

Kira, an only child left alone when her father dies, and her mother leaving her in the hands of another. She sets out to find the truth about her fathers death and mother's disappearance with rage in her heart

Emoji_9 · Urban
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9 Chs

03: Findings

Her eyes fluttered open like the wings of the butterfly "wakey! Wakey!!" A loud merry voice woke her up, the person had gone ahead and swung the curtains open to let the light of the sun in. She sat up rubbing her eyes as always.

"Good morning!!" Rena -Kira's best friend/assistant- yelled with a smile on her face. "argh how come you slept till this time?, anyways you have a conference meeting by Nine with DYNASTY Corporation, so we don't want you to be late, get up!" She exclaimed pulling her boss/friend off the bed. Kira could only smile and let her....


Kira had taken over her dad's company -Red Corp- and many of his properties after she clocked 18, still no sign of her mother, no any other leads on her father's death, its like they never existed, Kira was raised by Laila lovingly. And its been eighteen years since she saw her parent. Kira met Rena in school and well they became best friends and the moment she took over as CEO, she gave Rena a position as special assistant. Thus, the relationship they have now consists of acting on different occasions.

Laila did get married but sadly divorced when the man found out she can't bare children, thus living a single life as a nanny or rather mother to the girl she raised.

That night after they fled the villa, they went to a different land in Vallarta, and Kira attended home school till she went to a public high school there, though Laila wanted her to attend a private school, the stubborn Kira refused, they didn't go into hiding again and everything was suddenly peaceful. No one knew where the Heir of Red Corporation was until she was Nineteen and still she never showed up on Tv or papers, she lived a private life.

The company progressed magnificently in her hands. The people called her Queen of the business world...

Moments later, in a certain car, Kira and her assistant sat at the back as the driver sped off to the office. Kira kept staring outside the window and her emotions didn't go unnoticed by her friend who touched her hands and squeezed it a little "are you okay?" Kira turned and looked at her friend then forced a smile with a nod "i...is it about your mum again?" Rena asked, but Kira shook her head "don't worry I'm fine promise" she feigned a smile again and Rena gave up and hugged her, this friend of hers has always been the secretive type, she never speaks up and she knew all she could do was show her support.

The old man driving stared at them through the rearview, his eyes flashed with a glint of pain, he too had watched this young madam grow into the woman she is now, and he knew how much she's been through physically and mentally. He had left being a bodyguard and is now her driver due to his age;Yes the not so old man is Sam. Though he still had that bulky stature and still has will power to protect the madam at least in less critical circumstances.

He pulled over, "madam?, we are here" he informed the ladies having their moment at the back seat, Kira took deep breaths to collect herself and then her expression changed to ice cold. She got out of the car when Sam opened the door for her, and she was surrounded by guards which Laila had forced her to get. She walked gracefully to the entrance "good morning ma'am, good morning miss" her workers greeted as she walked passed them with Rena beside her.

"I can't believe she's late, this is a first" three women stood talking they hadn't noticed how close she was to them as the woman blabbered "she even has a conference meeting and yet it's been an hour passed her usual time" the woman continued oblivious of who was standing behind her.

Kira who heard them tilted her head and smirked "why don't you act as my alarm clock then Mrs Matthew? Since you're such a loud mouth, i would have been glad you know, I'd probably be awake by 5Am" she continued startling the woman "M....Miss...Go..Good morning " she stuttered as her colleagues fled for their lives leaving her to face hell, Kira ignored her greetings walking away. The woman was all sweaty, her heart beat accelerated, oh no what has she done, why didn't they tell her she was standing right there, lord save her. She prayed internally.

Meanwhile Kira who just got off the elevator entered the conference room and a big screen was lowered waiting to be switched on, and the call started, as expected they were patiently waiting, what else could they do, they wouldn't dare to complain or she might just shut them down, hell be damned if they should even show their upset expressions. Right now, she looks more in a bad mood than the usual, thus they all kept mute and greeted. "Good morning Miss Alexander, we thought you wouldn't make it" the man on screen said nervously carefully choosing his words, Kira creased her brows and tilted her head

"why? did you plan to stop me from reaching?" She questioned and the man panicked, what! No that's not what he meant argh lord! "No no not like that haha" he laughed sadly and cleared his throat over and over as he continued with his proposal for the construction of a Hotel in Landey

"It'll be a great idea, as you know a lot of tourists visit there because of the landscape and as far as we know, we'll make great profit with this. He continued and Kira listened with baseless eyes.


A woman with dark wavy hair, average height, took her car and stopped at a library, she was dressed moderately in a simple dress, she got out and entered the library after looking back almost thrice before going in and breathe out heavily.

"Abigail!..you came" a man approached her and gave her a hug with a big warm smile which she returned "are you okay? You seem a bit... tensed" he asked, she shook her head and grabbed his arm

"yes I'm fine, can we go now I'm starving" she laughed trying to change the topic "yeah sure" and they headed out. A certain shadow that sighted her quickly pulled out his phone to report his findings.


Kira had accepted the man's proposal and are now finalizing the deal "so it'll be a 50% share between both companies " he concluded and Kira just raised her brows "mh? 50?" She asked sarcastically, of course the man got alarmed, -why in heavens is he scared of a woman?!!!- "Ye...yes don't you think so?" He asked adjusting his neck tie. Kira chuckled and smirked

"Mr Charles what ever made you think you can have a fifty-fifty deal with Red Corp?, you know its impossible, why? Because at the end of the day, the company contributes more than DYNASTY so think again okay?" The man was nervously moving on his seat, when a knock came in "come in" Rena said and a young man walked in.

"I'm sorry but Miss we have something " she nodded and he walked over before bending over to her ears "we found her with a man, Miss" he informed, and Kira's gaze hardened, she got up and left the room.

Huh? What did he tell her?, others were wondering when Rena turned to the screen "meeting adjourned, excuse me" she said

"Wa...wait what happened?" The man asked but he was ignored and the call ended.