

Kira, an only child left alone when her father dies, and her mother leaving her in the hands of another. She sets out to find the truth about her fathers death and mother's disappearance with rage in her heart

Emoji_9 · Urban
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9 Chs

06: Salt water

Kira was treated by the paramedics, she had minor injuries while Rena and laila were rushed inti the hospital both unconscious. The doctor checked Kira again to make sure she had no internal cuts.

Kira tried remembering how the accident happened, it happened so fast they didn't even notice the coming vehicle, it was as if it was waiting for them at that spot, waiting for their arrival, it was so suspicious and very strange.


Her phone disrupts her thoughts, she answered and the person on the other side immediately spoke.

"Boss we found the car's owner, uhm boss it's registered under DYNASTY and the person driving it has the surname Jacob" Daniel explained to Kira and her gaze darkened "but... but the person that drove it this time isn't the Jacob man" he continued, she gripped the phone harder, taking deep breaths to calm herself, while she walked to Laila's ward then got in.

"What's the first name" she asked still trying to contain her rage but daniel could hear it leaking out of her voice and wordings, that he shivered.

"An...Anderson" he answered and that was the last straw for Kira, her anger blazed. She had guessed right, she gripped the phone and fisted her knuckles tightly before abruptly ending the call, throwing the phone aside, Kira tugged on her hair hardly and groaning out of frustration

"Do you want to pull your hair out?" A soft voice reached her ears and echoed inside the room, Kira immediately turned, eyes widened filled with shock and relief

"Aunt!!" Kira moved to laila bending forward to hug her, but stops halfway "uhm.. let...let me get the doctor" she said and started pressing the call button, the doctor rushed in after seeing the red light flash continously thinking something must've happened only to come in to see the ladies having a lil talk

"she's awake" kira informed the obvious, he nod and started to check Laila and she was doing quite alright "she'll have to stay for a day or two for further checkups, but she's stable now" he told, and Kira just nod at him

Laila squeezed Kira's palm that was holding hers "why were you tugging your hair that time dear?" She asked softly and clearly looking bothered, she's been wondering why Kira would be so frustrated that was something they don't see every day-no at all- she only shows and act different around she and Rena and she was sure she had never seen Kira frustrated well aside when she was a little that is. Kira just wrapped her other hand over Laila's with a smile.

"It's nothing, just work, plus i was starting to get worried since you hadn't woken up for seven hours now" she half lied,well it was true she was worried about Laila but her frustration has nothing to do with work.

"Oh dear, I'm fine now as you see I'm wide awake and hungry as well" she giddily said rubbing her stomach, while Kira chuckled -in truth she wasn't really fine- she had stitches all over due to the tears and cuts she got from the glass, her eyes were hazy but still had that beautiful smile that loved and cared for the young lady.

Hours later....

After making sure Laila had breakfast, she immediately went to Rena's ward, it had the same suite-like ward as Laila's, it's been twelve hours and she still hadn't shown any sign of waking up, there's always a nurse on standby just incase something happens, aside that, both rooms were heavily guarded from all corners starting from the Elevator that leads to it. Kira sat on a chair beside her bed, slowly got hold of her hands "please be okay" she whispered lowering her head a little "if she doesn't come back to me, i swear I'll kill you" she whispered again but in an angered tone, she sat there quietly for an hour or more before getting up to leave, kissing Rena's head and then left the room. Her gaze darkened the moment she reached the hallway. She took out her phone and dialed a number then placed the phone on her ear

"Is he with you now?" She questioned, after getting her answer she ended the call, turned to the leader of the guards and her most trusted one "keep an eye out, no one comes in but the doctor and that nurse, nothing should go wrong" she ordered, he bowed before she walked out of the Hospital.

It was around noon when Kira got to her destination, it was a resort -it looked like a resort- up until the inside , but once the backdoor opens that leads to a basement, the damn beautiful and flashy resort turns ugly. A sturdy looking woman approached Kira "well?" Kira asked walking forward.

"As expected ma'am, he's not cooperating" The woman whose name is Leah as shown on her tag, informed Kira.

They were still walking down the stairs till they reached somewhere with dim lights, though dim, it was bright enough to walk in for the eye to see, in the middle of the vast basement, there was a man seated on a wooden chair, his body tied against the chair, with bruises and wounds all over, he was quiet, his head faced down and sweat drops all over his forehead.

Leah handed a black glove to Kira, she wore it and moved towards the man, she crouched before him and held his chin to make him face her.

The man jolted in fear and Kira just creased her eyes staring at him. "What's your name?" She asked him, his eyes red, he ignored her and threw glares of which she ignored. -obviously expected the behavior- she got up from her crouching position and turned to her people "is he the driver? " she asked and they nod "and you're sure?" She questioned them again for the sixth time since yesterday.

"Y-yes, his face was caught on the camera across the street that day, his name is Skylar" he told her

Kira turned to the man again "now I'll ask myself, WHO. SENT. YOU. ?" She asked one-by-one standing beside him, he raised his head and chuckled "GO TO HELL!!" He said and spat towards her face, if she was any closer it would have reached her face.

A punch was thrown to him for that act he just committed and blood spurt out of his mouth "hell? It's exactly where I'm sending you" Kira spoke again, the whole room was enveloped in silence aside the man who was still coughing, no one spoke without being spoken to, thus, they stood still watching their boss -she looks fragile but damn!, she sure knows how to torture someone- emitting dark aura.

" Does this man have a family really close to him?" Kira asked looking down on the man and cleaning her bloody knuckles, -the gloves- she took the gloves off, it's going to take more than punching to get this man to speak, thus she had to take drastic measures.

"Boss he has a daughter and a wife well second wife, the first one died of cancer" The young man who almost has the same body structure as Daniel -Ken- spoke. They had done a thorough research on this man, he had a lot of criminal records.

Kira faced Ken again "you know what to do, don't hurt them..... yet" she said, walking towards the door she came in with Leah in tow then paused again "Also he's thirsty, some salt water would do" she told them with no trace of emotion, making them shiver and soon enough screams echoed within the basement, the man's head was been dipped in salt water and occasionally poured on his skin, which made him scream in agony -basically adding salt to his wounds but.. generously- "b*tch!! Why didn't you just die like you were su...." his head got dipped, like chips in guacamole.

At the hospital...

Rena had gained consciousness with a throbbing headache, she groaned while the doctor attended to her. Laila had insisted to go see her so she was wheeled to the other room where Rena was. And the emotional train wreck started, The doctor left the two of them when he noticed Kira standing by

"Now look who ditched me" she complained with a small smile and Laila chuckled, Kira walked over and hugged her friend.

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