kira turned to Steve, he snapped out of his own shock and brought out the papers he took with him

"Listen up Charles, you know things you said on the media?, Remember?" She walked around the huge room and sat on a comfortable chair like a Queen.

Charles became calm like she blowed cool air into the furnace, his eye widened in realization, she did ALL this for some white lie he told?, she wrecked his home because of that?!!, .Kira read his expression "oh you do? Great!, you're going to unsay them and the deal is done!!" She continued and steve stood in front of the man, made him sign some papers. Charles took the pen and sign papers he didn't read.

And just like that they walked out leaving the man who seemed paralyzed. He sat on the bed for a long while before laughing loud and sadly at himself "wow, wow Alexander wow!" He continued shaking his head and clapping "like father like daughter"

Meanwhile the receptionist told Kira's guards that were waiting outside about the report had suddenly showed up, thus making Kira use the underground back door, the car was already waiting there.

this is the first story I'll be publishing, please vote and enjoy Like it ? Add to library!

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